RRW is on facebook and twitter reaching thousands

Once in awhile a reader asks why I’m not on facebook or twitter. I’m on both!

At facebook, RRW has a special facebook page entitled ‘RefugeeInfoResource’ click here. I think you can join without being a formal ‘friend.’

That page has 46,642 likes as of this morning. See my top post there right now:

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You might want to go there and see the comments!

On Twitter, I am @refugeewatcher here: https://twitter.com/RefugeeWatcher

I know it’s small-potatoes to the real experts on twitter, but a couple of days ago I hit 100,000 impressions with over 12.3K followers. LOL! I have more followers than HIAS and LIRS (two multi-million $ federal refugee contractors masquerading as non-profit groups)!

Here are some of my top tweets in the last few weeks:

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(The above are screenshots, so links are not hot.)

Join me on facebook and/or twitter!

RRW weekly roundup for week ending September 15th…

I haven’t posted a weekly roundup for awhile but I am this week so I can tell you for the umpteenth time to exercise your free speech rights while we have them.

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Artwork compliments SPLC

Prompting me to nag you again was the news from Oakland, Iowa I posted here minutes ago.

But, before I get to the nagging part, and since this is a round-up for the week, here are the top three most-read posts of the week (top posts of the last day are in right hand side bar):

Catholic Bishop Dolan says that the USCCB is not after more money when defending DACA kids, I beg to differ

White House could announce refugee ceiling for FY18 this week

Consider the optics Mr. President! Thousands of impoverished people arriving in the US when Americans are homeless

On that second post above, I’m looking for an announcement any hour (or any day). It was expected yesterday.  I’m reserving judgement on Trump until I hear what he decides on the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.

Let the nagging begin….

Come on people, stop being passive news readers!  Find a way to become informed (yes, read the news, but do some research too) and then get that information and your opinions out there through social media, letters-to-the-editor or by writing your own blog.  Believe me, getting your ideas and information out to others is very satisfying!

Or, if it is comfortable for you, put on local informational meetings like the one in Iowa this week.

If you sit in your house alone reading news and stressing over the future of America, you do no one any good (and you hurt yourself!).

The mainstream media is not going to report on certain issues, so you have to do it.

Honestly, the most important thing we must preserve to save America is our freedom of speech, and the more of you fearlessly exercising it, the harder it will be for those trying to kill those rights.

They will call you a few names! Who cares!

Endnote: You can see my facebook feed in the left hand side bar here at RRW, and my twitter feed is in the right hand side bar.  I recommend that you visit RRW from time to time rather than depending on that e-mail notification controlled by wordpress that somehow seems to mysteriously drop people on a regular basis.

It is now or never for President’s decision on US Refugee Admissions Program…

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In the month of September the President, by law, sends a ‘determination‘ to Congress about the size and scope of the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program for the upcoming fiscal year which begins October 1st.

This is the year he could really accomplish something if he suspends the program and forces Congress to review it.

(It won’t happen in 2018 because it’s an election year.)

But, those of you who follow RRW daily are probably sick of hearing about that.

I meant to write an August round-up (hope it was a good summer for you), but got lazy, so am taking a minute here to just thank you all for continuing to follow my work. And, to thank you (I don’t do that enough) for the donations you have sent my way which I take as validation that I’m providing some useful information.

(I took down my pay pal link when they began their purge of websites they are trying to kill—like my friends at VDARE!)

And, thanks too for the books, letters and notes sent to my snail mail address.

I encourage all of you to visit RRW, and not just rely on your e-mail subscription that I gather is increasingly unreliable (wordpress sends it out, not me).

(Over the years, I told people to simply “google” Refugee Resettlement Watch and my blog was at the top because it had been around for so long.  Now, there isn’t a direct link to the blog, lots of other mentions, but not the front page of RRW as ‘google’ works against freedom of thought and expression.)

If you visit RRW, see the Frequently Asked Questions in the header, see my facebook page feed and my twitter feed.  You might wish to click on the categories tab (left hand column) and see the drop-down on subject areas.  Top most read posts in recent days are in the right hand side bar.

