US refugee contractor David Miliband wading ever deeper into British Brexit politics, so….

….where is his resignation announcement from the International Rescue Committee (one of nine federal refugee resettlement contractors***) where, from his perch in Manhattan, he sucks down a salary of nearly $700,000 a year partially funded by US taxpayers?

Miliband in Manhattan

Make up your mind Miliband!
Why should American taxpayers support your dalliances in British politics?
From Sky News today:

David Miliband, Nick Clegg and Nicky Morgan warn against ‘hard Brexit’

Former foreign secretary David Miliband has urged all parties to come together to prevent a “hard Brexit”.

Saying “Europe is Britain’s anchor”, Mr Miliband made an impassioned speech saying he is “alarmed” at the state of negotiations on Britain’s exit from the EU.

Mr Miliband, an ex-Labour cabinet minister, shared a platform with Liberal Democrat former deputy minister Sir Nick Clegg and the Conservative chairwoman of the commons treasury committee, Nicky Morgan.

Miliband and soros 3
Miliband and George Soros

Speaking at a Tilda Rice Mill in Rainham, Essex, the trio repeated their statement from a joint article for the Mail on Sunday that Britain was being “held to ransom” by hardline Brexiteers.

They say a hard Brexit threatens jobs and living standards in the UK.

Mr Miliband, who now heads the New York-based International Rescue Committee aid agency, denied he was seeking to launch a new, centrist political movement when asked by the BBC Radio 4 Today programme.

More here.
Just a reminder to readers, this is a page from a recent Form 990 for the International Rescue Committee.

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Doing well by doing good! (and not just Miliband):

*** Nine federal contractors:
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees and get them signed up for their services (aka welfare)!  From most recent accounting, here.
If you are wondering, I post this list every chance I get because we have new readers daily and because I want all of you to know that for reform to be possible these nine fake non-profits have to go.


Czech Republic could be next EU exit country, says Gatestone author

Author Josef Zbořil gives three reasons, the first one has to do with the monetary system and the Czech peoples unwillingness to bail out countries like Greece, but it’s the next two reasons that interested me the most.
Here are a few snips from the Gatestone article entitled:

Integrating Islam or Islamizing Integration?

If polls are to be trusted, one of the next countries most likely to follow Britain’s lead and exit the European Union is the Czech Republic. In 2016, after the Brexit referendum, a mere 25% of the Czech public said it was satisfied with membership in the EU. There are three main reasons for this dissatisfaction.

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Organization of Islamic Cooperation


The second reason for Czech dissatisfaction with the EU has to do with the desire to retain a national identity, rather than blend completely into a general European “One”.


The third reason for Czech concern about the EU is that although its original aim may have been to establish inter-European integration — with mutual tolerance and respect even with and towards non-European cultures — it is becoming increasingly evident that immigrants from Muslim countries do not spontaneously integrate. On the contrary, there has been a controlled Islamization of integration, rather than the other way around.

The fear among Czechs is that such a trend will lead, within a few decades, to a dangerous demographic shift and ultimate theocratic totality in Europe as in the Middle East.

This fear was expressed by figures such as Tomio Okamura, the leader of Czech Freedom and Direct democracy party, whose slogan, ahead of the Czech parliamentary elections in 2017, was: “No to Islam. No to terrorists.” Even former social democratic Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka stated: “When we see problems in other European countries, we no longer want Muslims in the Czech Republic.”

The “controlled Islamization of integration” was confirmed by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in November 2000, in a document entitled “The Strategy for Islamic Cultural Action outside the Islamic World,” which states:

“The demographic constituents of western countries… will change and become subject to restructuring into a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society. Thereby, western countries will no longer remain that harmonious and monolithic society constituted on the basis of a specific historical, economic, social and cultural lineage….

“Sensing the importance of Islamic communities and minorities in the west… immunize the second, third and even fourth generations of those communities, who settled outside the Islamic world, against cultural assimilation and loss of their Islamic identity.”


If European integration is to succeed without submission to Islamization, Europeans must choose the path of freedom, and replace empty phrases with practical steps.

More here.
In my opinion, the only practical step that will work is to not admit the hijra-driven Muslim migrants in the first place!
It is demography, demography, demography!
See my whole ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.

EU, led by France and Germany, set to punish Hungary and Poland this week

Of course it all has to do with Hungary and Poland standing against the European Union that is demanding those countries take their ‘fair share’ of migrants who have arrived illegally by the hundreds of thousands in recent years because France and Germany were spineless.
If the EU cuts off their funds, why don’t they just join the Brits and leave the EU?
Invasion of Europe news….
From the Express:

Eastern EU states such as Poland and Hungary would be punished under the proposals if they are deemed to have fallen short of the bloc’s ‘democratic values’.

Trump and Macron
While Trump and Macron swooned, the Hungarians and Poles were standing firm against bullying from France and Germany.  Come on Donald, snuggling with Macron isn’t helping your image. Where is the State Dinner for Viktor Orban?

Brussels’ move comes after growing calls from Germany and France, the EU’s two most influential members, to punish rebel member states.

Under the proposals, to be unveiled by the EU’s budget chief Guenther Oettinger this week, bureaucrats would freeze access to funding for EU projects.

An EU source said: “The proposal will include the temporary freezing of funds in order to motivate a change of behaviour among states.”

The measures are likely to further increase tensions between Brussels and the populist, right-wing governments in Warsaw and Budapest.

Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban has repeatedly clashed with the EU over the migrant crisis after refusing to sign up to refugee resettlement schemes.

And Poland has angered Brussels after introducing controversial judicial reforms judged anti-democratic by the European Commission.

See my previous posts on Hungary and Poland.
My complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ file is here.

EU trying (in vain?) to get new agreement on migrant redistribution in Europe; fear increase in populism

“If we don’t get a deal by the summer we will lose credibility vis-à-vis public opinion and we cannot afford that because it would fuel support for populist and extremist parties across the country.”

(Unnamed diplomat from a frontline country)

Politico Europe is reporting that the European Union is working to get in place (by June) a new plan to redistribute migrants from frontline countries, but those frontline countries are not happy.

Invasion of Europe news….

Of course no where is it mentioned that they must first stop the boats arriving from North Africa (European equivalent of BUILD THE WALL)!
Continue reading “EU trying (in vain?) to get new agreement on migrant redistribution in Europe; fear increase in populism”