Wyoming legislature would have to approve refugee resettlement plan for the state

This is the latest news from one of only two states not getting third-worlders resettled within their borders (Montana is the other, so far!).
Before you read this article from the Wyoming Tribune Eagle be sure to see our extensive archive on the battle for Wyoming’s sovereignty and freedom from UN/federal government dictatorial decisions on refugee resettlement for the state.  We were shocked back in February 2014 to learn that Wyoming’s Republican Governor Matt Mead had actually (the previous year!) invited the Dept. of Health and Human Service’s Office of Refugee Resettlement in to set up shop in Wyoming.
Here is Mead’s letter (before he ran into a grassroots citizen buzz saw).  Notice that in 2013, the Governor was saying that he had unilaterally “elected to pursue” a program for the resettlement of refugees to Wyoming.
Mead letter to ORR
Now to the Tribune Eagle (hat tip: Joanne):

CHEYENNE – Wyoming is the only state in the nation without a refugee resettlement program.

And a bill being considered by the Legislature would require lawmakers’ approval to change that.

The House Minerals, Business and Economic Development Committee voted Friday to advance a bill that blocks the governor from unilaterally setting up a state program that would help refugees who arrive directly or indirectly in Wyoming.

Matt mead finger pointing
Why is Republican Governor Matt Mead so eager to invite impoverished third-worlders to the state? Have they run out of needy Americans in WY? Those are the questions!

Instead, House Bill 47 would require public hearings and a majority vote in the Legislature before the state could set up a plan that would be needed to get federal funding for a refugee program.

Rep. Tom Reeder, R-Casper, is sponsoring the bill. He said this is not about recruiting refugees or deciding whether refugees can or cannot relocate in Wyoming.

“The 1980 Resettlement Act says if the (federal government) accepts a refugee, they can move freely throughout the United States,” he said. “This is just whether we want to develop a program that would help people, and this is really a funding mechanism.”

The bill says the state plan would include how it intends to promote economic self-sufficiency for the refugees, offer language programs and decide what state, federal or private costs would be associated with the relocation efforts.

It also would provide recommendations on who would be responsible for coordinating public and private resources.

The question of whether Wyoming should set up a refugee plan has been a contentious topic since Gov. Matt Mead notified federal officials in 2013 that he was exploring setting up public-private partnership for the resettlement program.

The issue then became a topic during the 2014 gubernatorial campaign with some candidates and citizens criticizing the governor over the move.

Now he says this:

But Mead has maintained he has not made a decision on whether to set up such a program.

Continue reading here.
Make no mistake!  It is citizens fighting back in Wyoming that has kept the state free of resettled refugees for the last two years.  If no one had spoken up Mead’s resettlement office (originally planned for Casper) would be up and running!
See this FY2014 map where federal bureaucrats in Washington had prematurely placed Casper, WY as a resettlement site!
map with Casper

Canadian Imam prays with Syrian refugees, asks Allah to destroy enemies of Islam

….and he loves Justin Trudeau!
For new readers, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promises to resettle tens of thousands of Syrian Muslims in coming weeks, months and years.
From CIJ News:

Alberta Islamic Welfare Association hosted on Family Day (February 5, 2016) Syrian refugees and their families for a social gathering with members of the local Muslim community in Edmonton and the Imam Shaban Sherif Mady.

Canadian imam
Edmonton radical Imam Sheikh Shaban Sherif Mady likens Justin Trudeau to 7th Century Christian king who converted to Islam. Hmmm? http://en.cijnews.com/?p=17843

Sheikh Shaban Sherif Mady (شعبان شريف ماضي), was a scholar at al-Azhar theological school in Egypt and served at the Ministry of Endowment and Ministry of Education of the Egyptian government. Today, he is the Imam of a Muslim congregation in Edmonton, Alberta which holds its Friday prayers at Glengarry Hall in Edmonton.

In his speech to the Syria refugees, Shaban Sherif Mady greeted them, emphasized the merits of the people of Greater Syria in the eyes of Allah for defeating the Crusaders and the Tatars and ended with a supplication to Allah. The following is an excerpt of the supplication (originally in Arabic):

“O Allah! Strengthen the mujahideen [jihad fighters in the path of Allah] everywhere, make their hearts firm and strong, let them hit their targets, give them victory over their enemies.

“O Allah! Destroy the oppressors.

“O Allah! Destroy your enemies, the enemies of religion (Islam).

“O Allah! Whoever wishes good for Islam and the Muslims bestow all goodness upon him.

“O Allah! Whoever wishes ill for us and wishes ill for Islam and the Muslims, make his plot (tied) around his neck and make him preoccupied with himself, and make his plan cause his own destruction.”

Continue reading to see what he said about Canada’s new prime minister.
Go here for our complete archive on Canada (170 previous posts!).