I got sidetracked today…..

I told you this morning that I was going to get back to work and here I am 12 hours later, just getting around to it.  And, now I have even more stories piled up to post on! 

One of the things that kept me occupied today, besides necessary family stuff, is that I began studying literature on community organizing, or more accurately, community disorganizing.   I’ll be writing on this from time to time but the basic idea of what I learned today is that to effectively destablize communities you need people who are different—immigrants being the obvious first choice—to use as your reason for demanding change.

Another thing I learned is that some of the leaders of the community organizing movement may not even have any ideological goal.  Oh, some definitely are Marxists and want to see America become a socialist country, and others have some vague idealistic notion of forcing their idea of equality on others,  but some of the brains behind the concept of “change” are really just hooked on change itself.   Having no real moral core they are addicted to the disruption they bring to the lives of those they see as not fully alive.  That would be you—a conservative who wants to work hard, pay your bills, raise your family, follow your faith, do your patriotic duty, and lead a peaceful (boring to the change addict!) life. 

It strikes me as the basic disconnect we experienced in this election.  This is why conservatives don’t get it about the ultra change agent himself—Barack Obama.    Lacking somehow somewhere (I’m not going to play psycotherapist) Obama is fighting for change (of whatever sort) because it gives him a high—a reason to be alive.

I haven’t gotten there yet in my studies, but I know that this strategy to manipulate communities involves getting in regular folks faces.  And, because those regular folks are those I just described, just wanting a peaceful family life, they (the community disorganizers) know the regular folks will back down and look for ways to appease the manipulators.  

One of the main things the disorganizers and manipulators want from communities (or our whole nation for that matter) these days is for us to accommodate Islamic practices.   That would be part of the stealth jihad Judy wrote about yesterday.

Look for that effort going on in Shelbyville, TN this week.   Likewise, it is probably happening in Grand Island, NE as we speak. 

We already have a category called “changing the way we live,” but this doesn’t quite fit there.  It does fit in Stealth Jihad, but may not always, so I guess for now I’m creating a new category called “community destablization” so I can fill you in on what I learn as I go along.

Getting back to work!

I don’t know about you but I’ve been distracted for days and am now raring to get back to work.  We have a lot to do.   A quick trip around to other blogs reveals that things are pretty tense.   Obama may wish to govern the whole country but there sure doesn’t look like much hope of that.    People still want to know who he is, where he was born, who bought his mansion, who paid for Harvard law school, what are his relationships with Marxist radicals, how close is he to the Islamists, etc. etc., and there will be no let-up of investigations on the blogosphere.   (As I have said on many occasions, start your own blog.  Since “professional” journalists aren’t doing their jobs, you do it!)

If you think Hillary’s Whitewater and Bill’s philandering were on-going thorns in the Clintons’ sides, they were small potato issues having to do with run-of-the-mill greed and sex.  Thanks to the mainstream media’s abrogation of its duty,  Obama’s open questions go to the core of the security of our country.   Remember there was no blogosphere in the Clinton years, and not much talk radio.  

Whew, there is one good thing though, America has now proven to the world that we aren’t a racist country—what a relief!   So as we proceed to recommend reform of the Refugee Resettlement Program and to seek to curtail immigration we can do that without some black racist like Rev. Wright suggesting we have evil deep-seated bigoted hatemonger motives. 

I am also really looking forward to the waves of love coming our way from Europe and the Middle East.

Having nothing further to say (surely nothing profound), the following comment yesterday at Jake Tapper’s blog, where Tapper points out that Bill Ayers and Louis Farahkan both voted at the same polling place as Obama, gave me a good laugh.

Hey, let’s look at the bright side: If Obama wins then everything bad that happens from now on will be his fault. Yes, that’s right. Global warming. Global cooling. Hurricanes. Tidal waves. Until he pulls the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan (and whatever other countries that are so-called illegally occupied) every single death will be the Messiah’s fault. Until he lets all the Gitmo prisoners go every non-event that happens there will be his fault. The economy will be his fault. Price of oil will be his fault. Endangered species will be his fault. Jobs going overseas will be his fault. Every time your car stalls it will be his fault. etc…Get the picture?

So get ready Dems. If your messiah wins, get ready to be treated like the way you’ve treated Bush supporters for the past 8 years. From now on, IT’S YOUR FAULT! (Woohoo, feeling the relief already). Dems, get ready to feel the love…

With a completely Democratically-controlled Washington, there will be no confusion about who is responsible for what happens next. 