There are 8,672 posts (written over 10 years) archived here and the very best way to find information is to use the search window (upper left) with a few key words.

Click here if you want to see past roundups and general information from me about RRW.


Has RRW been “shadow banned” by twitter?

Update August 21: How funny that 30 followers reappeared after I posted this yesterday.  And, thanks to all of you who have shared your similar experiences with me and/or sent tips for the future.

I’ve been wondering lately about why I’m not getting new followers at twitter.  In the past I’ve had days when 100 new followers signed up and I was pushing 12,000 followers (I know it is nothing compared to some, but I was thrilled to be reaching thousands.)

Then about ten days ago, not only did I lose dozens of followers in one day, but that lowered number has been frozen.  (Remember, I am not tech savvy, so I just wondered!)

This morning, after posting my previous post, here, I also posted it at twitter as I post everything I write there, plus I tweet other news and often retweet others. I rarely miss a day.

My feed shows my tweet like this (who decided it was “sensitive?”)



So I simply tweeted this inquiry:

And, here is what one follower said:


Over a week?  I tweeted over 50 times in the last week, plus dozens more retweets.

I didn’t wait for an answer about shadowbanning, but did a quick search and found this great explanation from Breitbart from more than a year ago (by Milo):

Rumours that Twitter has begun ‘shadowbanning’ politically inconvenient users have been confirmed by a source inside the company, who spoke exclusively to Breitbart Tech. His claim was corroborated by a senior editor at a major publisher.

According to the source, Twitter maintains a ‘whitelist’ of favoured Twitter accounts and a ‘blacklist’ of unfavoured accounts. Accounts on the whitelist are prioritised in search results, even if they’re not the most popular among users. Meanwhile, accounts on the blacklist have their posts hidden from both search results and other users’ timelines.

Our source was backed up by a senior editor at a major digital publisher, who told Breitbart that Twitter told him it deliberately whitelists and blacklists users. He added that he was afraid of the site’s power, noting that his tweets could disappear from users’ timelines if he got on the wrong side of the company. [I had often seen tweets disappear from my timeline, but just chalked it up to a tech hiccup!—ed]

Shadowbanning, sometimes known as “Stealth Banning” or “Hell Banning,” is commonly used by online community managers to block content posted by spammers. Instead of banning a user directly (which would alert the spammer to their status, prompting them to create a new account), their content is merely hidden from public view.

For site owners, the ideal shadowban is when a user never realizes he’s been shadowbanned.

Continue here.

Duh! Guess that was me!

If Steve Bannon really wants to go to war, Breitbart should consider creating its own free speech platform before Google, Facebook and Twitter ban those of us with political views different from the progressive leftist views—views those tech giants espouse—from the internet altogether.

I’ve wondered lately if I will have to one day go back to snail mail (in a plain envelope!).

Out of town….

Thanks again SPLC! https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2016/10/27/a-great-honor-splc-names-me-one-of-15-anti-muslim-extremists-in-america/

I’m leaving for a few days vacation, but I want to take this opportunity to tell the new readers especially, that there are thousands of posts archived here at RRW and you can access them by going to the search window (upper left) and typing in a key word or two.

Take some time and explore the links under the header too, be sure to see the Frequently asked questions.

See categories in the lefthand side bar.  In the right hand side bar you can see what the most read posts of the last few days are and you can see my twitter feed.

As I head out of town, here are a couple of important stories you should look at:

~Not hiding it anymore, Iowa pork plant wants Sioux City to be primary refugee resettlement site so as to supply them with cheap low-skilled refugee laborers, here.

~Thomas More Law Center Challenges Court Order by Federal Judge Prohibiting Criticism of Muslims or Islam, here.

~Idaho: Muslim (refugee?) arrested for lewd conduct with 8-year-old child, here.

~Federal government sides with Somali Muslims at Cargill plant, here.

~Canada setting up refugee border camps as Haitians flood out of NY state, here.

Have a good weekend, be back next week!

And, thanks as always for reading RRW!