Too Many Afghans and Not Enough Welfare For Them (and everyone else!)

Afghan evacuees arrive at Dulles near Washington, DC.


CBS posted a handy outline of the massive mess the Biden Administration has created by scooping up tens of thousands of Afghans who have really no legitimately determined immigration status in the US.

So, of course, Congress might have to change immigration law so that medical care, housing assistance, food stamps and cash assistance can be made available to them.

In the meantime, the Biden Administration will be going outside the law to find money (your money) to care for them.

This article is a must read for all of you interested in the tangled mess and it serves as a harbinger of the troubles your community is going to have with large numbers of unhappy evacuees who are going to be wanting stuff—decent housing in crime-free communities and a social safety net for months or even years to come.

By the way, in my first year of writing this blog—2007—there was an Iraqi boy, in Arizona I think, who penned a letter to a local paper and asked why the US would admit so many Iraqis that were then having a miserable life in America because there were too many to be properly cared for.  He asked, why not admit fewer so they could be happy instead of too many who were all subsequently unhappy?

I predict we are rapidly headed to a crisis we have never seen before because don’t forget we are also admitting hundreds of thousands across our southern border who have no approved reason to be here and who are expecting Americans to feed and clothe them.

All of those aliens combined with the Afghans and Biden’s promise for October 1 to begin admitting up to 125,000 refugees from other areas of the world is going to create the greatest drain on the American taxpayers we have likely ever seen, and the greatest chaos and tension in ‘welcoming’ communities as all of the competing migrants want stuff.

Here is the CBS story.  If you are really interested in what is happening, you should read it yourself.  I’m pulling out only a few nuggets of information I found most informative.

Once again, they are not legitimate REFUGEES, so try hard to simply call them evacuees, even as the mainstream media will try to firmly cement in your minds that they are legal refugees.

U.S. effort to resettle Afghan refugees faces major hurdles

The Biden administration’s plan to resettle tens of thousands of Afghan refugees is facing formidable operational and legal challenges, with issues ranging from the uncertain immigration status of many evacuees, to limited social resources and permanent housing for the new arrivals.

Thousands of at-risk Afghans are arriving in the U.S. without approved visas, placing them in legal limbo and rendering them ineligible for some federal social programs available to those admitted as refugees, including cash assistance and Medicaid.

The sharp increase in admissions of Afghan evacuees over the past few days has also strained the resources of the nine national U.S. refugee resettlement agencies***, prompting them to house some refugees in hotels and Airbnb rentals while affordable apartments are found, three resettlement officials told CBS News.

Since mid-August, the U.S. has admitted approximately 24,000 of the Afghans it evacuated from Kabul this summer ahead of the U.S. withdrawal. As of Thursday morning, more than 20,000 of them were being housed at eight military sites that have been chosen to temporarily host them, according to internal federal data reviewed by CBS News.

Another roughly 39,000 evacuees remained at military bases in Europe and the Middle East, including Afghans undergoing U.S. immigration processing and security vetting, the federal data showed.

Biden’s team is going “ad hoc” (a nice way of saying that they are going outside of existing law) to get the non-refugees their bennies.  

To address these exclusions, the State Department is launching an “Afghan Parolee Support Program,” which will help Afghan parolees with housing, transportation, food, cash, clothing, legal counsel and other services, according to multiple resettlement officials involved in the effort.

And, those religious charities (six of nine are supposedly religious)*** that resettle refugees on a per head basis will be getting paid as usual even as the evacuees are NOT refugees! Sounds illegal to me!

Resettlement agencies are expected to receive $2,275 for each Afghan parolee that they serve. However, parolees will only have access to the makeshift program for up to 90 days, so refugee advocates are now urging lawmakers to enact a legislative fix.

Congressmen Seth Moulton and Don Bacon, a bipartisan pair of former military officers, are planning to introduce a bill known as the WELCOME Act on Friday that would make Afghan parolees eligible for the same government benefits that traditional refugees receive, two congressional officials told CBS News.

The Office of Refugee Resettlement at the Department of Health and Human Services is also considering creating an ad hoc program to temporarily cover medical services for parolees, two resettlement officials said.

