Catholic Bishops aim to bring their flocks around on global warming

…..and gotta save those climate refugees!

In a book review on climate refugees, Todd Scribner, employed by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, says the Bishops are working on changing the minds of skeptical Catholics on global warming (aka climate change, when the warming didn’t pan out).  This climate refugee book just might help do the trick, he says!

The review of‘Climate Refugee’ at National Catholic Reporter begins:

This book argues that the legal definition of a refugee should be expanded to cover those severely affected by the environmental consequences of climate change.

Some estimates predict that as climate change continues, as many 200 million people will be displaced worldwide by the end of the century. Collectif Argos is a group of 10 France-based journalists, writers and photographers who have documented the effects of environmental change in photo and essay format.

The authors focus on nine sites around the world, including the United States, Bangladesh, Chad, Nepal and a small island in the Pacific Ocean, Tuvalu.


Given the reality of global warming, this book is timely, as is rethinking the definition of “refugee.” [Some in the refugee industry do not want the definition changed, here—-ed]

Catholics, like other Americans, are skeptical of the proposition that global warming (aka climate change) is induced by human activity especially after “Climategate.”

Recognizing “climate refugees” as a legal category faces obstacles. The recent “Climategate” controversy raised hackles in some circles regarding the validity of human-induced climate change. If these objections were restricted to a handful of talking heads, there would be little reason for concern. Unfortunately, there is evidence that skepticism over the science of human-induced climate change has broad appeal. The results of a March Gallup poll revealed that only half of Americans agree to the proposition that climate change is caused by human activity, down from 61 percent just seven years earlier.

American Catholics are not exempt from this tendency. Although slightly dated, the results from a Pew Forum poll published in April 2009 showed that Catholics in the United States are wary of the issue, with only 44 percent of those polled in agreement with the claim that we are experiencing human-induced global warming.

Skeptics beware:  The Catholic Bishops are working hard with your tax dollars to convince you that you are wrong!

While many Catholics may be skeptical, my work at the U.S. bishops’ conference demonstrates that the bishops take this issue seriously. This is particularly apparent through their establishment of the Catholic Coalition on Climate Change.  This coalition, comprised of approximately a dozen national Catholic organizations, recognizes the devastating effect of climate change, particularly on the world’s poor, and the likelihood of displacement that will come with it. Through this coalition the bishops seek to educate the Catholic public and convince them of the peril of human-induced climate change.

Climate Refugees [this book] could provide a useful resource to achieve this objective.

By the way, when you visit the ‘coalition’ note that the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, is a branch of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.  For new readers these are socialist political activists discussed recently in another book—this one on President Obama’s early years, here, in an interview at National Review Online:

Author Stanley Kurtz on ‘Radical-in-chief:’

…. the community organizing I discuss in the book is a self-consciously radical tradition that flows from the early achievements of Saul Alinsky, along with the work of Students for a Democratic Society and the National Welfare Rights Organization in the early-to-mid 1960s. The leadership of these groups was largely socialist, and remained so as they moved into community organizing in the 1970s and beyond. More to the point, the community organizers who trained and worked with Obama were largely socialist, although they made a point of not advertising that fact. Even the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, a faith-based group that has done much to support community organizing (including Obama’s own early work), is an effectively socialist group, although it doesn’t say so directly. My book carefully unpacks a great deal of archival evidence to substantiate these claims.

Also for new readers, I showed you here last month how much of your tax dollars go to funding the political activities (supposedly to help refugees resettle) of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

So, it’s no surprise that the USCCB is busy trying to change the definition of refugee to include those forced to move due to environmental factors—refugees are their cash cow and the refugees themselves will be their reliable Left-leaning (socialist!) voters of tomorrow.

Endnote:  It’s been 20 years since I first learned about the big foundations with atheist strategists, particularly Pew Charitable Trusts, coming up with the idea of infiltrating church groups with a project called —Greening the Churches.  Now we see their fruits.

Still beating the drum about “climate refugees”

At a meeting in Bangladesh recently “experts” insisted that “climate refugees” would cause security issues throughout the world as they tried to move away from some climate-driven crisis to another country.   I thought after the failure of Copenhagen and the revelations of  a major scientific hoax centered at the UN, all this hoopla was going away. 

Looks like third world countries are still beating the “climate refugee” drum hoping ultimately for a redistribution of wealth from the evil capitalists.  They know how to pull on heartstrings using the word “refugee” even when they have been admonished not to use the word by the elites in the real refugee community like Refugees International, here.

From the Daily Star (Dhaka, Bangladesh):

Security and climate experts yesterday called for concerted efforts to address the issue of climate-driven migration, which will be the major cause of inter-countries conflicts.

As climate refugees of a country would try to enter a neighbouring country for their livelihoods, a conflict might arise between the two countries, said Maj Gen (retd) Muniruzzaman, president of Bangladesh Institute for Peace and Security Studies (BIPSS).

So, all the countries should take steps to address the security issues, which might result from global climate change, he said.

Climate refugees have already started to migrate internally from the remote areas to urban, which will lead to international migration and pose a threat to security, he added.  [Is it possible these are economic migrants moving from rural to urban areas looking for work or welfare!-ed]

Maj Gen (retd) Muniruzzaman made the remarks at a press conference at the end of a two-day regional expert roundtable on ‘Security implications of climate change in South Asia’ at a city hotel.

