Republicans and immigration: an incisive and depressing analysis

Editor’s note:  Blog partner Judy posted this today at Potomac Tea Party Report, but it is also important for followers of RRW to read it and consider its implications.

Peter Brimelow publishes an adaptation of a speech he gave in a post called  “Hitler’s Revenge” And Donor Riots: Why Americans Aren’t Allowed To Talk About Immigration.  Brimelow is a longtime critic of our immigration policies and author of the 1995 book Alien Nation: Common Sense About America’s Immigration Disaster.

Peter Brimelow

The speech is too complicated to summarize, and it is well worth reading in its entirety, but I’ll give you some excerpts.  This one makes one of his key points:

…the West now faces another existential threat—every bit serious as the Soviet Union. And that is mass Third World immigration.

In the U.S., mass immigration as was kicked off again by the 1965 Immigration Act, after a 40 year pause during which there was essentially no immigration at all. Simultaneously, enforcement against illegal immigration collapsed, so that there are somewhere between 12 and 20 million illegals in the country right now.

The demographic impact of this is dramatic. Because immigration is skewed by public policy toward non-traditional sources, by 2040 a majority of people in the U.S. will be non-white. This is a country that was 90% white in 1965, when the Immigration Act was passed.

Now, of course, what that means is that at that point the US will cease to exist. It will not be the historic America that we know. It may be something else. But it’s not going to be America.

And this is going to happen very soon. Within the lifetimes of at least two people in this room!

Now the amazing thing about this transformation is that it isn’t inevitable at all.  It’s the result of a public policy that isn’t popular at all–in fact, it is extremely unpopular.  

Of course Brimelow has been called a racist and excluded from polite society.  I myself would not emphasize the color of the immigrants but rather their culture, which is the important thing.  In fact, I recall Pat Buchanan writing several decades ago that he would rather have an educated Nigerian neighbor than a British football hooligan, or something along those lines.   Another excerpt:

So now, federally, we have the third major Amnesty drive in the last 10 years, the Gang of Eight’s bill that was put together after the last election—S744. It’s important to recognize that this bill is not simply an Amnesty bill: it also double or triples legal immigration, which was already at record highs. It’s a mind-boggling thing.

Obviously, this tremendous, well-funded campaign for the Amnesty/ Immigration Surge bill was not put together in 5 minutes after the 2012 election. It was ready to go regardless of who won. I believe that had Mitt Romney won the election, he would have supported Amnesty, just as George W. Bush did. Romney actually said that in the Hofstra debates (“I’ll get it [Comprehensive Immigration Reform] done. I’ll get it done. First year.” But nobody paid any attention to him.

So why the huge gap between what the ruling class wants, including the GOP establishment, and what the vast majority of Americans want?  Why can’t we even have a proper debate?  Two very interesting points.  The first:

Everyone here is interested in the power of ideas and ideas rule the world and we all agree on that. The difficulty in the immigration debate is what I called in Alien Nation back in 1995 “Hitler’s Revenge.” The elites of the West emerged from WWII utterly traumatized by the experience of confronting Nazism. It was so traumatic that they went overboard on the opposite side. They became convinced that any discussion of ethnicity or cultural heritage at all, let alone race, was unthinkable. You couldn’t address these things without being a Nazi.

Second is something I’ve not seen before, at least anything beyond slogans of the rich benefiting from immigration:

But there’s a secondary finding that hasn’t has gotten even as much publicity as the general finding: Although immigration doesn’t benefit in aggregate to the native born, it does cause a redistribution of income from labor to capital. It’s running somewhere at 2-3% of GDP, it’s a very large number.

Republicans who benefit from this redistribution are the big donors.

You hear a lot about how the Republican Party is a captive of an extremist faction—that is, the Tea Party. But I actually think that the real extremist faction is not the voters, but the donors.

In some ways, you can interpret the GOP’s history in the last 20 years as a kind of donor riot. The donors just simply refuse tolerate any kind of restriction on immigration at all. They go straight to the candidates, and above all to the consultant class, and tell them they won’t spend money on elections.

There’s lots more, including an account of how Israel recently solved its illegal immigration problem.  Solved it.  Because they knew it was a matter of national survival.  But Israel has an identity as a Jewish state.  We have lost our identity, as those who asserted there was such a thing as an American culture (not popular culture but one concerning traditions, morals, politics, religion, etc.)  have been stigmatized as racists and have, for the most part, shut up.

