Malta patriots defend ship and its message

Invasion of Europe news…..

No time for a thorough discussion, but do want you all to know about this ship (and LOL! since I have ships on my mind, see my previous post) sailing the Mediterranean.

The photo pretty much says it all:

Screenshot (795)


From the British National Party:

The C-Star vessel that has been sailing European waters to stop illegal immigration reached the Mediterranean island of Malta on route to Cyprus.

However, the Maltese government denied access to their territorial waters leaving the crew unable to restock or refuel.

Defend Europe is a movement against the Islamic invasion of Europe.

It has members from many European countries.

In July, Defend Europe chartered a ship and sailed to the Mediterranean to stem the flow of refugees and migrants from Libya.

Continue here for the rest of the story.

My ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.

Malta-to-America Express

And, I have a huge archive on Malta.  I have been following the illegal action of our US State Department which has for ten years (Bush started it!) been bringing illegal aliens from Africa (who arrived on Malta) to America as refugees!

Trump may have stopped the Malta-to-America express, but I don’t know for sure because Trump’s State Department is as secretive as all the previous ones I’ve seen on this issue.

Looking for a page-turner for the holiday weekend?

Three days ahead and it might be raining….

Check out Matthew Bracken’s The Red Cliffs of Zerhoun!

I just finished it and could barely drag myself away for my daily duties on the farm (and here at RRW).

Cliff's cover

It’s set in the future, but only a few years from now.  The US is gone (we are not told what happened), European civil wars have raged and the world is in chaos.

Pirates are terrorizing the world’s oceans as the novel’s main character, former Marine, Dan Kilmer, is eking out a living selling commodities like diesel fuel he can pick up in one part of the world and transport to another—selling it for gold of course.

Here is what Amazon says about the story line:

Dan is a former Marine sniper in his late thirties.


In The Red Cliffs of Zerhoun, Dan’s trading schooner is located in southwest Ireland, where he is attempting to sell drums of diesel fuel salvaged from an abandoned NATO base in Greenland. The global financial system has collapsed, and both paper and digital currency have no value, but diesel fuel and gold still do.


While waiting to sell his remaining thirty barrels, Dan is approached by a retired SAS colonel and asked to carry a dozen former special operations commandos to the Canary Islands, where they will be transported by a landing craft to Morocco to conduct a rescue operation. Two months before, nearly seventy Irish and English girls had been kidnapped by sea-jihad pirates from their elite Irish boarding academy and taken to Port Zerhoun, which is under the control of a cartel of modern corsairs. There, they will be sold at auction as sex slaves, unless a ragtag team of former commandos can get them out in time.

Bracken’s enormous knowledge of weapons, boats and strategies for defeating an enemy on the battlefield captured my attention.  (I was surprised to find the details of various fire arms so interesting).

And, besides the entertainment value of this novel, you will learn more about Islam.

This book would make a great action movie, but alas, I can’t see that ever happening in the America of today. The Left has for decades used the big screen to promote political messages to the masses. Sure wish we were smart enough (and rich enough!) to do it too!

Does Poland permit more free speech than the US?

I’m beginning to think so!  Look at this photo (once again the Poles are saying NO to Muslim migrants moving to Poland).

With the anti-free speech climate in the US as it is right now, any group with this banner would be vilified in the mainstream media (with the help of the SPLC!).

See the latest news from Breitbart here.

poland no mosque

See my growing Poland archive, here. All ‘Invasion of Europe’ posts are here.

Reader comment: What I learned about the SPLC over the years

Editor: From time to time, I publish/feature (as posts) comments from readers that would otherwise be lost in the daily din.


This is from Deena Flinchum (see a previous comment here) who enlightens us on the Southern Poverty Law Center and how they have evolved over the last 4 decades. (Emphasis is mine)

Ann, I sent this to a reporter and thought you might find it interesting:

The social philosopher Eric Hoffer, author of The True Believer, once said: “Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.” This has been my observation of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

In 1973, I received a fundraising letter from the SPLC signed by Julian Bond, an icon of the civil rights movement, asking me to become a retainer supporter, meaning I’d send a monthly payment to retain lawyers for African-Americans seeking to secure voting rights, access to schools and neighborhoods, etc. I readily agreed, sending in my monthly contribution for over 25 years. Never missed a single payment. I was gratified to see progress in a cause I believed in and to have a chance to be a part of it.

