Senator Rand Paul cites KY refugee terrorists/Boston bombers on radio talk show, angers Left

I’m glad to see 2016 Presidential candidate and US Senator Rand Paul annoying the Left as Mediaite reports here.
See our post yesterday where we pointed out that a couple of years ago Paul was an outspoken critic of the program, then had gone underground on the topic.  I guess he is back and his comments about welfare are important.

The Kentucky Iraqi terrorists were “vetted” refugees, but watch for the NO Borders crowd to say that the Tsarnaev (Boston Bomber) brothers were not “refugees.”

Before I get to the news I want to reiterate that those who enter the US either legally or illegally, request asylum, and then are granted political asylum (become asylees) are just as much refugees as those we fly in.  Our present asylum process is also a result of the Refugee Act of 1980 and once someone is granted political asylum they are eligible for all the perks of those we have flown in.  They can also seek out the ‘services’ of the nine major federal resettlement contractors.

asylum graph
This is from the Leftwing Migration Policy Institute, but I urge you to see the report on Refugees and Asylees. This graph shows that in 2013 over 25,000 were granted political refugee status after getting in here in some other way.They came in without screening!

But, as the issue continues to cause controversy, the Leftwing agitators will continue to try to cause confusion in the public mind.
Here is Mediaite on Paul (emphasis is mine):

The Republican presidential candidate said the refugee screening process is “absolutely not” rigorous enough to allow migrants into the United States. “The fact that we had two Iraqi refugees posing as refugees come into our country and want to attack us with stinger missiles shows that it wasn’t, and I don’t believe still is, very rigorous,” he said.

“The Boston bombers came here as refugees,” Paul noted. “We coddled them, we gave them free stuff, we gave them free housing, and yet, they decided to attack us, so there’s a great risk.”

Despite accusations that Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev moved to the United States through the refugee program, the family never applied for refugee status to gain entry into the country. Instead, their family arrived on a six-month visa and applied for political asylum once they were in the United States. [You see how the Left spins this, they are just as much refugees as those we have flown in—ed]

“It’s a mistake for the Obama administration to downplay the risk,” Paul said, adding he fought the Obama administration “all week in the Senate and I promise you this battle’s not over.”

Last week, Paul introduced a bill to put a moratorium on U.S. visas for refugees; in a speech to congress, the Kentucky senator argued, “…when the poem beneath the Statue of Liberty says ‘give me your tired, give me your poor,’ it didn’t say come to our country and we’ll put you on welfare.

By the way, when you hear someone say we only bring in 70,000 (soon to be 85,000) refugees, please remember that we also grant asylum to approximately 25,000 more each year, then we admit 50,000 (probably not screened!) in through the absolutely insane ‘Diversity Visa Lottery.’   Hundreds of thousands are here in the ‘Temporary Protected Status’ category, and thousands more through other smaller legal programs, not to mention tens of thousands of unaccompanied alien children.
So, I guess I am saying don’t focus exclusively on the 10,000 Syrians, there is much more danger and expense throughout the system.

Boy Rubio straddling the fence again on refugees/immigration; bring in children and old women

Julia Hahn has another good piece at Breitbart yesterday (hat tip: Joanne) on the refugee resettlement controversy and how it is roiling the 2016 Presidential campaign.
Haven’t we seen what happens when a boy runs this country?  And, so I can’t believe that any thinking person could say that Florida Senator Marco Rubio is ready for the job—don’t you think it’s time for an alpha male?  (O.K. throw tomatoes, eggs, whatever at me, I said it and stick by it!).

Somali terror woman
This Somali refugee woman was convicted of terror funding in Minnesota in 2013. What makes Rubio think we shouldn’t fear refugee women? There is plenty of evidence that there are alpha women in the Muslim community!

Here is Hahn about what Senator Rubio said yesterday in an interview with Chris Wallace:

In a surprising twist in the 2016 election, presidential aspirant Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has proposed a new plan for helping President Obama resettle Syrian refugees in the United States.

Under Rubio’s new proposal, outlined on FOX News Sunday, the United States would focus on resettling the oldest and youngest refugees inside the United States, including those orphaned and widowed in what has become an Islamist battleground.

Rubio argued these refugees could be admitted under the “commonsense” test: “the 5-year-old orphan, a 90-year-old widow, and well-known Chaldean priest, these are obviously commonsense applications, and you can clearly vet them just by commonsense.”

This new tactic may be a politically risky one for Senator Rubio, as an outright majority of all voters oppose any Syrian resettlement—and, according to Rasmussen, 65 percent of conservative voters want zero refugees admitted into the U.S. from the Middle East.

