More on what Trump said in little Mogadishu, Minnesota yesterday (earlier post is here). Dashing out, no time to say more. Read it all at Breitbart, here.
“A Trump administration will not admit any refugees without the support of the local community where they are being placed,” Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump told an enthusiastic crowd of more than 5,000 who greeted him at the Sun Country Airlines hangar of the Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport on Sunday.
Trump’s statement marked the first time he explicitly declared that if he is elected president, refugees will not be resettled “without the support of the local community where they are being placed.”
The Refugee Act of 1980’s “consultation clause” requires that the federal government and the director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement must consult with elected officials of state and local jurisdictions prior to the placement of refugees in their jurisdictions.
The Obama administration, however, has routinely failed to comply with this requirement. Only in the past several years have officials with the Office of Refugee Resettlement regularly communicated with states about refugees, but those communications typically come after the arrival of the refugees, rather than in advance of their arrival, as the Refugee Act of 1980 requires.
While the Refugee Act of 1980 requires the federal government to consult with local governments as well as state governments, Breitbart News has reported on several local governments who say they’ve never received any communications from the federal government before or after the resettlement of refugees.
More here.
When Trump wins we can start talking about the details of how to reform or stop the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program.
Unless there is incredible refugee news, this might be my last post until Wednesday because I have some election day duties tomorrow.
This is a guest post written by a great friend of this blog about the most important election of our lifetimes.
By Nathanael Greene
This election will determine the fate of our nation. With Donald Trump we have a chance, and it is only that. Over the past few years we have learned to our shock and dismay just how corrupt and out of touch our elected officials really are. They have an agenda and it does not include the American people, except in extracting as much of our resources as possible. They are a powerful force. I don’t know if Donald Trump can overcome it, but I do know that no one else can.
Message from Ann: For all you women out there who think you are voting for the first female president of the United States, it will be this diabolical duo who will be running the country—John Podesta and Bill Clinton—while Hillary naps.
Hillary Clinton personifies everything that is worst in Washington. In addition to being bottomlessly corrupt, she is an extreme leftist. She has worked and socialized with DC’s biggest extremists, for example her former boss, Robert Borosage, founder of the anti-American Center for National Security Studies, and former director of the subversive Institute for Policy Studies, and John Podesta, a calculating, committed hardcore leftist, who, like Hillary, is also serially corrupt. Her good friend VA Governor Terry McAuliffe has just pardoned 60,000 criminals so they can vote (for Hillary of course). This is vote fraud.
A vote for Hillary is a vote for an entrenched criminal class that must be routed out if our nation is to survive.
Despite his sometimes uncouth nature, Donald Trump’s message has resonated with everyday Americans because it is everyday Americans whose lives are being destroyed by the DC progressives. No other candidate in recent history – including Reagan – has so clearly spoken to our widespread angst about our country’s future. There are few, if any politicians, that actually grasp the reality. Trump does, and has articulated a comprehensive response that misses nothing.
He has issued a Contract with the American Voter to clean up Washington, DC. His first day in office Trump pledges to rescind all of Obama’s destructive executive orders, including those on guns and especially the border. He promises to repeal and replace Obamacare. He promises to abolish Common Core. His policy positions are clearly articulated, detailed and honest.
On the other hand, if you can convince yourself that Hillary’s mind-boggling corruption is not disqualifying, then perhaps her insane, misplaced policy prescriptions are. While our military sinks to the lowest level of readiness since WWI, our borders overflow with illegal aliens and terrorists, our individual rights are being stripped right and left, Hillary promises to expand upon those Obama policies that got us here in the first place. There is a great chart linked here that compares some of Trump’s positions with Clinton’s. It doesn’t pretend to be unbiased.
Trump for President 2016!
Hillary for Prison 2016!
Watch Obama tell a young woman that she can vote even if she is in the country illegally (see Fox News Neil Cavuto’s response).
For more guest columns and comments worth noting, click here.
As I watched the news the first thing this morning, what trend jumped out at me—in those states that are must-wins for Trump like North Carolina, Florida, Nevada, Michigan and even New Hampshire, what is the common thread? They are states where the immigrant population is expanding greatly with refugee resettlement as one factor. Immigrants generally vote for Democrats because they fear their social services (aka welfare) will be reduced under a Republican president.
