Open borders left, refugee contractors plan days of action

Replacing ‘old Americans’ with ‘new Americans!’ On Monday hundreds of liberal activists and refugee resettlement agency operatives (you pay their salaries with your tax dollars) held a conference call to plan political action against President Donald Trump’s order, that calls for a moratorium for 4 months on refugee resettlement, and his order to improve vetting … Continue reading Open borders left, refugee contractors plan days of action

Obama’s diabolical propaganda campaign to force communities to “welcome” migrant seedlings unveiled yesterday in Washington

I don’t even know where to begin to snip this incredible article by writer Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily who has been following the Refugee Resettlement Program and the general community destruction happening across America under this President with his illegal policies on immigration geared to change America by colonizing your towns. We previously … Continue reading Obama’s diabolical propaganda campaign to force communities to “welcome” migrant seedlings unveiled yesterday in Washington

One of the groups organizing against Trump in Chicago was a "refugee rights" group

The Daily Caller has posted a list of the groups (it wasn’t just Media Matters!) who organized the disruptive and at times violent protest that shut down a Donald Trump rally on Friday evening in Chicago. One group is the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR). (Note the Daily Caller reporter has garbled … Continue reading One of the groups organizing against Trump in Chicago was a "refugee rights" group