Editor: This is a comment from a reader with experience inside the “refugee industry.” As I said yesterday, this is a perfect time for President Donald Trump to suspend the USRAP (believe me Donald, they are never going to love you anyway, so do it now!).
The program has been slowed and the contractors have downsized, so don’t get it rolling again. Review it, reform it, or trash it altogether.
From reader Jim Delaney:
From my own personal and professional experience, I KNOW that irefugee resettlement has become a big business, aka the “refugee resettlement industry”, which is financed on a refugee per capita basis by taxpayers. Simply put, the more refugees who enter, the more faux humanitarian and greedy church-related refugee programs prosper.
I was looking for a photo for this post and found this one from during the campaign last summer. It is clearly photo-shopped. The media hates Trump, so he might as well go for it and suspend the program now!
Trust me when I tell you that the refugee resettlement industry has become virtually ALL about money–NOT compassion–and that whether or not refugees pose a threat to the country takes a back seat to these agencies’ bottom line. Oh, sure. Kind-hearted UNPAID volunteers drawn from the community are in it for the right reasons, but 90% of paid staffers are not. You must understand that.
With Trump’s refugee suspension under review by the Supreme Court (no ruling until October 1st) and his “determination” on the number of refugees to be resettled in FY’18 due for submission to Congress for funding mid-September, I would urge him to suspend his “determination” for FY’18 until after the SCOTUS ruling is reviewed and analyzed, this to assess whether or not it deleteriously impacts the President’s ability to properly manage the flow of assimilable refugees.
Having been besieged by improperly vetted and often unassimilable refugees over the years, and since the government’s primary duty is to safeguard the interests and security of American citizens FIRST, it is time for the feds to examine how cost-effective and beneficial this program has been to America and to suggest more reasonable vetting and resettlement standards. Such a careful study is LONG overdue.
While this comprehensive study is underway, the President should appeal to Congress to study assimilation outcomes among all refugee groups before permitting any but the most seriously vulnerable cases to enter the country. This is not to say their suffering should be ignored during the pendency of the study. Not at all. There is still ample opportunity and humanitarian justification for the US to properly assist needy refugees “in place” overseas until this study is completed and until the proper number and nationality breakdown of entrants is carefully determined–the resettlement lobbyists’ howls of protest and self-serving pleas for compassion be damned. In truth, it’s NOT necessary for refugees to come here to be properly cared for and protected until such time that conditions in their home countries permit them to safely return.
It’s not a case of resettle these thousands of refugees in the US or they die. That’s crap! I KNOW.
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Photowas found at an ABC story from January where ABC’s Supreme Court expert said Trump is likely to prevail in the Supreme Court. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trumps-refugee-immigration-ban-recalls-past-exclusionary-laws/story?id=45046605
From my own personal and professional experience, I KNOW that irefugee resettlement has become a big business, aka the “refugee resettlement industry”, which is financed on a refugee per capita basis by taxpayers. Simply put, the more refugees who enter, the more faux humanitarian and greedy church-related refugee programs prosper.
Trust me when I tell you that the refugee resettlement industry has become virtually ALL about money–NOT compassion–and that whether or not refugees pose a threat to the country takes a back seat to these agencies’ bottom line. Oh, sure. Kind-hearted UNPAID volunteers drawn from the community are in it for the right reasons, but 90% of paid staffers are not. You must understand that.
With Trump’s refugee suspension under review by the Supreme Court (no ruling until October 1st) and his “determination” on the number of refugees to be resettled in FY’18 due for submission to Congress for funding mid-September, I would urge him to suspend his “determination” for FY’18 until after the SCOTUS ruling is reviewed and analyzed, this to assess whether or not it deleteriously impacts the President’s ability to properly manage the flow of assimilable refugees.
Having been besieged by improperly vetted and often unassimilable refugees over the years, and since the government’s primary duty is to safeguard the interests and security of American citizens FIRST, it is time for the feds to examine how cost-effective and beneficial this program has been to America and to suggest more reasonable vetting and resettlement standards. Such a careful study is LONG overdue.
While this comprehensive study is underway, the President should appeal to Congress to study assimilation outcomes among all refugee groups before permitting any but the most seriously vulnerable cases to enter the country. This is not to say their suffering should be ignored during the pendency of the study. Not at all. There is still ample opportunity and humanitarian justification for the US to properly assist needy refugees “in place” overseas until this study is completed and until the proper number and nationality breakdown of entrants is carefully determined–the resettlement lobbyists’ howls of protest and self-serving pleas for compassion be damned. In truth, it’s NOT necessary for refugees to come here to be properly cared for and protected until such time that conditions in their home countries permit them to safely return.
It’s not a case of resettle these thousands of refugees in the US or they die. That’s crap! I KNOW.
See more comments and guest opinions from readers by clicking here.
Photo was found at an ABC story from January where ABC’s Supreme Court expert said Trump is likely to prevail in the Supreme Court. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trumps-refugee-immigration-ban-recalls-past-exclusionary-laws/story?id=45046605