In the meantime the right-of-center government is proposing to impose stricter criminal penalties in those 1,000 existing ghettos, or parallel societies.
I found this latest news interesting as in the US we seem to be purposefully creating parallel societies as ethnic enclaves grow with the help and encouragement of Democrat political leaders, refugee contractors and local, state and federal government financial encouragement (come back later for my follow-up post).
Invasion of Europe news….
From Eurasia Times:
The right-of-centre Conservative government is expected to unveil more details of its plan to impose more severe punishments in areas with relatively high numbers of immigrants. Lawlessness risks creating “parallel societies”, the government says.
Around 10 per cent of Denmark’s 5.6 million population are immigrants, 10 times more than in 1980.

The government’s “ghettos” have populations of more than 1,000 where more than 50 per cent of residents are non-western immigrants, with the latest list including 22 districts.
The government estimates that 28,000 immigrant families “live in a parallel society”, making up around half of the “ghetto” populations.
The largest ethnic groups in that category were Somali at 44 per cent and Lebanese with 41 per cent, the ministry reported.
The latest proposal was part of a drive to eliminate “ghettos” by 2030, Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen said.
More here.
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More on Denmark, here.