Now, back to the piled up posts that need to be written.

Endnote:  See Steve Sailer’s analysis of what went wrong in the McCain campaign, posted yesterday at VDARE.


A Conspiracy of the Lemmings

Here we are the day before what I believe is the most important election in American history.   I have no profound words (I don’t do profound well).   Please, if you love America,  just take a little time today and read this piece by Jim Simpson entitled, “Conspiracy of the Lemmings:  Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis.”

When one looks back at great moments of historical crisis, one wonders what it felt like to be there.   You are there now.   

At the end of the day tomorrow, no matter what happens, there is much work to be done if God-given liberty and freedom are to survive anywhere on this earth.

Aunt Zeituni: No dirty tricks, just old-fashioned investigative reporting

Update Nov. 7th:  To get a feel for the mind of the open borders progressives, read this post where the blogger sees Karl Rove behind every bush.

The Times (UK) explains how they came to publish a story about Obama’s Aunt Zeituni who is living in a Boston slum as an illegal alien under a deportation order. Here’s a hint: It wasn’t dirty tricks by Republicans. Reporters Ben Macintyre and James Bone write:

The trail that led to “Aunt Zeituni”, the relative of Barack Obama who was traced by The Times last week, started with Mr Obama’s memoir, one of the most widely read political autobiographies of all time.

The Democrat campaign has implied that the story might have come from Republican sources – “the American people are … pretty suspicious of things that are dumped in the marketplace 72 hours before a campaign,” said Mr Obama’s chief strategist David Axelrod yesterday.

In fact, the story came from a book that has been read by millions, including just about everyone connected to the Obama campaign.

They continue:

Dreams From My Father was first published in 1995, and the story of how Mr Obama returned to Kenya in 1988 to trace his roots has become the cornerstone of his political biography. Yet the US media appears to have overlooked the passage indicating that at least one relative of Mr Obama’s had moved to America and might still be there.

But you can’t blame the U.S. media for overlooking that passage.  The ones who weren’t in Alaska looking into Sarah Palin’s trash were busy figuring out the timeline that proved Trig is Bristol’s baby, or in a hypnotic trance induced by adoration of their savior. No, we needed some Brits who remembered how journalists were supposed to report the news. The Times followed up on the hints in the book during a visit to Kenya in September. When the uncle they were looking for proved elusive,

This triggered a six-week search, one that would lead eventually to Boston and to Aunt Zeituni. Public record searches found traces of O. Onyango Obama, Uncle Omar’s real name, in Boston. A friend and a former landlady said that he now uses the name Obama Onyango.

In the course of searching for Uncle Omar The Times found a Zeituni Onyango, who also played a prominent part in Mr Obama’s book.

Then Aunt Zeituni proved hard to pin down through phone calls, so the reporters visited the housing project in person, and finally got a positive identification. Their article ends:

Whatever the Democrat campaign may imply, there is nothing suspicious about the story or its timing. The only mystery, perhaps, is how so many people read Mr Obama’s book in the US without wondering what might have happened to the mysterious relative, lost in America.

I guess it would seem suspicious to American “reporters” who have forgotten about curiosity, objectivity, investigative skills, most other things reporters are supposed to have. What do journalism schools teach, anyway? It seems like reporters did better work when they learned on the job.

UPDATE: I’ve just got to link to this terrific post by Victor Davis Hanson at National Review: How Many Laws Can One Break? He brings up five disturbing points about the Aunt Zeituni matter. Here’s one, but they’re all worth reading:

Obama’s has offered the defense that his historical rejection of campaign finance (after a promise to abide by the law), and subsequent creation of a $600 million war-chest should not cause worry because so many of the donors were “small”. Hence any questions about fake names, addresses, lack of compliance with identifying donors by name, foreign contributors, and prepaid credit cards were essentially nit-picking or worse, given the historical lift Obama had given the American electoral process.

But if the Obama campaign cannot even guarantee that his own aunt followed the law (it is illegal for foreigners to contribute to US presidential campaigns), what does that say about the millions of others who, we are supposed to believe, on the now dubious assurance of Obama himself were supposedly legitimate and lawful donors? And as a sidelight, how ethical is it for someone who is in violation of immigration law, and receiving some sort of public subsidy, to then donate money, illegally again, to a campaign? Message: defy immigration law; ignore a deporation order; obtain, again illegally, public assistance; donate illegally to a presidential campagin; and then count on the press attacking those who worry about such serial flaunting of the law.