Editor: We have a category here at RRW entitled ‘Comments worth noting/guest posts.’ This is a good comment from reader Cathy that I am bringing to your attention. The comment was made to yesterday’s post, ‘Jobs Americans won’t do….’ Emphasis below is mine.
From Cathy:
When I talk to people about the hit that American citizens are taking by big companies hiring immigrants, both legal and illegal, they always come back with the statement that the American citizens do not want to work, have a poor work ethic, are not dependable, etc. My guess is that this might well be the case because we have paid people to not work, making it an option, with no stigma.
In the past, it was terrible to be on welfare or unemployment. Remember the movie, Cinderella Man? He went back to the government office and paid back the welfare money when he could finally earn enough money to feed his family.That was during the Depression.
My fear is that the government has done such a good job of destroying the working class family by introducing welfare that insisted that the man not be in the household so that we now have a deeply embedded culture of single parent families, drifting children, no concept of a work ethic, and the result is employers using that as an excuse to not hire Americans, but to go for hard working foreigners.
Remember that the employers have tax benefits involved in hiring foreigners.Also, the foreigners cannot argue with the employer because if they lose their job, then they must go home if they are here on the H1B or H2B visas. If they are illegal, they have no recourse. This makes for a diligent, compliant workforce.
The employer doesn’t have to pay higher wages, so the taxpayer picks up the additional social costs due to low paying jobs. The schools have to educate in many languages, the hospital ER takes care of the sick, and the local community suffers the double hit of paying unemployment/welfare to their own citizens and all the social costs associated with reducing people to a dependent class.The employer pockets the extra earnings.
We can thank our elites in DC for the many bad decisions that have led to this disaster that has taken several generations to reach its current epic proportions. A final blow is that the lack of worth that comes with being a non-working dependent class leads to additional social problems.
My hypothesis is that the current heroin epidemic that the government is trying to stem can be linked back to the broken family and jobless lifestyle of our formerly working class citizens. I know that heroin is ravaging children from all classes, but it is particularly bad on the people that have no hope and see no way out.
For more comments and guest posts from readers, click here.
It occurs to me that if a Presidential candidate picked up this theme in a serious way it would resonate with voters….
Editor:This is one in our series of guest posts we publish from time to time. This one comes to us from a reader and reminds us of what you as grassroots activists can do (in the comfort of your homes!) to ferret-out information about the secretive refugee admissions program. It might take you awhile since the US State Department is notoriously slow (if they respond at all) to Freedom of Information Act requests, but it is well worth the time and effort, as you will see. Indeed, reports like those discussed below were not given to Judicial Watch in a timely manner last year and JW has since sued the State Department to obtain them. We mentioned these planning documents in our previous postwhen a Colorado County Commissioner said they were never given any notice about refugee arrivals. The contractors know in advance and are keeping that information from local elected officials. When the bill that became the Refugee Act of 1980 made its way through Congress, members were told that this was not a program to import more poverty to America, but when you read this post you will see that is exactly what is happening. You can be sure that what we learn below is happening wherever refugees are resettled in 48 states! Catholic Charities oversaw the resettlement of 1,578 refugees to Tennessee in FY 2015. This map represents the counties to which they were distributed. http://www.cctenn.org/servicedetails.cfm?name=Tennessee%20Office%20for%20Refugees%20-%20Resources&pid=14062712305095652&id=9
Refugee Resettlement in their own words
Typical of the refugee resettlement industrialists, they say one thing to the public and another among themselves.
Looking through a stack of annual resettlement plans written by the local resettlement agencies and sent, in advance of the federal fiscal year, to Washington it’s understandable why these proposals are aggressively hidden from public scrutiny. One VOLAG even circulated an internal memo telling the local offices to refuse any public request for these plans. [This is something we learned about previously—ed]
Imagine if the public knew what the federal contractors really have planned for the host communities.
Arguably, these non-governmental organizations are shielded in many instances, from state open records laws, even though the organizations are predominantly funded with public dollars. But, the proposals can be obtained using the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) once the documents are in the possession of the U.S. State Department.
A 2014 FOIA submission was finally answered in December 2015. It produced the annual proposed resettlement plans for all the resettlement agencies operating in Tennessee for FY2009 through FY2013.
