Just when you thought you had had it with FBI Director Comey he admits something that you would never expect a politically-correct Washington insider to reveal. Comey grilled on the Hill: All they ever want to hear from Comey is information about Hillary and how the Russians elected Trump. No mention that I’ve seen anywhere, except from Mark Krikorian, about the stunning news that 300 refugees are being watched.
Testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee last Wednesday, Director Comey said in response to questioning by Senator Thom Tillis of NC about those being watched by the FBI who are in contact with foreign terrorists (from a transcript published by the WaPo):
Then we have another big group of people that we’re looking at who we see some contact with foreign terrorists. So you take that 2,000 plus cases, about 300 of them are people who came to the United States as refugees.
As far as I know no reporter has mentioned this stunning news. Mark Krikorian, Director of the Center for Immigration Studies caught it though and published the revelation at National Review Onlinehere yesterday. Krikorian reminds us that Comey had testified to Congress on more than one occasionwhere he admitted that there is no way to thoroughly screen refugees from failed states like Syria and Somalia.
So 15 percent of the FBI’s terrorism cases are refugees – far more than their share of the immigrant population, let alone the general population. And that denominator of 2,000 presumably includes people with no immigration nexus at all – skinheads, antifa, Klan, environmental and animal rights extremists, et al. So the refugee share of immigration-related terrorism investigations is more than 15 percent, perhaps much more.
Krikorian goes on to argue that, except for a few special cases, we should help legitimate refugees where they are in the world and not risk bringing them to your town and mine.
Read all of Krikorian’s post here.
The first thing I thought of when I heard the news that Marine Le Pen had lost to the globalist Emmanuel Macron was Mark Steyn’s predictions in America Alone. If you have never read it, you must. And while you are at it don’t skip The Camp of Saints (over 40 years old!) or, the very dark (nothing “funny” about it) novel Submission.
Ha! It seems that one can’t thoroughly discuss the issue of Islamic demographic dominance outside of a novel (well, except for ‘America Alone’). Here are a few snips from Steyn on the results of the French election on Saturday:
The French have voted to postpone their rendezvous with destiny. But kicking the croissant down the road means another half-decade of demographic transformation that lengthens the odds against ever winning the numbers to halt it.
…with the arrival of President Macron in the charmed circle, the leaders of Europe’s biggest economies and of all the European members of the G7 are childless: Germany’s Angela Merkel, Britain’s Theresa May, Italy’s Paolo Gentiloni, and now France’s Macron.
This would have been not just statistically improbable but all but impossible for most of human history. Whatever Euro-politics is about, it’s not, as Bill Clinton was wont to say, the future of all our children. Indeed, of the six founding members of the European Union – France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg – five are led by childless prime ministers: joining Merkel, Gentiloni and Macron at the no-need-for-daycare Euro-summit are the Dutch PM Mark Rutte and the Luxemburger Xavier Bettel. Mark Rutte is single and childless. Xavier Bettel of Lux is married, but gay and, hélas, for the moment without progeny.
Indeed, it would have been a clean sweep of all six of the EU’s founding members – a non-procreative sextet – had not Charles Michel succeeded another gay PM, Belgium’s Elio di Rupo. While M di Rupo also remains unblessed by any visit from the Euro-Stork, M Michel has managed to sire a brace of moppets. So that’s two kids between six prime ministers.
Read the whole thing here. Then tell all of your young conservative friends to HAVE BABIES!
Our complete archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ is here.
If you need convincing, in addition to ‘America Alone,’ put these books on your reading list (including my little booklet!)….
The Trump Administration will defend the so-called “travel ban” in the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals today in Richmond, Virginia. Next week, the 9th Circuit will hear the case that includes the “travel ban” and the refugee moratorium. Omar Jadwat (ACLU attorney) will argue the case against Trump in Richmond today where the entire 4th Circuit Court of Appeals will be present (in order to put on a good media show?). Photo: https://www.aclu.org/blog/speak-freely/his-name-omar-jadwat-and-hes-aclu-lawyer-arguing-against-muslim-ban-heres-what-he USA Today cites the extraordinary efforts the 4th Circuit will make as the entire court will hear it:
….Both courts are among the most liberal in the country.
