Comment worth noting: just to give you an idea of who is coming to the US

For some reason, things are getting pretty mean out there these days.   I’ve not written much at RRW lately because I’ve been busy elsewhere.  But, here is one of several comments I’m posting today and I need to mention that although not much new is being posted, our numbers of readers are on the rise.   I wonder if the rage is building in certain quarters over Obama’s failures to deliver and so certain segments of our country are fuming.

So here is lovely Somali immigrant Mina this morning (those two foul words were spelled correctly in the original, the editing is mine):

ur illegall acorcorn were da f*** did u get sumthin stupid like dat go back to dat person who told u dat s*** dat they need to shut up. ok somali ppl came here for a better future for dey kids n dem selfs ok. we leave our country because we dont have a choice its only getting worser as it is. bet u would have left yo country if der was a war n wasnt gettin better so plz ppl leave all immigrants alone dey came here for better opportunities n better lives for dem n der childrens

I assume Mina is talking about the warnings that Khadra (another Somali) has given us, here and here, where Khadra warns us about Somali intentions in North America.

Comment worth noting: evil grows when good men do nothing

As I’ve mentioned, I’m not writing as much these days because I’m working on a political campaign,* but here is a comment we received from a Ms. Chesterman to this post about the Al-Qaeda operatives infiltrating Europe as asylees and refugees.  I thought this was too important to overlook especially as I hear this morning that another Somali has been implicated in a terrorist attack in NYC (as soon as I have a link, I’ll post it).

Here is the comment worth noting:

The old saying that goes something like this..” evil grows when good men do nothing.” its a tragedy that the actions of a few have ruined tainted the plights of the genuine refugees…but its a fact that refugees are infiltrated by the terrorists.

No matter whereabouts we are talking about them..they are very much active and using the plight of genuine refugees to push their own agenda and use open doors.

The time is gone when we can just put our heads in the sand and say that its o.k. because its not. if we dont rise up and become vigilant, we are going to be run over by Muslim Militants…i said…militants… when its over its over, and we wont have a voice.

In an effort to try and keep freedom of religion the basic right of every citizen we are also opening the door to those who have evil motives..and there is no way that we can take away freedom of religion . its a fundamental right.

So… we have to be very vigilant. To the point of seeming to be uncaring and insensitive. Believe me, there are many out there who are only too willing to use this as an open doorway.

We have a responsibility to our generation and the generations to come to see that they are safe. This war is being fought at an entirely different level…and its going to win by stealth if we dont rise up and take note..

*See Potomac Tea Party Report to follow the campaign, here is a post relating to immigration.

Comment worth noting: whites escaping South Africa

While the world’s attention is focused on soccer and the World Cup in South Africa—the so-called rainbow nation—we learn from a reader that life is hell for many white people there and the lucky ones are escaping as virtual refugees to the West and to Australia.

Previously we told you about the Huntley case in Canada, where this South African white man sought asylum from the persecution he was experiencing because of the color of his skin.  Last night we heard from a reader, Lee, commenting at this post about her life in South Africa.

Please also visit this post I wrote in April about the intriguing issue of whites being the new refugees.  I wonder will the political Far Left embrace them as they do people of color?

Here is Lee:

Why just the focus on Afrikaner whites? I am a white english speaking South African. In the past two years I have seen and experienced racist acts and policies destroying the lives of me and my husband and the people I know around me. Not one year has passed where my husband and I have not either been mugged, held up at gunpoint, robbed ,racially harrassed (racial harrassment is a daily event!)or been in an event where we felt a great threat to our lives, and most often its a combination of the above mentioned. This has happened at such a variety of places that walking around anywhere in Jo-burg is done with your heart in your throat pumping with fear.

Everyday brings with it a number of renewed major and minor traumas,all of which communicate a clear message that your days as a white person in South Africa are numbered. As we come out of our flat to go to work in the mornings the pavement is lined with the same black people everyday and evening watching your every move. The people residing in the block of flats can not at any time make it obvious that they might go away for more than a day without the garuantee of being burgled (which has happened countless of occasions). We got burgled in the first month we moved in when we slept over at a friend’s place. Quite a few people had faced the armed burglers in their flats. There was a man that lived there who set his alarm clock to go off throughout the night in order to keep watch on his car, due to the continuous car theft and the constant inaction and apathy to address it.

