Setback! (ya think!)

Look at this incredible map for the House of Representatives published by the National Journal (which says it will update as soon as a few more races become official).  I wonder if these blue areas correlate well with high immigrant population areas (except maybe Vermont which gets very few refugees and immigrants although it brags about being “welcoming.”)

Guess the Dems have a long way to go in turning red states blue!

One caveat:  Having a red Representative does not necessarily mean you have someone with common sense on the immigration issue.

Update:  Map keeps disappearing on me, so if it does, go to the link to view it.

As the Republicans take over, will that change anything about refugee resettlement?


Bye Bye Harry! Guess he made a big boo-boo here in 2013. Going nuclear:

See GOP takes over (if somehow you missed the news overnight!).

Remember the Refugee Resettlement program, as we know it (run by federal contractors with vested financial interests in bringing in more and more immigrants), has been around for nearly 35 years and has marched on under the radar and unchallenged until recent years.  Remember that it was Pres. George W. Bush who presided over the three biggest years in which Somalis (for instance) were admitted to the US.

For avid followers of RRW there is (in my view) only one way to slow this program and that is for you to continue to be vocal where you live, demand accountability from all those pushing to overload your towns and cities, and continue to develop ‘pockets of resistance’ until the point in time when Washington is forced to listen.

And, then the next step after that is to get the first-ever serious Congressional oversight hearings of the whole original law created by Ted Kennedy and Joe Biden and signed by Jimmy Carter—the Refugee Act of 1980—which has never been thoroughly reviewed with an eye to reform or complete repeal.

By the way, if Obama succeeds in shoving amnesty down our throats, it will only serve to create more anger toward immigrants (and their supporters) in general.  And, Republicans who think they can negotiate and capitulate to the Obama immigration agenda in order to take immigration off he table for 2016 will be stunned and shocked as the issue will not go away.

How much immigration we allow going forward is the most important decision our government will make in determining whether America survives or it doesn’t.  You must stay in the fight!

State Dept: Surge of Syrians to arrive in 2015-2016

In light of the fact that Syrians have arrived in Georgia and that news is by far our most-read post of the last week, I went out scouting for more news on the Syrian refugee plans of the US State Department and found a story I missed in June (at the time of World Refugee Day) where a State Department honcho told a group in Florida that the big crush of Syrians would begin arriving late in 2015.

Simon Henshaw: significant amount of Syrian refugees to enter the US next year!

From WMNF 88.5:

Nearly 30,000 refugees come into Florida every year from countries all over the world.

With ongoing violence in Syria, Simon Henshaw from the State Department says very few Syrian refugees have arrived in the U.S., but that’s about to change.

“We have pledged to take a significant number and we will start interviewing Syrian refugees soon. But it takes about 18-24 months for someone to run through our system. So, we will not, as a country, see a significant amount of Syrian refugees come into the U.S. until the end of next year and then into 2016.”

Henshaw works in the bureau of population, refugees and migration. He’s visiting Tampa on World Refugee Day to see how Tampa is integrating refugees. Most are from places like Haiti and Cuba where refugees have been displaced for years.

The number of Syrians being bandied about (for resettlement to the US) is 12,000-15,000 per year.

I don’t know if this is great timing—if the feds start pouring Syrian Muslims into the US in a Presidential election year, the voting public will not be thrilled (just saying!).

Expect the time table to be sped up as surely the UN is losing patience with the US on the issue.


Could Hillary’s special Libyan refugee be deported?

Just a reminder before I tell you about a refugee Hillary helped get to America and who is now in custody in Colorado, it was Hillary and her gal pals (I called them the three witches), Samantha Power and Susan Rice, who in their zeal to prove the theory of the “responsibility to protect” (and Power was bored with doing rinkey-dink do-gooder stuff  for Iraqi Christians) nagged Obama to join the European clamor for the ouster of Libyan strongman Col. Moammar Gadhafi (spelling varies).

Look where we are now—Libya has turned into a terrorist stronghold, our US Ambassador and three other Americans are dead, and Libya has become the primary launching pad for the invasion of Europe (see all of our posts on the migrant invasion, by clicking here).

In two years Obama will be out of the picture, but the three “humanitarian Vulcans” will still be around.

Hillary’s special Libyan “refugee!”  

Al-Obeidi (a lawyer!) who received international attention when she charged that Gadhafi’s men raped her.

 A Libyan woman, helped by Hillary to get refugee status in the US (at the point where Hillary and her gals were making their case against Gadhafi), has racked-up crimes in Colorado and could be deported reports a Boulder, CO  newspaper.

The Libyan government said she was mentally ill.  Were they right?

Imagine what this woman is costing taxpayers of Colorado for all of her criminal problems.

