Breitbart: Refugee Promoters Want to Keep Americans in the Dark About Biden Refugee Arrivals/Placement

Neil Munro writing at Breitbart yesterday confirms what we know, the refugee industry does not want local citizens to have a say when their towns and cities are chosen by federal resettlement contractors and approved by the US State Department as new homes for impoverished third worlders.

Undated report from Obama’s tenure. It is not easy to find, so you might want to download the pdf. See cover letter from deep-stater Lawrence Bartlett below.

Remember that when Obama left office in 2016 his State Department and the resettlement contractors (Volags) were busy identifying nearly 50 new sites in which to expand their efforts to change America by changing the people.

In fact they had produced a guide that could be used by local open borders activists (without public input) to identify and put in place the necessary amenities that could then be submitted in an application to the State Department for approval of the town or city.

If Biden/Harris are installed in the White House look for them to be dusting off a plan to secretively identify new sites.

Below is a bit of what Munro said yesterday, but please read the whole thing.

From Breitbart (thanks to several readers who sent it my way):

Foreign Refugee Managers: Keep Americans in the Dark


Nearly all managers in taxpayer-funded, refugee-delivery organizations say the public should have no say about the delivery of unskilled refugees into Americans’ neighborhoods, job markets, and schools, says a survey by refugee groups.

The 61-page survey was released December 8 by the Refugee Council USA [That is the lobbying arm for the refugee industry in Washington, DC–ed] and the Center for Migration Studies, as the refugee groups cheered Joe Biden for his campaign-trail promise to dramatically expand the flow of low-wage refugees into Americans’ workplaces.

The number Biden is promising is 125,000 in the first year.  See my post yesterday.

Just 15 percent of managers in refugee agencies, and just 14 percent of refugee officials in state governments, said that “neighborhood associations” should be “given a voice in the Refugee Resettlement process,” according to a chart on page 27 of the survey.

Once warned, many neighborhood groups protest against the delivery of refugees by the groups, which are dubbed VOLAGs because the official government term is a “Voluntary Agency.”

Most VOLAG respondents also argued that the federal government should not give a voice to Americans’ local governments:

Fifty-eight percent of survey respondents believe that the federal government should consult with state and local officials about resettlement but should not be required to obtain their consent before refugees are resettled. Smaller percentages believed that state and local officials should neither be consulted nor required to consent (19 percent).

More here.


Bartlett is standing in front of a map of refugee resettlement sites across the country. It is a map you cannot find anymore. Likewise as we reported recently it is no longer possible to get real time refugee arrival numbers or to learn where they were dropped off upon arrival.


Former Director of refugee admissions at the State Department, Lawrence Bartlett, the author of the introductory letter (below) to the New Site Development Guide had been pushed aside in the early Trump years, but by 2018 he was back at Population, Refugees and Migration.

I assume he is still there, but even if he isn’t, you can be sure that his deep state pals are all in place and ready to push forward if Biden succeeds in stealing the Presidency.

So we soon could be back to where we were in 2016 BT (Before Trump), having to fight in our own communities through grassroots skirmishes against Washington and its fake non-profit resettlement contractors.

And don’t expect help from Congress where the Republican chickens who rule the roost are provided their chicken scratch by massive global corporations always on the hunt for cheap migrant labor.


Don’t think for a minute that you, citizens and taxpayers, are “stakeholders!” You do not have a say!


For new readers these are the nine fake non-profits that will be making the primary decisions about how your town or city will be changed.  From page 6 of the New Site Guide:

Anti-Trump RINO Pushing Biden’s 125,000 Refugees-a-year Agenda; says it will Strengthen America

“The United States’ posture toward immigrants, asylees, and refugees during the Trump administration has damaged our nation’s security. Much of this damage is from xenophobic rhetoric….”

“Restoring and strengthening the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) is critical for our national security.”

“Congress is going to have to work quickly to provide the budget and necessary funds to process 125,000 people.” 

(Elizabeth Neumann speaking about her report Robust Refugee Programs Aid National Security)


From the time he came down the escalator, I have been a Trump supporter and continue to this day, but from the beginning of his term in the White House I thought one of his great failings was to not fully understand how staff appointments are everything in Washington.

When I saw some great people who were completely loyal to Trump never even getting an interview in those early days because he had clearly turned over the staffing job to a bunch of Washington, DC Republican insiders, I figured he was in trouble.