Rubio cannot be trusted on immigration, the most important issue this country faces, or may ever face!

Frankly he doesn’t know what he is talking about! Or, he thinks you are gullible!

Continue reading here and consider a few additional points.
~Once the women (not all will be old because they won’t leave the young mothers and bring in the children) are admitted they can apply, under the present refugee program, for their family members to join them (this is called chain migration).  In 2008, the Wall Street Journal first reported the shocking (maybe not so shocking!) news that thousands of Somalis had entered the US illegally by claiming a relationship to those already here.  The family reunification (P-3) was closed by the US State Department for years, but is now wide open again.
We covered the discovery and aftermath extensively, here.  The fraud was originally reported at the Wall Street Journal in August of 2008.
Even for those who say the State Department could now catch the fraudsters, does anyone really think that the women and children won’t be quickly applying for more family members to join them.  On what grounds would the husbands be refused?
~ Hahn discusses it, but I want to reiterate that it is the next generation of a refugee family where the jihadist recruitment is happening.  The parents might pass security checks while it is those little children (grown up) we raised and educated with our tax dollars who are thumbing their noses at your generosity and heading off to join al-Shabaab and ISIS.  Remember this?  Just a few news stories beginning back in 2008!
~And, what on earth makes Rubio think that American taxpayers are willing to bring in old women who will be placed immediately on Supplemental Social Security?  See here, once and for all—-refugees over 65 years old are eligible for benefits under SSI!
~Hahn mentions Senator Rand Paul who was brave back in 2013 when he realized refugee terrorists had been resettled in his home town and wondered out loud why we were bringing in all the Iraqis and putting them on welfare.  He has since stopped asking that question, why?  Here is our complete archive on Rand Paul and Iraqi refugees.   See especially here and here (what role did Grover play in dissuading Paul from earlier critical comments?).

Following that Syrian refugee “vetting” shiny object?

And, my final thought as I watch and listen to Syrian refugee news on TV and on radio:  Are we being distracted (I know Trump is!) by the Syrian refugee resettlement plan at a point in time when we are bringing in thousands of other Muslim refugees who frankly can’t be screened much better—thousands and thousands of Somalis and Iraqis for instance (Uzbeks, Rohingya and Afghans too)?
I think the average American (watching TV) is thinking that the Syrians are the only refugees we are bringing in from the Middle East and Africa, and it isn’t helping them understand the serious implications of resettlement when they think the resettlement is in the future and that Obama is to blame—Republicans have supported the migration for decades as well!  They are here!
And, on the vetting issue, we have plenty of evidence that the youngsters are growing up radicalized (more devout!) in the US and the West generally, so let’s stop talking about vetting for just a few minutes!

Reports: Syrians headed to the US border as southern border-crossings heat up again

Are they all seeing the window (doors!) open in Obama’s last year in office?

obama_biden_laughing (1)
Barack and good ol’Joe: 2016 is our year to get it done—to flood America with impoverished migrants and thus to change America by changing the people! As a Senator, Joe Biden was (with Ted Kennedy) one of the architects of the Refugee Act of 1980.

This is a story I didn’t get around to last week the morning after Paris, but clearly written before BP (before Paris).  It is from the Los Angeles Times (hat tip: Joanne) and says that numbers are increasing again at our southern border and that possibly a new surge is on the way.  Here is a bit of what that article says:

The number of families illegally crossing the southern U.S. border has more than doubled over the same period last fall, prompting concern about a new surge of migrants from Central America.

Many more unaccompanied children are also crossing, with 4,476 apprehended in September — an 85% increase over that month in 2014, according to new Border Patrol data.


The concern among immigration officials and advocates is that the situation is building up to a repeat of the unprecedented influx on the southern border in 2014, when more than 68,000 unaccompanied children and as many families crossed illegally, mainly into Texas.

Here come the Syrians!
However, the big news yesterday and this morning is that Syrians may be among the OTMs (Other than Mexicans) headed to the US. I’m guessing that half of the third-world is eyeing the window of opportunity as Obama heads into his last full year in office figuring they need to make the move now in case an immigration restrictionist Republican like Trump heads to the White House at the end of the year.

2016 could well be the most critical year to CLOSE our borders.   Could we get the minutemen back in business???

We have two stories now about Syrians headed to America.

The first is here, from AFP at, about 5 Syrians detained in Honduras with fake passports and the second one, here, at Breitbart claims eight Syrians crossed into Texas recently.  They will all likely be asking for asylum.
Illegal aliens? Economic migrants? Refugees? Asylum seekers? Asylees? 

