“It is absolutely unacceptable if the Biden Administration is facilitating a mass migration without any input or oversight from Tennesseans and the affected communities.”
(Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn)
***Update***Governor Lee comments and incredibly a media outlet reminds its audience that Lee had welcomed more refugees when President Trump was trying to get immigration under control a couple of years ago. Is it any wonder that the Biden gang figured Tennessee was a soft target?
For years, readers would contact me to say that planes with “refugees” or migrants of some sort were being flown into small airports in small cities and rural areas. I would tell them to go film the arrivals because I couldn’t just post something without proof.
Well, finally some citizens are being proactive and doing just that.
The federal Office of Refugee Resettlement (in Health and Human Services) is reportedly behind such flights arriving after dark in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
You may recall that Tennessee Governor Bill Lee was one of twenty governors who earlier this month wrote to Biden to say: NOT in my state!
But, shamefully, he was one of many Republican governors who did not support President Trump when Trump attempted to give governors a greater say in whether their states would receive refugees the federal government had chosen for the state.
FIRST ON 3: Late-night flights carrying migrant children arrive in Chattanooga
Chattanooga’s Wilson Air Center is receiving planes carrying migrant children who are being bused to multiple southeastern cities during overnight hours.
Channel 3 obtained video of one of those planes arriving Friday, May 14 shortly before 1:30 a.m.
A second video, shared with Channel 3, shows more children arriving late Saturday night. According to the source who provided the video, a third plane carrying children arrived Friday afternoon. Flight records confirm that a fourth plane arrived early Wednesday morning, May 19.
A source with direct knowledge of the operation asked to remain anonymous but tells Channel 3 that approximately 30 to 50 minors are transported at a time, some to reunite with family members and others to go to group homes. He says the operation started in Dallas, Texas, but moved to small airports recently to avoid attention.
In April, HHS confirmed a group of unaccompanied minors is being housed at a former Tennessee Temple dormitory in Highland Park. It is not clear how many of the children who have arrived in Chattanooga in recent days have been transported to that facility, but multiple sources say at least ten boys from the group were taken to the facility.
Quotes from US Senators, but what does Governor Lee say?
U.S. Senator Bill Hagerty said he was not aware of the flights into Chattanooga, but said, “It is time for President Biden to be transparent with Tennesseans and the American people regarding where the hundreds of thousands of migrants being resettled in the United States are being sent because they deserve to know.”
U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn shared a statement Wednesday afternoon, saying she was unaware of the operation in Tennessee.
“Our office has received no information from the Biden Administration informing us of a mass transportation of migrants to Tennessee,” said Blackburn. “It is absolutely unacceptable if the Biden Administration is facilitating a mass migration without any input or oversight from Tennesseans and the affected communities.”
By the way, for all of you contemplating a move to Tennessee because you might be thinking you can escape to a conservative nirvana, check it out carefully in advance. They have a lot of problems with refugees there as especially Nashville is a longtime target resettlement site.
Note that I have an entire category titled Nashville which includes over 100 posts on refugees there and in Tennessee generally.
….It is just a matter of time because out of control immigration is changing America.
Some towns and cities will change more rapidly than others, but with no brakes on an invasion from every quarter (including from the Refugee Admissions Program being accelerated by Joe Biden), you could be facing what the Coney Island area of Brooklyn is now facing.
I was shocked to see the videos of Muslim migrants, mostly Pakistanis, celebrating in an intimidating fashion the terrorist organization Hamas’ attack on Israel a few days ago.
Check out the horrifying scenes published by theRAIR Foundation:
NYC: Muslims Drive Through the Streets of ‘Little Pakistan’ Intimidating Jews (Video)
This is not Gaza. This is Brooklyn a few days ago. (Screenshot from the embedded video.)
Now that Donald Trump is no longer in office, Joe Biden to restore $235m in US aid to Palestinians. The Palestinian government no longer has to worry about losing hundreds of millions of dollars in handouts from the American government and can attack Israel without consequence. [Update: Biden is sending even more payola to Hamas/Palestinians as they attack Israel.—ed]
New York Jews Under Threat
Throughout New York City, Muslim migrants have been leading threatening demonstrations, attacking and intimidating Jews, and celebrating Hamas’ rocket attacks on innocent Israelis.
In the latest display of Islamic jubilation over the attacks by Hamas on Israelis, Muslims drove through the streets of Coney Island, New York, waving the Pakistani flag and honking their horns.
The celebration took place on Coney Island Avenue in Brooklyn, New York, an area flooded with Pakistani immigrants since the ’80s. The area became informally known as “Little Pakistan” among residents. A once Jewish neighborhood has been converted to a home for followers of Islam.
Just last year, the Coney Island Avenue strip was officially co-named by the city as “Muhammad Ali Jinnah Way,” after the “founder” of Pakistan.