Muslim immigrants vote mostly for Democrats because they know the Dems will permit the Hijra (the migration) to continue unimpeded. 20,000 greet Trump in Minneapolis yesterday. See Conservative Treehouse for the story and more photos:
Trump had the guts to raise the Somali problem in Minnesota yesterday.
Remember Democrat Governor Dayton famously told an audience in St. Cloud last year, an audience of native Minnesotans, if you don’t like our (Somali) immigrants move to another state.
Trump is appealing to Minnesotans to help save their state by voting for him.
Here is news from the Daily Calleron Trump’s Minnesota stop yesterday (I think he might be going back again today, or is it Mike Pence returning to MN?):
Donald Trump told Minnesotans at a rally Sunday that this is “our last chance,” as he described a state hit hard by trade deals and refugee resettlement.
Minnesota is a historically Democrat state, and Clinton has had a solid lead in the most recent polls of the state. Trump, however, said at his rally at an airport hanger that he feels “good about Minnesota.”
Two main focuses of his platform — stopping refugees from coming into the U.S. and renegotiating trade deals — could find a receptive audience in the midwestern state.
“Oh Minnesota, Oh Minnesota, you know what’s going on, you know what I’m talking about. Be politically correct, just nod, just quietly nod,” Trump said.
“Hillary wants a 550 percent increase of Syrian refugees pouring into our country, and she wants virtually unlimited immigration and refugee admission from the most dangerous regions of the world to come into our country and to come into Minnesota and you know it better than anyone.”
There was recently a stabbing attack by a Somali ISIS sympathizer in St.Cloud, Minnesota, and there have been several ISIS-related arrests of Somalis in Minneapolis. Minneapolis is home to the nation’s largest Somali population, about 30,000. [Official number perhaps, but the population in the whole state is much higher—ed]
“If you want people to just pour into Minnesota, just vote for Hillary Clinton,” Trump said.
If you want people to just pour into America, just vote for Hillary Clinton!
Where are you Tony Abbott (former Australian Prime Minister)? Gee, about time that the dim bulbs in Europe are beginning to see the sense of a your suggestion from the spring of 2015—turn back the boats! But, it strikes me that such a suggestion now is about a million migrants too late! Here is the story at Reuters:
The German Interior Ministry wants to stop migrants ever reaching Europe’s Mediterranean coast by picking them up at sea and returning them to Africa, the Welt am Sonntag newspaper reported on Sunday.
Rescuing African men in the Mediterranean Sea in 2015. Why are rescuers wearing protective suits and gloves? You can guess. (Alessandro Di Meo/ANSA via AP Photo)
In what would be a huge shift for a country with one of the most generous asylum policies, the ministry says the European Union should adopt an Australian-style system under which migrants intercepted at sea are sent for processing at camps in third countries.
“The elimination of the prospect of reaching the European coast could convince migrants to avoid embarking on the life-threatening and costly journey in the first place,” the paper quoted a ministry spokeswoman as saying.
And so why would these African nations want the hordes parked in their country making trouble? (Wishful thinking on the part of Germany!)
The ministry’s proposal calls for migrants picked up in the Mediterranean – most of whom set off from conflict-torn Libya – to be sent to Tunisia, Egypt or other north African states to apply for asylum from there.
If their asylum applications are accepted, the migrants could then be transported safely to Europe.
If they turned only a few boats back to the African coast, or we bused back across our southern border a few busloads of illegal aliens immediately upon their arrival in Texas or Arizona, advertised it far and wide, the flow would slow immediately!
Our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.
Blame Hillary!
Do not forget that it was Hillary Clinton who was responsible (Obama had to be persuaded) for destabilizing Libya and creating this migration route to Europe through Libya.
See one of our many posts on Hillary’s role in helping to create the European migration crisis by clicking here. Col. Gaddafi controlled Libya’s borders, now no one does!
Note when you visit that post that the longer video of Hillary gloating over the 2011 death of Col. Gaddafi has been removed. Here is the short version:
Hillary’s legacy and the death of Gadaffi…..
Yikes watch this prelude to the same interview (see Huma hand Hillary a phone):
For readers seeing this post in an e-mail. You are going to have to come to the blog itself, to RRW, to see videos if they do not appear in your e-mail.
What a difference 9 years makes!
