At present rate of admissions, Trump FY17 refugee numbers will be in average range

Sorry to all of you who follow RRW regularly to have to keep repeating myself, but I want to blow a gasket every time I see a story about “plummeting” refugee admission numbers.
The story that steamed me this morning is one Drudge has listed (what is going on with Drudge, losing his mojo?).
Here is the story from Pew (I know what Pew is!) with this blaring headline:

Pew: Refugee arrivals in U.S. decline sharply as world crisis grows

What Pew is doing in its story (besides skewing the news against Trump), read it yourself, is comparing October FY17 (9,945) the first month of this fiscal year when Obama was pouring refugees in at an unheard of rate to April FY17 (3,316) when frankly Trump is bringing in a moderate number of refugees.
Look at this chart (again!) (from Wrapsnet):

After  you note that October FY17 was the largest first month (by far) of any fiscal year in the last eleven, then take note that Trump’s April (3,316) is larger than Bush’s April 2007 (2,060)  or even Obama’s April 2011 (2,190).  So what the h*** are they talking about!  I don’t recall any story in 2011 bashing Obama for his huge drop from October FY11 to April FY11!
I also had a chuckle as I read the Pew story about how the numbers are plummeting in Texas, but not a mention that the state withdrew from the program and that although it is up and running now (without the state government), the transition to the Wilson-Fish program did cause a slight slowdown. Texas is still the number 2 state behind California for refugee admissions this year.
Remember that when Trump came in to office he wanted a MORATORIUM on refugee resettlement for 4 months while they reviewed the program for security concerns and, now long-forgotten, they wanted to look into the issue of notification to communities.  That would have caused “plummeting” admission numbers.

With no talk of reforming the program anywhere in sight, Trump is now on schedule to admit to the US somewhere around 60,000 refugees this year.  Compare that to Bush in 2007 and Obama in 2011 and 2012—all three years under 60,000!

Endnote: As of today we are at 45,732 for this fiscal year.  See my right hand sidebar where I am tracking the numbers every few days.
And check out the fact that they have removed the CEILING (which is not a target!) from the chart for this year—the Obama dream number for FY17 of 110,000 has been removed. (See that Obama never had a ceiling that high for his previous 7 years! Why was that?)

A heroine for our times: Trump should invite Polish Prime Minister to White House!

If Donald Trump (the real Donald Trump ) is still a free man!, he should invite Beata Szydło to a meeting in the Oval Office followed by a lavish state dinner at the White House.
He would send a message to the wimps in Europe, to the cheapskates at NATO, and remind voters here of his promises to keep America safe (not to mention thrilling hardworking/patriotic Polish Americans!).
Did you know that RRW has a facebook page?  It has 44,000 likes and this simple message, as of this morning, has reached over 50,000 people.  I have to admit (and apologize) that I stink at commenting and responding to comments, but I truly appreciate all of you who forward my page to your friends.
This (below) is a screenshot of the message that had been up for 24 hours as of last night when I captured it.  Thanks to whoever it was that drafted the message that has been making the rounds on twitter and facebook.

My complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.

Australia dumb deal: If this is "extreme vetting" we are in deep trouble!

“This is the worst deal ever,” Trump told Turnbull in the call, adding that the country was trying to send the “next Boston bombers” into the US. (February 1, 2017)

(New York Post)

Sometimes I wonder if the real Donald Trump was somehow swapped for a fake Donald shortly after getting in to the White House.

Is the real Donald Trump, who knew this was a “dumb deal,” being kept behind bars in the White House basement while the fake Donald runs the country?

His instincts on February first (12 days after reaching the Oval Office) were right-on (see here). What happened to him?
The (Obama!) deal, for the US to take over 1,000 of Australia’s detained (mostly Muslim) ILLEGAL ALIENS off their hands, transform them in to refugees, place them quietly in US towns and cities and put them on welfare in exchange for Australia to take some not-yet-determined number of Central Americans (safely living in Central America) in exchange, is nuts.  All that is to save Turnbull’s political skin!
See my extensive archive on the Australia deal by clicking here.
Here is news being peddled by Reuters that the Trump interviews constitute the “extreme vetting” that the real Donald Trump promised us.
Clearly the interviewers know nothing about Islam (most of those detained in Australia offshore camps are from Muslim countries***).  Again, these are illegal aliens who attempted to get to Australia by boat.  Legitimate asylum seekers, who tried to get to Australia, are Australia’s problem!
There is no way to check the ‘stories’ provided to interviewers with functioning governments in most of these countries.
Do our interviewers even know that there is such a thing as Taqiyya (the Islamic permission to lie to infidels).
From Reuters:

U.S. Homeland Security officials have begun “extreme vetting” interviews at Australia’s offshore detention centers, two sources at the camps told Reuters on Tuesday, as Washington honors a refugee swap that U.S. President Donald Trump had called “a dumb deal”. [“Refugee” swap! Neither are legitimate refugees—ed]

The Trump administration said last month the agreement to offer refuge to up to 1,250 asylum seekers in the centers would progress on condition that refugees satisfied strict checks.

Coming to a town near you! ‘Refugees’ on Nauru! LOL! One of my readers suggested they all be resettled in Hawaii!

In exchange, Australia has pledged to take Central American refugees from a center in Costa Rica, where the United States has expanded intake in recent years, under the deal struck with former President Barack Obama.

The first security interviews finished last week at Papua New Guinea’s Manus Island detention center, two refugees who went through the process told Reuters.


The refugees told Reuters that interviews began with an oath to God [which god?—ed] to tell the truth and then proceeded for as long as six hours, with in-depth questions on associates, family, friends and any interactions with the Islamic State militant group.

What the heck! Does anyone believe they would tell the truth if they had had an interaction with ISIS!

“They asked about why I fled my home, why I sought asylum in Australia,” said one refugee who declined to be named, fearing it could jeopardize his application for U.S. resettlement.

The security interviews are the last stage of U.S. consideration of applicants.


A decision on the fate of the first 70 people interviewed is expected to be reached within the next month….

And, when the first Australian-rejected migrants get to America this will no longer be Obama’s “dumb deal.” It will be Trump’s “dumb deal” as I said here on Wednesday.

There is more at Reuters, click here to continue reading.
*** The illegal aliens we are interviewing at Australian off-shore detention facilities are from the following countries: Iran, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq, Sudan and Stateless (probably Rohingya Muslims from Burma).