Calais crisis: Illegal migrants say they will continue to swarm the tunnel to get into the UK

Invasion of Europe news……

You have probably seen all of the news this week from Calais, France where illegal aliens who got into Europe elsewhere are piled up looking to get into the UK where they think they will get the most social service benefits.  BTW, legitimate asylum seekers are supposed to ask for asylum in the first safe country in which they arrive.  Asylum shopping is what is happening here.
From the International Business Times:

Calais, France: Africans make a run for the tunnel and the UK. Photo:

After thousands of migrants made repeated attempts to storm the Channel Tunnel that connects the French port of Calais with Britain this week, politicians and newspapers in the country have begun talking tough. Whether British authorities can match the determination of migrants, many of whom have endured dangerous, months-long journeys in their quest to reach England, however, remains uncertain.

Over 3,500 attempts have been made by migrants, many of whom are from countries in Africa, the Middle East and central Asia, to enter the tunnel this week. The deployment of French riot police, armed with pepper spray, dogs and batons, has not succeeded in stopping the attempts, though on Wednesday, the latest day for which data is available, only 300 people were reported to have tried to access the tunnel, down from 1,500 each of the previous two nights.

A Sudanese man died on Wednesday, after being hit by a truck that transports vehicles through the tunnel, French police said, according to Reuters. French media said he was the ninth migrant to be killed in the crisis since early June.

Prime Minister David Cameron warned migrants Thursday that the U.K. was “no safe haven,” for them, adding that illegal immigrants would be removed from the country. Earlier in the week, he described the thousands of migrants gathered in Calais as a “swarm,” prompting angry condemnation from rights groups and opposition politicians.

Continue reading here.
I am continually amazed that our so-called leaders, especially the Republicans, don’t see what is happening in Europe and know that we are headed down the same path.  Do you think that some Romans saw the fall of Rome in advance?
See our complete archive of ‘Invasion of Europe’ posts by clicking here.

Asylum seekers want to go home, say Germany more dangerous than Syria

Invasion of Europe news…..

The caption under this photo at the Daily Mail reads: The lengthy queues reflect the huge influx of migrants coming into the country which is seen to have a ‘soft’ immigration system.

From what the media tells us every day, Syria is one of the most (if not the most) dangerous places in the world.
So, it begs the question: are these really legitimate refugees or economic migrants that are flooding into Germany and welcomed by the German government (but obviously not by the people)?  Really?  They find the “violence” in Germany is worse than ISIS-perpetuated violence in Syria or Iraq?
What does any western government think is going to happen when you push the indigenous population too far?
I have a half a dozen things I could be posting on Germany today, but no time to do it all justice.  The issue of refugees is exploding world wide and I feel pulled in many many directions trying to get the news to you.
So, here is one piece on Germany that you should see today.  Again, I am amazed that the invasion of Germany does not make American TV news anywhere that I’ve seen.  How about you?  Have you seen any coverage other than an occasional big city newspaper report?  Why the silence?
From the Daily Mail (emphasis is mine):

Refugees from war-torn Syria claim racism in Germany has become so extreme they want to go home as a growing anti-Muslim movement sees soaring attacks on foreigners.

The nation has been gripped by a spate of anti-foreigners rallies, violence and arson attacks against refugee homes or would-be shelters as hundreds of thousands seek refuge in the country.

This year has already seen about 200 arson and other attacks against refugee housing while support for anti-Muslim movement, Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West (PEGIDA), has been growing.

The growing tensions between citizens and refugees mean some asylum seekers are so scared of attacks they are considering going home.

Taher arrived in Germany a month ago, risking his life to fleeing the atrocities of war-torn Syria and making the long, difficult journey across the Mediterranean.

But in a shocking admission, the 27-year-old said he had already been attacked by a gang, who piled out of a car and hit him, and has had enough of the xenophobia he has experienced in Germany.

‘I want to return to Syria – very afraid here,’ he said in broken English this week, speaking outside a refugee centre in the small eastern town of Freital, which has gained national notoriety for ugly protests against asylum seekers.

Visit the Daily Mail for more with lots of photos.
Our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ news is archived here.  We have also covered Germany extensively for some time, click here for more on Germany.
And, for all who are wondering why I haven’t reported on the rioting at Calais this week, I just haven’t had time.  So sorry because I know it is important news too.
Update!  LOL! Looks like I’ve been a bad girl according the politically correct ruling class.  I shouldn’t say “invasion,” “economic migrant,” or even “migrant” says the WaPo, here.  I haven’t used the word “swarm” as David Cameron did recently to describe what was happening at Calais, but I’ll remember that for the future.

Denmark criticized for placing ads encouraging refugees to go elsewhere

Invasion of Europe news….

Copenhagen beach
In Denmark, beach goers say they are harassed by Syrian refugees.