A few tough knowledgeable conservatives in the various key agencies could have gone to work sniffing out those Republican pretenders who would go on for years undermining his Presidency.

One of those is Elizabeth Neumann at the Department of Homeland Security who claims she supported Trump at the outset in 2016, but eventually went on to join the political rats—Republicans who promoted the demented Joe Biden, who Neumann now believes will keep America safer by admitting hundreds of thousands of refugees over the next four years (if he makes it to the White House).

See her pre-election anti-Trump ad claiming that Trump is a racist and encourages white nationalism:

The former DHS muckety-muck’s pedigree is here at wikipedia:

Elizabeth Neumann is an American former civil servant. In the Trump administration she served from 2017 to 2020 as a senior advisor and Deputy Chief of Staff of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to DHS Secretary John Kelly and Acting DHS Secretary Elaine Duke, and as DHS Assistant Secretary for Threat Prevention and Security Policy to DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, Acting DHS Secretary Kevin McAleenan, and Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf.[1][2][3][4][5] Starting in 2003, she served on the Homeland Security Council in the George. W. Bush administration.[1][6]

In August 2020 she made an ad for Republican Voters against Trump in which she endorsed the presidential candidacy of Joe Biden and called Trump’s language and actions “racist” and believes “America is less safe” due to Trump’s failure in leadership.[2][4][5] With another former Trump administration official, Miles Taylor, she formed Republican Political Alliance for Integrity and Reform (RePAIR).[4] The group’s stated mission is to “return to principles-based governing in the post-Trump era”, calling for a change in leadership for the Republican party, and supporting the candidacy of Joe Biden in the 2020 US presidential election.[4][7][8][9][10]

News about Neumann’s Report is at Fox40:

Restoring US refugee program will require substantial funds, commitment from Biden

This is what they do! They write glossy ‘robust’ reports and hold press events around them in order for the lapdog media to disseminate their propaganda.

Neumann and her ilk, without proof, claim that by admitting large numbers of refugees to the US we are somehow strengthened as a country and that the rest of the world is looking up to us and that somehow we get brownie points for being such nice people.

Yeh, maybe the nice people in the world think we are nice, but a large chunk of the world thinks we are chumps for being so foolish as to invite poverty, disease and potential terrorists to spread out among the population of middle America.

Ever notice that China NEVER invites refugees to dilute their Chinese culture and society.

And, in all the years I have been following the issue of refugee resettlement I have never seen a concerted campaign (any campaign!) by the UN and its ‘humanitarian’ gangsters to go after China for not inviting the world to live there.

Is China weaker because they are unwelcoming?

Here is Newmann spouting pablum:

“Restoring and strengthening the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) is critical for our national security. The United States has a storied history as a global leader and beacon of hope in providing refuge to individuals fleeing persecution. Our moral and humanitarian leadership in welcoming refugees sets an example and encourages other countries to do so as well. It is time to reaffirm the long-standing principle that admitting refugees to the United States is in our national interest. Admitting refugees has not only a foreign policy benefit but an economic one*** as well. Together these benefits strengthen our national security,” the report says.

***Economic benefits accrue to globalist corporations who want to hire cheap labor and who probably paid for this report to be written.

Read it all here.

Here is a story I haven’t had time to mention, but see that internally the Open Borders pushers, including Ali Noorani (National Immigration Forum), are squabbling already.

On Day One! Biden Administration will be between a “rock and a hard place” on immigrants/refugees

That is, if he and Kamala make it to the White House.

They campaigned on reversing all of what they claim were draconian policies by the Trump White House to slow the flow across our southern border and to halt the influx of impoverished, possibly sick, low skilled workers, eg. refugees to America.

Will Biden be called a racist if he leaves many of Trump’s immigration policies in place? Not a chance!

Since the Chinese virus reared its ugly head in the spring, much of the Trump team’s actions were to slow the arrival of the COVID-19 virus potentially arriving with the migrants.

As a result Trump was called a racist and a white nationalist by the Biden-supporting media.

Now I am seeing one story after another about how the Harris/Biden administration might have to go very slowly to unravel Trump’s efforts to keep America safe and Americans working.

LOL!  I will be looking for the Leftist media to label Biden an evil racist when he will almost certainly not be able to fling open America’s gates for months or even years!

It wasn’t long after Election Steal Day in the weeks following November 3rd, that the stories began popping up about a new surge on the border.

