Citizens on Italian Island Continue to Suffer Seven Years After Pope Invites Migrants

Invasion of Europe News…..

It was seven years ago, in the summer of 2013, when Pope Francis made his first official trip outside of Rome after becoming the head socialist honcho of the Catholic Church.

I reported his triumphant arrival on the island of Lampedusa to welcome the mass movement of migrants to Europe and to pray for the invaders safety—a story that is disappearing down the memory hole.

Pope lectures on Lampedusa


See what Lampedusa, a former tourist destination, has become (hat tip: Dragon’s Lair):

From the RAIR Foundation:


A video translated by RAIR Foundation USA reveals a distraught woman in Lampedusa, Italy complaining about illegal migrants squatting on her land even after she repeatedly tries to report the problem to authorities. In addition to the “mattresses,” “bottles of alcohol,” and “excrement everywhere,” Rosy Matinais explains that the Muslim migrants have eaten all of her animals, including dogs, with the exception of pigs.

Ms. Matinais, a farmer who lives off the crops on her land, earns her living from raising farm animals. “They have eaten chickens, the goats, the dogs,” she said. “I can’t have any more animals. I only have pigs.” The illegal migrants ate four of her dogs by skinning them and grilling them, she explained.

According to Italian newspaper, her father purchased the property on the island in 1967. Lampedusa, Italy, at the southernmost part of Italy, has become an epicenter for the socialist-driven illegal migrant invasion. The tiny island, an Italian tourist destination, has a population of about 6,000. There have been times when the migrants outnumbered the citizens. Socialist Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte “reversed [former Deputy Prime Minister Matteo] Salvini’s immigration stance when he came to power,” as reported at RAIR.


Hundreds of migrants have been landing daily in this beautiful Southern Italian coastal town that survives on tourism. Rosey and her native Italians have been failed by left-wing politicians pushing open border policies at all costs. Not only are these elected leaders turning a deaf ear to the unspeakable problems citizens are facing but they smear anyone who goes public with their stories.

More here including a video.

I’ve wondered over the years whether Americans might wake up (nevermind more serious issues) once they understood how Muslims treat dogs.

See my extensive files on the Invasion of Europe that extend back for more than a decade.

Oh, and by the way, the Southern Poverty Law Center has targeted RAIR, gave it a stamp of disapproval, so therefore you should visit the site every chance you get!

Somali Speaks Out about Sexual Abuse of Women in “their Community”

And, she has been brave enough to write a book about it.  The book is “an eye-opening indictment of the deep-seated misogyny in patriarchal cultures.”

What! I thought diversity was beautiful and that adding more Somalis to America was going to strengthen us!   Is she saying there are secrets about which the Open Borders cabal isn’t telling us as they push for more and more refugee resettlement for East Africans?

A press release from Benzinga:

(Emphasis is mine)

CHANDLER, Ariz., July 31, 2020 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — Malyun Ali, also known as Mama Malyun Suuban (MMS), currently resides in Phoenix, Arizona, as homeless person. Previously lived in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and moved away from there due to threats and cyberbullying by the Somali community.

The attack started due to the fact that she decided to speak up for the rights of the women of Somali, both abroad and back in Somalia.

Malyun Ali is a mother of three adult children and one grandchild. She is the voice of the voiceless and have challenged a culture that sees their women as second-class citizens. She is a businesswoman, a visionary, trailblazer and has a heart of gold. She has helped countless of victims throughout the years.

She is a YouTuber and is the first person of Somali descended [sic] to come out public as a child sexual-abuse survivor.

She has published his new book “I Cannot Be Silenced”: a deeply personal memoir of the horrific abuse she endured as a child and young woman in her native Somalia, and an eye-opening indictment of the deep-seated misogyny in patriarchal cultures.

She writes, “What you will read about in these pages has not just been my experiences but those of many women who are afraid to share their shameful secrets. My message is twofold: (1) to encourage women to shed this cloak of shame they have been forced to wear by both men and women who believe it is their right and privilege to steal their spirits; and (2) to inform and educate people of the Western world who can join with us in our fight for freedom.

“Others cannot feel your passion for change if they are ignorant of your lifetime of pain. There is no such thing as a silent cause. I promise you, speaking out will heal your soul, and that is what this book will show you how I have done it.

“This book will offer a platform for Western women/men to hear about and learn how to help female immigrants to better assimilate and adjust to new environments and communities as well. This book will be a guide to many service provider and individuals who are working with Somali community to understand them in a true, authentic, transparent, and honest way of working with this community victims and individuals who are not able to speak up and seek support.”