There is so much information.  You should read it and book mark it for future reference.

Don’t miss the part about how they will not be sent back to Afghanistan even if they don’t get a favorable decision with their asylum claim or their security screening!

More than 23,000 are already on US soil!  See here.

*** These are the nine Leftwing federal resettlement contractors that are busy beavers right now as they juggle for position to be awarded their allotments of illegitimate ‘refugees’ (refugee industry watchers refer to the process as bidding for bodies).





The Ruling Class is Punishing Middle America with Flood of Afghan Evacuees

That is the conclusion of an excellent piece by Hillsdale College’s Michael Anton writing at the American Mind.  Hat tip:  TX2Guns

Just a reminder, most of the Afghan evacuees are not yet determined to be legitimate refugees, so try to refrain from referring to them as refugees.

As I said yesterday, most are being paroled into the US, and after they are here they will be supplied with lawyers to help them figure out how to get that most-prized immigration status—refugee—which opens the door to a cornucopia of welfare goodies and eventually citizenship.

Who Are All the Afghans We Airlifted? Will We Ever be Told?

From the American Mind:

The demand to resettle Afghan refugees brings the war home.

Closing paragraphs, please read the whole article:

Mass resettlement of Afghans would thus seem to be a recipe for social chaos and unrest greater than any America has yet experienced—precisely at a time when we’re already experiencing the most since the 1960s. Who would choose this for their own country? We can be forgiven for assuming that our rulers are intentionally trying to hurt us.

Indeed, I don’t think that possibility can be altogether ruled out. Shortly after the Afghan withdrawal debacle became impossible for even the most brazenly dishonest regime hack to deny or spin, one of them shifted tactics: “Afghanistan,” he thundered, “is your fault.” By “your,” he meant ours—yours and mine, the American people’s.

The ruling class is angry that the people demanded an end to their idiotic, life-wasting failed experiment. They’re embarrassed at having been exposed as fools and failures. Some are bitter that the war-profiteering gravy train that kept them so well-fed for so long has come to an abrupt and ignominious end.

Instead of taking stock and asking themselves tough, necessary questions, they’re lashing out. They want to punish us for our justified doubts and lack of enthusiasm. They want to deflect blame for their own failure. They know, or should, that taking in refugees from a very poor, very tribal, very backward, very extremist society is a recipe for disaster. But they also know that none of these “refugees,” you can bet, will be settled in Cambridge, or the Vineyard, or the Upper West Side, or Georgetown, or Chevy Chase or McLean, or Berkeley or Palo Alto, or Santa Monica or Silverlake.***

No, they’ll be going to heartland communities where what’s left of the middle class lives, to put stress on local schools, hospitals, police departments and other social services. And allowed to live as they damned-well please, free of the laws and regulations that tie honest citizens in knots, that are only enforced against us.

It’s hard not to conclude that our government hates us. That conclusion, at any rate, fits the observable facts of its actual behavior.

Note that Anton reference’s an article I commented on here in July:

Austria’s Afghan Refugee Problem: Will it be Our Problem Soon?


*** No, they won’t be placed in upscale communities where the elite reside, but you can get some idea of where they will go by having a look at this map at the State Department’s Refugee Processing Center.

Unfortunately it has not been updated this year (post Biden), so we don’t know the new additional target communities in middle America (yet).

And, although as I have been saying, most Afghans entering the US, or expected to enter shortly, are not legitimate refugees, the only network Biden’s team will have to distribute them is the established refugee resettlement contractors whose web of subcontractor locations are depicted on the map below.

You can find a clearer copy here, but there is definitely no Chevy Chase, Martha’s Vineyard, Georgetown, or Santa Monica listed.


I hope to have a follow-up shortly to explain to new readers that there is likely only one way you will know if your town has been ‘chosen’ in addition to the map above.

Who Are All the Afghans We Airlifted? Will We Ever be Told?

The Conservative Tree House (The Last Refuge) has a story yesterday, hat tip: Cathy, in which they question who are all the people we flew out of Afghanistan when few were Americans and few apparently were those with Special Immigrant Visas?