The documents also suggest that once a state withdraws from the federal program and ORR appoints its own replacement, the federally contracted State Refugee Coordinator who typically works for one of the NGO resettlement agencies, gets a say in approving the number of refugees that will be brought to a state.
Below are excerpts from some of the resettlement plans:
Episcopal Migration Ministries (doing business as Bridge Refugee Services)
“The agency’s partnerships with Chattanooga Neighborhood Enterprise and Chattanooga Housing Authority ensure that approximately 50% of clients are resettled into subsidized housing at a rental rate of $50 per month.”
“Two of the complexes are public housing units operated by Knoxville Community Development Corporation, which feature spacious units, on-site property management and very affordable monthly rents.”
“The Bridge sub-office coordinator regularly participates in Chamber of Commerce meetings to learn about new employers or hiring opportunities.
“Refugee household income after the R&P [Reception & Placement] period usually includes MG [federal Match Grant] assistance, RCA [federal refugee cash assistance], TANF [state cash welfare], food stamps, SSI and additional programs as needed.”
World Relief
“The Nashville area offers numerous services through other non-profit organizations to refugees with critical and emergency needs. Refugees can visit the Nashville Rescue Mission for shelter [a homeless organization], food and safety, as well as Room in the Inn [a homeless organization] which provides working men with a hot meal and a place to sleep during the winter months. There are several shelters for abused women in the area where refugee women and children can find safety if necessary. Rooftop Ministries provides one-time assistance with rent payments: Wherry Housing Complex in Rutherford County houses refugees and others recovering from alcohol and substance abuse and has a Community Servants program to meet refugee needs.”
[So, the federal contractor gets paid to bring the refugees to Tennessee and then refers them to homeless, substance abuse and domestic violence shelters!]
Church World Service
“Several strong partnerships exist between Bridge and employers and they often come to Bridge first when hiring.”
“Employers in Knoxville are beginning to feel the effect of the economic downturn but are committed to hiring refugees.”
ECDC(doing business as the Nashville International Center for Empowerment)
“NICE has relationships with local businesses that hire refugees, and since NICE is 60% operated by former refugees who have work relationships with local businesses, and lucrative partnerships are easily established and maintained.”
“Refugees also qualify for and can access subsidized public housing.”
“In Nashville there are many social service agencies to which NICE refers refugees for services including rent utility and food.”
USCCB (doing business as Catholic Charities of Tennessee)
“Memphis’ outmigration for FY07 was reported at 43% but nearly all of these clients (21 people) were a part of Somali cases. These cases relocated to Minnesota which has a larger ethnic community, ….and more welfare state subsidized housing.”
“The DHS worker responsible for enrolling refugees for food stamps and TennCare [Medicaid] health coverage meets with our Self-Sufficiency Coordinator every Tuesday morning and routinely discusses the number of arrivals we are expecting.”
“On June 14, 2010 CC [Catholic Charities] and the SRC discussed the agency’s resettlement program and approved that we can resettle 240 refugees in FY2011…”
[So does this mean that State Refugee Coordinators can also “not approve” proposed resettlement numbers? Maybe Texas and other non-Wilson Fish states ought to try that route!]
“Our relationships with employers are extremely strong and we now find ourselves in the position of being called upon when they have openings, rather than us having to seek them out.”
“The Sheriff’s Department provides inmates and a truck to assist us in moving furniture and setting up apartments twice per week.”
If you would like to get started on your own Freedom of Information Act requests, here are some sample letters. If you are looking for the planning documents discussed above, be sure to ask for those for FY2016 (in addition to previous years) and you might ask for all planning documents “including but not limited to the R & P Abstracts” for ____state.
This is a hot issue in Tennessee at the moment as the State Senate has passed a resolution to initiate a States’ Rights lawsuit in an effort to halt the resettlement program in Tennessee, see most recent post here.
See this post and others like it in our category entitled‘Comments worth noting/guest posts.’