As you leave you will(garuanteed) be approached and asked to give either cigarretes or money or both and meet with an aggressive response should you not have any of these to offer. A general rule is to walk away as quickly as you can because the person is likely to follow you either threatening, scowling, swearing or wailing (THIS IS NOT AN EXAGERRATION!)

Worklife is fraught with racial tension. Both my husband and I was unemployed and turned down in jobs for months due to the colour of our skin (B.E.E -the Black Empowerment equity policy)or being too over qualified. While working at a retail shop, people would on a number of occasions ignore my manager (who was black)and wait for me to finish with a customer which could take up to a half hour in order to ask me for money. Often my husband would express his concern about a security guard at his work who takes pleasure in telling him that he is going to kill him. Another friend of ours has three degrees in law and is yet to find any concrete work because of the colour of his skin. There are numerous friends who are qualified yet face destitution because of B.E.E.

There is no social security in general, if you should lose your job. The U.I.F (unemployment insurance fund) queues are endless and the office turns you away month after month disregarding your social position with impunity, despite you paying monthly installments for years. The degrading situation of being told by a black person that “This is great” because “Its payback time” is a common and daily event (not to mention the other offensive comments that come with it). Paranoia, depression, anxiety and suicide is a normality in our daily social circles.

A large proportion of these mental conditions are also a result of the lawless conditions we endure. In our previous residence, we were bombarded with continuous noise that rattled our windows. Everyday of the week it would start at midnight continuing up to four in the morning. Weekends the noise would start off at three in the afternoon and on holidays it would start at six in the morning both extending around the clock with one hour breaks inbetween. It caused numerous amounts of traumas for various residents arround the area as the offenders grew in confidence with gun pointing, racial confrontation/accusations, threats and assault, due to the inaction of the police.

Not once have the police gone further than filling out statements (which was in extreme cases) and the procedures for some incidences are so packed with beaurocracy that no one has the adequate knowledge, time or resources to follow it through. Many fear for their lives if they speak up because of this and most are silenced by race accussations.

Recently we came to Australia, undergoing the hopefull procedure of attaining residency,. The event was a miracle and this short period has painfully exposed our trauma of South africa, as we constantly find ourselves having anxieties in scenarios this first world presents as perfectly safe. There are an array of tourists that have visited South Africa with mixed experiences. Our story is about the local South Africans (English and Afrikaans) stuck in this reality, many being too afraid to talk in fear of being targeted. This is their story too.

Comment worth noting: Canadian Somali Conference more significant than its billing suggests?

Update: Be sure to read the comments to this post because ‘Somali woman’ confirms it was the Rhama Conference and she tells us more about it.

Reader ‘Somali woman’ is back with another warning.  Regular readers may remember we had an interesting exchange with her  here almost two weeks ago.   Last night ‘Somali woman’ was back with more concerning information in response to my post on May 26th about the US terror warning to border states about Somalis illegally entering the US.

This is what she says (emphasis is mine):

This isn’t surprising at all and it is too little too late. The Somalis are unwilling to assimilate, but they are willing to make everything their own: schools, malls, stores, mosques, and even districts. There are two kinds of these Islamists: 1. The one who has brought his ideologies overseas, and 2. The young ones who were brainwashed that live in the U.S.A. When one goes down the drain the other raises up its a continuous cycle.

3 weeks ago I attended (I had to) the First Annual Somali Islamic Conference which brought over 3,000 Somalis across the GTA [Greater Toronto Area] in Canada. Surprisingly the main point of this conference was: to build Islamic schools across Toronto and for Somalis to be able to have control over their children (as they say they don’t like or trust public schools and their children to attend them), to start Somali language and Arabic classes, to merge the biggest Somali mosques in Toronto: Abu Hurairah and Khalid bin Walid into one big mosque, the establishment of the MBA (Muslim Basketball Association, already established, trying to be as high and famous as the NBA), to form the Islamic Somali Imam’s Council of North America, etc.