The Richmond hearing will be held in front of the entire 15-member U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit, which is extremely unusual. Appeals court cases usually go before three-judge panels; the full court only rarely agrees to hear cases even after a panel rules.
“It’s been more than half a century since the court has done it,” Tumlin [Karen Tumlin, NILC’s legal director] says. “It’s a bit of a legal unicorn. You don’t get this very often.”
Here is what Reuters is saying about the cases which most assume will end up in the Supreme Court, but not until the fall. By the way, one of the main issues the opponents of Trump are hanging their legal hats on is what Trump said while campaigning. I’m not a lawyer but I can’t see that as anything the Supreme Court would want to turn into a precedent.
Imagine the legal fun later if candidates’ campaign words were used in legal cases against them when they attempted to legislate after they were elected (by the voters!). It would truly mean that courts are ruling America and not elected representatives of the people. Reuters on Friday:
Legal challenges to President Donald Trump’s temporary travel ban on people from some Muslim-majority countries heat up again next week when two U.S. appeals courts consider whether it is constitutional.
Omar Jadwat, an attorney at the American Civil Liberties Union, who will be arguing the case at the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Virginia on Monday, said the fact that so much time has passed since the ban was issued is proof that there was no pressing national security need for it in the first place. [Ha! Not much of a legal argument! We can’t possibly know that yet! Someone admitted in the last few weeks could be an Islamic terrorist who doesn’t act for years!—ed]
The Department of Homeland Security “is, and will be, continuously examining ways to enhance the screening and vetting process to shut down terrorist and criminal pathways into the United States,” agency spokesman David Lapan said. “Some improvements will be classified, others will be public, but the Department has only just begun ways to enhance the security of our immigration system,” he said in an email.
Opponents – including states and civil rights groups – say that both the first ban and the revised ban, which also put a halt to all refugee admissions to the country for four months, discriminates against Muslims.
The 4th Circuit will decide the fate of a ruling from a Maryland district judge that struck down a section of the revised executive order barring visitors from Syria, Iran, Libya, Sudan, Yemen and Somalia.
The hearing will take place before 14 full-time judges of the appellate court. Ten of them were appointed by Democrats, and four by Republicans.
Then, on March 15 [Must be May 15, thanks to a reader for catching this!—ed], a three-judge panel at the San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals will review a decision from a Hawaii judge that halted not just the travel portion of the ban but also the section that barred refugees. The judges – who will sit on a panel in Seattle – have been assigned but their identities have not been made public.
More from Reuters here.
Please see that the refugee portion of the EO is not being considered today in Richmond. Only the Hawaii judge was aggressive enough to include the refugee moratorium and reduced ceiling in his decision. The Maryland judge clearly must have recognized that refugee admissions across the board are within the power of the President to regulate according to the Refugee Act of 1980. Trump should have ignored the rogue Hawaiian judge on refugee admissions, but alas, he didn’t!
See RRW’s right hand side bar where I track numbers admitted in FY2017 every few days. This is from last Friday:
May 5, 2017: 43,241 admitted (this is 5,135 refugees since the supposed moratorium began and 13,119 since Trump was inaugurated).
Watch the 4th Circuit/ACLU show live today (2:30 Eastern) by going here: https://www.c-span.org/video/?427706-1/fourth-circuit-hears-oral-argument-travel-ban
I’ve concluded that I need to start writing more about other ways legal immigrants get to the US from Islamic terror-producing parts of the world.
This week tens of thousands learned whether they won the “diversity visa lottery” (aka green card lottery) and will soon be on the way to your town.
Overlooked by most everyone is this insane lottery set up with the premise that the US is lacking in diversity and needs more of it!
