"I'm the victim" said refugee sentenced for sex crimes in Canada, no one told me I couldn't do this!

Diversity is strength alert!
Here we go again!  Only two weeks ago we had another story *** about a refugee in Canada (a Syrian who beat his wife) blaming Canada for not instructing him on the ways of the west!
Thanks to reader ‘Saltnpepper’ for the story from the Calgary Herald:

Despite describing himself as a victim, a man guilty of child pornography and sexually assaulting minors was handed a 12-year sentence Friday.

Because I couldn’t find a photo of the refugee creep, I got the next best thing—Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau in a lighter moment.

Part of that term includes a conviction for obstructing justice when Tanzirul Alam, through hundreds of phone calls while in the Calgary Remand Centre, convinced one of his victims to lie in court for him.

Alam abused his three underage female victims and the justice system itself, said Court of Queen’s Bench Justice Sandy Park.


The man was convicted of 17 offences involving the girls, ages 14 and 15, including sexual assault, sexual contact with a person under 16, luring, making and transmitting child pornography and obstruction.

His victims were lured on the Internet, which soon led to sexual acts that were recorded on video, some of the images being shared on the Internet.


In a nearly 20-minute statement to the court, Alam, 29, insisted his difficult upbringing in Bangladesh, which included being tortured by Al-Qaeda-linked terrorists, contributed to his offences in Canada.

He said the Canadian government does a poor job in educating newcomers like him to the country’s legal realities and predicted more refugees would be committing similar offences.

One of the (naive) mothers of the abused girls said she hopes he will get mental health treatment in prison so he won’t hurt anyone when he gets out to live among Canadians.  No mention of deportation.
Wonder what the price tag is for Canadian taxpayers to feed him halal food and take good care of him for years to come!
By the way, good question—why aren’t Canadians (Germans, Swedes, Americans) telling their darlings how they must behave after being granted a good life (at taxpayer expense!) in the west?
*** Yes, we have stories too! The Left loves to tell their warm and fuzzy refugee-sees-first-snow stories, but we can play the story game too! For every refugee who goes to Harvard, I can match you with (maybe a dozen!) refugee crooks, thieves, wife-beaters, rapists, murderers or terrorists!
I have 2,110 previous posts in my refugee ‘crimes’ category, click here.

Today is the UN-designated World Refugee Day

The first World Refugee Day was held on June 20th, 2001 (3 months before 9/11) and it is used as a focal point, for open borders activists and leftwing media, around which to organize a political message.  So, you have probably noticed many stories in the last few days about the need for more third world peoples to be admitted to the first world.

Just to give you an idea, there are pages and pages of World Refugee Day logos like these around which to build propaganda campaigns (to guilt trip the West, especially the US, to take in more third worlders).

You likely know, but here (below) is a handy graphic to confirm that the US takes the majority of the refugees that the UNHCR is selecting for western countries from their camps. (BTW, recently a Somali man wrote to me to tell me about the fraud in a UN camp in Africa where people were being paid off to move certain applications to the front of the line. Of course, I have no way of verifying this.)
If you are scratching your head and saying, but doesn’t Germany take the most? the answer is that Germany is being flooded by ‘asylum seekers’ and economic migrants who have gone there on their own steam.  They are not considered third country refugee resettlement cases.
Germany will presumably sort through the hundreds of thousands of Africans and Middle Easterners and make a determination about how many will be given permanent residence as legitimate refugees and ultimately citizenship.
Favorite Open Borders talking point: small neighboring countries (to Syria) take more refugees.
When you see stories about Turkey (I’m posting one shortly) and their millions (?) of Syrian refugees, remember those are NOT people going to be granted permanent resident (citizenship) status in Turkey, likewise those in Lebanon or Jordan will not become voting citizens of those countries.

Resettled UNHCR refugees will be given citizenship in the country in which they are placed, so for this the United States is destination number one!

See here, from IRIN:

According also to IRIN yesterday, Canada is going to take up some of the 2017 slack that meany Donald Trump is supposedly responsible for.
Go for it Justin, let’s just make sure our northern border is secure!

Two cases of refugees beating family members: no one told me it was against the law in the west

These two cases involving refugees, one in Canada (a Muslim) and one in the US (a ‘Christian’) tell the courts the same thing—no one told them it was against the law to beat your wife (in the first case) or your children (in the second case). They claim they come from cultures where  it is aok!
And, you know what! I believe them.  I believe that those responsible for placing refugees in far flung communities throughout North America are so steeped in political correctness (with their minds muddled by concepts of cultural relativism) that they leave their refugees (wives and children) vulnerable.

Here is the Canada story of Mohamed Rafia (One of Trudeau’s Syrian refugees who beat his wife, didn’t know it was against the law) cleverly reported by Ezra Levant at The Rebel:

At the court hearing, Rafia said officials didn’t inform him of differences in Canadian laws and more should have been done to educate him.

Yeah, how come you didn’t say it wasn’t OK to take a weapon and smash your wife again and again. How come you didn’t tell him that!

Continue reading here, the irony is too juicy.

