Comment worth noting: Reader is critical of USCRI Vermont affiliate

This is a comment from a reader named John.   It was sent to us a week ago in response to this post in which I said the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) had been having various problems with its subcontractors.  This is what I said:

We have reported problems USCRI has had with other subcontractors in Albany, NY, Erie, PA, Waterbury, CT, Manchester, NH and Akron, OH.    These were problems related to those subcontractors either having too many refugees and some not adequately caring for them, or in the case of Erie there was some funny-money business going on.

John commented with the following.  I was hoping to hear more from John to get further clarification and substantiation of these serious charges.   I haven’t heard from him.   However, I have heard similar allegations elsewhere in the US for each of John’s complaints, so they do ring true. 

“Please add another USCRI site to the list of incompetent and corrupt agency offices. The Vermont Refugee Resettlement Agency – VRRP – is a USCRI satellite office. They have totally failed to engage volunteers and volunteer groups such as local, independent, non-profit, service agencies like churches, housing advocacy organizations, child care and school programs, job training opportunities, health care providers, technical and professional skills training institutes, serious English language training academies, etc. etc….

The VRRP has provided almost NO support to refugees who need and are seeking jobs. The staff at VRRP are untrained, unskilled and lack any serious professional knowledge themselves! The VRRP tries to operate in a vacumn in the community and tries to remain invisible! What are they afraid of?

One thing the VRRP is good at: They are quick and efficient at reporting and demanding bills from the refugees. They demand immediate payment from refugees that have don’t even have jobs or any English skills! How about this? >> They want payment from a family of 8 – for the $13,000 airfare it supposedly took the USCRI to fly them from Nepal to the USA! Mind you, this was in the winter when the round-trip price was only $800/each. Since the USCRI ships thousands each year from Nepal, what was their actual price for these off-season one-way tickets? Did you every refugee pays about $1600 each to the USCRI – after 6 months? USCRI gets reimbursed by the refugee for spending US tax dollars, however USCRI doesn’t return the money to the US treasury! They use these millions to fund their “slush” fund.

The VRRP has no one on staff who understands the Bhutanese culture or language. They have one Nepali speaking staff person (from northern Nepal)that is in business with the same slumlord that VRRP uses to house many refugees! This same staff person also receives loan and grant money from the VRRP to fund her family’s food and catering company! This staff person was never a refugee!!

Please either John or other of our readers help us figure out what is going on in Vermont.  We did previously post on unhappy Iraqis who had been resettled by this same agency, hereReaders we are looking for help confirming OR denying the claims presented by John.

Reminder!  We think there should be an open and vigorous debate about how many refugees come to America and from where, but once they are here those agencies contracted to care for them are responsible to the taxpayer (and one would think their own conscience) for the refugees’ (quality!) care and assimilation into American society.

Comment Worth Noting: Where is George?

A week ago today, reader George Benedict said I wasn’t being truthful when I commented that resettlement agencies are required to find jobs for refugees and I suggested they would somehow be hurt financially if they did not.  Mr. Benedict said that was not true, he said there was no obligation on the part of agencies to find jobs for refugees.

I asked Mr. Benedict to write a guest post to explain how I was wrong and I am still looking for it.   Here is what I said in response to Mr. Benedict’s criticism at this post about Everett, WA.

Dear Mr. Benedict, It sounds like you work for a resettlement office and since the main reason we began writing this blog in the first place was to get information out to the public on how the program works—it strikes us that its inner workings are a closely held secret. Would you write a guest post for us with the focus on your statement:

“IN FACT – the USA volags and resettlement agencies get NO MONEY for finding people jobs!! As a matter of fact, they have no obligation or legal responsibility to find any type of jobs for refugees. IN FACT the resettlement agencies get all of their money upfront from the USA government and their pay and reputation has NOTHING to do with finding the refugees jobs!”

In your guest post, please explain especially how the Match Grant program works and its connection to finding jobs within a certain time frame in addition to explaining, as you say, that there is no legal obligation to find refugees jobs. I wonder how that can be when the agencies we hear are so hell-bent on finding employment for the refugees—why hurry if there is no obligation to find them work. And, if an agency doesn’t find work for a large number of its refugees will they be alotted more refugees in the future?

Please help clarify. You can write your guest essay as a comment here and I will post it prominantly as a post linked to this post on Everett, WA.

Thanks and look forward to your explanation about how I have made misleading statements.

Comment worth noting: he was a defector, we shouldn’t bring his body here

This is a comment from reader Joeyindc in response to my post in which Omar ‘Jesse Jackson’ Jamal was demanding the body of former Somali refugee Birhan Hassan be returned to the US.

Sounds to me like this terrorist is already home. He went to the place he was loyal to, died for his cause which was to fight for the land he considered home. He should be given a hero’s funeral in Somolia by the people who encouraged him to go. We shouldn’t be worrying about finding a way to bring him here. This wasn’t his home. He didn’t consider it to be otherwise he wouldn’t be trying to undermine the U.S.

