US is still taking 'refugees' from Malta, why?

Yesterday after talking to an expert on the US Refugee Admissions Program where we talked about the highly irregular arrangement with Malta to welcome to America some of those illegal migrants who arrived on Malta in the last decade through the boat migration from Africa to Europe, I checked the data at Wrapsnet and see that we admitted 123 ‘refugees’ from Malta in this fiscal year (so far).
malta map
I have followed the case of Malta for ten years now and have a large file about this highly irregular arrangement first launched in the Bush Administration and continued by Obama.
Refugee law says that asylum seekers are to ask for asylum in the first safe country they get to.
It is not our responsibility to save Malta (an EU country!) from its own problems with illegal migrants/asylum seekers.  What are US taxpayers getting out of this deal? 

Why is the Trump State Department still participating in this legally questionable  arrangement?

Continue reading “US is still taking 'refugees' from Malta, why?”

George Soros wants EU to pay-off Italy to influence Italian voters in migrants controversy


“The good times for illegal migrants are over.”

(Matteo Salvini, Italy’s new Interior Minister)

Italy is headed to the political right and George Soros can’t stand it!

George Soros angry
Soros’ worldwide push to eliminate borders is backfiring as citizens with national pride push back through the election process!

Of course the driving force for that rightward political swing is the increased anger by the electorate there about how Italy is carrying an unfair (yes!) burden as a key landing zone for the invasion from Africa.
Buy them off! Send money, says Soros, who just recently has abandoned his efforts to ‘change’ his former home country of Hungary. Viktor Orban’s very public campaign (backed by the electorate there) against Soros has succeeded.
Continue reading “George Soros wants EU to pay-off Italy to influence Italian voters in migrants controversy”

Lewiston, ME: Somalis gone wild

Maine First Media has posted a video taken earlier this month in Kennedy Park in Lewiston, ME, the Somali capital of New England.
Kennedy Park
No time to do more than post the news, but here are some ‘highlights.’ Visit Maine First Media for the video.
(Go here for my huge archive on Lewiston.)
Thanks to all my readers who sent me this story.

Gang of Somali Kids Attack Park Goers in Lewiston

Continue reading “Lewiston, ME: Somalis gone wild”

White South African farmers apply for refugee protection in Australia; no special treatment for them

First I saw this news from RT at Drudge:

White South African farmers claiming persecution at home seek refuge in Australia

So I checked it out and see that the government of Australia has said they will get no special treatment, and indeed the Australian Leftists say that the government must first take care of the mostly Muslim migrants being held in detention on Nauru and Manus islands.
As you know the US is taking some of those detainees in the “dumb” Australia Deal.
Story here:

White South African farmers won’t get special treatment, despite Peter Dutton’s earlier claims

Screenshot (273)
It is pretty undeniable!

But, because I have been predicting for years that once the United Nations is forced to admit that blacks can be racists and that whites are applying for refugee status because they are being persecuted by people of color they will fight to the death to deny it!
I once asked readers to imagine the day when the UN High Commissioner for Refugees must process white Swedes (or South Africans) in to the US. That alone might kill the entire refugee industry, I surmised. 
Heck, Trump could run a test! 
He could put white South Africans at the head of the line.
He could, you know!
In September his administration will send its “determination” to Congress which not only sets the numbers for resettlement for FY19, but sets priorities for which nationalities may be brought in.
In fact, he could classify white South Africans in the P-2 category which would allow anyone in that group to be eligible and each individual would not have to prove that he/she is personally being persecuted.  That would make the heathen rage (a phrase borrowed from a good friend)!
Continue reading “White South African farmers apply for refugee protection in Australia; no special treatment for them”

UN closes refugee resettlement program in Sudan while corruption investigation proceeds

Two days ago I told you that the UN High Commissioner for Refugees office in Sudan is being investigated (by the UN) for possible fraud in the selection process for refugees heading to mostly the US. 
There are allegations that bribes are being paid to influence the selection of certain refugees over others.
unhcr sudan
Now comes news that the program is being shuttered at least temporarily.
And, in case you are wondering, after lobbying from the UAE, Trump did drop Sudan from the travel restriction list, see here.
Where is Homeland Security, is it time to have a look at the 652 Sudanese who got in to the US in calendar year 2017 (Wrapsnet)?
Continue reading “UN closes refugee resettlement program in Sudan while corruption investigation proceeds”