Hungarian PM Orban says that EU following Soros' migration plan

He also suggests Italy will soon attempt to close its borders.  I won’t hold my breath on that one, political correctness has most of Europe by the short hairs.
Invasion of Europe news…..

One of many NGO ships bringing African migrants to Italy.

From Breitbart London (which has been doing a great job of reporting on the invasion):

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has claimed the European Union are implementing migration plans designed by left-wing billionaire Geroge Soros to bring in a million migrants per year to Europe with the help of his army of NGOs.

Orbán claimed the EU and Soros wish to bring in the one million migrants annually to create an EU immigration force to undermine the national sovereignty of member states, Die Presse reports.

Hungarian Prime Minister Orban: Soros is to blame for invasion of Europe.

According to Orbán, many heads of government across Europe agree with his government’s policy on migration but will only say so in private. He also said that because of the recent surge of migration into Italy, he expected the southern European nation could soon join Hungary and others in wanting to secure their national borders.

The Italian government have already made several steps toward securing their border after they saw 13,500 migrants arrive by naval vessels and NGO rescue ships in a 48-hour period. The NGO ships have been accused by Italian prosecutors of cooperating with people smugglers and Italy has even threatened to close its ports to their boats if the traffic continues at the same pace.

Orbán also mentioned former Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi who once warned that if his government should fall, then millions of people would flood Europe from Africa. The Hungarian prime minister said that although Gaddafi was no democratic ruler, Western interventionism in Libya was partly responsible for the current crisis.

BTW, it was Soros’ pal Hillary Clinton who is responsible for getting Gaddafi out of the way, see here. Watch her laugh like a mad woman!

Come on Donald! You visited Poland, now invite Viktor Orban to the White House and give him a lavish state dinner—make the heathen rage!

Tell the President, here, to invite the brave Orban to the White House!  Soros might be a friend of your son-in-law, but he is not your friend.
All of my ‘Invasion of Europe’ news is here.  The archive extends back to about 2011.

Yet another appeal to the (soft touch) court in Hawaii

Frankly this is really getting in to the legal weeds as the Open Borders Left/refugee pushers try one more time to stop the Trump State Department’s (DOS) interpretation of the Supreme Court decision on the ‘travel ban’ and 120-day refugee moratorium.
Of course the ‘pushers’ want every possible relative and they want any and all non-profits and refugee contractors to be considered “bona fide entities” so they can continue to haul in as many paying clients  to the US as possible.

Hawaii is begging for more diversity, so how about if all refugees admitted for the remainder of FY17 be sent to Hawaii! Artwork from

And, they don’t want any disruption to other of their pet programs at the DOS.
Michael Leahy at Breitbart can lead you through the legal weeds better than I can, see here.
But don’t miss Leahy’s closing lines:

Of the 49,803 refugees who have been resettled in the United States during the first nine months and seven days of FY 2017, only three–all from Burma–have been resettled in Hawaii, according to the State Department interactive website.

In FY 2016, the last full year of the Obama administration, not a single refugee was resettled in Hawaii out of the total of 84,995 that were resettled in the entire country.

In the fifteen plus fiscal years since FY 2002, a total of 127 refugees have been resettled in Hawaii.

What you can do (if you have the talent)!
Someone should come up with a bumper sticker idea or poster that we could send out widely along the lines of:  “Hawaii lacks diversity, send them refugees!”  (or something more clever)
If you don’t have the talent for creating a poster or bumper sticker, then write to the White House today and tell the President: all refugees entering the US in the coming months (year!) should be sent to Hawaii!
All of my posts on this issue, the Supreme Court ruling, are filed in my ‘Supreme Court’ category.

WaPo: Stirring the pot, highlighting controversy between White House and DOS on refugees, etc.

We told you about the discussions (supposedly) on-going in the administration to possibly shift the refugee program and consular affairs from the Dept. of State to the Dept. of Homeland Security, here.
The Washington Post describes the battle lines as Tillerson/Democrat (the ‘good guys’ in the Senate) vs. Stephen Miller (leader of the “Nativist strain”) in the White House.  Who knows what is really going on! I don’t.

Stephen Miller, we are told, crafted that historic Warsaw speech last week (the save Western Civilization speech!). Here he is during the campaign with his former boss and now Attorney General Jeff Sessions. The Left (including the WaPo) would like nothing better than to put the two on the President’s wrong side. See WND here when Trump tapped Miller:

However, Washington Post opinion writer Josh Rogin has got it all figured out and it all goes back to that Poland speech the left is having hissy-fits over—the LOL! Nationalist speech and its boogeyman author.
Here is what Rogin says in his closing paragraphs after trying to make a case that bureaucratically the refugee program should stay at the State Department.

That nativist strain in the White House is represented by Miller, who was the principal author of Trump’s travel ban, which targeted six Muslim-majority countries, as well as of Trump’s speech last week in Poland, which cast the mission of U.S. foreign policy as one based on threats, not relationships.

“The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive,” Trump said. “Do we have enough respect for our citizens to protect our borders? Do we have the desire and the courage to preserve our civilization in the face of those who would subvert and destroy it?”

I would like to think that there is a great battle of ideals happening around the subject of moving one bureaucratic function from one federal agency to another, but it is more likely that the little fiefdoms and power structures built around certain federal agencies (and their friends in Congress) are simply protecting turf and their MONEY!
Earlier Rogin tells us this which I think is closer to the truth about what the concern is—there are little fiefdoms to protect at Foggy Bottom and the bureaucrats/Senate lackeys are trying to not have their little world rocked or any power removed from the State Department, a bastion of liberalism in Washington.

Although the State Department’s internal reorganization plans are still under review, spokeswoman Heather Nauert told me that Tillerson believes the two bureaus should remain where they are and he views consular and refugee work “as essential to the Department’s mission to secure our borders and protect the American people.”

State stands to lose not only the 12,000-plus personnel billets associated with the work but also the more than $3 billion annually that consular fees bring in.

Tillerson’s position runs counter to the “Listening Report” he commissioned to review the State Department’s organizational structure, which actually recommended handing over all consular functions to DHS. The report, compiled by the private firm Insigniam, claimed such a move “would elevate security at our borders and remove a source of dissatisfaction and frustration.”

Read it all here.
As for those fiefdoms!  Such a move could upset the little fiefdoms developed between the State Dept. Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration and its nine federal contractors that monopolize all refugee placement in America.
Someone once told me that one must repeat the same message seven times before people listen.  I’m probably up to at least that many on this subject!
There can never be real reform of the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program as long as these nine fake non-profit groups, functioning as contractors, lobbyists, and community organizers, are being paid with taxpayer dollars to seed refugees in to unsuspecting towns and cities. 
A move of the program from one federal agency to another won’t be enough, but it might be a good start.