State Department Admits the majority of Afghans and SIVs who helped us did not evacuate, so who are these 116,000 Afghans we evacuated?

According to the data provided by the U.S. State Department in the last few days, the total number of people evacuated from the Kabul airport was 122,000.  Of those, 6,000 were American citizens (AmCits), and 116,000 were Afghan refugees.

Today the State Department admits the “majority” of the qualified Afghan people who assisted the U.S. during operations in Afghanistan, Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) applicants, did not get evacuated.  That admission begs the question: then who the heck are those 116,000 refugees?

Well, they mostly are not legitimate refugees (yet!).  They are just more bodies the left is using to change America by changing the people.

How do I know?  Because the federal resettlement contractors*** are anxious.

If they aren’t refugees, then they are likely being paroled into the US and that means there won’t be a large pot of payola for the contractors, nor will there be gobs of taxpayer money flowing to individual Afghans (well, at least not yet!) for a panoply of welfare programs.

It also means that they don’t automatically get permission to stay, but let me ask you:  Do you think there is a chance in hell that any will ever be sent back to Afghanistan?

Keep in mind that I have been on (LOL!) sabbatical for most of the last month, so I haven’t been doing my usual extensive reading on refugee industry politics nor have I been following the contractors closely.  Therefore this is not the definitive word on what the hell is going on as Biden’s White House team wings it!

However this bulletin from the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants explaining the program that is likely being used to move so many foreign nationals into the US so quickly is informative.

If they aren’t legit refugees it is questionable whether the contractors will be in on the action.

It appears that Congress might have to change some laws to free up welfare for a large number of Afghans (and in order for the contractors to help them because the contractors, of course, do not work for free!).

Below are screen shots of the opening paragraphs and the closing paragraph of the USCRI document (photographed because I am afraid the pdf might disappear).


By the way, the refugee industry lobbying arm—Refugee Council USA–has created opportunities for you to get involved promoting and lobbying for the quick placement of Afghans (whoever they are!) into America.

*** These are the nine Leftwing federal resettlement contractors that are busy beavers right now as they juggle for position to be awarded their allotments of ‘refugees’ (refugee industry watchers refer to the process as bidding for bodies).


Administration Getting Ready for Refugee Backlash; Trump Changes his Tune; 2022 Refugee Admissions Could Hit 200,000

I’ve been in my garden trying hard to not succumb to frustration, anger and sadness about what dementia (is it dementia?) Joe (or more precisely his handlers) have done to Afghanistan and are doing to America.

I’ll post when I see something that isn’t being widely reported, but know that the refugee contractors are busier than ever readying your towns and cities for the onslaught of refugees they expect to arrive momentarily not just from Afghanistan, but in the coming months from everywhere in the world even as our southern border is being invaded.

I am urging all of you to get involved and fight locally and if you aren’t working soon, by getting involved in electing a new Congress in 2022, you need to be!

What do we do now? Fight Back Locally!


It isn’t simply a question of security! American taxpayers have been footing the bill to prop up Afghanistan for 20 years, now we will be paying for the care of tens of thousands of refugees who will not be working anytime soon. That is in addition to hundreds of thousands of border invaders.


Here is a Politico story from Monday with some important nuggets of information.

As Biden ends mission in Afghanistan, a refugee backlash looms at home

First, near the end of the report we learn that there are members of Congress (probably being lobbied by the refugee contractors***) urging Biden to set the refugee ceiling (an annual September event) at 200,000 rather than the 125,000 Biden previously promised them.

….more than 65 House Democrats are now calling on Biden to increase the annual refugee admissions cap to no less than 200,000 for fiscal year 2022 — up from BIden’s pledge of 125,000 — given the situation in Afghanistan and elsewhere.

Biden handlers preparing for backlash.  Politico claims that Trump is the instigator.   If so he must have changed his tune as in the early days of the Afghanistan disaster he had expressed support for a refugee flood from the Muslim country.  See my post two weeks ago.

Here is Politico on Monday:

President Joe Biden has faced a torrent of criticism for abandoning Afghan partners as their country fell to the Taliban. Now, there is also a looming political controversy over the thousands of Afghans Biden will end up resettling over here.

