Here they come! If you have never read Camp of the Saints, you should!
Lack of Jobs in Africa Could Spark Massive Migration to Europe
The economies of the developing world cannot keep pace with an increase in population, meaning millions of people from Africa will likely migrate to Europe, a new report has found.
The report, from the Geneva-based International Labour Organisation (ILO), states that the economies of developing nations in Arica, Asia, and South America cannot keep pace with the number of young people entering the workforce. The result, especially in Africa, will mean that many are ready to migrate and look for jobs elsewhere – and their main target will likely be Europe Die Welt reports.
Don’t get these economic migrants confused with legitimate refugees. They are not, but the open borders movement is going to call them all refugees/asylum seekers!
Economists expect that the number of unemployed in African states will skyrocket, as the slow growth of African economies may only produce a few hundred thousand jobs over the next year. By contrast, the ILO expects there to be millions of young people entering the job market across the African continent.
More here.
The only hope for Europe (and it may be too late) is for countries like France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands to elect leaders who are nationalists!
See all of our ‘Invasion of Europe news’ by clicking here. Curious to see when I wrote my first post about the invasion, and I think it wasthis one in 2011.
Invasion of Europe news…… Update:See how a German teen outsmarts a would-be ‘refugee’ rapist. Sort of related to this story, but I had such a good laugh I wanted to share it right away. Click here.
We need to be paying more attention to the International Organization for Migration (IOM)which previously, although funded with government funds, was a separate organization from the United Nations. It became part of the UN just last year (see here). The US funds a large chunk of IOM, but I have never seriously looked in to how much. This is IOM’s own photo—beware ‘robust’ young men carrying blue and white bags!
Here we learn that they are happy to spread 10,000 of the illegal aliens who arrived in Greece and Italy throughout Europe. The largest numbers were moved to France, the Netherlands and Germany!
But they are not satisfied with 10,000, they hope to move another 106,000 in the next two years!
What is not clear is if those seeded throughout Europe have even had their asylum claims processed! So, is it up to the receiving countries to accommodate them and determine if they are legitimate refugees? If they aren’t legit refugees, then must that country try to deport them?
Belgium – Over 10,000 asylum seekers have now been relocated from Greece and Italy to other European Union (EU) member states through the EU relocation programme, according to IOM, which is facilitating the operation.
This week, 168 people left Greece for Estonia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Norway and Portugal. Another 81 people were relocated from Italy to Spain. This brings the total number of people relocated under the scheme to 10,189 since its launch in October 2015.
While IOM welcomes the 10,000 milestone and continuing efforts to relocate eligible asylum seekers, it acknowledges that this number is far too low and is calling for a robust push to meet the goals of the two-year programme – the provision of 106,000 places in other EU member states. [They love the word ‘robust,’ look for it in almost any warm and fuzzy story about refugees.—ed]
France (2,702), the Netherlands (1,216) and Germany (1,099) have received the most asylum seekers to date under the scheme.
As of 31 December 2016, Syrians comprised the majority of EU relocation beneficiaries (58 percent), followed by Eritreans (27 percent), Iraqis (12 percent) and other nationalities (3 percent).
Women accounted for 39 percent of those relocated…
I just love it when they think they are so clever by mentioning the number of women. Does this mean that 61% are males? And, btw, dumb choice of photo for their press release!
For our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive,click here. I warn you it is huge as we have been reporting on the slow death of western Europe for years.
Expect to see a spike around the time when Trump takes office until refugees get a sense of the direction in which the new president may take immigration policy.
(Canadian Immigration lawyer Bashir Khan)
Readers might want to first check out a post from a few days ago where we reported that ‘refugees’ from Ghana were found freezing after a long walk across the US/Manitoba border, click here. For new readers, just a reminder, we have a Canada category, here, with 186 previous posts going back nearly 10 years.
Canadian immigration lawyers are saying there is an increase in the number of mostly Somalis leaving the US and heading north and they predict that when Trump is inaugurated (in 9 days) the numbers will tick up even higher. What concerned me most about this news is that if these Somalis were legally admitted to the US, they have nothing to fear. Why bother risking their lives traveling to Canada? So, that can only mean that they were in the US illegally and were possibly waiting on asylum claims to be processed and simply disappeared. How many more illegal Somalis are wandering around America? Editor: I had previously posted a photo here that I now believe came from a fake news site. I apologize and have removed it.
From CBC Manitoba (hat tip: Joanne). Emphasis is mine:
The number of asylum seekers crossing the Canada-U.S. border into Manitoba on foot instead of through official ports of entry has risen fivefold in the past three years. [Keep in mind that the numbers were going up before Trump even came on the scene!—ed]
In the 2013-2014 fiscal year, 68 people illegally crossed the international border near the small, southern Manitoba community of Emerson and claimed refugee status, according to the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). That jumped to 340 in 2015-2016.
This fiscal year’s numbers have already surpassed that, with 410 asylum seekers making the journey between April and December 2016.
Emerson is just north of the United States border at the point where the province of Manitoba and states of Minnesota and North Dakota meet.,_Manitoba
According to Jacquie Callin, a CBSA spokeswoman, most of those crossing near Emerson are from Somalia, which has been wracked by civil war and political instability since the overthrow of military dictator Siad Barre in 1991.