Here is one from CBS:

U.S. agents apprehend 1,000 migrant children in 6 days as crossings along Mexican border rise

By the way, unaccompanied alien children are the responsibility of the US Office of Refugee Resettlement at the Department of Health and Human Services.

Many paragraphs into the story we learn that oopsy(!), maybe Joe and Kamala cannot immediately reverse Trump’s immigration control strategies, especially as Americans will be furious if it is done while the virus rages on.

Mr. Biden’s team has also pledged to review the expulsions policy to ensure border-crossers “have the ability to submit their asylum claims.”

Andrew Selee, president of the non-partisan Migration Policy Institute, said ending the “Remain in Mexico” program and the expulsions too quickly could lead to a surge in border crossings.

He suggested the incoming Biden administration could end Remain-in-Mexico but temporarily retain the expulsion policy, a scenario that could be complicated by legal challenges and reporting that shows public health officials were pressured by the White House to authorize the expulsions.

Selee said an influx in border arrests could hurt chances of a divided Congress passing immigration legislation, including one that provides a pathway to U.S. citizenship for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) beneficiaries. Republicans lawmakers blamed the DACA program for a surge in border apprehensions of Central American children in 2014, even though the policy, established in 2012, did not benefit new arrivals.

Before completely ending Mr. Trump’s policies, Selee said the incoming Biden administration should deploy more asylum officers, surge resources to the border and expand case management programs that allow migrants to complete their U.S. immigration proceedings outside of detention centers. Otherwise, he added, a sharp increase in unauthorized migration could leave the U.S. government unprepared, worsen conditions in temporary migrant holding facilities and lead to more draconian enforcement policies.

“You’re stuck between a rock and a hard place: Either you start releasing people in the general population or you hold them in the middle of a pandemic,” Selee said. 

“If you try to be the anti-Trump on day one, you will end up acting like Trump in the end,” he added. “If you try and throw out everything Trump has done on day one, without having an alternative in place, you’ll end up doing the same things Trump did.”

Read it all here.

And, here (read it yourself) is a more recent warning about the ‘kids’ rushing the border.  From USA Today:

Thousands of unaccompanied minors arrive at US-Mexico border as Border Patrol grapples with COVID-19 deaths

Lowering expectations?

And, a little nugget in this news from the Pittsburgh Post Gazette indicates that the Refugee Resettlement Industry has begun to tamp down expectations for a huge jump in new refugees being flown into your towns and cities anytime soon.

Biden campaigned on restoring the flow of refugees into the country from Trump’s less than 20,000 annual refugee admissions to a whopping 125,000 in year one he said!

Pittsburgh 2017 anti-Trump rally. Will they protest if Biden doesn’t move fast enough to reverse Trump’s policies?  Not a chance.

Pittsburgh-area agencies await word on Biden’s refugee plan

Deep into this story we have this news that the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society is telling its satellite offices that the flood isn’t coming right away.

While the Biden team hasn’t detailed its plans, Ms. Aizenman has heard speculation from her agency’s national affiliate that there might be some increases later in 2021, with a higher ceiling in 2022.

But wait! That is not what we heard BEFORE November 3rd.

(Ms. Aizenman is the director of refugee and immigrant services at Jewish Family and Community Services which is a subcontractor of HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society)).

We had a hint that increases in refugee numbers might not be coming here the other day.

If Biden and Harris (or Harris and someone else!) are installed in the White House, we will be watching! I know it is serious, but I anticipate being amused as they squirm to get out from between a rock and a hard place.

Clever America Firsters will have to figure out how to keep up the pressure on that rock.

Senator Kamala Harris Doesn’t Mention Raising Refugee Ceiling at Immigration Conference

Hmmmm!  She does mention removing the Muslim ban in a first one hundred days (assuming they get even one day!), but not a word about immediately raising the ceiling the President has placed on refugee admissions.

Glaring omission, I thought, as the Biden/Harris platform has stated from its earliest days that they would raise the ceiling to 125,000 refugees for 2021  beginning immediately after inauguration day on January 20th.

Trump’s ceiling for the year is 15,000.

Editor:  I’ve been busy writing at ‘Frauds and Crooks’ recently. A lot of fraud news with the election!  But other news too. Check out the latest on the Kenyan Killer case if you missed it where a NEW AMERICAN is behind bars charged with murdering possibly as many as 24 vulnerable senior citizens in a killing spree that went undetected for almost 2 years.

Speaking of New Americans….

