Charleston, WV rally Tuesday: We want Syrian Muslims in our city!

You know what strikes me as different about this pro-refugee rally scheduled for tomorrow evening (Nov. 15th) at 5 p.m. is that it is specifically a rally to welcome Syrians (99% of the Syrians the Obama Administration is admitting to the US are Muslims even as we see Christian genocide in the Middle East).
In most locations where an ‘Interfaith’ group advocates for refugee resettlement they don’t pick a specific nationality/religion. Indeed, a new agency like the one proposed for Charleston won’t get to choose its favorite nationalities either—they will take a mix of people from different regions of the world.

Rabbi Victor Urkecki suggests we must atone for mistakes in WWII when the US turned away Jews, by inviting tens of thousands of Syrian Muslims to the US. I do not get this logic!

So here is the latest from Charleston.  Longtime readers know that West Virginia has taken very small numbers of refugees over the years and those that have been resettled were placed by Catholic Charities.  Now, Episcopal Migration Ministries wants in on the action.
From The Charleston Gazette-Mail:

Volunteers are planning a rally for Tuesday in Charleston to send a welcoming message to Syrian refugees fleeing their war-torn country.

The second-annual West Virginia Welcomes Refugees rally will be held at 5 p.m. in the mini-pavillion at Court Street and Kanawha Boulevard East.

Episcopal Migration Ministries, one of nine national refugee resettlement agencies that works with the U.S. government and local groups to place refugees, and the West Virginia Interfaith Refugee Ministry have been working together in hopes of making Charleston a safe haven for refugees.

Last month, the ministries submitted an application to the U.S. Department of State to turn Charleston into one of its “resettlement communities” and place 100 refugees in the first year in Charleston. The State Department has not yet made a decision.

Then below we hear the story about how some Jews were turned away from America in WWII (yes, it was an awful mistake). But, I fail to see how throwing America’s gates open to large numbers of Muslims (Sunnis in the case of Syrians who form the basis of ISIS and Al Qaeda) is equivalent in any way.
Please someone explain to me why an error of 75 years ago somehow requires us to invite to America tens of thousands of participants of a religious civil war in the Middle East! 
Update: And tell me why this isn’t a rally for the Christians facing genocide in the Middle East which would be the real equivalency argument to what happened to the Jews in WWII.
But here we go again with the guilt trip:

“These are people that are escaping the same forces of evil that we are opposed to,” said Rabbi Victor Urecki, one of the organizers.

“There is a sense that America is not welcoming to the other — to the refugee, to the immigrant,” he said. “And this is our response, to say ‘We are together. We stand in solidarity and hospitality to all who come to our state. We are a city of tolerance and love.’”

Urecki noted that at one point in America’s history, America’s border was closed to the Jewish community.

“The best way I can show that I’ve learned the lesson of what it’s like to be an outsider is by embracing the outsider and the other,” he said.

How many Syrian Muslims will Rabbi Urecki take home with him? How many would even want to go home with him?
Is the huge cost of resettling large numbers of refugees of any concern to the Rabbi and the local ‘Interfaith’ activists?
Learn about Charleston’s ‘Interfaith’ group here, and go here for more posts on the Charleston refugee controversy.
For West Virginians who are not happy with what you are learning, you must contact your two US Senators and Congressman Alex Mooney who represents Charleston and let them know what you think!
Endnote! I don’t want to hear from any readers who think this is a Jewish plot. This is about political ideology. Remember that most resettlement in America is being done by Leftist Christian organizations.  There are many people of the Jewish faith who disagree vehemently with our policy of admitting large numbers of Muslim refugees, not to mention those who have serious concerns about the economic impact on local communities and state governments and are working hard to bring attention to the enormous cost to taxpayers.

Where have all the Iraqis gone?

I was doing some research on West Virginia just now and was interested to see how many Iraqis went to WV (a state that has been able to stay out of the Refugee Admissions Program to any large degree, but is now looking to get in) and so I had a look at the whole country and thought you might be interested in this information.

