I just came across this very informative “Visualization” of which states Burmese refugees were resettled to in 2009. This is the sort of information that used to be readily available when the Office of Refugee Resettlement sent it’s annual reports to Congress in a timely manner as required by law (note here how far behind they are as of this writing—only up to 2007!)
Check out the map for 2009 and note the top three Burmese resettlement states for 2009 were Texas (3,086), New York (1,696) and Indiana (1147). Since 2009, as I reported yesterday, resettlements have been slowed to Indiana because the various welfare support systems are not able to cope with a continued high number of refugee resettlements.
In 2009 we resettled a total of 18,202 Burmese nationwide mostly from camps in Thailand. Disregard the obvious typo on the data here.
By the way, a couple of our commenters suggested here that concerned citizens should write to their Congressman and Senators and ask them to get on ORR’s case. Tell them to get up-to-date on legally required Annual Reports!