A quick primer on terminology….

We all know what illegal alien is, that is everyone here who has either crossed a border without permission or over-stayed a visa.
Economic migrants is a term used for those illegal aliens who are on the move to find a better life.  They are NOT refugees.
Refugees (US bound) are selected abroad mostly by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and our US State Department.  We fly them here and a resettlement contractor gets them comfy with all their taxpayer-funded goodies and puts them on the track to US citizenship. This is the group we are arguing about now while discussing Syrian resettlement.  Refugees must have proven they would be persecuted for race, religion, political persuasion, or because they belong to a particular group—like being a homosexual—if they returned to their home country.  We have been taking around 70,000 a year in recent years from many areas of the world.
Asylum seekers are those who get in here legally with a visa or illegally and then ask for political asylum using the same claims of persecution that refugees have used.  The only difference is that asylum seekers get here on their own while we fly in the refugees (defined above). There is a legal process the asylum seekers must go through to prove they would be persecuted if we deported them.  The vast majority of those flooding Europe will be seeking asylum while we expect most are really economic migrants.  By the way, Obama wants the ‘unaccompanied alien children’ crossing our borders as illegal aliens to be ‘refugees’ through the asylum process.
Asylees are those granted legal asylum, legal protection.   We grant asylum to somewhere in the vicinity of 30,000 asylum seekers a year.  Often times those seeking asylum through our system are free to move to a location in the US where they have a relative even before their case is adjudicated. If given permission to stay, asylees can avail themselves of all the welfare goodies available to “refugees.”  And, they are often referred to as “political refugees.”  The Tsarnaev family of Boston Bomber fame were successful asylum seekers.
A reader suggested last night that we should get in the habit of referring to those who are here to stay as refugees/asylees. And, I think that is a good idea.
When the Leftwing No Borders gang (including the resettlement contractors***) claim that no refugee has committed a terror act they are parsing words.  A large number of refugees and asylees have been convicted of terror-related (most before the act was actually committed!) and other horrific crimes.  Have they forgotten the Kentucky Iraqi refugee terrorists and the Boston Bombers (asylees are refugees just as much as those admitted in the regular resettlement program)?
See crimes here.  And, don’t forget the Idaho Uzbek refugee terror case!
*** The nine major federal resettlement contractors determining the futures of your cities and states like to call themselves VOLAGs (short for Voluntary agencies)—a joke considering how much federal money they receive (some of it to care for those unaccompanied alien children crossing the border).  They all lobby for amnesty for illegal aliens while being funded mostly by you, the taxpayer:


Carson and Cruz, first Presidential candidates to speak out on Paris slaughter—say no Syrian refugees to America

There may be others by now, but here is the first story I’m seeing before dawn today reporting on reactions by US Presidential candidates.  ***Update*** Here is a story at Breitbart that must have been posted before terror erupted in Paris last night—see where the Presidential candidates were yesterday afternoon BP (before Paris).  Bush, Kasich and Rubio all said they want MORE refugees.
***Update #2***  Mediaite reported on Ann Coulter tweets last night (after Paris):  “Donald Trump was elected President tonight,” here.  Paris may in fact have been a clarifying moment for many—try to imagine each of the 2016 candidates as President of the US if a similar horror happens here.  Who would you wish to be in the Oval Office?
From Buzzfeed:

carson cruz
Senator Ted Cruz and Dr. Ben Carson: No Syrian refugees should be admitted to US. Where is your candidate?  Let us know and I’ll update this post.

Following the deadly attacks in Paris Friday night, two prominent Republicans have called for the United States to table plans to accept thousands of Syrian refugees, citing terror concerns.

Sen. Ted Cruz wrote in a statement on Friday that the U.S. needs to “immediately declare a halt to any plans to bring refugees that may have been by ISIS to the United States.” Cruz has raised security concerns before about the prospect of accepting more refugees at this point from Syria.

Presidential candidate Ben Carson said in Orlando, Florida, that Congress should act to block the Obama administration’s plan to accept more refugees.

“If we’re going to be bringing 200,000 people over here from that region — if I were one of the leaders of the global jihadist movement and I didn’t infiltrate that group of people with my people, that would be almost malpractice,” Carson said, according to the Washington Post.

Congress can act to block Obama’s Muslim migration plan (refugee resettlement) in just a few weeks as Congress must act by December 11th to fund the government through fiscal year 2016 (this is separate from the dept ceiling issue of just a few weeks ago).

Congress could do its job for once by using the POWER OF THE PURSE to restrain Obama!