Canada has the reputation of being a land of liberty and appeals to the unprecedented number of refugees displaced by the world’s various conflicts and crises, said immigration lawyer Bashir Khan. [Business must be booming for Mr. Khan!—ed]
CBSA reports 119 asylum seekers came to Manitoba in the coldest winter months between December 2015 and March 2016 without passing through a port of entry or border checkpoint.
Pay attention to this next line! Legitimate asylum seekers are to ask for asylum in the country in which they first arrive. If this international understanding was enforced everywhere then many of the problems the world is experiencing with migrants would be solved. Instead migrants now believe they can wander around the world looking for the best deal! It is called asylum shopping.
Under the Canada-U.S. Safe Third Country Agreement signed in 2002, individuals must seek asylum in the country in which they first arrive, with a few exceptions. For instance, if a Somali refugee who arrived in the United States presented themselves at the Canadian border seeking asylum, they would be sent back to the U.S. unless they had family in Canada. [But were the illegal border-crossers sent back, there is no mention!—ed]
People entering the country without visas or proper immigration papers have been spotted walking through fields and gravel roads near the border in Emerson, whose southern boundary borders the states of North Dakota and Minnesota.
RCMP D Division patrols 520 kilometres of the Canada-U.S. border, the world’s longest undefended border.When officers find a person trying to illegally cross, they bring them to the nearest port of entry to be assessed by a CBSA official.
If there’s no admissibility concerns and the person’s refugee claim is legitimate, they are released and a date is set for the claim to be heard. [How many ever show up?—ed]
Khan said he expects to see a spike around the time when Trump takes office until refugees get a sense of the direction in which the new president may take immigration policy.
LOL! I bet some of you are wondering if you could hire buses to take loads to the border of Justin Trudeau’s ‘welcoming’ Canada.
Rep. Brian Babin called the Australia deal, where we would take ‘refugees’ who failed in their asylum claims to Australia, and place them instead into your American towns, “madness.”
If you don’t know what deal I’m talking about, click here.
From The Sydney Morning Herald(hat tip: Richard at Blue Ridge Forum):
Donald Trump “will do everything in his power” to halt the refugee deal between Australia and the US, according to a hardline Texan congressman who is confident no resettlements will ever take place from Manus Island or Nauru.
More than two months after the agreement between outgoing President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull was announced, slow progress on applications and lengthy security vetting by the US Department of Homeland Security is raising fear among those held in the Australian offshore immigration detention centres, ahead of Mr Trump’s inauguration on January 20.
More here.
By the way, it was this news that sent me to the ‘Processing Country’ maps that I wrote about earlier to see if we processed anyone in from Australia lately. I didn’t see any.
Editor: It has been another frustrating day with computer problems, so won’t get everything posted in between internet outages that I hoped for today, and if you don’t hear from me, you know why!
I did want to get this very fishy story up as quickly as I can, so am hustling before I lose internet again. Before you read on, know that Ghana is a relatively prosperous majority Christian country in Africa. According to wikipedia it is about 17% Muslim. We take only a tiny number as regular refugees from Ghana (and that would be because it is a functioning country!). That said, if a Muslim claims he is gay (as this guy does), he is a shoe-in for asylum in the US, yet he says he was turned down.
So if he was in detention and denied asylum in America how was he loose to cross the US/Canadian border? Maybe Donald Trump needs to be thinking about our northern border with Canada. We might not care who leaves, but those coming in that way should be stopped and returned to ‘welcoming’ Canada! (A reader tells us that this map we used is missing part of Michigan, sorry about that!) And, where did he get the money for his extensive travel odyssey?
Here is the story at the Grand Forks Herald(Hat tip: Joanne). BTW, the headline says he crossed from Minnesota, but the story text says North Dakota.
WINNIPEG—We’ve seen the desperation of refugees risking their lives crossing the Mediterranean Sea to get to Europe, but we haven’t seen any risking their lives crossing the frozen prairie to get to Canada—until now.
On Dec. 24, Seidu Mohammad nearly froze to death walking from North Dakota toward the Canadian border at Emerson, Man.
The man from Ghana spent more than seven hours walking outside and expects to lose most of his fingers.
Mohammad said a fellow refugee claimant from Ghana with him was taken to hospital in Morris, Man., with less severe injuries.
They walked through deep snow to avoid alerting U.S. officials and reach the Canada Border Services Agency at Emerson, he said. “It was up to my hips.”
What kept them going was knowing that if they gave up before getting to Canada, they would be taken to a detention facility in the United States, then be deported to Ghana.
Refugee admissions ticket par excellence!
“I can’t go back,” Mohammad said. He had to flee Ghana because of his sexual orientation, he said.
They knew that if they managed to get to the Canadian border, they could file a refugee claim and make their case before the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. Canada’s immigration system is seen by human rights advocates and lawyers as more fair and thorough than that in the U.S. [So are human rights activists advising people like Mohammad, and coaching them on stories about being gay?—ed]
The US supposedly denied his claims. What? They didn’t believe he was gay?
Their refugee claims were dismissed, as most are.
I’ve written previously about these world traveling phony refugees who seem to have the funds to travel for months across the world, but don’t stop in the first safe country and apply for asylum which is how asylum is supposed to work if one is a legitimate refugee!
For Mohammad—who left his home in Ghana in 2015 and spent six months on planes, boats and buses to get to the U.S. before hoofing it into Canada—the perilous journey was worth life and limb.
More here.
When I was in North Dakota this past summer, I learned that locals do report Somalis coming in from Canada over the ND/Canadian border.