And, many have mental challenges after five years of all-male detention on Manus Island says refugee activist. Oh joy!

Of course we are not told where the 13 (probably all Muslims) are going to be placed in America.
Just when I had been thinking that maybe the Trump Administration was quietly forgetting about the Obama “dumb deal” with Australia, here comes the news from Radio New Zealand:
13 Manus refugees flown to the US for resettlement
Thirteen Manus Island refugees flew out of the Papua New Guinea capital of Port Moresby yesterday to be resettled in the United States.
Two members of the group are Pakistanis, two are Tamils, five are Afghans and four come from Myanmar. [The last are probably Rohingya—ed]
The refugee advocate Ian Rintoul said some of them had been waiting in Port Moresby since December.

Mr Rintoul said more than forty refugees are still in Port Moresby waiting for resettlement.
He said 22 Manus Island refugees received notifications from the US resettlement agency last week but 16 were rejected, including all Iranians, Somalis and Sudanese.
Meanwhile, levels of mental distress are increasing on Manus Island.
An Iraqi refugee recently doused himself with petrol in the East Lorengau Transit centre but was preventing from setting himself alight by other refugees
“For this refugee, there is a very immediate need to get him off Manus, so he can get the help he needs to recover from five years of hopelessness,” Mr Rintoul said.
For the whole history of Obama’s extraordinarily “dumb deal” that was honored by incoming President Donald Trump, click here.
The US has no responsibility to resettle as refugees illegal aliens seeking asylum in a perfectly safe country—this was Australia’s problem, not ours!
Are we going to be taking some of Italy’s, or Germany’s or Spain’s illegal migrants next?
Oh wait, we are already taking Malta’s problems and have been for at least ten years! Why?