I guess this means all those resettlement contractors paid to resettle refugees better get to work and help these poor women instead of constantly agitating the rest of us about racism! These are black lives that matter, right?

And, by the way, these women are going to need the police and the US Justice system if they want to break the cycle of violence.  Does anyone believe that a little chit-chat with a social worker is going to do any good?

By the way, if you missed it at ‘Frauds and Crooks’ see:

Fugitive from Justice Charged with Kidnapping Likely in Somalia


The Transformation of Western Civilization More Advanced in Europe

Granted that I just this morning advised readers that it was time to focus on keeping your family and your local patriot community prepared and safe for the sure-to-expand civil unrest leading up to and following the 2020 Presidential election and curtail some of your news-reading addiction, I can’t resist directing you to some reading about Europe.

First, see what I said at ‘Frauds and Crooks’ and then see this screenshot at Borderhawk’s Eye on Europe.


There is no one coming to save us from the same fate.  We don’t have a Viktor Orban!

Go to work with your family and local friends and plan for how you will first, survive, and then put any extra time you have into ousting politicians who are leading us to the brink.  We must resist becoming Europe if it isn’t already too late!

See my ‘Invasion of Europe‘ archive here.

Idaho: Somali Arrested in Rape Investigation

The story widely reported in the local media a month ago simply says a “Boise man” was arrested and charged in late May on suspicion of rape and kidnapping.

Here it is at the Idaho Press, but the story is almost the same everywhere else it is published. (Hat tip: Phil):

Boise man arrested on suspicion of December rape

Siyad Matan, 21, is charged with rape and kidnapping, according to online court records.

Police believe on Dec. 27 he sexually assaulted a woman in a parked car, according to Haley Williams, police spokeswoman. Police also believe Matan wouldn’t let the woman leave the car during the course of the incident, which is relevant for the kidnapping charge.

Matan knew the woman, according to Williams. Police investigated the incident, and sent their investigation to the Ada County Prosecutor’s Office. Matan was arrested Tuesday, according to Williams.

Matan appeared in court Wednesday afternoon and a judge set his bail at $50,000, according to online court records. His next court appearance is set for June 3. [I am not seeing any news about what happened with his court appearance now nearly two weeks ago, one more case the media doesn’t want you to know about?—ed]

I want to know if Matan is a refugee resettled in Idaho.

Searching around on the internet I came across the name Siyad Matan who is a Somali refugee track star in Idaho who garnered a lot of attention in the liberal press.  See for example this story from 2016.

From the Idaho Statesman:

Refugees find home with Borah cross country

Is it the same guy? Does anyone know? Are there no curious reporters in the local press? And what happened to the case, the arrest was a month ago?  Surely he has appeared in court.  Why no follow-up (that I can find)?

Calling all Idaho readers!  Let me know if you see anything further or if you can confirm if the track star Siyad Matan (now a student at the College of Southern Idaho) is also the alleged rapist Siyad Matan.


UK Terrorist Was a Libyan Refugee (as you likely already know!)

I don’t always post about stories that are getting widespread attention, but figured I better post this one because there are a few too many competing news items these days that might be distracting you.

This is just a reminder that Islamic terrorism is still a scourge on the west.

Libyan Khairi Saadallah arrested in bloody knife attack

Immediately the media is attempting to urge everyone to move along and pay no attention to another atrocity as three human beings are murdered by yet another fake Muslim ‘refugee’ who had been ‘welcomed’ into the UK.

If you want to catch up on the story, the best place to do it is at Jihad Watch.

Robert Spencer was on it immediately with this post (with a little context!),

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (Qur’an 47:4).

UK: Muslim stabs random people in the neck, three feared dead, two more in critical condition, “terror-related”

Then he followed with additional posts:

UK: Muslim who murdered three in stabbings in Reading is “refugee” from Libya

UK counterterror top dog: Motive of Muslim who stabbed 3 to death “far from certain,” could be mental health issues

UK: Cousin of migrant from Libya who stabbed three people to death says he converted to Christianity

UK: MI5 suspected that “Christian” migrant who stabbed three to death was planning to go to Syria to join the jihad

UK: Brother of Libyan migrant murderer has pictures promoting jihad, calls Britons “dogs” and “children of haram”

See a story like this, the best place to go to get the scoop is Jihad Watch or the Geller Report.

And, for more on Libya, Hillary’s very own created hellhole, go hereArchived posts go back to 2011!