His family and associates should be investigated to see what is going on over here and weed out the bad apples and send them back home so that we don’t have to worry about this kind of crap all of the time. It isn’t always our duty to do for people just because some special interest group wants us to. If he was fighting for our country, then of course he would be brought home. This isn’t the case. He was a defector of the U.S. When he went to fight for another country like that, he made his choice. His family and community should be more understanding of our nation’s feelings about those who are given a chance at a better life on our dime, then throws it in our faces. We don’t want him back.

Good point.  I only wish our CIA could dig up his body and do a positive ID.  This could all be a staged event for some twisted reason.

Comment worth noting: maybe agencies have different pots of money

This is a comment from ‘Iamevolved’ to the post I did yesterday about the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI)* lobbying on the Amnesty issue.  I really wanted to know how giving 12 million illegal aliens amnesty would help refugees.  Needless to say, no one answered that and I won’t hold my breath.    But, ‘Iamevolved’ said this (below) which sent me off to do research (till my eyes were falling out of my head, but more on what I learned in upcoming posts.)

It is possible that volags have different pots of money they use to fund positions so that employees are able to conduct different forms of advocacy for the people who they serve. I fail to see how it takes away jobs from refugees. Help me understand how you see that.

I went to the most recent Form 990 that USCRI filed with the IRS.  It covers the tax year Oct. 1, 2007 to Sept. 30th 2008.   Total income for the year was $23,138,072.  Of that amount $22,136,680 comes from you, the taxpayer.   96% of their entire income is from the government yet as a non-profit group they are unaccountable to you who pay for this.

So our commenter must be on to something, different pots of money?  Only $1,001,392 comes from “direct public support” and they spent $1,000,000 lobbying.  Humm!  Now the question is, who funded the lobbying?  Is it Soros money too? Certainly not the taxpayer, I think that is illegal.    I don’t know who gave that $1 million to USCRI.  Later I will tell you who did give a cool $3.5 million to the International Rescue Committee.

CEO Lavinia Limon had a salary and benefits package worth $198,466 in the tax year I looked at.  And, then, keeping it in the family?  Peter Limon, Director of Field Operations, took in $105,026 from you the taxpayer.  What is that expression, doing well by doing good?

In the meantime, USCRI came under scrutiny in several of its affiliate offices.  I’ve told you about this before here, but it bears repeating.

We have reported problems USCRI has had with other subcontractors in Albany, NY, Erie, PA, Waterbury, CT, Manchester, NH and Akron, OH.    These were problems related to those subcontractors either having too many refugees and some not adequately caring for them, or in the case of Erie there was some funny-money business going on.

So here is what I was thinking:  How about if USCRI uses its $1 million lobbying pot of money each year to help refugees it resettles—to keep them in better housing, feed them, clothe them, help them find jobs, and help the struggling affiliate staffs who are overloaded.

As for the jobs portion of ‘Iamevolved’s’ comment, I answered that at the post.

* USCRI is one of the top ten federal contractors resettling refugees but is by no means the largest.

Comment worth noting: reader says we are being “misleading” in diversity visa story

Earlier this month I reported that NumbersUSA has begun a grassroots campaign in support of a bill in Congress to do away with the Diversity Visa Lottery.  Here is the post I wrote.

A commenter, Nick, says we are being “misleading”, but I am not sure what we are “misleading” about.

Ummmm- sorry but your article is grossly misleading. I am a recipient of a 2009 Diversity Visa (LPR since March 27th of this year) and simple fact is that no Green Cards are issued to those who do not have 12 years of formal education (I have a law degree, my husband has a Ph.D)or have at least 2 years work experience in a skilled profession. Furthermore we had to either have savings of $26,000 (how many Americans can say that in these difficult times?, a promise of a job (got one- that by the way only 2 Americans applied for- I was chosen for my unique legal skills, without the Diversity Vis I would have waited up to 10 years to get a Green Card) or have an American Citizen agree to sponsor us for the next 3 years. We are per definition excluded from claiming public aid for three years, cannot receive publicly funded health insurance etc so therefore cannot become a burden on American Tax payers (by the way we pay tax too)We were told under no uncertain terms during our Visa interview that the US does not let just anyone enter and is very strict when it comes to enforcing the Public Charge rule.If you can’t take care of yourself you can’t get in……

Note that Nick did keep an American from getting a job.   And, I am curious about what foreign legal skills would be of much value for our American legal system.

Coincidentally only a few days ago the Wall Street Journal reported that Egyptian diversity visa lottery winners were in line with Americans and refugees competing for meatpacking jobs at Tysons Food in Shelbyville, TN.  So what happened to their original “promise of a job?”