In 2007, I started writing Refugee Resettlement Watch because my local newspaper editor wouldn’t send a reporter out to find the answers and explain to the public how it was that a Virginia-based ‘church’ group could choose our county seat in Maryland in which to place impoverished people. I assumed, and I think correctly, that most local papers back then wouldn’t discuss the program in any way other than to report on fluffy-puffy stories about refugees seeing their first snow. The member of Congress representing Poughkeepsie is Sean Patrick Maloney(D) who began his political career in the Clinton White House. Just like every district in America, if you want to slow the flow of refugees (or not start the flow in the first place), there is only one place you should direct your ire, your energy, your political pressure, and that is at your MEMBER OF CONGRESS. They don’t want you to know they could use the power of the purse if they weren’t either complicit in the plan to seed your towns with third worlders/cheap labor, or were too scared to use it. Rep. Maloney is probably hiding, claiming he knows nothing about the plans, but he should know, it is his job! See my 2007 postand the questions I thought the Hagerstown Herald Mail should answer for the public. By the way, Church World Service (setting up shop in Poughkeepsie) was the major contractor where I live too. Virginia Council of Churches was the immediate subcontractor in charge.
I thus chuckled when I saw this reportat the Poughkeepsie Journal this morning. The paper is at least making some effort to educate the public. I would like to add more facts and quibble with some of it, but because of a shortage of time, here are just a couple of reporter Jordan Fenster’s points I want to mention. He lists five things your city needs to know, I have Ten Things,see here.
For new readers see our previous three posts on Poughkeepsie, here, here and here. Poughkeepsie Journal:
Plans to settle 80 refugees in Poughkeepsie have caused much discussion: Can the Church World Service Network set up shop and resettle refugees wherever it wants? Who has authority over the resettlement process?
Here are five things to know about the process of refugee resettlement:
2. Federal law requires the use of outside contractors
The Refugee Act of 1980 asks the director of the ORR to cut costs whenever possible, and specifically requests the use of outside contractors.
In 2014, the ORR paid out $606,805,703 to state, resettlement and nonprofit agencies, $29,422,396 of which went to programs in New York.
The Church World Service Network is considered an effective agency by the ORR, which tracks refugees’ path to self-sufficiency. In 2014, 83 percent of the organizations refugee clients were deemed “self-sufficient,” more than any other agency contracted by the ORR.
I’m glad to see that the reporter tells readers about the enormous federal TAXPAYER outlay! The Refugee Act of 1980 set up the system of so-called public-private partnerships, but the understanding was that it would be a 50-50 deal, not a 90-10 (or worse deal where taxpayers shell out 90% of the costs, sometimes more). This last bit about self-sufficiency is bogus because a refugee can be on medicaid, food stamps and live in public housing and still be labelled “self-sufficient.”
But, the most interesting thing about #2 above is the use of the word CONTRACTOR. They were not identified (accurately!) as such much before 2007 that I know of. They are federal contractors just like Haliburton is a federal contractor.
Jumping to Poughkeepsie Journal’s point #4 where the reporter made a good choice in choosing Amarillo as an example of a ‘pocket of resistance’ to highlight.One of our posts on Amarillois near the top of our all-time most read posts.
4. Amarillo argued for more state and local control
Amarillo Mayor Paul Harpole went to the Texas state house in April to argue against what he said was an inordinately large number of refugees coming into his city, as the Amarillo Globe-News reported.
Harpole testified that his city receives about 500 refugees a year, “more refugees per 100,000 population than any city in the world.”
The problem, according to Harpole, is that he, state leaders and even federal representatives have no say in how many refugees are resettled in a specific location.
“What the Senators are talking about is why the federal government gives the state no control over this and no insight,” he said.
More here.
At this point in time, state officials may have little or no say, but it is one of the major areas of reform needed if there is going to be a refugee program going forward.
But, I don’t want readers to assume that whatever Obama (or God forbid Hillary) want with the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program will happen as if no one has any power to push back. Even Senators Ted Kennedy, Joe Biden and Pres. Jimmy Carter (creators of the 1980 Act) knew that there is a way to rein-in this program any time it wanted and that is for CONGRESS USE OF THE POWER OF THE PURSE!
Unfortunately, Congress has shirked its duty for decades!
See one of many of my recent posts on DEFUNDINGthe program in the upcoming Lame Duck session of Congress.
If Hillary is elected on Tuesday and Sean Patrick Maloney is returned to Congress, without a doubt, there will be no hope for Poughkeepsie……