For those of you who don’t see my other blog—American Resistance 2016!—be sure to see my take on the news at the Detroit Free Press. If they surge more Muslim refugees to Michigan could it put the state in Donald Trump’s column in November? I think it could.
See my post from this morning by clicking here.
Category: 2016 Presidential campaign
Virginia Congressman backed by 9 Jewish organizations wants to block Trump Muslim ban idea
From Daily Sabah:
Nine Jewish organizations have joined a call supporting a bill that would prevent banning entry to the United States on the basis of religion, a step taken after GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump proposed ban on Muslims entering the U.S.
“Concerns about national security are mixing with unchecked anti-Muslim bigotry and fomenting unjust fear and scrutiny of Muslim refugees and immigrants,” said the statement released Tuesday, a day before Rep. Don Beyer, D-Va., is due to unveil the legislation.
The groups expressed their support for a bill announced by Virginia congressman Rep. Don Beyer (D-Va.) Wednesday that would make it illegal for the US to block an immigrant based on his or her religion.
The statement backing Beyer’s bill was organized by Interfaith Alliance, a group directed by Rabbi Jack Moline and include umbrella bodies for the Reform, Conservative and Reconstructionist movements, as well as the Anti-Defamation League, the National Council of Jewish Women, J Street, Habonim Dror, Bend the Arc Jewish Action and T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported.
Beyer, a Democrat of course, is a first term Congressman.
Once the Hijra is advanced, and the Muslim population reaches a certain level in the US, guess which religion will be persecuted first?
Human Rights First wants to prove to the world that we aren't bigots (then they will love us!)
Remember that Pew poll I told you about here yesterday. It seems that the numbers have those, like Human Rights First, that welcome Muslim refugees to America, worried.
They noticed too that the fearful-Democrat numbers are pretty high too!
They want all of you Trump supporters to know that ISIS and other Muslim extremists are watching to see how bigoted and hypocritical we are. The theory goes that ISIS will lose power if other Muslims love us and they will only love us if we take in hundreds of thousands of them as welfare-dependent refugees.
From Human Rights First:
Editor: These numbers indicate to me that Trump has a lot of room for expansion of his voter base (are we one terrorist attack away from President Donald J. Trump?)
The Guardian reported on a recent Pew poll that found 85 percent of Donald Trump supporters believe that refugees from Iraq and Syria are a major threat to the United States. As for the other presidential candidates, 74 percent of Ted Cruz supporters felt the same, followed by 59 percent for Kasich, 40 percent for Clinton, and 34 percent for Sanders.
If we prove we aren’t bigots (goes the theory), the bad Muslims will leave us alone! And, the good ones will love us! (and that is all that matters):
As Michael Chertoff, former DHS Secretary under President George W. Bush, told the Wall Street Journal: “[Resettling refugees] allows us to truthfully say that we’re not hypocrites or bigoted against Muslims or people from other cultures. That has a positive impact in terms of the disposition people around the world have toward the U.S. You don’t want to play into the narrative of the bad guy. That’s giving propaganda to the enemy.”
Click here for more illogical thinking from HRF about how bringing questionably-screened refugees from Iraq and Syria to America, scattering them to hundreds of towns, and adding them to our welfare rolls will keep us all safer. What it will do is advance the Hijra and the eventual Islamification of America because it isn’t just terrorist attacks we should fear. (Just look at Londonistan!)
85% of Trump supporters believe Middle East refugees pose threat to America, but…
…get this! 40% of Democrats agree!
I love how this is written. The Reuters reporter says only 40% of Dems have the same fear. Holy cow, that is a lot of people! Consider also that 74% of plain vanilla Republicans also worry about the resettlement of Middle Eastern refugees into their towns.
I would have guessed the Dems would be a far lower percentage than 40% (so does that mean there might be inroads into the Democratic electorate for Trump?).
Supporters of Donald Trump, the presumptive U.S. Republican presidential nominee, see refugees arriving from Iraq and Syria as one of the greatest threats to the United States, according to a study released on Thursday by the Pew Research Center.
Eighty-five percent of respondents who said they supported Trump saw the refugees fleeing the Islamic State militant group as a threat, compared with 74 percent of Republicans overall, said the study.
Only 40 percent of Democrats viewed the refugees from the region as a major threat.
The Dems must be told over and over again that Hillary will continue the Obama push for more and more Syrian and Iraqi refugees to colonize America!
Hungary to hold referendum on refugees this fall
Invasion of Europe news…..
The Hungarian government is going to ask the people how they feel about the pressing question of the day for Europe.
In the name of ‘humanitarianism’ and for the sake of globalization (and to make the big EU economic powers like Germany happy), how many Muslim migrants does Christian Hungary take?
LOL! it is not exactly worded that way, but that is the crux of the question.
From Economy Watch:
Hungary will hold a referendum in September or October over the European Union’s mandatory migrant resettlement quota, according to Reuters. Roughly 160,000 refugees are looking for host nations, and many governments within the EU have accepted the Brussels-based quota, but Hungarian leadership stresses national sovereignty above all else. The travelers in question are comprised of refugees from war-torn countries and migrants seeking better opportunities.
Prime Minister Viktor Orban has increased his anti-immigrant rhetoric since the migrant crisis began a year ago and has differed with Brussels immensely. The prime minister does not share the EU’s vision of helping new arrivals find a better life and believes mass Muslim migration threatens Christian values.
Even though Germany is the most powerful member of the EU, many German towns struggle to accommodate large groups of migrants due to a lack of space and funding. Hungary is hesitant to give up some of its national sovereignty in the name of globalism, but policymakers will inevitably have to make some concessions to Brussels.
Hungary is an EU member and relies on Eurozone funding to finance infrastructure projects, but faces further isolation from the bloc.
The US referendum will be the 2016 Presidential election!
In the US we will be getting our own version of a referendum on whether America will bow to the globalists and pro-open borders forces as represented by Hillary Clinton, or will we choose the America First views of Donald Trump. And, even if you don’t believe Trump will follow through, that doesn’t negate the stark choice you will be making with your vote if those two are the candidates for the US Presidency in November.
This UN/US Refugee Admissions Program will never be reformed in a Hillary presidency and will be proceeding full steam ahead (and probably at an even higher rate) if she is elected. Any #never Trump people who don’t vote for Trump will be voting for Muslim migration to America to be put on steroids.
For our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive, click here. For a previous post about Viktor Orban, go here. And, here, Orban says Hillary pal Soros is behind the invasion.