Previously, I wrote about the ‘Diversity Visa Lottery’ (see category here) a lot, but it has fallen off my radar screen as the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program has drawn so much attention. The WaPo tells us that Trump has not mentioned the Diversity Visa Lottery. Has any staff member told him about it?
Frankly I’ve been disappointed that no other private citizen investigators have taken up the cause of writing about this program, or about Temporary Protected Status, or Immigrant Food Stamp/welfare fraud. Those are all areas where someone should write exclusively on the topic!
Goodness knows there is enough material to keep someone going daily on just one of those topics. Herethe Washington Post tells us that earlier this week the new ‘winners’ were announced. By the way, refugee numbers do not count when determining ineligible countries, so we take lottery applicants from Cuba, Iraq, Burma, and Iran to name just a few. WaPo (at The Denver Post):
On Tuesday, more than 14 million anxious people around the world will begin checking computers and smartphones in one of the strangest rituals of the U.S. immigration system. When the clock strikes noon in Washington, they will be able to visit a State Department website, enter their names, years of birth and 16-digit identification numbers. Then they will press “submit” to learn whether they have won one of the world’s most coveted contests: the U.S. green card lottery.
Each year, the Diversity Visa Lottery, as it is officially known, provides up to 55,000 randomly selected foreigners – fewer than 1 percent of those who enter the drawing – with permanent residency in the United States.
I learned something I didn’t know! Mohammad Atta tried twice to win the lottery, but ultimately got in (as sadly we know) using another legal visa.
The current lottery coincides with an intense debate over immigration and comes amid policy changes that have made the country less welcoming to new arrivals. President Donald Trump has cracked down on illegal immigration and pressed forward with plans to build a wall along the border with Mexico. He has issued executive orders targeting foreign workers, refugees and travelers from certain majority-Muslim countries.
But he hasn’t said a word about the green card lottery.
Its days may be numbered, nonetheless. The lottery appears to conflict with the president’s call for a “merit-based” immigration system. And at least two bills in the Republican-controlled Congress seek to eliminate the program.
“The Diversity Lottery is plagued with fraud, advances no economic or humanitarian interest, and does not even deliver the diversity of its namesake,” according to a news release from Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., a co-sponsor of one of the bills.
Just what we need, 50,000 people annually, some with barely a high school education, and with spouses and families along for the ride!
The lottery’s premise is simple. It’s not connected to employment or family members in the United States. Instead, the only requirement is that entrants be adults with a high school diploma or two years of work experience. Winners can bring spouses and children. Citizens of countries that have sent 50,000 people to the United States in the past five years – such as Canada, China, India, Nigeria and Mexico – are ineligible to participate.
The lottery, which was launched in its present form in 1995, is especially beloved in Eastern Europe and Africa. In recent years, the two regions have accounted for more than two-thirds of lottery winners. In Liberia and other West African countries, nearly 10 percent of the population applies each year.
The program – operated from a consular center in Williamsburg, Kentucky [Mitch McConnell country!—ed] – has been on the chopping block before. It came under attack in 2002 after an Egyptian terrorist who killed two people in Los Angeles was found to be in the United States through his wife’s diversity visa. Mohamed Atta, another Egyptian and one of the 9/11 suicide pilots, had entered the lottery twice before entering the United States on a different visa to study aviation.
“If you’re a terrorist organization and you can get a few hundred people to apply to this from several countries . . . odds are you’d get one or two of them picked,” Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., told The Washington Post in 2011 after introducing an ill-fated bill to kill the program.
Continue reading here.
I couldn’t find a list of the numbers (selected for 2018) from each country, but here are the countries eligible to participate in 2018 from Africa and Asia.
During the final years of the Obama Administration, the US Department of State created a little bookletfor communities to use to help plan for their town to be a new resettlement site.
This morning, reader Joanne sent this newsfrom Colorado: Ft. Collins hasn’t enough low income housing so refugees are not being placed there in any numbers.