It would not be possible for any country alone to manage a large number of climate refugees, he said and stressed the need for concerted efforts of all countries to address the issue.

Here are some of the suggestions Refugees International has made for what to call these new “refugees:”   

People displaced by climate change (PDCCs)? Climate displaced people (CDPs)? People affected by climatic events (PACEs)?

Not as sexy or appealing for media purposes as “climate refugee.”

International Campaign on Climate Refugees’ Rights launched in Copenhagen

They are calling themselves the ICCR (I don’t know what happened to the other ‘R’) and they want justice and reparations.  I have a whole bunch of articles to post on “climate refugees” from Copenhagen, but am just posting this one tonight to give you a flavor of how it’s going and what we will no doubt be treated to for years to come.  It seems that Bangladesh is the brains behind this cabal of community organizers.  I wonder if Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’ was translated into Bangla.  Does anyone know?

[Copenhagen, Friday 11 December 2009] While the countries split wide open on combating climate change, the civil soiceity groups have launched `International Campaign on Climate Refugees’ Rights’ (ICCR) at Copenhagen. The social movement groups from Asia, Africa and Latin/Central America joined hands together to demand the rights of millions of people being displaced by the climate change.

Opening the launching of the campaign, Ahmed Swapan Mahmud, convenor of the ICCR said, “global civil society groups should come forward to build a wider constituency to claim the justice and rights of the climate induced refugees”.

Mr Ahmed also demanded “a legal safeguard protocol should be in place to ensure the political, social, cultural and economic rights of the climate refugees by the international community presently meeting under the Conference of Parties (COP-15) here in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Either come up with a new international law or open the 1951 convention on refugees and give us the rights and respect we deserve!

Dr Ahasan Uddin, one of the authors of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) from Bangladesh demanded to review Geneva Convention 1951 on Refugee on the light of climate refugees. He further reiterated to consider even a separate international institutional framework for the climate refugees which will provide complete dignity and respect.

And, don’t forget justice for us victims!

The International Campaign on Climate Refugees’ Rights (ICCR) is a global independent association aiming at asserting and realizing the rights and ensuring justice to the climate induced displaced victims—climate refugees. Civil society groups from Asia, Africa and Latin/Central America consisiting of Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Indonesia, Senegal, Uganda, EL Salvador etc, are the members of this campaign while currently the secretariat is based in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

By the way, they must not have gotten the instructions that they are not supposed to use the phrase “climate refugee”.   The smart people have told them that is a no-no.  Don’t you just love it when the elites can’t control the hoi polloi who have obviously gone rogue.

One answer to the “climate refugee crisis,” stop having babies

Canada’s National Post in an editorial today says population control is the real elephant in the living room and no one is talking about that in Copenhagen.  The Post begins:

The “inconvenient truth” overhanging the UN’s Copenhagen conference is not that the climate is warming or cooling, but that humans are overpopulating the world.

And ends its editorial:

The only fix is if all countries drastically reduce their populations, clean up their messes and impose mandatory conservation measures.

We’ve seen how that works over the last 40 or so years.  Educated people in wealthier countries have fewer children but third worlders crank them out.  Just look at Europe!  Since Islamic doctrine dictates that Muslims must take over the world one day, they especially have very large families and are spilling over the borders from increasingly impoverished Muslim countries.

But, politically correct multiculturalists in Copenhagen are too chicken to open their mouths about Islam.

My message to well-educated westerners—start having babies!  Lots of babies!

Update:  Doing their part, here.

Climate Refugee blogs you should know about

Here are the first two I’ve come across.  These will be located in our ‘climate refugee’ category for your future reference.   Note that they too mention the contentious international legal issue of whether to help the millions of so-called “climate refugees” that they believe will need to be taken care of by the West by amending the 1951 UN convention on refugees or by creating a whole new legal structure.

The first is Toward Recognition here.  And the other one is Climate Refugee Advocacy Forum, here.*

This second blog tipped me off to a possible strategy to bring “climate refugees” to the US in an existing program, TemporaryProtected Status.   How much do you want to bet that there is nothing temporary about this, once in the US with jobs and homes, who is going to throw them out?  Note the Liberians are still here!

A larger problem arises when climate refugees become refugees in the truer sense of the word, when they cross international borders. Important protection measures already exist within the 1951 Refugee Convention, specifically Article 33(1), which prohibits the refoulement of asylum seekers to “the frontiers of territories where his life or freedom would be threatened” (p. 11). But, again, UNHCR shies from expanding the traditional definition of refugee and leaves the designation up to each receiving state. They offer various examples, including the U.S. Temporary Protected Status mechanism — which was enacted in 1990, but put into use in 1998 after Hurricane Mitch. This mechanism allows nationals of foreign states temporary refugee status so that they can stay within the U.S. if they meet three key criteria: 1) there has been an environmental disaster in the foreign state resulting in a substantial, but temporary, disruption of living conditions; 2) the foreign state is unable to handle adequately the return of its own nationals; and 3) the foreign state has officially requested such a designation.

I can see countries like Bangladesh, Yemen, Somalia and others asking (#3) in a heart beat!  Can’t you?

* As I find more blogs on “climate refugees” I’ll post them here.  Or, readers, if you see some, send the links my way!  Thanks!