Maybe we should be referring to the countries in Europe where the citizens have had it with the invasion by African and Middle Eastern so-called asylum seekers as ‘pockets of resistance’ as well!  For new readers, see our US ‘pockets of resistance’ category here.
One of the things that interests me about all the invasion news coming out of Europe is that rarely does the US media discuss how Europe is literally being overrun by migrants.
Have you even seen much news on Fox about this?  The NYT, I see has a brief AP story about the backlash going on in Germany earlier this week, but most American media says not a word about it.
In Denmark we have a couple of stories that demonstrate the anger of the average Danish citizen. 
Here we learn that girls at a beach are harassed by Syrian refugees:

Denmark: Syrian refugees harassing girls: “They follow after us, when we go home. It’s really scary.”

Then here is another story (hat tip: Maggie) about a homeless senior citizen who says she lost her apartment to refugees.

Meanwhile the Danish government is trying to stop the invaders entering Denmark with an advertisement campaign. 

Not endearing themselves to Danes!

The human rights industrial complex is howling!
From The Local:

“Integration Minister Inger Støjberg has come under considerable criticism from following her announcement last week that the Venstre government plans to run anti-refugee ads in foreign newspapers.

The minister said on Thursday that she is prepared to run advertisements in foreign newspapers that will contain information aimed at deterring refugees from coming to Denmark.

The announcement was made shortly after Jyllands-Posten revealed the contents of a document that human smugglers use to help asylum seekers compare the different levels of benefits in Europe.”

See the news here about the report smugglers are using to tell migrants which countries have the best welfare goodies!
See all of our posts on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ here.   See our many posts on Denmark by clicking here.

Learn more about how communities are chosen to 'welcome' LGBT refugees

rainbow welcome initiativeWe have written on this topic occasionally over the years.  Although the feds never say it, gays are persecuted throughout the Middle East and Africa by adherents of the ‘religion of peace,’ and as we learned just this weekend they are also not given special rights in Obama’s ancestral country of Kenya.
Meanwhile Russian gays are flooding to the US and seeking asylum (see our previous posts here).
It should be no surprise then that the Office of Refugee Resettlement has published guidance on how to decide where to send them in the US.
From CNS News:

( – The Obama administration has introduced homosexual rights policies across federal agencies, including at the Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement website, which links to a guide that rates placement providers and communities on LGBT-friendly services, including having “culturally competent mental health providers” and “LGBT-affirming places of worship.”

The eight-page guide — published by the homosexual refugee advocacy organization Heartland Alliance International in 2013 and entitled the “Rainbow Welcome Initiative” — is designed like a scorecard that allows agencies and service providers to use a point system to rate refugee programs and communities on acceptance of the LGBT lifestyle.

Continue here for more information and to follow links.
See more about ORR’s ‘Rainbow Welcome Initiative’ here.

Pocket of Resistance: Georgia watchdog tells us who is pushing refugee resettlement in the state as fallen hero returns home

We have been telling you about ‘Pockets of Resistance’ building around the country and one of those is in Georgia.  In fact, Georgia was one of three mentioned in that June 2013 Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) meeting I attended in Lancaster, PA when I heard the ORR call areas where citizens were questioning the program “pockets of resistance.”

Skip Wells
Lance Corporal Skip Wells returns home. The photo was very moving and reminded me of the funeral of one of the victims of the USS Cole Islamic terrorist attack who was from my home town. A funeral similar to this one was held for that young sailor at the Antietam National Battlefield in 2000 (11 months before 9/11).

That is also the meeting where I had learned that community organizers Welcoming America’ had been hired with your money to get your minds right on the concept of “seeding” your towns with immigrants.
Here is the latest from Refugee Resettlement Relief (this via an e-mail).  Refugee program responsible for admitting gunman!***

The recent memorial for Sprayberry High School graduate Skip Wells showed that “the budding life of the young man we all loved was senselessly, and abruptly, ended,” as Lt. Commander Dennis Wonders told the crowd Tuesday.



Marine Skip Wells, who graduated 3 years ago from Sprayberry High School in Cobb County, was one of the 5 U.S. service men murdered by a Muslim terrorist. The shooter and the rest of his family were in Tennessee courtesy of the U.S. Refugee Resettlement (RR) Program, the same program that is place here in Georgia and financed by the Georgia General Assembly.

The financing brings in Refugee Resettlement contractors, licensed by the government, and they permanently set up shop in DeKalb They then funnel refugees to DeKalb, Gwinnett, Cobb, and every other county they can find in Georgia. This is the same program that brought the Boston Marathon bombers to the U.S.

Visit Refugee Resettlement Relief for more on who in Georgia is behind the program.  And, follow them on twitter, here.  See an earlier post we wrote on RRR and its leader Joe Newton, here.
*** As we said here, no one so far (that I know of) has actually admitted that the gunman’s family benefited from our UN/US State Department Refugee Resettlement Program or its companion method for entry into the US—the asylum portion of the refugee program. Nevertheless, it is my number-one best guess about how they got in as legal immigrants.

Until some real mainstream investigative reporter has the curiosity to do the research, or someone in the federal government has the spine to tell us how the Abdulazeez family got into the US, I’m going with my best guess—they were political refugees.  Prove me wrong!

This post is archived in our new ‘Pockets of Resistance’ category where we want you, in other pockets, to learn what fellow Americans are doing to expose the refugee program where they live.  You are not alone!