New Public Charge Rule Does Not Apply to Refugees or Special Immigrants from Afghanistan or Iraq

I’ve reported this news previously, but still get questions about it. It is wonderful that the President is making it harder for people who would be a burden on our social services (aka welfare system) to stay in the US, but the new rule does not apply to perhaps the heaviest users of our social … Continue reading New Public Charge Rule Does Not Apply to Refugees or Special Immigrants from Afghanistan or Iraq

Why isn't Afghanistan on President Trump's list?

Update:  Paul Sperry writing at the New York Post a couple of days ago asks the same question, here. As you know there are seven countries (Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Sudan, Yemen) from which the Trump Administration is restricting immigration/entry because of terror infiltration concerns. There are lots of countries one might question that … Continue reading Why isn't Afghanistan on President Trump's list?

Another refugee off to the slammer on terrorism charges, this one from Afghanistan

Ho hum!  To tell you the truth I’m getting sick of these cases where we generously give “refugees” from Muslim countries asylum and they turn around and become killers, rapists or jihadists and taxpayers then must pay for an expensive trial and support them for years in prison. Really, there should be a special fund … Continue reading Another refugee off to the slammer on terrorism charges, this one from Afghanistan

Afghanistan: Aid workers employed by refugee contractor IRC murdered by Taliban

I wonder how long it takes some people (including Obama!) to get it—they don’t want us in the Middle East (once we have helped destabilize things) and the Middle East isn’t going to change as long as Islam is the dominant organizing force.  Yet, the new incoming President of the IRC says we must embrace … Continue reading Afghanistan: Aid workers employed by refugee contractor IRC murdered by Taliban