Sicily: Elderly couple murdered by African refugee; some locals take revenge

You’ve probably seen the news of the grisly murders of an elderly husband and wife on Sicily.  The wife, 70 years old, is believed to have been sexually assaulted before being thrown off a balcony to her death.  This is an update.

Sicily murdered
I don’t think we even have to say ‘alleged’ murderer in this case. Mamadou Kamara was wearing clothes he stole from the victims and had his own bloody trousers in his possession .

The refugee, Mamadou Kamara, from the Ivory Coast had arrived in Italy on one of the many migrant boats invading Europe from Libya (too bad his boat was one of the successful ones).  Don’t forget, Ms. Hillary played a role in destabilizing Libya.
Seems the latest news is that several Sicilian youths have been arrested for ruffing up some other African refugees in what is being described as retribution.
From International Business Times.

The murdered couple’s daughter pointedly told politicians to stay away from the funeral.

Two migrants have been assaulted and robbed by a gang of Sicilian youths in what police fear is a retribution attack for the murder of two pensioners, allegedly at the hands of a would-be refugee, in the small town of Palagonia.

Tensions have soared in the small farming community, located near Catania, after 18-year-old Ivorian Mamadou Kamara, who was staying at the nearby Mineo reception camp for migrants, was arrested over the murder of Vincenzo Solano, 68, and his wife Mercedes Ibanez, 70.

Hundreds of people flocked a local church for the funerals of the couple, who police believe were killed during a robbery gone wrong. Kamara is accused of slashing Solano’s throat before throwing Ibanez to her death from a balcony. Police said an initial forensics examination suggest she was also sexually abused.

Ivory coast
Not just Syrians swarming Europe. Killer is from the Ivory Coast.

Detectives were quick in arresting Kamara, who arrived in Italy on a boat from Libya in June and asked for asylum. Evidence against him appears crushing. He was stopped during a routine control at the Cara Mineo a former US military base immersed in orange groves turned into Europe’s largest migrant holding camp, hosting 3,200 people from Eritrea, Sudan, Nigeria, Gambia, Liberia, Afghanistan, Syria, Pakistan and elsewhere.

A search of his bag revealed a video camera, a mobile phone, a PC, a gold chain and other goods all belonging to the murdered couple. The bag also contained a pair of blood-stained trousers, which Kamara sported in pictures retrieved by his mobile phone. At the time of the arrest he was wearing clothes taken from the victims’ wardrobe.

Kamara denies the accusations, claiming he found the bag abandoned in a garbage can off a street.

Solano’s daughter, Rosita, a 46-year-old school teacher, said she blames the government for the murder. “They let these migrants come here and they do what they want, including burgling and killing,” she said, adding that politicians were not welcome at the funerals.

Continue reading here.
So now Italy gets to keep this killer in prison for the rest of his life at taxpayer expense?  (I doubt they have the death penalty in Italy.)
See all of our posts archived in our ‘Invasion of Europe’ file by clicking here.

Fighting-age young men dominate "refugee" flow to Europe

The ‘Invasion of Europe’ continues today….
If one judges by the photos, it sure looks like young men are the problem in the flood of supposed refugees from the Middle East swarming into Europe.  A picture is worth a thousand words.  A lot of pictures like those here at the Daily Mail are worth much more!
What sort of men are these?  Instead of running to Mama Merkel for comfort, why aren’t they fighting to save their own countries?
I thought of this post—some Syrians are opportunists—when I saw these photos.
Disgusting in Budapest earlier today:
Budapest train
Budapest train 2
Go here for our complete archive on the invasion.

Trying to reach the welcoming arms of "Mama Merkel," migrants are buying fake Syrian passports

There is so much ‘Invasion of Europe’ news now that I’ll post just those stories that strike my fancy.
First, I would be remiss in not telling you that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is being called “Mama Merkel” by migrants anxious to get to the good life in Germany, see here.  (Psst! Don’t tell Obama, he will be wantin’ some of the lovin’!)

Mama Merkel
“We love you”

Then this is from ABC News (hat tip: Joanne) yesterday.
What a headache Europe has ahead sorting through the tens of thousands of migrants and trying to figure out who fits the definition of refugee (refugees must prove they are PERSECUTED, but Syrians are automatically assumed to be no matter which side of the conflict they are on!).

