NYT Trumpets! US Catholic Bishops Choose Hispanic Immigrant Leader

The New York Times treats us to an unnecessarily lengthy piece about the internal political machinations inside the US Catholic Church.

Archbishop Gomez the NYT says, “…created wallet-size cards for undocumented immigrants with instructions for what to do if they are approached by immigration officers.”  Did they pay for those on the taxpayers’ dime?

It seems there is a major split—do they put the immigration issue above or below their anti-abortion stance?  Some do, some don’t.

Do I care about their internal politics as they try to figure out how political they have been and how political they will be going forward?


The only thing that troubles me about their latest political soul-searching and their choice of a Hispanic head honcho for the US Bishops is one thing!

We taxpayers are paying for their religious ‘good works.’ 

We pay so they can beat their chests and tell the world they care about the poor and the downtrodden (as long as those poor people are immigrants to this cold-hearted Trump-America).

Here is the story, you can read it yourself remembering that you are a primary (involuntary!) funder of their “migration” operation (h/t: Julia):

Not one single word about the $ Millions the Bishops suck out of the US Treasury every year!

Does the NYT even know about it, or is the venerable paper keeping that information from you?

In any case, no mention, so therefore no questions about how that money dictates their position on government policy.

And, no questions about whether we should be paying for their upkeep.

One last thing: The NYT says that fewer Hispanics are now Catholics, hmmm!

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2 thoughts on “NYT Trumpets! US Catholic Bishops Choose Hispanic Immigrant Leader

  1. This goes a long way to explain the disgusting excerpt from the US Conference of Catholic Bishops pastoral letter that appeared in my church bulletin recently.

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