Let’s have the debate, but cut the crap about the US Refugee Admissions Program being about saving the poor and destitute of the world, and stop denigrating any of us who don’t agree with the premise that refugee workers are vital to giant corporations. Charity my foot! Moneybags Miliband pulls down a salary of over $600,000 annually so if the IRC wanted to keep its office open in Tyson Foods-run Garden City, Kansas they could! Another boo-hoo story on a Trump-shuttered resettlement office. https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/2018/0522/With-fewer-incoming-refugees-US-resettlement-centers-dwindle
If you have followed RRW for the last ten years you know that basic principles have emerged about the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program:
~A driving force behind more refugees coming to your towns and cities is the desire by BIG MEAT, the hospitality industry, and other manufacturing companies to hire trapped refugee laborers (trapped because they have no where else to go!).
~It is maddening that the UN and the US State Department are busy (on our dime!) to supply those laborers to big business.
~You have learned that the so-called Voluntary Agencies (VOLAGs), some calling themselves “religious” charities,*** are paid by the US taxpayer to take care of the incoming work force for a few months.
~The refugee labor force (salaries are low!) is eligible for a cornucopia of public services (aka welfare) to supplement the meager wages for families that sometimes include six children. What a business model: cheap wages & welfare supplementation!
~You have surely seen the refugee industry (corporations and federal contractors) attempt to paint their mission as one of love for humanity and anyone who questions that love is mean-spirited.
~You have also learned that if you show concern for the cultural disruption of your town or city, or want to know what it all is costing you, you are a bigot. Just two days ago I posted about how Tyson Foodsis transforming Garden City, Kansas.
~And, not to be forgotten, in addition to global corporations pushing for more refugee laborers, are the Dems looking for reliable voters who want the welfare gravy train to continue (Cloward & Piven).
~Finally, you have seen that Congress is not doing a thing to reform the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program, why?
White South African farmers claiming persecution at home seek refuge in Australia
So I checked it out and see that the government of Australia has said they will get no special treatment, and indeed the Australian Leftists say that the government must first take care of the mostly Muslim migrants being held in detention on Nauru and Manus islands.
As you know the US is taking some of those detainees in the “dumb” Australia Deal. Story here:
White South African farmers won’t get special treatment, despite Peter Dutton’s earlier claims
It is pretty undeniable!
But, because I have been predicting for years that once the United Nations is forced to admit that blacks can be racists and that whites are applying for refugee status because they are being persecuted by people of color they will fight to the death to deny it! I once asked readers to imagine the day when the UN High Commissioner for Refugees must process white Swedes (or South Africans) in to the US. That alone might kill the entire refugee industry, I surmised. Heck, Trump could run a test! He could put white South Africans at the head of the line.
He could, you know!
In September his administration will send its “determination” to Congress which not only sets the numbers for resettlement for FY19, but sets priorities for which nationalities may be brought in.
In fact, he could classify white South Africans in the P-2 categorywhich would allow anyone in that group to be eligible and each individual would not have to prove that he/she is personally being persecuted. That would make the heathen rage (a phrase borrowed from a good friend)! Continue reading “White South African farmers apply for refugee protection in Australia; no special treatment for them”→
That headline is the important takeaway from this storyat NorthJersey.com.
Although largely built around the demise of a recently established resettlement site—Newark! Newark! Yes, Catholic Charities was gearing up to place impoverished third worlders in Newark—the long article is pretty informative. My first thought: So they have run out of poor Americans in Newark.
It begins with a whinefest about all the used clothes and furnishings the new office had collected for the needy people they planned to welcome to the city.
I’m sure you will have the same reaction as I did—what! No poor people in Newark who could use these items!
Why are foreign poor people so much more deserving (and attractive) than our own poor and homeless?
This story from Garden City, Kansas makes me wonder—-who is deciding the future for your meatpacking town, the citizens, or Tyson Foods? Tyson Foods in Garden City, Kansas
I have a pretty largearchive on Garden City which is one more heartland city that has been changed by the arrival of US State Department-planted third world refugee workers over the last decade or so.
The story leads me to believe that everything is not peace and love when diversity comes to town….
….and that Tyson Foods has a huge stake in keeping the immigrant worker supply train on the tracks!
There is a “breakdown at many levels” said Church World Serviceemployee Adamou Mohamed.
Did you hear the news about the five children from the DR Congo who died in an apartment fire in Greensboro, North Carolina just over a week ago?
Probably not because stories showing the unhappy side of refugee resettlement are rarely seen outside the immediate locale.
In a tense community meeting last week, the blame for the children’s deaths was placed on the city and on the landlord, all assuming the fire was from landlord and city inspector neglect.
Here are a few snips from the story on that meeting from the local News & Record:
At tense meeting about deadly Greensboro apartment fire, city says it will inspect complex
GREENSBORO — As Greensboro officials, refugee advocates and immigrants gathered days after the deaths of five children in an apartment fire, many people voiced concerns that the city’s deadliest fire in nearly two decades could have been prevented.
“We shouldn’t have had to come to this point,” said community activist Sandra Isley, as others wiped away tears and some trembled in anger during a meeting of the Greensboro International Advisory Committee, which works with the city’s Human Relations Department.
City officials did announce during the meeting that housing inspectors would go door-to-door early next week at the 3100 Summit Ave. complex to conduct inspections on every unit. Beth Benton, the city’s Code Compliance manager, said that action was possible after five residents — the minimum necessary to take action — had signed a petition.
Fire investigators have yet to determine a cause of the Saturday morning fire, but say it started in the kitchen and they are analyzing the unit’s stove. The apartment had no working smoke or carbon monoxide detectors.
The city’s action comes amid claims that the children’s father reported several small fires near the apartment’s stove to management in the days before the tragedy. It is unclear who the father might have notified about the problems with the stove, but the building’s owners said they had no repair request on file.
“There’s a breakdown at many levels for this to happen,” said Adamou Mohamed***, a grassroots organizer for Church World Service, an immigration and refugee program.
Others around him questioned why it has taken so long for the city to get involved.
Resettlement agencies place refugees in cheap apartments and help to build ethnic enclaves….
The North Carolina African Services Coalition placed the family there 18 months ago, when they arrived from the Democratic Republic of Congo as part of a resettlement program. But the agency has since stopped setting up homes there because of complaints about living conditions. Officials with the resettlement agencies say the complex remained attractive to refugees because of the low rent and because it allowed them to live with others who speak their language or understand their customs. Several units there are rented by members of this same family.
Officials have yet to identify the family other than to say the children who died were three boys and two girls between the ages of 18 months and 9 years old. The husband, who works at a local factory, was home with the children but could not get them out.
And here we have the final informative bit of news—Mom was working the night shift for BIG CHICKEN!
If you are new to RRW, you may not know that refugee contractors, including Church World Service, act as headhunters for the meat industry in places like North Carolina.
The wife was working the overnight shift at a chicken plant several counties away. She commutes there with a group of others who share the cost of the drive.
***You really need to see the bio for Church World Service’s community organizerwho was clearly leading the charge and attempting to stoke anger with claims of government neglect before all the facts were in. Why does a taxpayer-funded resettlement agency need a political community organizer (aka community trouble-maker) in the first place?
Adamou Mohamed’s bio at Welcoming Americais informative….
Mohamed was addressing a session entitled, Anti-Muslim Backlash, which seems to be no longer available at Welcoming America’s website. http://www.welcominginteractive.org/staff/adamou-mohamed/