Editor: Late last month, here, we mentioned that the United Nations-driven Agenda 2030 now involves the use of ‘refugees’ migrating around the world as an important tool for The Agenda. A reader, Sharon Shaw, from Kentucky has been following the issue closely and has offered to provide us with a series of informational pieces to help bring us all up to speed on the larger agenda designed to destroy individual freedom, and diminish American sovereignty and power as decisions for our future would be made at an international level. This is not in the realm of conspiracy theories, they are right up front about it. So, maybe if we have that understanding from the beginning we won’t waste a lot of time asking, is it happening, why is it happening and just get to work defeating them! On September 27, 2015, Obama presented remarks at the UN Agenda 2030 closing session. His drive to pour third world refugees into your towns and cities is a major objective of this agenda and so, as we have reported, he is pretty darn angry at any of you trying to impede the directives he has been given from on high. See his speech here: https://www.whitehouse.gov/photos-and-video/video/2015/09/27/president-speaks-2030-agenda-sustainable-development-goals Agenda 2030 is Agenda 21 on steroids, she says!
Here is Sharon ….
Agenda 2030: Interpreting the components
You will likely be hearing more about the UN’s Agenda 2030 in the upcoming months. What is it? It is the UN’s Agenda 21 on steroids. Agenda 21 was presented to 178 world leaders at the UN Earth Summit in 1992. The US was among the participants and the President, George H.W. Bush and his administration began adopting parts of the agenda into American laws and lives.
President Clinton, in 1993, signed Executive Order 12852 to create the President’s Council on Sustainable Development in order to “harmonize” US environmental policy with UN directives as outlined in Agenda 21.
Fast forward to September 2015: The UN holds another world summit with hundreds of world leaders “Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” It is basically Agenda 21 revised, but its intentions are much more far-reaching to change the planet according to UN guidance. Posing as an altruistic plan for the good of all mankind, this plan is designed to rob individuals of freedoms through its mandates and to take individual countries’ sovereignties away.
What does all this have to do with refugee resettlement? The two go hand-in-hand, literally one supporting the other so to speak. The main goal, as stated by the UN, is sustainable development. Although there are 17 goals included in Agenda 2030,
What is sustainable development? According to its authors, the objective of sustainable development is to “integrate economic, social and environmental policies in order to achieve reduced consumption, social equity, and the preservation and restoration of biodiversity.” Authors of Agenda 2030 insist that every societal decision be based on environmental impact, focusing on three components; global land use, global education, and global population control and reduction.
In the Agenda 2030 document, under the heading “The New Agenda”, para. 29:
“We recognize the positive contribution of migrants for inclusive growth and sustainable development. We also recognize that international migration is a multi-dimensional reality of major relevance for the development of countries of origin, transit and destination, which requires coherent and comprehensive responses. We will cooperate internationally to ensure safe, orderly and regular migration involving full respect for human rights and the humane treatment of migrants regardless of migration status, of refugees and of displaced persons. Such cooperation should also strengthen the resilience of communities hosting refugees, particularly in developing countries. We underline the right of migrants to return to their country of citizenship, and recall that States must ensure that their returning nationals are duly received.”
This statement boldly defines the “open borders” policies adopted by the European Union, policies which, as currently evidenced, have failed miserably. At its core, Agenda 2030 is a methodology utilizing refugee resettlement as a tool for this “new universal Agenda” (quote from Agenda 2030 preamble).
Stay tuned for our next article exploring Agenda 2030 as we delve into its components and what it means for our country, and, indeed, all nations.
Thank you Sharon!
We have an entire category here at RRW entitled, Comments worth noting/guest posts where you will find this archived for future reference. Related information: I’m finding that few people even know about Obama’s Task Force on New Americans which was finalized back in April. Here is the report which lays out very clearly how Obama is changing America by changing the people and how that fits very nicely with plans coming down from the United Nations level (and whoever runs the UN!).
One final thought….every time there is a slaughter of innocents by devout Muslims (who don’t want the UN agenda! They have their own!), as we saw in San Bernardino this week, it sets the UN/Obama agenda back as more Americans wake up to the migration piece of the plan to control us. I think that is why we don’t see a normal sad emotional response from our dear leader. I believe deep down he is feeling it’s another setback to The Agenda because more Americans will be wakened and objecting to the transformation of their cities!
Don’t forget! If you want to stop the migration this is where we start…..