I’ll give you the news and then send you to places where you can learn more about the refugee program. (Commenter Nancy, in a followup e-mail, asked to be further educated!). Apologies to long-time readers who find the repetition boring!
FORT COLLINS COLORADOAN – While national rhetoric on immigration, presidential executive orders and international factors slow in the number of refugees settling in the U.S., a lack of affordable housing has all but halted refugee resettlement in Fort Collins, experts say.
Just 13 refugees have resettled in Fort Collins since 2002, and none have moved to the city since 2012, according to newly compiled data from a USA TODAY Network investigation. Eleven of those refugees came from Iraq, and the remaining two came from Chad and Sudan.
“Housing drives where refugees live,” said Kit Taintor, Colorado’s State Refugee Coordinator.
This is a photo I took on my fact-finding mission in the heartland this past summer. Meat giant JBS (formerly Swift & Co) is a Brazilian-owned company that encourages Somali refugee labor, and as such it is changing the demographic make-up of Greeley, Colorado.
Cities the size of Fort Collins can serve as a boon for resettlement options, she said. But Fort Collins’ lack of affordable housing coupled with student competition for rentals in the university town has significantly limited resettlement options, making matters “really challenging.”
Greeley refugee flow is no great surprise! Taintor is not completely correct, meatpackers drive where refugees live too! (See ‘Big Meat braces for refugee shortage,’ here.)
The Coloradoan continues….
Despite the low number of refugees settling in Fort Collins, a radically different story continues to unfold in a Northern Colorado city just 30 miles away.
Since 2002, 1,110 refugees fleeing war, genocide and other ills in their home countries resettled in Greeley, a figure that has inched upward annually since 2009. Data show 270 refugees were settled in Greeley last year, and nearly all of them came from Burma and Somalia.
More here. Not a word about the labor draw created there by a BRAZILIAN-OWNED COMPANY! Think about it, they get a ready-supply of cheap labor and you pay for the refugee family’s welfare, housing support, medical care and education for the kids—what a business model!
Refugee resettlement is not first and foremost about humanitarianism! It is about money! And, that is why you do not see any move toward reform from the Republican leadership in Congress!
Your short tutorial begins here:
Read the Department of State’s ‘New Site Development Guide,’click here.
The DOS mentions that the UN High Commissioner for Refugees selects most of our refugees. Here is aflow chart from the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement confirming that registration with the UNHCR is a first step. But, please note that they are messing with the definition of a refugee when they say “war” makes one a refugee. ‘Persecution’ makes one a refugee so just running from war and crime should not make one a legitimate refugee entitled to permanent resettlement. The Open Borders Left wants every person on the move for any reason (including climate!) anywhere in the world to be considered a refugee! The Dems in the US want the reliable left-leaning voters!
Now see some pages from the ‘New Site Guide:‘
These are the Nine Federal Resettlement Contractors (also known as “national volags”—ha! Voluntary Agencies that monopolize the program).
What does your town need to be a resettlement site:
Welfare, jobs, affordable housing, and citizen activists (Interfaith groups!) to smooth the way and silence the opposition!
By the way, under Obama, the DOS was identifying over 40 new sites. We sure would like to know if the Trump DOS is still developing those sites!
You can find out if your town or city is already one of the hundreds of sites by clicking here. If the Trump Administration slows the flow significantly (50,000-60,000 is NOT significant in my view!), then new sites need not be developed!
You can find your state refugee coordinator by clicking here.
My ‘Ten Things Your Town Needs to Know’ is here.
What do you do? The bottomline is this!
Either Trump and Congress rein-in the program (not seeing any serious effort yet) or you must fight at your local level to stop programs like those to expand low-income housing, demand transparency in the resettlement process, expose corporations and politicians bringing in cheap labor, get a ‘welcoming’ mayor and council members unelected, oppose sanctuary city status, and oppose the work of so-called “interfaith” groups pushing diversity in your town. In other words—community organize! I know—a tall order!
For new readers, this post is filed in our category ‘Where to find information’which archives 541 previous posts! Happy reading!