Excellent reporting from the Boulder Daily Camera (Hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers’):

In 2011, Iman al-Obeidi became the international face of defiance against Moammar Gadhafi’s regime in Libya after she claimed she’d been brutally raped by more than a dozen of the dictator’s men.

Three years later, as a political refugee living in Boulder, al-Obeidi is “destitute,” according to her attorneys, and has been arrested three times. On probation already in an assault on a police officer, she faces trial this fall in a second assault case — which could jeopardize her ability to stay in the U.S.

Al-Obeidi, now 32, became the center of a media frenzy after she stormed into a hotel room in Tripoli and told the international press there that she was raped after being detained at a security checkpoint. In turn, the Libyan government claimed al-Obeidi was an alcoholic and mentally ill.

Al-Obeidi’s booking photo from Boulder County jail.

After a failed attempt to seek refuge in Qatar, al-Obeidi was granted asylum in the U.S. in June of 2011 and, with the help of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, she settled in Denver as a political refugee.

There is much more, read it all!

And, note that Al-Obeidi has a long wikipedia entry as the ultimate victim—a (supposedly) raped refugee.  LOL!  The Washington Post called her a “symbol of defiance against Gaddafi.”

One of the complaints I’ve made repeatedly here at RRW is that the Refugee Resettlement program is often used by the State Department to score political points, or bring in refugees who aren’t otherwise deserving of a gift of American citizenship, but for political reasons they are invited anyway—is that what Hillary did?

See #7 in my testimony to the US State Department here, on this point.  I was talking about whole ethnic groups of refugees we bring in, but it applies to certain individuals as well.  When Qatar didn’t want Al-Obeidi (after they protected her for awhile) maybe that was a sign that something wasn’t quite right.

7)   Congress needs to specifically disallow the use of the refugee program for other purposes of the US Government, especially using certain refugee populations to address unrelated foreign policy objectives—Uzbeks, Kosovars, Meshketians and Bhutanese (Nepalese) people come to mind.

Al-Obeidi will never be deported—-where would we deport her to, surely not Libya because the argument will be made that her sexual indiscretions (or even the suggestion of them) will get her a death sentence from the Islamic extremists now in control of that country (thanks to Hillary).

And, thanks to Hillary she will be our problem for the rest of her life!  Hey! Maybe Hillary could take her to CHAPPAQUA and support her!  Bill might even like that!

Obama: We need the migrant kids! Limbaugh: for Democrat voters!

Did you catch Rush Limbaugh yesterday?

Limbaugh: If our future rests on the illegal alien kids, why are we depriving their home countries of their best people?

He talked about Obama’s trip to Massachusetts where Obama pushed the idea (to Democrat donors!) that America needs the ‘dreamer’ kids like the thousands recently streaming illegally across our border.***

Limbaugh says Obama needs them, of course, for fresh blood as Democrat voters, but Limbaugh also said, and I wish I had thought of it, if these dreamers are so important to our future why are we luring them from their poor homelands mostly in Mexico and Central America? 

Hey Obama, aren’t you in fact stealing their best people and robbing those countries of their futures?

Here is a post at National Review Online about Obama’s talk to Democrat donors, a talk that Limbaugh referred to:

President Obama reminded Democratic donors that “our future rests” on the success of people brought to the United States illegally as children, who would qualify for citizenship if Congress had passed the DREAM Act.


Obama made the comments at a Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee fundraiser in Massachusetts, in reference to students at Worcester Tech.


“We need it badly from a purely — purely economic point of view,” Biden said Tuesday, per The Hill. It’s an argument that corporations tend to support, but the White House push comes as Congress is still coming to terms with the shock of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R., Va.) losing his primary to Dave Brat, a political novice supported by local Tea Party activists who faulted Cantor for being out of touch with the district.

Radio talk show host Laura Ingraham promises to make sure the Republican nominee for President in 2016 is not Jeb Bush!

Cantor’s support for DREAM Act-style legislation, which he announced a few months after the 2012 election, inspired conservative radio host Laura Ingraham to rally grassroots voters against him.

“Now, Ingraham is setting her sights on 2016: In particular, she wants to ensure that the Republican nominee is not cut from Cantor’s cloth,” National Review Online’s Eliana Johnson reported. “Brat’s victory, she says, is a step in the right direction: ‘Everybody that’s hoping and praying for a Jeb Bush run, they should spend a lot of time focusing on what just happened in Virginia.’”

Remember Bush’s controversial remarks a couple of months ago about the illegals flooding in from Central America and Mexico when he called their illegal entry an “act of love?”

One of my friends wondered yesterday if the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services lobbying campaign for the “kids” called #ActOfLove was inspired by Bush!

If you are on twitter, be sure to tweet your stories about the “vulnerable kids” to #ActOfLove!

Also, see Obama Admin forbids photos of illegal alien kids detention facility, here.

***The kids will be under the care of the Office of Refugee Resettlement and its contractors, here.