As time went by, I saw less and less civil rights work but the fundraising continued.

We were told that SPLC needed to put away a lot of reserves so that they could withstand loss of contributions, etc. In essence, SPLC had become a business, piling up retained earnings from contributions that they didn’t spend on the cause. I began to see more effort in hunting down ‘hate’ and less on suing entities on behalf of those whose civil rights were being violated. It costs a lot less to ship copies of Teaching Tolerance out to schools and libraries and to designate as ‘hate groups’ organizations that disagree with you on issues than it does to finance complex lawsuits. More money in the reserve fund!

The break for this old-line environmentalist came when SPLC entered its racket phase by declaring FAIR and CIS – two organizations that saw massive immigration as not a good thing for the US – to be ‘hate groups’. How can two very mainstream organizations, ones who shared the opinions of the Jordan Commission led by Congresswoman Barbara Jordan under President Bill Clinton, be classified in the same terms as the KKK and Nazis? Were Congresswoman Jordan and President Clinton ‘far-right haters’? Hardly. I stopped my support immediately and told SPLC why. I was left alone for years until after Trump’s election when, I guess, SPLC considered me fair game again. I’ve had about 4 letters since then wanting me to re-up. Hilarious!

No way. I look upon the SPLC the same as I do scammers who try to separate senior citizens from their savings by pretending to be good causes intent upon some good work or another if only the mark would come through with hard cold cash. Unfortunately too many still do.

I’m stunned that anybody in the media takes the SPLC seriously anymore after all of the exposure there has been about their dishonesty, discrimination in hiring, and simple greed. All they are doing with their ‘hate group’ designations is trying to shut down dissent or even discussion if it varies from their opinions. I firmly believe that a lack of discussion over the years because people were afraid of being smeared is what has led to a lot of the bitterness in the debate over immigration now.

See other comments and guest opinions by clicking here.

Corporate/globalist giants donating millions to defeat small voices like mine!

Holy cow!  Look at this! Who knew we were making such headway in getting our messages out!

Fascinating isn’t it how times have changed and the Leftists and Wall Street are on the same side!

I told you here that the SPLC and ProPublica had teamed up to ‘out’ us, but look at this NBC story about the payola the SPLC and the ADL are getting from those giant global corporations.

And, folks, this is about one issue only (not hate speech! not Charlottesville!), but IMMIGRATION.

Immigration and its consequent demographic change is the biggest issue of our times (see Steyn).

Apple CEO Tim Cook trying to silence my speech. In this story he is helping the illegal migrants getting in to Europe.

These globalists and big banks need the free flow of cheap migrant labor (and immigrant consumers) to be able to move freely across borders. (And the SPLC and ADL are actually aiding in supplying that slave labor!)

Thus they are silencing anyone explaining to the American public about why unfettered immigration is not good for America—economically and culturally.

This is about MONEY for the rich, straight up!

From NBC:

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — JPMorgan Chase is fighting back against hate groups by donating $1 million to nonprofits that expose extremists.

The nation’s largest bank announced on Monday that it is giving $1 million to be split equally by the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League.

The donations are part of an effort to address “deep divisions” in the U.S. following a violent white supremacist protest in Charlottesville, Virginia this month, the bank said.

Uber wealthy, like Fox’s James Murdoch, squashing voices they don’t like.

Last week, Apple CEO Tim Cook similarly announced plans to donate $1 million each to the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League.

21st Century Fox CEO James Murdoch, the son of Rupert Murdoch, also pledged $1 million to the ADL.

Continue reading here.

I know none of us have the money to fight back in a big way, but in your own small way, you can dump Apple, your JP Morgan bank acct/credit card and maybe it is time to give up Fox News (if you haven’t already).

P.S.  And, as we have said many times on these pages remember that both Tyson Foods and Chobani Yogurt are always on the lookout for more refugee laborers!