This shows that the Somalis are coming to the move of where they want to establish a Shariah based laws in the West and its already heading in that direction. The conference was the first of its kind to gather all Somalis living in Canada and might extend to the United States.

All the preachers and Shiekhs of the conference were not surprisingly of either Somali, Arab, and or Pakistani descend. They came from all over the world: Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, USA, Canada, Australia, the UK, etc. for this conference and they had a great impact on the people because I have witnessed people literally in religious hypnosis mode (chanting prayers in Arabic or Somali) and some were even crying in agreement to the Shiekhs. So you see and know where this is heading.

Thanks to a trio of bloggers (Gates of Vienna, Vlad Tepes, and Blazing Cat Fur) who did some quick digging, below is a description of the conference Khadra likely attended in Canada.  The Rhama Conference was held at the International Centre in Toronto on May 22 and 23 and was benignly described as follows:

Islam is a natural perfection of balance, far from any extremes and in total agreement with our fitra. Our Muslim Ummah is in dire need to return to the long lost middle path of wasatiyyah. Only through our return to this path can the Ummah regain its legacies and fulfill our duty rightfully to our creator.

“Thus We have appointed you a middle nation, that ye may be witnesses over mankind, and that the messenger may be a witness over yourselves ..” Quran 2:143

Abu Huraira Centre and Khalid bin walid mosque, two distinguished masjids have joined together to address these issues and many alike. On May 22nd and 23rd at the renown International Centre in Toronto, we are pleased to invite you to a one of a kind convention where two conferences will be occurring simultaneously under one roof!

The Rahma Conference will host one of the largest Somali oriented conferences in North America, hosting some of the most renown Somali Masha’ekh globally. In addition we will also be hosting English speaking Shiekhs most of which are known for their heartfelt approach and motivational speeches. This year Rahma Conference is pleased to announce we will have guest Sheikh Adil Kalbani (Imam Masjid Haram) apart of the program prepared for our attendees.

Do not miss out!

Special Guests
Sheikh Mohamed Ahmed Nur (Garyare)
Mohamed Ibrahim Warsame ( Hadraawi)

List of Somali Speakers:
Sh. Mohamed Dirir (Hargeisa)
Sh. Mustafa Haruun (Oslo)
Sh. Abdirahman Sh. Omar (MN)
Sh. Osman Madad (Vancouver)
Dr. Abdirisaq Takar (UK)
Sh. Mohamed D. Roble (UK)
Sh. Abdulqadir Ali Camba (UK)
Sh. Bashir Shiil (Toronto)
Sh. Said Rageah (Toronto)

List of English speakers:
Sh. Abdulqadir Ali – Camba (UK)
Sh. Abu Taubah
Sh. Kamal El-Mekki
Sh. Navaid Aziz
Sh. Said

We are so naive (as ‘Somali woman’ has reminded us previously).  Was there any Canadian press coverage of a meeting that brought together 3000 Somalis from all over North America?  Does anyone know?  Is anyone paying attention?

Comment worth noting: Iraqis have great expectations

A commenter, Ben Ezra, writing in response to this post about Iraqis going to Detroit, tells us the following as an explanation for why Iraqis have such high expectations for life in America:

Iraqi Refugees come with high expectation, they think USA will be heaven for them. Overseas Iraqis love to tell fabulous stories about being paid salary for just being refugees in USA and they don’t have to work until 8 months, their rent will be paid and they will get food stamp for 5 years that goes along with health insurance for ever, and they will be placed in expensive houses with new furniture and a car above all that a church will help them with extra money.

New readers should know that many Iraqi refugees have been very disappointed with their lives in America and some have even returned in disgust to the Middle East.

By the way, we have written 470 previous posts in our Iraqi refugee category for anyone wishing to learn everything they ever needed to know about Iraqi refugees.