Bulgarians protest Syrian ‘refugee’ invasion from Turkey at historic Shipka Pass

Bulgaria’s Shipka Pass where Russians and Bulgarian volunteers held off the Ottoman Empire in 1877-78

This is so interesting, I wish I had time to really get into the history of Bulgaria and how it threw off Ottoman (Muslim) rule in the Russo-Turkish war for the liberation of Bulgaria in 1877-78.

Are the Turks once again moving in on their Christian neighbors and using Syrian refugees as the invading army?

I think so!

Here is the news story (yesterday) from Novinite (Sofia) that prompts my inquiry (emphasis and links added are mine):

About 200 people have blockaded Sunday the Shipka Pass in the Stara Planina Range in central Bulgaria in protest against opening a new refugee shelter in the town of Kazanlak.

The rally comes on the heels of news that the Bulgarian government plans to transform the unused building the police school into a refugee camp.

Last evening, an initiative committee was formed in the town with the participation of heads of large local enterprises, representatives of business, politicians from the municipality, NGOs and youth organizations to support the declaration of the local government, opposing the opening of the shelter.

The committee has decided to start a petition for a local referendum on the preservation of the school building as is and against making it a refugee camp. The second decision was to stage protest rallies and blockades of the Shipka Pass Sunday and Monday until the end of the emergency sitting of the central government.

Locals say they have nothing against the refugees and understand their plight, but stress the shelter will be detrimental to the beautiful nearby town park and will threaten national security as Arsenal Kazanlak, one of the largest military plants and weapons producers in Bulgaria, is located in the town.


Bulgaria is the gateway to the European Union for refugees fleeing Syria via Turkey, many crossing the border illegally to seek asylum.

Readers, it is up to Turkey to stop Syrians at their border (just like it’s up to Mexico to stop Central Americans from crossing into Mexico!).  Turkey is obviously permitting the Syrians to move across Turkey and into Bulgaria.  President Erdogan (Obama’s pal) is capable of stopping the flow into Bulgaria if he chose to!

For further reading, I see that Andrew Bostom has references to Bulgaria in his history of Jihad:  The Legacy of Jihad, Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-Muslims.   Will let you know later what I find.

We have been writing about Bulgaria and Syrians (click here) in recent weeks.  I think the BBC needs to update its migration map—add in the Turkey to Bulgaria leg!

Guest column: “A Child Bride And Her Four Dead Daughters”

Editor’s note:  Readers, on Friday a car crash in Columbus, Ohio involving a police cruiser and a car carrying an Iraqi family resulted in the deaths of the car’s occupants—an Iraqi refugee family, a husband and wife and four of their children.  ‘Pungentpeppers,’ a reader and frequent commenter here at RRW, has penned this piece after reading the many news accounts of what happened raising the ever-controversial issue of whether certain immigrants could be more appropriately (and more economically) helped by leaving them in their own countries or cultural zones.

“A Child Bride And Her Four Dead Daughters”

In Ohio, six members of one Iraqi refugee family died last week in an automobile accident.  It seems unfair to write about the dead.  They cannot defend themselves or explain.  But there were children who were wronged.  Their story must be told.

News about the tragedy uncovered certain facts.  Those facts reveal that our efforts to bring this family to our country were misguided.  The family, coming from a tribal background, either ignored, or could not understand, our system of values.  Our laws requiring the protection of children – and granting important human and civil rights to daughters – were violated.  Since the gap between our values and theirs was so huge, instead of bringing this family to the U.S., it would have been better to send aid to help them rebuild their lives in their own country.  They might have lived.  Here is the family’s story.

The accident scene: The cruiser’s dash camera revealed that the car driven by Eid Shahad had made an illegal turn on a red light.

Officer Shawn Paynter might never be able to forget what happened during the early morning hours of Friday, October 18.  He was on duty with the Upper Arlington Police Department near Columbus, Ohio.  That Friday, at 1:30 a.m., he was responding to an armed robbery in progress at a local McDonalds.  His police cruiser approached an intersection and entered just as the light turned yellow.  A Toyota Corolla, making an illegal turn, entered the intersection against a red light, and stopped right in front of him.  His car collided with the Toyota.  All six persons in the Toyota died at the scene. None wore seat belts.  Officer Paynter survived.  He suffered a head injury and is expected to recover.