***Update*** This is what you should tell Congress to do!  Cut the funding!
They will pounce on Carson for the 200,000 number, however…..
As for Carson’s mention of the 200,000, note he said “from the region.”  It isn’t that high for one year, but Obama was talking about 2016 and 2017 when he said 85,000 refugees this year and 100,000 next year.  Don’t forget we are taking tens of thousands of other Muslim refugees from Iraq, Somalia, Burma and Afghanistan in that number as well—it is not just Syrians—from the region.
Consider that you rarely hear of the 30,000 plus coming as asylum seekers annually by first getting across our borders illegally or overstaying a visa and then asking for asylum.  Then there is Temporary Protected Status and that astounding monstrosity—the Diversity Visa Lottery—which brings in another 50,000 legal migrants a year, many from countries that hate us!  And, we haven’t even mentioned student visas!
So before someone latches (with criticism) on Carson’s high number, demand that the Administration give an accounting of how many Muslim migrants are being admitted legally to the US each year!  It is probably approaching 200,000, but no one (on the outside) knows for sure.
For more on the 2016 Presidential candidates see our category entitled, ‘2016 Presidential campaign.‘  (We have older categories for both the 2008 and 2012 campaigns as they related to refugees and immigration generally.)  I was surprised to see that we have already written 91 posts on the 2016 campaign.   Without a doubt, immigration is THE issue for 2016!
Endnote:  Watch this video!

Soros spawn continuing Daddy's work with 'Bend the Arc' PAC

Someone (can’t remember who) sent this description of a new PAC’s immigration “reform” initiative, and I am posting it because several of you have commented that George Soros is an old man and he can’t possibly continue the destruction of Europe, here (Orban says Soros behind the invasion), or America for much longer.   I said that he had sons who will fill his shoes and this is one of them.

Alex Soros
Meet the next generation: Alex Soros

Be sure to watch the 19 minute youtube video we posted last night to see Soros and other of his globalist pals’ handiwork. ***Update*** The video has already been taken down at Youtube!  (as someone predicted last night).  They don’t want you to see the truth! ***Update #2*** the video is back, some clever people made sure it didn’t disappear.
Who will be first to go when the Islamists are in full control of Europe, you tell me!
Learn about Bend the Arc’s mission (a Jewish partnership for justice) as it relates to immigration, here.

Now we have the opportunity to right decades of wrongs. Bend the Arc is targeting our efforts where we can make the most difference, as social justice advocates, and as Jews.


Bend the Arc is lobbying legislators in Washington and organizing locally across the country.

Then this is from an article at Politico back in April about Alex Soros’ new gig—-Bend the Arc:

The son of Democratic mega-donor George Soros is gearing up to play a more active role in the 2016 election with the launch of new political action committee focused on representing the views of Jewish Americans — beyond foreign policy.

Miliband Soros
Remember this 2013 post? That is Jonathan Soros on the left. In the center is David Miliband the CEO of one of our largest refugee resettlement contractors. And, George himself on the right who was receiving an award from Miliband.

Alex Soros, 29, who has steadily increased his political and philanthropic giving in recent years, has helped establish Bend the Arc PAC, the first ever national Jewish political action committee in America focused entirely on domestic issues. Bend the Arc, a non-profit, has an advocacy arm chaired by the younger Soros but has not previously had a political action committee.

Bend the Arc PAC will back progressive candidates by making direct contributions to their campaign committees. It will focus on issues such as income inequality, marriage equality, social justice and immigration reform.

“There’s an opportunity to launch something that actually speaks to what the American Jewish community cares the most about and to show the narrative of what the real American Jewish experience is,” Alex Soros said in an interview.


Soros said he hasn’t reached out yet to his father — a Hungarian Jew who became a billionaire after surviving the holocaust — about giving to Bend the Arc PAC.  [We all know how he ‘survived!’—ed]

Islamic supremacists must get a good laugh out of Bend the Arc funding Rep. Keith Ellison!  And, btw, Rep. David Cicilline is the Congressman who was promoting more Syrian refugee resettlement, here, for the Lutheran lobbyists late last month.

Bend the Arc PAC made its first round of endorsements on Tuesday. The group will be backing: Reps. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.), Alma Adams (D-N.C.), Ruben Gallego (D-Ariz.), Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), Mark Takano (D-Calif.), David Cicilline (D-R.I.), Rick Nolan (D-Minn), Xavier Becerra (D-Calif.), Mike Honda (D-Calif.), Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-N.J.), and Yvette Clarke (D-N.Y.)

Watch for them!

Soros children: Alexander Soros, Andrea Soros, Jonathan Soros, Gregory Soros, Robert Soros