Action Alert: Call your members of the House and Senate at 202-224-3121 and ask them to vigorously oppose the Refugee Resettlement funding contained in the Omnibus Spending Bill that will be voted on by 12-11-15! Please call by this Friday, Dec. 4th.
Editor’s note: As we mentioned here just recently we do publish important comments and guest commentary from time to time. This is a message from one of our regular readers and an energetic researcher and advocate for our cause, Mr. Bob Enos of Willmar, MN. We have all been encouraged by the national media attention to the problem of refugee resettlement which we’ve known about for a long time. The abrupt turnaround by governors, many of whom hardly had any idea that refugees were being resettled in their states in the first place, is heartening. But, it isn’t time for us to let up because, as Bob quotes Yogi Berra, “it ain’t over till it’s over.”
From Bob Enos:
In the aftermath of the most recent terrorist attacks in Paris, Russia, and Lebanon, I have received phone calls and emails from numerous, fellow activists who have been fighting the good fight against unbridled, forcible refugee resettlement in the United States. To be sure, it’s been tough sledding for us. The reaction from over 20 US governors and many state legislatures, demanding the Syrian refugee resettlement program be halted amidst security concerns, is a long-overdue validation of our concerns.
That said, this is not the time for us to become self-satisfied, smug, or complacent.
(Watch and listen to Mr. Enos making a presentation to a county council, here, last summer—just one example of what citizen activists have been doing to educate their fellow citizens and elected officials.)
The US refugee resettlement industry – and it IS an industry – has been knocked back on its heels for a moment, but let’s not forget, this is a multi-million dollar money-maker for “non-profit” organizations, meatpackers and various low-wage employers, and the United Nations. The Mob has killed adversaries over smaller stakes than this! These human traffickers – and that’s what they are – will reset, recallibrate, adjust their plans and p/r, and resume their business with renewed vigor; count on it.
We must keep up the pressure, on as many fronts as possible. The resettlement of Somali refugees in my home state of Minnesota continues unabated, even though recent studies indicate that the resettlement of ONE Somali family cost the taxpayers in the neighborhood of a half million dollars for five years. Just yesterday, an activist sent me an official document from the Stearns County, MN Family Services Department, indicating that its annual budget for Emergency General Assistance programs – primarily for housing – has been exhausted in three months. Stearns County contains the second-largest concentration of Somali refugees of any county in Minnesota.
We cannot continue to finance resettlement with a blank check issued by taxpayers, for a program they never asked for.
So remember: as the late Yogi Berra once said, “it ain’t over till it’s over.” Continue to press local, county, and state officials for complete transparency in refugee resettlement financing.
Contact your state legislative representatives – particularly those led by Republican majorities in states whose governors’ offices are held by Democrats – and remind them of the opportunity that these tragic attacks have provided. This is a way to honor the memories of those innocents who have died from acts of terrorism.
One final thought. In 1958, a book hit the shelves, called “The Ugly American.” It became a benchmark in political literature. It depicted the failure of American diplomats to be sensitive to the local customs, language, and traditions of host countries in which they worked. The term was later applied to American tourists visiting foreign countries who behaved obnoxiously, waving their money, running their mouths, making demands of their hosts.
Doesn’t it seem that the tables have turned?
See other ‘comments worth noting and guest posts’ by clicking here.
Editor: For new readers, from time to time we post guest columns and comments from readers. All of those are posted in our category entitled, ‘Comments worth noting/guest posts.’ This (below) is very important information from someone who has worked for a refugee resettlement agency and seen firsthand the fraud being perpetrated on American taxpayers. It should serve as further confirmation that the US Refugee Admissions Program has gone seriously astray. From Disillusioned (why I support Rep. Brian Babin’sbill). Prepare to be shocked:
Ann, I started to work five years ago in the refugee resettlement field to serve as a Christian witness through service and assistance. However, I quickly became dismayed as I saw the rampant, but undocumentable, fraud committed by Muslim Iraqi (and Cuban) refugees. While I am sure there must be fraud among other ethnic/religious people groups, Iraqi Muslims are the largest group resettled in my area. The amount of fraudulent income reporting (and non-reporting) by refugee clients is disturbing and fiscally unsustainable.
Florida EBT card: Office of Economic Self-Sufficiency?