An increasingly vocal group of Republicans — led by Donald Trump, who made immigration restrictions a hallmark of his presidency — oppose the resettlement of Afghan refugees in the U.S., claiming that they could be dangerous, or will change the make-up of the country. And they plan to make it an issue in next year’s midterm elections, along with broader attacks about Biden’s messy withdrawal from Afghanistan.

One of those Republicans, Rep. Matt Rosendale of Montana, said the chaos in Afghanistan should not be “an excuse to flood” the U.S. with refugees.

There is much more, please read it yourself.

And, then be sure to see the list of initial target resettlement cities for SIVs, but know that thousands of those arriving don’t have that status, here.  

Know also that the contractors are prepping many more smaller towns and cities because they know they can’t find enough cheap housing in their usual target locations.

***For newbies, here are the nine federal resettlement contractors which basically call the shots and tell the administration to jump and how high they must go as they change America by changing the people.

Go here to see which cities they already control. List was updated in May.


The Afghans are Coming! CAIR NJ Jumping for Joy, Mobilizing Mosques

Of course they are as the Hijra (migration jihad) is now being accelerated beyond their wildest dreams!

Here is the bare bones news from Breaking 911 about the newest site for containing Afghans before they are distributed to a town near you.


Thousands of Afghan Refugees Heading to New Jersey Military Base


Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey is now ready to receive Afghan evacuees, the Joint Staff deputy director for regional operations said.

The Joint Base is the latest of four installations hosting eligible Afghans seeking a special immigrant visa***, said Army Maj. Gen. William D. “Hank” Taylor at a press briefing this morning. The other three are Fort McCoy, Wisconsin; Fort Bliss, Texas; and Fort Lee, Virginia, Taylor said.

U.S. Northern Command continues to build out capacity to ensure the Afghans are accommodated, said Pentagon Press Secretary John F. Kirby, noting that the goal is to be able to receive about 25,000 in the coming days and weeks.

Keep reading.

Remember this….

Tripping down Memory Lane!  Do you remember the Ft. Dix Six—-Muslim refugees from Albania planned an attack on the military base in 2007.  I wrote about it here in my first year writing this blog.

It interested me because this all happened near where I grew up.

Then this…..

From NJ Monitor:

Thousands of Afghan refugees expected at McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst military base

If you want to help take care of the refugees, cultural training (of course!) is underway because the refugees will not be expected to adopt American ways, we must adopt theirs!

Help, though, isn’t always as straightforward as it seems. Privacy and security, for example, are considerations that must be weighed. And Mentha recounted how, in his early days of working with immigrants, he wasn’t aware how something as automatic to Americans as a handshake could be unwanted or even offensive to people of other cultures. That’s why he planned to attend a “cultural competencies” training Tuesday afternoon the Afghan-American Foundation organized for humanitarian workers helping refugees.

Mosque are being mobilized, says CAIR NJ:

For the Council on American-Islamic Relations of New Jersey (CAIR-NJ), helping Afghan refugees means mobilizing the state’s mosques. There are over 150 that serve about 300,000 Muslims across the state, said Selaedin Maksut, the group’s executive director. CAIR-NJ has asked them to gather goods and scout out housing possibilities for refugees, Maksut said. CAIR-NJ also offers free legal aid — and will do so for any refugees who need it, he said.

The group also stands ready to address and fight any xenophobia and Islamophobia that might accompany Afghans’ arrival here, he said.

Maksut applauded Gov. Phil Murphy for his recent “very welcoming and progressive” letter to President Biden, in which the governor wrote that “accepting these refugee honors the sacrifice made by veterans in the war in Afghanistan — too many of whom died working towards the same goal sought by these refugees: stability and peace.”

The International Refugee Assistance Project last week estimated that about 100,000 Afghans were seeking evacuation to the United States, according to the Associated Press.

There is more here.

*** Seeking a special immigrant visa?  WTH!  So, if they don’t meet the requirements, then what?  Are we expected to believe they will be shipped back to Afghanistan?  That will never happen! Everyone who sets foot on American soil is one more your tax dollars will be feeding and housing for years to come!