You may have noticed that I generally don’t write on Saturdays, but have a couple of comments I need to respond to….
First, I have had requests again about donations for my work (I assume from new readers who haven’t seen my previous discussions about the issue).
I did for awhile have a paypal button here at RRW, but took it down when paypal began to be selective about who could and who could not use paypal based on the website’s political views. I think they have since reversed themselves on that wrong-headed business practice, but I never put the button back.
In a week, RRW will be eleven years old and my work has been my charitable gift to the country!
That said, occasionally people have sent me checks with small gifts to my Post Office box (address in lefthand side bar) and I am very appreciative of that thoughtfulness because I know it is a show of support and thanks for my work.
Charitable work=freedom!
One of the great advantages of doing what I do—working for no one, for free—is that I can post pretty much whatever moves me when I get up each morning!
As you may have noticed there are certain topics I’m passionate about and am very aware that repetition is needed in order for readers to absorb a particular point. So from time to time, as a faithful reader, you may say, why am I hearing this again? It is for that reason—repetition matters—and for the fact that every day new people show up here who haven’t been here for eleven years, or eleven days!
But, some things bore me! One, is this issue of the mostly unaccompanied alien children. I wrote extensively about the subject during the Obama years (2014 and 2015 were particularly critical years) and I told readers till I was blue in the face that in addition to federal childcare contractors like Southwest Key, Catholic Charities and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service were also in the business of housing the ‘children’ as they received lucrative government contracts. And, now I am annoyed to see the same issue cropping up and everyone acting surprised!
A few more years….
….and I will be done! If by 2020, immigration isn’t under control here and in Europe, we are all done.
Thanks as always for continuing to follow my work here at Refugee Resettlement Watch!
For previous messages from me, see my ‘blogging’ category here.