As your readers (should) know, the Resettlement Accountability National Security Act(H.R. 3314) places an immediate suspension on allowing immigrants into the United States under the refugee resettlement program, until the Government Accountability Office (GAO) completes a thorough examination of its costs on federal, state and local governments.
The following are some of the reasons I support this bill.
Average duration for which refugees receive benefits. – The refugees for whom I apply for state benefits (food stamps, temporary cash assistance, Medicaid) reapply for benefits every six months. The resettlement agency (VOLAG) can assist them with benefit renewal applications for up to five years! Many of these refugees, particularly from Iraq and Afghanistan, come into this country with cash, as evidenced by their purchase of new furniture, clothing, cars, and even homes, within a very short time of their arrival. This could not be done on strictly temporary cash assistance and usually, minimum wage jobs.
It is well known in the resettlement community and by the State of Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) Refugee Services that many recipients work for cash, receiving payment “under the table” and never report their actual income to the DCF when reapplying for government benefits. Many of these clients continue to receive food stamps even after they have been here up to and over five years!
The percentage of aliens who receive benefits is 100 percent for resettled refugees. In my job at the VOLAG, I apply for food stamps, temporary aid to needy families (families with children) or refugee cash assistance (singles or couples with no children), and Medicaid. These applications are automatic and are part of the required resettlement core services.
Every refugee who is aged 65 or older automatically receives assistance in applying for SSI benefits! This is automatic, whether the refugee has any presenting issues, other than age, or not! Some refugees under age 65 are turned down after medical reviews do not reveal mental or medical issues. However, refugees aged 65+ are automatically approved for SSI benefits. Social Security Spotlight on SSI Benefits for Aliens – 2015.
It is common knowledge among VOLAG coworkers and employees of the DCF that many refugees commit fraud regularly in their (lack of) income reporting. We are aware of this fraud but have no paper documentation or proof. Certain local small grocery stores, convenience stores, ethnic restaurants, Halal meat markets, bakeries, and imported foods stores hire these refugees, pay them under the table, and the refugees continue to receive benefits for which you and I pay.
Here are a couple of other abuses I have personally seen:
A Liberian refugee entered the country legally but managed to get his adult son brought over as a refugee minor to serve as his caretaker. The son has verbally admitted to me that he was over 21 years of age when he arrived in this country but his fraudulent documents showed him to be under 18!
A Cuban couple entered this country with documents which show them as married, however, they verbally stated to their caseworker that they are not married and the “wife” plans to move in with friends. She will continue to receive benefits while her friends support her as she has “no income.”
A Muslim Ethiopian-Somali refugee abruptly quit his job when he found he cannot stop work to pray five times a day!
An Arabic speaking “friend” “translates” the driver’s license test for Arabic speakers in northeast Florida. His “friends” pay over $250 for a driver’s license as he gives the correct answers to them and for them.
RRW readers simply must find the refugee resettlement and immigration events in your city and state and SHOW UP! You need to know what is going on in your area. You need to “push back” and demand answers about the impact this is having on your neighborhoods, local schools, HUD housing, slum lorded apartment complexes, and your local, state and federal government expenses.
Yes, I know and love many good hearted, honest, hardworking immigrants and refugees. From my experiences, most of these come from the persecuted Christian Burmese, Bhutanese, Congolese and Sudanese populations. I have “gone to bat” for them as I’ve tutored in English, taken children to school, doctor appointments, church activities.
I encourage you to volunteer at your local VOLAG and, if you are a Christian, share the love of God in Jesus Christ with them. Whether you are a Christian or not, volunteer to help them assimilate into a free nation built upon Judeo-Christian worldview and values for the sake of your own children and grandchildren!
Ann Corcoran has done an Herculean job of researching and documenting information for you. Burn up her website finding out what is happening in your area. Use these links to do some research on your own:
Endnote: Besides support for Rep. Brian Babin’s bill (which I am told now has 50 co-sponsors), everyone must begin, starting today, to call your Member of Congress, your US Senators and the leadership and demand that they stop the funding for the Refugee Admissions Program for FY2016as Congress will be debating funding for the entire government in advance of a December 11th deadline. See my post here for more information.