I continue to be amazed that Jews like Ed Shapiro and those running the refugee agency HIAS(formerly Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society)and its fellow liberal Jewish organizations persist in thinking that Muslim migration on steroids will not negatively affect them, their children and their grandchildren at some point.
Now, this will really get me in trouble: Are some Jewish people missing a gene that drives a survival instinct, or do they think that if they are so very very nice to Muslims they will win them over and Muslims worldwide will recognize their kindness and give up their multi-generational hatred for Jews?
Of course Church World Service will give them rosy responses to their request for more information, but at least they can make a more informed decision before changing Winchester forever.
As I said at the time, this is likely happening in many locations around America as the nine federal refugee contractors*** scour the country for new fresh territory in which to place the tidal wave of 125,000 refugees from Asia, Africa and the Middle East that Biden says he is welcoming in Fiscal Year 2022 which begins on October first.
Winchester City Council wants more info before voting on refugees
WINCHESTER — City officials say they need more information before deciding whether to welcome international refugees to Winchester.
Councilor Bell
Councilor Richard Bell, chairman of City Council’s Planning and Economic Development Committee, told the full council on Tuesday night the proposal to allow refugees to live in Winchester needs more vetting at the committee level before a final vote is taken.
“We have requested that it be placed on a future Planning and Economic Development Committee agenda for a more in-depth presentation by the organization and for further consideration,” Bell told the nine-member council.
The organization Bell referred to is Church World Service (CWS), a global nonprofit that hopes to open an office in Winchester to serve people who have been forced from their homelands due to political, social or religious persecution.
Susannah Lepley, Virginia’s director of Immigration and Refugee Resettlement for CWS, told the Planning and Economic Development Committee at its meeting on April 29 the bulk of the refugees, at least initially, would come from Iraq and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
They will be invited to settle in the United States by the U.S. State Department after proving they have a credible fear of persecution, or have already been persecuted, because of their heritage, social status or religious beliefs.
CWS, Lepley said, would find housing in Winchester for the refugees, help them learn English and pursue U.S. citizenship, assist them with applying for public assistance until they find employment, enroll their children in school and so on.
The committee recommended council approve the request, even though member Kim Herbstritt said at the time that Winchester has a severe shortage of affordable housing so it may be difficult to find homes for the 100 or so refugees per year that want to resettle within city limits.
Bell did not say when Lepley would be invited to make a second presentation to the committee, which is next scheduled to meet on May 19. An agenda for that session has not yet been published.
What to ask…..
When, and if, Church World Service’s Lepley is invited back, it is vitally important that concerned members of the public, not just those in the city, but county residents as well, be present to hear what she has to say.
First, we must assume, that since the city government is even contemplating saying yes, that Winchester doesn’t have any homeless or needy Americans to care for and that the city is flush with funds for educating children who don’t speak English, has ample affordable housing, is prepared to deal with health issues and is in need of low-skilled workers.
Questions I would ask in no particular order are these:
How long does Church World Service take care of the newcomers they place in the city or county (yes, they can spread refugees out for a hundred miles of Winchester once the office is established)?
Since CWS supports an open southern border, will CWS also facilitate any movement of illegal aliens/unaccompanied children into the area?
Are the refugees screened in advance for diseases such as TB, HIV, and Covid-19? Who will pay for medical needs and for how long?
Does CWS have employers lined up?
Who pays for additional ESL teachers going forward?
What religions will be represented in the group of refugees? And, what other nationalities might be added later?
Who pays for translators when the refugees have a problem with the legal system or educational system? Or, if they have a medical issue? Local taxpayers?
In what neighborhoods will the refugees be placed? If Winchester has a minority neighborhood already, care must be taken not to place third worlders into those established areas especially African American neighborhoods. Cultural conflicts have been known to occur. Back in 2008 there was just such a rough period in Roanoke.
If, for instance, Winchester welcomes a hundred this year and another hundred the next year and finds it is straining local resources or causing tensions, can Winchester shut down the flow?
There are probably plenty more, but a beautiful day outside beckons….
One last thing!
R & P Abstracts
The Winchester council, in advance of another meeting with Lepley, must ask if an R & P Abstract has already been prepared for the city by CWS.
These documents, prepared at the level of your local resettlement contractor with the help and guidance of one of the major nine federal contractors, are the blueprints for what is being planned for your town for the upcoming fiscal year.
The R & P Abstracts must be submitted to the US State Department in Washington in advance of placing refugees in any target location.
***In case you are new to RRW, here are all of the nine contractors that have monopolized all refugee distribution in the US for decades.
They worked to ‘elect’ Biden/Harris andlobby for open borders. As taxpayers you pay them millions annually to change America by changing the people.
Two of the contractors, the USCCB and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service are also paid to find locations for the Unaccompanied Alien Children.
