Austria joins Hungary in warning of the end of the EU if migrant crisis continues…..

…..and there is absolutely no sign of the flow ending (predictions are that it will increase as the spring advances).

Invasion of Europe News!

All along, Austria had appeared to side with the “welcoming” Angela Merkel of Germany, but it looks like that relationship has frayed with Austria and Hungary warning of the death of the EU. (LOL! Worrying about the EU? I’m thinking they better worry about the death of each of their countries and clearly Orban is!)

Viktor Orban
The Donald Trump of Europe, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban: Migrant quota would ‘redraw Europe’s ethnic, cultural and religious identity.’

From the Daily Mail:

Austria warned yesterday that reducing the record influx of migrants was a ‘question of survival’ for the European Union.
Vienna has come under fire from Germany and Greece for imposing daily limits on the number of migrants that can apply for asylum or pass through to other countries.

It hosted a summit yesterday with ministers from nine countries along the west Balkans route used by migrants travelling from Greece towards northern Europe.

‘We have to reduce the influx now. This is a question of survival for the EU,’ Austrian interior minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner said after the talks. Austria believes measures are necessary because the EU has failed to get off the ground any effective common response to the continent’s biggest refugee crisis since 1945.


Hungary’s prime minister yesterday called a referendum on whether his country would accept an EU plan to share out refugees that he warned would ‘redraw Europe’s ethnic, cultural and religious identity’.


Mr Orban said yesterday: ‘We cannot make above the heads of people, against the wishes of European people, decisions that seriously change their lives, and the lives of future generations. The quota could redraw Europe’s ethnic, cultural and religious identity. Neither Brussels nor any other European body is authorised to do that.’

Continue reading here.
And be sure to see my favorite interactive map by clicking here.  Note that migrants enter Greece from Turkey and move northward every day and this map does not show those coming across the Mediterranean from North Africa (where Obama and Hillary helped create another failed state—Libya).
Yesterday no migrants entered Austria, but slide the little courser back and you will see how many thousands entered the country earlier this month.
Over 110,000 migrants have entered Europe in 2016 alone, here.  Millions more on the way.
Our lengthy archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ is here.  It extends back many years because Europe at one point had plenty of time to stop the boats and safely return them to where they were launched, but leaders lacked the will to send a tough message and now, frankly, it is too late!

Invasion of Europe 2016 off to a quick start!

Below is a map posted at the website for the International Organization on Migration (IOM) that tells us (that less than 8 weeks into 2016) over 100,000 migrants have reached Europe (and this is still winter!).
We don’t talk about it often, but you should know that the IOM is also a US federal contractor and prepares refugees for their trip to America among other things.
Notice that the vast majority of illegal migrants are coming through Turkey to Greece, so does that mean Turkey is behind the invasion of Europe?  I think you can say that!
map arrivals Europe 2016
More here!
Be sure to check my favorite map, the interactive one, that tells us how many are coming each day and how they are spreading out throughout Europe.
For our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive, click here.
For new readers:  You might find it informative to visit our category ‘where to find information’ (over 400 posts, but just scroll through the titles).

Surprise! 'Refugees' not liking life in Finland headed home to Iraq by the thousands, kiss the ground

Invasion of Europe news…..
This news strikes me as a possible partial solution to the European migrant crisis—make the asylum process difficult and offer charter flights home.
In fact, a smart legislator in America should introduce a bill that would set up a ‘Repatriation Fund’ to pay refugees (and illegal aliens) air fare home.  I would even throw in a little starter money when they promise not to come back!  Learn about this idea from a guest comment, here.  Over the years we have heard from (and about) refugees to America who are very unhappy (disillusioned!), but have no resources to get home.
I am convinced that a Repatriation Fund would be cheaper for the American taxpayer than paying out all of the welfare, healthcare, and education costs of the migrants!

kissing the ground
Iraqis kissing the ground (the floor) at the airport in Baghdad. Home!

Here is the news from Thursday (I missed a lot of news this week, so am trying to catch up!) at the UK Daily Mail:

Iraqi refugees who left Finland voluntarily due to chilly weather conditions have been pictured kissing the ground in joyous scenes upon their return to Baghdad.

Thousands of the migrants who left Finland arrived back in the Iraqi capital today and were pictured greeting loved ones and celebrating their return home.

They had originally fled to Finland only to become disappointed with life in the frosty Scandinavian country.

Photographs taken of their arrival in Baghdad showed some crying with relief at being reunited with loved ones, while others kissed the floor of the airport after touching down.

Europe is in the grip of its worst migrant crisis since the Second World War, with more than a million people arriving last year having fled wars and poverty in the Middle East and Africa.

Although Germany and Sweden have taken in many of the migrants, Finland too saw its number of asylum seekers increase nearly tenfold in 2015 to 32,500 from 3,600 in 2014.