When this Iraqi refugee terrorist pair was arrested in Kentucky in 2011, the flow of Iraqis slowed dramatically as the feds had to re-screen all of the incoming Iraqis. Their original screening of these two failed miserably.

I went back ten fiscal years and learned that in the last decade we admitted 135,648 Iraqi ‘refugees.’ Of those 63% are Muslims and the remaining 37% represent a whole host of religions (we are cleaning out the country of its minority population!) including Catholics, Christians and Chaldeans.
When I saw the breakdown of the Muslim numbers, it made me laugh.  Who is persecuting who because we have brought in large numbers of the two primary opposing factions!
We admitted:  34,679 Shiites, 48,297 Sunnis, and 2,116 Muslims of unknown orientation.  Are we placing them in the same towns so they can continue their infighting?  Are we placing Iraqi Christians among them? (The resettlement contractors must think that America’s magic melting pot will erase centuries of animosity—it won’t.)
Here is the map from the Refugee Processing Center of where the Iraqis have been placed. (There may be a way to find out which religions you got in your state, but I don’t know how to find that information. Knowing how the VOLAGs operate they probably sent you a smattering of all of them so you might have tensions in your community going forward.)
Alaska got 49 and Hawaii 4 but they didn’t fit on the map. Source Refugee Processing Center

Here are the numbers resettled by fiscal year (again, I did not go back to the first wave of Iraqis who came in the wake of the first George Bush war).  One thing that you will see clearly is that once we get rolling and admit large populations of a particular ethnic group, we don’t stop for years and years (Somalis have been coming for decades).

FY 2007:  1,608  (This is the first year I began writing this blog and I remember well how the VOLAGs and the Open Borders gang were haranguing GWB to open the flood gates for Iraqis which he finally did. They said we broke Iraq so it was our responsibility to resettle vast numbers of their warring factions.)

FY 2008:  13,822

FY 2009:  18,838

FY 2010:  18,016

FY 2011:  9,388 (this dip is due to the discovery of 2 Iraqi Islamic terrorists in Kentucky, so the feds had to re-screen all the incoming Iraqis.)

FY 2012:  12,163

FY 2013: 19,488

FY 2014:  19,769

FY 2015:  12,676

FY 2016:  9,880

For more than you ever wanted to know, visit our Iraqi refugee category by clicking here (706 previous posts!).
Endnote:  LOL! This is how I get off track almost daily, I find something interesting to me and then don’t get to what I planned for the day. But, hopefully this is useful to some of you!
One more thing…. Don’t like what you see?  You only have 14 days (including today) to get a commitment from your member of Congress to DEFUND the Refugee Admissions Program in the lame duck session of Congress!  They won’t care what you think after November 8th!

Over 1,000 Syrians seeded throughout America in last 3 weeks; 99% Muslim

Apparently there is no effort being made to resettle more persecuted Christians from Syria than Obama did last year.
1,069 Syrians have been spread around America in the first three weeks of FY2017. That is 352 a week. 99% or 1,054 practice some form of Islam.  The vast majority are Sunni Muslims.

There will most likely be 20,000 Syrian (99%) Muslim refugees admitted to the US by September 30, 2017, UNLESS Congress cuts the funding for the program next month!

There were 4 Catholics, 3 Christians and 8 Orthodox identified in the flow.

The top state receiving them was Michigan (by far!).

Here are the top ten receiving states:

Michigan (199)

California (104)

Arizona (68)

Maryland (63)

Pennsylvania (63)

Texas (62)

New York (60)

Ohio (50)

Indiana (42)

Georgia (42)

See the map from the Refugee Processing Center for the first 3 weeks of the fiscal year (30 states received Syrians so far, assuming I counted them correctly!):
Don’t like what you see?

There is only one thing you can do to slow this flow (besides electing Donald Trump) which at this rate would bring around 20,000 Syrians to America by next fall and that is to persuade your member of Congress and US Senators to DEFUND the program in the lame duck Budget debate coming in November. 