Among the dead was Entisar Hameed, age 31, the mother of eight children.  She had arrived from Basra, Iraq, via Syria, as a refugee three years ago.  She was seated in the front.  Her husband, Eid Shahad, 39, was driving.  It was Eid Al-Adha, a four-day long Islamic holiday.  At that late hour they were returning home from a holiday visit on Thursday night to another family of newly-arrived Iraqis.  The mother had brought her four daughters with them for the visit:  Shuaa, 16, Amna, 14, Ekbal, 12, and 2-year-old Lina Badi.  The girls were in the back seat of the Toyota.  Not one was buckled in and the youngest girl, Lina, was not in a car seat.  There would have been no room for a car seat, anyway, with so many children packed into a small car.  In addition to her daughters who died with her, Entisar left behind four sons.  Her eldest, Mushary, was 17, and the other boys were 5, 6, and 12.

After the accident, acquaintances and friends spoke in glowing terms about the husband and father.  Eid worked as a home health aide for Sunrise Health Care; among his patients was his 77-year-old mother who had suffered a stroke.*  Eid was active and well liked.  He helped newly arrived immigrants from Iraq and other countries become acclimated to the U.S.  For example, he was known to take people grocery shopping and helped fix their cars.  He planned to help sponsor a new family** of Iraqi refugees that were due to arrive next month through the agency that had brought his family, Ohio’s Community Immigration Refugee Services.

In contrast, there was nothing reported in the news about Entisar, the mother who died, except her name and age. Entisar – her name means “Victory” in Arabic – seems to have lived a hard life.  She was married at around age 13, below the age of consent in Iraq, but not uncommon for a Muslim girl in Basra.  If she had been living in the U.S. at that time of her marriage, it’s likely that her husband would have been thrown in prison for having sexual relations with a minor.  Instead, our country decided to look the other way and allowed the family to immigrate – there is one set of laws for immigrants and another for Americans.  Once married, young Entisar gave birth to one child after another.  Her eighth baby, Lina, was born in the U.S.

In Ohio, Entisar lived with her husband, their eight children, and her sick mother-in-law, all packed into one small apartment.  Money had to have been tight – home health aides do not earn much – certainly not enough to support a large family of eleven.  The housing complex where they lived was full of Somali refugees who did not speak Arabic, so there was not much company there. Instead she had the company of her daughters.

The eldest boy, Mushary, was a senior at a local high school.  None of the daughters, however, were in school.  After they arrived in the U.S., some of the girls had been enrolled in Westside Academy, a school that describes itself as being globally conscious and even offers Arabic as a foreign language.  They later transferred to the International Academy of Columbus, run under the direction of Dr. Mouhamed Tarazi, and improved their English, but – per the Columbus Dispatch – they left that school earlier this year.  The story says the girls were to be “home-schooled by their parents”.  But it was doubtful that these girls were receiving any sort of significant education at home.  The father had a job and besides he was very busy helping others in the community.  And since their mother had been married when barely a teen herself, what sort of age-appropriate schooling would she have been able to give the girls who were 16, 14, and 12?  It is apparent that despite being in America – where both girls and boys go to school – Entisar’s daughters were headed down a traditional path of life that paralleled their mother’s.

Plainly, while they lived, nobody was checking up on this family of refugees to see how they were doing. Were they sending their daughters to school?  No.  Did their children wear seat belts or use car seats?  No.  Did the father understand traffic laws?  No.  What conditions were they living in?  Eleven people in one small apartment.  Refugees coming from certain backgrounds have too big a learning curve and too many obstacles to overcome.  Sadly, these same obstacles may have contributed to this family’s deaths.  America was not the best place for them.

The End.

Editor’s notes:

* This practice of setting up immigrant-run home health services (with government support) and then being paid to care for one’s own elderly (or ailing) family members is one area of potential fraud going forward as the US tackles the enormous health care problems associated with socialized medicine for all.

** The mention of “sponsoring” a new family does not mean what the average reader might be thinking—that somehow one family is helping pay for the resettlement of another family.   You, the taxpayer are doing the paying, the “sponsoring” family would likely be just acting as mentors.  And, sadly in this case, be teaching the new family how to get around American values.

For your further study, here are ‘pungentpeppers’ sources for this guest column:

Teen cares for family

About the burial on Saturday

About the six who died

ohio teen left to care

10TV story saying father’s employment