This morning a recent article by Liam Clancy at World Net Daily came to my attention entitled:
Trump throws wrench in U.N. plan to ‘replace’ U.S. population
Obama stoked globalist agenda laid out in 2000
The article reports on the existence of a UN report from the year 2000 that lays out the case for migration of third worlders (as workers) to first world countries where those countries see a declining population.
I realized that I had written about the UN report, here, in 2014, but had forgotten all about it confirming a friend’s admonition that one must see something about seven times before the information is fully digested.
Consider this then RRW’s second of soon-to-be seven mentions of the United Nations plan for America!
WND recently reported on the scheme, revealed in a U.N. document prepared in the year 2000 entitled “Replacement Migration: Is It a Solution to Declining and Aging Populations?”

The report details the plunging birthrates across Western Europe, Russia, Japan and the United States and identifies a solution: mass migration from the Third World into these “aging and declining” nations.
The 17-year-old document makes the case for mass immigration as necessary to replace the aging populations of developed countries. Without the migration of populations from the developing world, it reasons, economies will suffer because of labor shortages and falling tax revenues.
“Therefore, among the demographic variables, only international migration could be instrumental in addressing population decline and population aging in the short to medium term,” the report concludes.
Continue reading here, it is full of information on how the US Refugee Program fits right in to the UN plan for America.
Let’s see if I can make the girls at Right Wing Watch blow a gasket again when I say:
American women better start having more babies!
I think most of Europe is gone, but there is still time for us.
I wish I were young enough to contribute to the cause because I fell for the big lie that educated women should have only one or two babies to save the planet. Where were (where are?) the population control crazies lecturing the African and Middle Eastern Muslims to limit their family sizes?
Hey, here is a thought: As Trump overhauls the tax code, how about a little tax incentive for taxpayers who have reached a certain educational level to have more babies!
See my complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here.
If you like my idea of a tax incentive to have more babies, write to The Donald today, here.