See the first in a series of posts on the lame duck budget process by clicking here. This is not about Obama, your Congressional Representatives have the power to rein this in if they wanted to (and they don’t want you to know that they have that power!).

You have 16 days before election day to get a commitment from your Washington, DC representatives to DEFUND!

As we move Africa to America, where are all the refugees from the DR Congo being placed?

Since I was just telling you that we (the Department of State) jumps when the UN says ‘jump!’  I thought it might be a good time to show you the numbers of refugees we are now taking from the DR Congo after Asst. Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration, Anne Richard (formerly a VP at federal resettlement contractor International Rescue Committee) agreed here in 2013 to take 50,000 refugees from the DR Congo off the UN’s hands.

Civil wars in Africa produce refugees that the UN determines must be moved to the West—especially to the US. Once we get the 50,000 Congolese placed in your towns, watch for the big lobbying push for large numbers from South Sudan.

By the way, the Republicans did this too when the UN wanted to clean out its Bhutanese camps on the border of Nepal and then Bush Administration Asst. Secretary Ellen Sauerbrey agreed to invite 60,000 Bhutanese to the US over a five year period—they are still coming!
Here in 2014 we learned the Bhutanese numbers to the US were up to 80,000. But, surprise! Some of them want to go home.
Since fiscal year 2012, we have placed 33,212 from the DR Congo in all but five states (see map below).
The vast majority are Christians of some sort, but there are 1,240 Muslims in the bunch.  In FY2012 we resettled 1,863, but by FY2016 we took 16,370 in one year. Expect 2017 to be even higher as the drive is on to get as many refugees in to the US as possible before Obama leaves office.
Our interest in reporting the Congolese numbers was stimulated by the mysterious death this week of an 8-year-old Congolese boy at O’Hare Airport. His family was bound for Texas.
These are very poor people, mostly with limited educations, who will need a couple of generations of care by the US taxpayer before they can return anything to the US economy.
Early reports are that the women are especially traumatized and will need costly mental health treatment.
Here is where the Congolese (DR Congo) refugees have been placed between FY2012 and FY2016 (inclusive). Map from the Refugee Processing Center. Hawaii got zero (didn’t fit on the map), but it rarely gets any anyway.

The system is rigged against Christian Syrians; UN chooses Sunni Muslims for US

We have told you about a zillion times that the United Nations is now choosing the majority of refugees admitted to the US and here is one more confirmation of that (if we needed it!).

Fillipo Grandi
Do you know who this is? This is Filippo Grandi, an Italian, the new UN High Commissioner for Refugees and he is deciding who will live in your towns!

Patrick Goodenough, a reporter at CNS News, tells us every month what the stats look like for the number of Syrians entering the US and what their ‘religious’ persuasion is and here is his June update which includes these few paragraphs well into the report.

Sunnis make up the vast majority of the refugees admitted to date – 5,099 (98.3 percent) of the 5,186.

The proportion of Syrian refugees admitted this year who are Christians – 0.38 percent – is much smaller than the roughly 10 percent of pre-war Syrians who were Christian.

Refugee advocacy groups say this anomaly is at least partly the result of the fact Christians among the fleeing Syrians are loathe to enter U.N. camps in surrounding countries for fear of their safety – something the U.N. refugee agency itself concedes is happening.

Because the U.N. refers applicants at the beginning of the process of seeking refugee status in the U.S., this may mean fewer Christians are referred in the first place.


Christians, Yazidis and Shi’a have been specifically targeted by the Sunni jihadists of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS/ISIL), in what the U.S. government has determined is a campaign of genocide.

So, we are taking the Sunni persecutors in to the US (makes sense! NOT!).
More here and see their excellent graph.

There is nothing in refugee law to stop the US State Department from seeking out Syrian Christians/minorities. It is simply that we are now being led by the nose by the United Nations!  (which we largely support with your money!)