Here is John Binder writing at Breitbart about Harris’ short video to the Open Borders group National Partnership for New Americans.

Kamala Harris Vows Amnesty in First 100 Days, Restarting Immigration from Exporters of Terrorism

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) detailed Democrat Joe Biden’s plans to drastically reopen various routes of migration to the United States, including an amnesty for all 11 to 22 million illegal aliens in the U.S. and a restart of immigration from countries that export terrorism.

During a brief, pre-recorded speech at the National Immigrant Integration Conference, Harris said she and Biden are focused on undoing President Trump’s reforms that sought to protect American citizens from security threats and the national workforce from unfair foreign competition.

My first thought when I saw this was omg, if we have to listen to this voice for four years, it will be torture!  And, secondly I figured that the gaff-prone, and clearly mentally impaired, Joe Biden was beginning to be sidelined.

“In our first 100 days, we will send an immigration bill to Congress, reinstate DACA, repeal harmful and discriminatory policies like the Muslim ban,” Harris said. “And during our administration, we will repeal indiscriminate enforcement policies that tear families apart and make us less safe.”

The ending of Trump’s travel ban by Biden would come as the overwhelming majority of Americans support such immigration restrictions. Last month, 5-in-6 voters said they supported travel bans to slow the spread of the Chinese coronavirus crisis, and in November 2018, more than 4-in-9 Americans said they supported travel bans on Muslim-majority countries.

Keep reading, there is more.

But, again no mention of lifting the refugee ceiling.  Do they already know that during the Chinese Virus ‘crisis’ the average American will go ballistic to see thousands upon thousands of third worlders flown into the US (without COVID testing) to be cared for at taxpayer expense.

Aljazeera: Refugee Promotors Tell Biden What He Must Do ASAP

Becca Heller

The International Refugee Assistance Project (a relatively new organization run by Becca Heller which acts as a legal mouthpiece for the refugee resettlement industry) has released a ninety page document that outlines the steps any Biden/Harris administration must take to unravel President Trump’s efforts to slow the flow of poverty, disease, and potential terrorists to your towns and cities.

Indeed IRAP (also funded by you!) has been a leading legal group working to stop Trump at every turn for the last four years.

Here is what Aljazeera says about the release of their directive to Biden.

Refugee advocates urge Biden to ‘rebuild’ US asylum system

Refugee advocates in the United States are calling on President-elect Joe Biden to reverse some of Donald Trump’s most restrictive immigration policies, including historic-low admission quotas for asylum seekers, when he takes office in January.

Rebuilding the US refugee programme may take time, said Becca Heller, executive director of the International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP) advocacy group, but it is critical for thousands of asylum seekers waiting for their claims to be heard.

[Note that they are already signaling that they can’t quickly unravel what Trump has accomplished—ed]

“The refugee program may take some time to rebuild, but the thousands of refugees who have already been waiting in limbo for years don’t have any more time,” Heller told Al Jazeera in an emailed statement.

The US Refugee Admissions Program was severely limited under the Trump administration, which has enacted increasingly restrictive refugee admission quotas and slashed refugee acceptance by more than 80 percent from the last year of former President Barack Obama’s administration.

IRAP released recommendations on Friday for the incoming Biden administration to address refugee and asylum seeker admissions into the country – and “rebuild” that federal admissions programme.

The recommendations, Expanding Complementary Pathways for Refugees and Displaced Persons: A Blueprint for the US Government (PDF), point to six main areas where action can be taken, including family reunification, private sponsorship and labour pathways for refugees.

Biden has signalled his openness to expanding refugee admissions.

Pay attention to this next bit!  They want to set a MINIMUM number of refugees that MUST be admitted every year because they never want a repeat of President Trump’s lowering the ceiling upon attaining the presidency.

He promised to set a refugee admissions target of 125,000 a year and work with Congress to establish a minimum admissions number of at least 95,000 refugees annually in June, on World Refugee Day, in line with historical averages.

Biden must FREEZE deportations!

The incoming Biden administration is also expected to put in place a 100-day freeze on deportations until updated guidance is issued.


Addressing the issues in the US asylum and refugee systems facing “is a huge task”, he [JC Hendrickson, senior director of public policy at the International Rescue Committee (IRC)]said. “The world will be watching how we manage this.”

And, so will 70 plus million Americans who will resist a Biden regime!

More here.  So far I only see Aljazeera writing about the IRAP directive for Biden.