“We have neither the resources nor the obligation to solve the federal government’s problem and foot the bill for the consequences of this Administration’s misguided actions.”
Maybe you have already seen reports where you live that the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement(within HHS) is out scouting locations to shelter Unaccompanied Alien Children(mostly teens and mostly males!) in unused facilitiessuch as old schools.
Well, twenty Republican governors are saying Not in My State!
Presumably this demand by the governors applies only to shelters for UACs.***
Here is the opening salvo in their letteryesterday:
Here are those who signed:
Although it didn’t involve illegal alien ‘children’, I am reminded that many of the governors above did not supportPresident Trump’s efforts to strengthen their states rightswhen Trump proposed a plan to give them a greater say in refugee placement in their states.
There are twenty-seven Republican governors, seven did not sign the letter.
Missing are the REPUBLICAN governors of Alaska, Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts, Ohio, Vermont and West Virginiasignaling that it is hunky dory to send illegal aliens to shelters in their states.
***UACs are being placed with sponsors in most states.
You can see, by clicking here, where some of the mostly teenagers have been placed with sponsorsthrough the end of March.
But, the radicals in the White House, including Susan Rice, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken wanted the refugee ceiling bumped up to 62,500 for the remainder of the year.
Years ago, care for the Unaccompanied Alien Children was shifted to the Office of Refugee Resettlement which is in the Department of Health and Human Services and is thus the root of today’s problem—an agency in crisis as it attempts to deal with thousands of children who are not refugees illegally arriving at our borders at the express invitation of the Biden administration when its original mission was to manage refugees selected for admission to the US.
Here is Politicoon the internal scuffle using just the nicest tones they can muster so as not to make it sounds like the Biden ship is foundering.
I am laughing to myself because this sort of internal squabbling during the Trump years would have been blown sky high by corporate media with the help of deep state leakers in a way to make Trump look foolish.
Somebody, other than Saint Joe, has to be the fall-guy in the dream administration’s first major public relations fiasco and it looks like the long knives in the White House have found their man.
For a little chuckle, watch Biden announcing his pick for HHS Secretary butcher the name of the Department of Health and Human Service before butchering Becerra’s name in the first minute of this youtube video.
Becerra’s cautious border play rankles White House
Xavier Becerra spent decades urging congressional leaders to support liberalized legal immigration. But he’s sounding a different note as Health secretary, responsible for caring for upwards of 21,000 migrant children.
Biden’s kids in cages!
Becerra has argued for maintaining the historically low Trump-era cap on refugee admissions to the U.S., according to two people with knowledge of the matter, for fear of stretching the already-thin resources of his department’s refugee office.
His insistence on a more cautious approach to immigration policy has, moreover, contributed to his shaky standing with some quarters of a fast-paced White House where senior aides have spent weeks pressing the Health department to speed its intake of thousands of children at the southern border, and bristled at what friends and skeptics alike described as Becerra’s at times deliberate manner.
“He cares about raising the caps — but let’s take one challenge at a time,” one person close to Becerra said of his mindset. “Emotionally, he’s there. But he’s always a pragmatist.”
Becerra apparently had some common sense!
President Joe Biden in April initially agreed to keep the refugee limit in place, siding with Becerra and overruling top officials including Secretary of State Antony Blinken. But the blowback from immigration advocates and Democrats on Capitol Hill was immediate and intense, and Biden has since reversed course.
Becerra in the meantime has been privately frustrated by the White House’s rush to ease a series of immigration guardrails well before he was confirmed to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, allies said, including a key decision to allow unaccompanied immigrant children to remain in the country.
That responsibility for caring for unaccompanied children has landed chiefly on HHS’ Office of Refugee Resettlement, which also handles foreigners seeking refugee status, though the two operations are not intertwined.
For Becerra, a relative latecomer as one of Biden’s last Cabinet officials to be confirmed, it represents an early and steep management test.
And it comes after years in Congress and state government as a vocal immigrant-rights advocate who pressed both Democratic and Republican administrations to take more aggressive efforts to overhaul the immigration system and “open the doors of opportunity” for those coming to the U.S. Becerra frequently invokes the experiences of his immigrant Mexican parents and once chided fellow Latinos for “running from their heritage” in advocating for tough immigration restrictions.
Although we have no idea where large numbers of the ‘children’ will be placed in facilities around the US (unless information leaks out like in this North Carolina case), you can see where some of the mostly teenagers have been placed with sponsors through the end of March.
State and county data is available. Don’t miss the fact that tens of thousands were placed during Trump’s tenure.
Where have the refugees, placed via the US Refugee Admissions Program, gone so far this fiscal year?
Call your local elected representatives at the city or county level and ask if your community is being selected to ‘welcome’ either the illegal aliens invading our southern border now, or are being asked to become a refugee resettlement site as I reported recently about Winchester, Virginia.
If the answer is yes, you must get to work to create controversy where you live.