A number of migrants arriving in Turkey hoping to reach Europe are purchasing fake Syrian passports in order to claim asylum at the end of their journey, the head of the European border management agency Frontex told French radio today.

“There is a traffic of Syrian passports,” Fabrice Leggeri told Europe 1, “because it’s extremely lucrative for smugglers.”

Syrian citizens are legally entitled to refugee status in any European country because of the civil war in their country.

Those using fake passports, Leggeri said, are mainly from North Africa or the Middle East, migrating for economic reasons. But he admitted that authorities do not have a complete picture of those migrating to Europe.

“We have an idea of nationalities but we don’t have full profiles,” Leggeri said.

Asked by the radio host whether terrorists could be reaching Europe, Leggeri said “it is not impossible but we are extremely vigilant.”

For our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ series, go here.  For more on Germany, go here.

'Germany loves refugees' say demonstrators…..

……but the Dutch and the Finns are not so thrilled.  My suggestion: send them all to Germany where we are told 60% of Germans welcome the migrants.

Invasion of Europe news…..

From The Guardian:

Dresden demo
Demonstrators in Dresden on Saturday—come on in! Germany is rich! Photo: The Guardian

Thousands of people took to the streets of the German city of Dresden on Saturday to send a message of welcome to refugees after a string of violent anti-migrant protests in the region.

Led by protesters holding a huge banner that read “Prevent the pogroms of tomorrow today”, the crowds marched peacefully through the eastern city under the watch of police in riot gear.

“Say it loud, say it clear, refugees are welcome here,” they chanted.

Police said 1,000 people took part in the protest, which was called by the Anti-Nazi Alliance, while organisers put the numbers at 5,000.


Public opinion is largely behind her [Chancellor Angela Merkel–ed] with 60% of Germans polled by public broadcaster ZDF saying that Europe’s biggest economy is capable of hosting the asylum seekers.

Maybe Merkel isn’t mad, maybe a majority of Germans are!
Now see what is happening in the Netherlands, here and in Finland here.  Load up the buses and send them to Germany!
BTW, the EU has called an emergency meeting for mid-September to discuss the migrant crisis, here.
Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.

Eastern European leaders say "NO" to Muslim mass migration/colonization

More ‘Invasion of Europe’ news….
Merkel might be going mad, but European leaders in Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic see clearly that Europe is now, right now!, on the edge of being colonized and turned forever into a Muslim-dominated continent.
From the Inquisitor (bracing for the Islamic tide):

“If we make a mistake now, it will be forever!” Viktor Orban, Hungarian Prime Minister

In rejecting the E.U. plan apportioning refugees to member countries under a quota system, Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban described such a move as “mad and unfair.” According to Irish Times, he recently delivered the following warning to his E.U. counterparts.

“A modern mass migration could take place of millions, even tens of millions, and even hundreds of millions. There is no way back from a multicultural Europe. Neither to a Christian Europe, nor to a world of national cultures. If we make a mistake now, it will be forever.”

Hungary’s E.U. neighbor Slovakia has also been hard-pressed to stem the tide of asylum seekers. Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, in addressing the problem earlier this year, was more specific about the Islamic component to the problem. Irish Times quoted him as follows.

“Since Slovakia is a Christian country, we cannot tolerate an influx of three hundred thousand to four hundred thousand Muslim immigrants who would like to start building mosques all over our land and trying to change the nature, culture and values of the state.”

The Czech Republic, Bulgaria, and Poland have likewise been resistant to the idea of accepting more Islamic refugees from the Middle East.

Fox News recently described the U.N. solicitation of host countries to admit refugees from war-torn Middle East and Africa over the next five years as providing a shield for jihadists riding the waves of migrants to Europe. Once absorbed and assimilated by their host country, the Islamic State followers embedded among the refugees would be free to obtain a visa, travel, and carry out their mission of terror.

The article wraps up by reporting that Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders says Europe must turn back the boats as Australia has done.  If only European leaders had followed Tony Abbott’s advice back in April, if only…..
For more on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ which we have been following for a long time, go here.  Some in the West are finally beginning to understand that the future of Western Civilization is being determined right now.