Almost two thirds of these were young Iraqi men, but some changed their mind and returned after Finland chartered flights to Baghdad.

Officials said about 4,100 asylum seekers had so far cancelled their applications and that number was likely to reach 5,000 in the coming months.

So much more and lots of photos here.
See our complete Invasion of Europe archive here.  And, more on Finland here.  See also news on a Finnish police report that warns of security problems ahead in Finland esp. as asylum seekers are coming from competing Islamic sects.

Pope's publicity stunt at Texas border timed to influence US election

Make no mistake, Pope Francis is interjecting himself into the 2016 Presidential election by walking with illegal aliens on the Mexican side of the border who want to get into the US.
This is a direct assault by the Catholic Church on Donald Trump and any other Republicans (including the Governor of Texas) who say they want to close the US border with Mexico.
How dare he!
From the Dallas Morning News about his walk with migrants he calls refugees.
They are not refugees! People escaping poverty or crime are not legally refugees, but the Pope and the NO Borders Left are purposefully confusing the terminology.  They want all migrants-on-the-move to be called REFUGEES who are then entitled to protection and welfare.

pope lampedusa
I’m never going to let readers forget that when the Pope went to the Italian island of Lampedusa in 2013 to “welcome” the illegal aliens coming from the Middle East and North Africa, he gave permission for the invasion of Europe. How dare he do the same here in a Presidential election year!

In his first speech to the church hierarchy over the weekend in Mexico City, Francis wasted little time in addressing the plight of migrants. “So many families are separated,” he said, “and integration into the supposedly ‘promised land’ is not always as easy as some believe.”

From the beginning of his pontificate, Francis, himself the son of immigrants, has made the treatment of migrants and refugees worldwide a priority. His first travel outside Rome was to the Italian island of Lampedusa, where boatloads of asylum-seekers from the Middle East and Africa had been landing.

Catholic officials have said the pope’s original plan was to cross the U.S.-Mexico border during his visit as a symbolic gesture of unity, but security and logistical barriers put an end to that idea. U.S. authorities were fearful that such a move would bring an onslaught of people across the border.

The closest Francis will get to the United States is about 50 yards from El Paso.

Across the river and through the fences, a limited group of “Francis VIPs,” including unauthorized immigrants seeking asylum in the United States, will assemble along the border and await the pope’s blessing.

Continue reading here.
Since the Pope won’t do it, it is up to you, American patriots, to keep reminding your friends and neighbors that the Catholic Church in America receives millions of your tax dollars to resettle refugees (including tens of thousands of Muslims), to take care of the Unaccompanied Alien Children, to harbor illegal aliens and to lobby for more migrants and more money (for themselves)!

Germany: 'welcoming' churches getting shaky over the migrant invasion

Invasion of Europe news….
When do the numbers get so high that even the religious do-gooders start to worry?  I guess we are seeing their limit now after a million migrants have invaded Germany.

How many is too many?

Amazing how those sex attacks on New Years Eve outside the famous Cathedral in Cologne have shifted public opinion in Germany.

Next time you get into an argument with an Open Borders ‘humanitarian’ here in America (or anywhere actually) ask them what is their limit.  What is the number that would be too many for even them?  I bet you get a deer-in-the-headlights look!  If they say there should be no limits and no borders you know you are dealing with an anarchist and not a humanitarian!
So now we are beginning to see the extent of the German “welcome.”  They are coming to their senses, but of course the big question is:  Is it too late?
We told you about the German Catholic Bishop (Marx) here recently, now the Lutherans are getting worried.
From Religion News Service:

PARIS (RNS) Germany’s Christian churches, long the most positive voices greeting waves of Middle Eastern refugees pouring into the country in recent months, have begun to admit the need to limit the flow now that public opinion towards the newcomers has turned from welcoming to wary.

Catholic and Protestant church leaders fully backed Chancellor Angela Merkel’s original open-door policy announced on Sept. 4, framing it as wealthy Germany’s Christian duty to offer refuge to all Syrians and others fleeing civil war in their home countries.

They continued preaching this through Christmas and New Year, saying Germany could not set an upper limit to its hospitality, even though Merkel gave in to rising criticism and falling poll ratings in mid-December to say that she would “noticeably reduce the number of refugees.”

Then came the New Years Eve sex attacks.

After a few weeks’ delay, the heads of both the Catholic and Protestant churches have shifted their focus and begun to speak about controlling the number of arrivals.


Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, Bavaria’s Lutheran bishop and head of the Evangelical Church in Germany, said it was “clear that we have to want” a reduction in refugees. He warned against debates about which immigration policy was more moral.

It is unclear to me what Bedford-Strohm means here about not debating the morality of immigration policy, but maybe he is getting at the idea of reality (German practicality!) trumping humanitarian zeal.
See our entire ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here, and go here for much much more on dear old Deutschland.