“The good times for illegal migrants are over.”
(Matteo Salvini, Italy’s new Interior Minister)
Italy is headed to the political right and George Soros can’t stand it!
Of course the driving force for that rightward political swing is the increased anger by the electorate there about how Italy is carrying an unfair (yes!) burden as a key landing zone for the invasion from Africa.
Buy them off! Send money, says Soros, who just recently has abandoned his efforts to ‘change’ his former home country of Hungary. Viktor Orban’s very public campaign (backed by the electorate there) against Soros has succeeded.
From The Guardian:
The billionaire philanthropist and financier George Soros has called for the EU to compensate Italy for migrants landing there, as the country’s hardline new interior minister made his first official trip a provocative one, to one of their main arrival points.

Matteo Salvini, the far-right leader of the League, travelled to the port of Pozzallo in Sicily on Sunday, with a blunt warning that migrants “should get ready to pack their bags”.
“Enough of Sicily being the refugee camp of Europe. I will not stand by and do nothing while there are landings after landings,” he later told a crowd in the city of Catania. “We need deportation centres.”
As interior minister of Italy’s new populist government, sworn in on Friday, made up of ministers from the League and the anti-establishment Five Star Movement (M5S), Salvini has pledged to “send home” around 500,000 undocumented migrants.
His plans have prompted alarm among migration experts and humanitarian groups, although they are also seen as highly unrealistic as Italy does not have resources to pursue mass deportations.
“I’m going to Sicily to see where the latest landing took place,” Salvini told reporters at the presidential palace in Rome ahead of the visit. “The good times for illegal migrants are over.”
The interior minister also described NGO rescue boats as “smugglers’ deputies” for their role in bringing migrants to safety.
Writing in Italy’s Corriere della Sera newspaper, Soros said that the strong showing of the League, Italy’s largest rightwing party, could partly be attributed to “Europe’s flawed migration policies that imposed an unfair burden on Italy”.
He said that if the EU wanted to “constructively influence” the next elections, which he believes may be sooner rather than later due to the “uneasy” alliance between the coalition partners, it must address that burden.
Soros warned: “There is a strong inclination in Europe to use the occasion [of the new government] to teach Italy a lesson … If the EU follows this line, it will dig its own grave by provoking a negative response from the Italian electorate, which would then re-elect Movimento 5 Stelle and Lega Nord with an increased majority.”
More here.
How about if George Soros took his nose out of elections in other peoples’ countries! (And, Trump should be figuring out how to clip Soros’ wings here too with a lesson from Orban!)
See my complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive. When I first started writing about the invasion nearly 10 years ago, I did not foresee that the political winds would shift as they have. Maybe there is hope yet for some of Europe, and for Western Civilization!