Our post the other day on Poland’s “breed like rabbits” campaign generated lots of interest.
Here Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily tells us that even we (the US, not just Europe) are in trouble for not producing enough American babies.
From Hohmann:
If anyone wants to know why Western countries import so many migrants from the Third World, the answer may lie in the cultural norms that have dominated over the past 50 years.

Women are expected to go to college, become professionals in the work force, and “contribute” to the national economy.
But, as many of these countries are now discovering, the female contributions come with a cost.
With women having fewer babies, there comes a point when there are not enough worker bees to support the growing number of elderly who retire every year in countries like Germany, Italy, Greece and Spain.
All of these countries have dismal fertility rates of between 1.3 and 1.5 children per woman of child-bearing age. Sweden, the U.K. and the U.S. are not much better at 1.8 children per woman.
Economists agree that any nation with a fertility rate of less than 2.1 children per woman will not replace its aging population and ultimately fall into decline. Unless, they say, the nation uses immigration to make up for its birth dearth.
The United Nations acknowledged the demographic crisis with 2000 document titled “Replacement Migration: Is it a Solution to Declining and Aging Populations?” In that screed, the U.N. suggested a controversial solution to the low-birth-rate woes of 10 major nations – mass migration. Among the 10 listed as facing demographic decline if they don’t import younger migrants are the U.S., Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Russia, South Korea and Japan.
Moral of the story! You American youngsters better get busy and do your patriotic duty! Or, the UN will overwhelm us with third world replacements! At the heart of it, this is what it is all about—replacing you!