Our second case is going on in New Hampshire where a Congolese refugee woman has lost her children and could be deported if convicted of child abuse.

When you read the long story, note that the NPR reporter gives great details, but leaves out the first pressing question I had, and you will likely have too—which resettlement agency in Concord is responsible for this woman and her cultural orientation to America and American laws and values?
Thanks to Jeanine for alerting me to this story…..
From Rhode Island NPR:

The Obama Administration told the UN (which is trying to clean out its camps) that we would take in 50,000 Congolese, mostly women (in need of mental health treatment) and children, over 5 years (from FY14-FY19). We have now ALREADY passed the 42,000 mark. 752 were placed in New Hampshire. The Trump State Department is continuing the resettlement. https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2013/06/05/state-department-refugee-program-head-honcho-made-some-news-last-month/

Nine months ago, Joyce Chance left a refugee camp in Uganda where she had spent the last eleven years. Chance, who was born in Congo, boarded a plane with her two kids, and came to the United States.

A refugee resettlement agency [What, no name?—ed] in Concord, New Hampshire picked them up at the airport, and moved them into a one-room apartment. [One room for a family of three?—likely not allowed  under contract with DOS—ed]

Seven months later, the state of New Hampshire took Chance’s kids away. The kids’ teachers had suspected child abuse, and contacted the Department of Child and Family Services. DCYF placed the children – who are 9 and 12 – first with relatives, then later with a foster family.

The agency instructed Chance not to contact her children, and according to her attorney, she didn’t.

A month later, Concord Police arrested Chance, charging her with five counts of assault against her children. If she is convicted, she could be deported.

No one told her it was not okay to beat your children!

“The big issue here is the cultural differences,” she told me. According to Chance, corporal punishment is a common way to discipline children in Congo and Uganda. “When I [got] here,” Chance would later tell me through a translator, “Nobody [told] me it’s not okay to punish your children that way.”

To be clear, a guardian can use physical force against a minor when she reasonably believes it is necessary, according to New Hampshire statue. The state will likely argue Chance’s behavior was reckless and caused substantial pain, making it illegal.

Continue reading here.  There is some question about whether the kids are even her biological children.
And, for the curious, like me, the resettlement agency responsible for refugee resettlement in Concord is Ascentria Care Alliance formerly Lutheran Social Services of New England.  So, it is a subcontractor of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service headquartered in Baltimore that did a lousy job of orienting this woman to American culture and laws! Not a surprise because frankly this is a business and they bring ’em in and move on to the next batch of paying ‘clients.’
For new (ambitious) readers, this is post number 2,106 in my refugee ‘crimes’ category, see here.

Canada to expedite asylum claims from Yemen and Egypt

That is what Refugees Deeply is reporting here.  (To learn more about the pro-more-refugees site, go here.)

Trudeau and Trump earlier this year.

Obama junior (Justin Trudeau) is ‘welcoming’ the Muslim world to Canada while President Donald Trump has appealed the so-called travel ban case to the Supreme Court.
One of the countries whose citizens Trump would at least temporarily ban (as Trudeau welcomes them!) is Yemen.

Canada to Expedite Entry of Refugees From Yemen and Egypt

Canada has added war-torn Yemen and repressive Egypt to its fast-track asylum list. The inclusion of the two countries will mean swifter decisions on refugee status for nationals of those countries.

Egyptians and Yemenis seeking asylum will still have to secure a tourist or other visa to reach Canada and apply. It will mean a smaller hearing and quicker decision once they make it there.

Petra Molnar, a migration researcher, told the Middle East Eye that the expedited country list aims to recognize that conditions in certain countries may “require a faster processing.”

Canada’s existing expedited list includes Syria, Iraq and Eritrea, with Burundi and Afghanistan also expected to be added this month. [Yikes!–ed]

A claimant from one of the designated countries still has to prove his or her need for protection.

Yemen is in a state of civil war that has created one of the world’s worst humanitarian disasters, with 19 million of its 28 million people in need of aid. Egypt under the government of Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has locked up hundreds of thousands of people in a crackdown on all forms of opposition.

Readers, most of those al-Sisi is trying to control are the Muslim Brotherhood agitators.  The ‘Brothers’ are banned in Egypt.  At one point Donald Trump talked tough about banning them here as well.
I have 196 previous posts on Canada, go here to learn more about what is happening north of our unsecured border.

What not to tell the Canadian taxpayers about Syrian refugees

This is an excellent use of 6 minutes of your time!
I don’t know this program, but thank Paul for sending the youtube clip from The Rebel.
I’m guessing that what Faith Goldy learned about Canada’s new 40,000+ Syrian population applies to America’s flow as well.
We have followed Boy Trudeau’s rash Syrian resettlement program since it began in 2015, see our Canada archive for previous posts.
The Rebel learned that they can’t speak the language, that they are sick (TB!), and that they use large amounts of welfare because they aren’t finding work, but worst of all it was revealed that the documents, obtained by investigators, are littered with admonitions to not tell the taxpaying public the bad news!
If the video doesn’t play below, then watch it here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iqUq1Rmekw