Desperate to separate men from boys, Germany now pushing forward with new age test for asylum seekers

The news is in the science magazine Nature (thanks to reader James for sending it).

And, why are they getting desperate?  Being registered as an asylum seeker under the age of 18 is a ticket to the good times in Europe and in the US!  The great flood of “unaccompanied minors” across the world, many of whom are grown men claiming to be teens, is one of the greatest scams being perpetrated on ‘welcoming’ countries such as Germany.

But horrible murder cases, where the victim is a German woman (young or old!), has caused the heretofore complacent Germans to get out of their comfort zones and into the streets.

abdul D
Just this week Abdul D was sentenced to only 8 and 1/2 years in prison for the brutal murder of his German girlfriend Mia. When he entered Germany in 2016 he claimed asylum as a 14-year-old!  Vlad Tepes blog has the whole sad story here:

Here is a bit of what Nature says:

European scientists seek ‘epigenetic clock’ to determine age of refugees

When local authorities in Hildesheim, Germany, didn’t believe an asylum seeker who claimed to be under 18 years old — and thus eligible for privileged treatment — police turned to a blood-based age test sold by a California company.

The test, offered by Zymo Research in Irvine, uses chemical modifications to DNA that accrue over a lifetime, called an ‘epigenetic clock’, to determine a person’s age. Forensic scientists — aware of its potential benefits but also of its current lack of precision — sounded an alarm.

In a paper published online1 in May, a team led by forensic-medicine specialist Stefanie Ritz-Timme of the University of Dusseldorf in Germany said that these tests were not ready for use in sensitive forensic evaluations.

But now, in the charged political atmosphere that has accompanied the arrival of millions of refugees to Europe, forensic scientists across the continent are joining forces to improve epigenetic-clock-based tests — with a focus on whether they might be used to help determine the age of refugees whose claims to be under 18 are disputed.

They hope that, with time, such tests could replace existing methods, which assess the maturity of bones or teeth to determine an individual’s age but are imprecise, and can be controversial.

“The race is now on to develop a more accurate clock that would be more predictive than the anatomical tests — and also more practical for use in forensic science,” says cell biologist Wolfgang Wagner at the University of Aachen, Germany. He has teamed up with other German forensic scientists to overcome these challenges, not only for the test’s use on refugees, but also for other forensic uses.

A call for sensitivity (really!)

Mia is dead
Mia is dead and they are calling for sensitivity toward suspected liars?

The development of scientific methods that could feed into decisions about who is granted asylum and how refugees are treated are likely to elicit criticism, says Denise Syndercombe-Court, a forensic geneticist at King’s College London. She says that some scientists, herself included, are wary of these efforts.

But Niels Morling, a forensic geneticist at the University of Copenhagen who is running a national epigenetic-clock programme, defends the development of tests that are more accurate. Given that the law treats those under 18 very differently from adults, he says, then “you have a duty to make sure that it can be implemented fairly”.


Since 2014, Europe has received around 4 million refugees, many of whom arrived without identity documents. More than 1.5 million refugees have sought asylum in Germany, around one-third of whom are registered as minors. In Europe, minor status usually leads to better care and an increased chance of being granted asylum. Minors also have a higher chance than adults of gaining permission for family members to join them. And, if convicted of a crime, people under 18 usually receive shorter sentences — served in special prisons for juveniles.

Much more here.

I sure do hope we are using this test in America!

Go here for my complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ files.

Invasion of Europe news: Spain orders deportations of African migrants


That was fast!  It only took a few months for a WELCOMING Socialist government to learn that you simply can’t have open borders.

It was only in June that we reported Spain’s foolish (virtue-signalling) move to invite the Aquarius migrant transport ship to drop off 600 MORE illegal aliens.

My, my, times have changed….

This news is at Voice of America, generally a pretty squishy media outlet when it comes to the issue of immigration, but this story is pretty hard-hitting.


spanish territory border jumpers
Here we come! The New Europeans!

Continue reading “Invasion of Europe news: Spain orders deportations of African migrants”

13 more of Australia’s rejected asylum seekers are headed to Yourtown, USA

And, many have mental challenges after five years of all-male detention on Manus Island says refugee activist. Oh joy!

Manus Island refugees
Some of these single men who have been in detention for five years will soon be free in your American neighborhood!

Of course we are not told where the 13 (probably all Muslims) are going to be placed in America.

Just when I had been thinking that maybe the Trump Administration was quietly forgetting about the Obama “dumb deal” with Australia, here comes the news from Radio New Zealand:


13 Manus refugees flown to the US for resettlement

Continue reading “13 more of Australia’s rejected asylum seekers are headed to Yourtown, USA”

German publication asks: When should the media report on murders committed by refugees?

That is a very interesting question.

Short answer: Always!

However, apparently the mainstream media in Germany has a really hard time with it!

German media isn’t alone! The Left-leaning media here in the US has for the last decade failed to report on some really horrible refugee crime stories I believe out of willful blindness—reports of refugees committing violent crime simply don’t fit their world view!

Just the word refugee is supposed to make people melt with love and be more willing to invite them in as neighbors!

Esar Met evil face

Case in point!

When Esar Met, a Burmese Rohingya refugee, raped and murdered a little Christian girl in Salt Lake City, only the major paper in Utah covered the horrific details and long trial.  The story never made it out of Utah.

(In 2014 Met was sentenced to life in prison, see here.)

Now here is The Local (Germany) with a hand-wringing report on the question.

Do we report the crime and fire up the xenophobes and racists? Or downplay the crime so as not to interfere with the warm and fuzzy meme about refugees that Mama Merkel and company are promoting?

When should the media report on murders by refugees?

Continue reading “German publication asks: When should the media report on murders committed by refugees?”

Canadians apparently not as ‘welcoming’ as their Prime Minister

Shortly after President Trump announced his travel ban, you will remember that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told the world in a tweet that they would be welcome in Canada.


trudeau tweet


Well, Canada’s welcome is wearing thin and here is one more story, this time in the Wall Street Journal telling us that the public opinion tide has turned on Trudeau.

Although the article (hat tip: Cathy) is focused on the asylum seekers coming across their border with the US, I am sure that the 52,000+ Syrian refugees they admitted in less than three years had already strained Canada’s ability to provide shelter and welfare for that many needy people.

Continue reading “Canadians apparently not as ‘welcoming’ as their Prime Minister”