Or, if it’s your style, react as the Governor of Maine did in his profanity-laced tirade against a Democrat law maker.
When you think about it, all they have is to call you a racist (or fancier versions of the same word—a xenophobe, a nativist, an islamophobe) when you raise concerns about the costs of refugee resettlement, security concerns, and the impact on social cohesion brought by forced multiculturalism to your communities. And, the progressive left has been getting away with defeating us for decades by rolling out that charge.
I say, call me whatever you want, then laugh at them and move on!
Once you defeat the power of that word by not caring that it is used against you, you win.
Watch this hilarious clip of Hillary’s attack on all of us “racists” and the so-called ‘Alt Right’ earlier this week (and spread it far and wide)!
Now see what Maine Governor LePage said in the same week that Donald Trump turned the tables on Clinton and called her a “bigot.”
Maine Gov. Paul LePage went ballistic Thursday after several Democratic politicians labeled him a “racist” over comments he made about the demographic makeup of drug trafficking suspects in his state.
Rep. Drew Gattine a “socialist (expletive)” according to Gov. LePage.
LePage went on a profanity-laced tirade in a voicemail message in which he challenged Democrat state legislator Drew Gattine to prove he was a racist, the Portland Press Herald reported.
“Mr. Gattine, this is Gov. Paul Richard LePage,” a recording of the governor’s phone message says. “I would like to talk to you about your comments about my being a racist, you (expletive). I want to talk to you. I want you to prove that I’m a racist. I’ve spent my life helping black people and you little son-of-a-bitch, socialist (expletive). You … I need you to, just friggin. I want you to record this and make it public because I am after you. Thank you.”
LePage later confided in reporters he’d like to settle the score with the “snot-nosed little guy” Gattine in an armed duel.
Charges of racism and bigotry from the Democrat Party are nothing new, of course.
We’ve been talking about those pesky R & P Abstracts for more than a year now and some of you are starting to get-it and get them!
By ‘get-it’ I mean that these documents, prepared at the level of your local resettlement contractor with the help and guidance of one of the major nine federal contractors, are the blueprints for what is being planned for your town for the upcoming fiscal year. Update:I’ve been talking about all of this for so long I forget that new people don’t know how to find a contractor near them. Go here and find an office near you (any of the agencies within a hundred miles of you could be bringing refugees to your town). Call or write to the office and ask for a copy of the FY2017 R & P Abstract.
Fiscal year 2017 begins October 1, 2016. Speaker Paul Ryan and other Catholics of Wisconsin must have run out of poor Americans to take care of as they pour the third world into Milwaukee. His hometown of Janesville doesn’t get any refugees yet, maybe it’s time some are sent there?
It is my contention that the public is entitled to this document in advance because you have a right to know what Washington has planned for your town (especially because you are paying for this!)
You should be told about this plan before it even goes to Washington where it becomes the basis for the President’s ‘determination’ in September when he sends his wishlist for how many refugees Congress must fundfor the upcoming year. For eight of the last nine years that I’ve been following the program, Congress says NOT a word and just takes the Presidential determination with a ‘yes master, anything you say, master’ attitude.
Last year there was a little push-back, but ultimately Congress (Speaker Paul Ryan!) agreed to pay for the increased number of new refugees (from the average of about 70,000 to 85,000 for FY16) to accommodate the Syrian influx. So here we go again. Obama has one more shot at changing America by changing the people. The minimum number we can expect Obama to propose is 100,000.
Before I get to what an Abstract looks like and what you should do with it when you get it, I want to say that not only should communities have this document and see it published in a local newspaper, but it should be discussed in the community before it is finalized. I recommend that every ‘welcoming’ community hold a public hearing at the mayor/council level to discuss the numbers being proposed and the amenities the town is offering the refugees.
[Note to long time readers, we have done this exercise before, see especially herewhen I obtained the R & P Abstract for a new resettlement site—Reno, NV. Perhaps re-read that post now. And, I encourage your local research teams to read through the ‘Proposed Refugee Admissions for Fiscal Year 2016, report to Congress’by clicking here as part of their investigative work.]
Why do I know that the R & P Abstracts are important for you to obtain? Because the contractors do not want you to see them! In fact one of the nine contractors (maybe all of them!) sent a message to their subcontractors this past year specifically instructing their offices to NOT give them out to anyone who calls. So what are they hiding?
Despite attempts to keep them from public view, some of you are successfully obtaining your local Abstracts and a few are actually receiving the plan for FY2017 and not the older ones. Of course in many of these cases it has taken a Freedom of Information Act request, but at least you have them. A few of the ones I have seen are not complete based on the 16 pages of the document for Reno, NV which includes VERY useful and informative letters of support from various entities and agencies including the local Islamic Center.
Let’s have a look at the troubled city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin!
Clearly the African-American community there is troubled! That is a given (you would have to be living under a rock to not know that!). So what is the US State Department planning for Fiscal year 2017 with the paid help (you pay them!) of three resettlement contractors? They will be dropping off a total of 925 more impoverished people from Burma, Somalia, Iraq, DR Congo, Sudan, Afghanistan, Bhutan (Nepal really), Eritrea and Ethiopia in FY 2017 alone to compete with the local African American community for work and for ‘services.’
There are three federal contractors (bidding for bodies) with offices set up in Milwaukee (three! why is there a need to have three agencies doing the same work?). They include the US Conference of Catholic Bishops(Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Inc.), USCRI (International Institute of Wisconsin), and the Ethiopian Community Development Council(Pan-African Community Association).
The Catholics say they want 500 refugees (included in their wish list are devout Rohingya Muslims from Burma). USCRI wants 300 and ECDC wants 125.
In light of the trouble Milwaukee has right now, if there was a public hearing in advance of these documents going to Washington, isn’t it likely that members of the public would say—well hold on here, we have a lot of problems we need to solve right here at home before we invite the world’s poverty to Wisconsin!
We will look at the R & P Abstract for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee (which also serves Sheboygan). (I confess I don’t know what every line of the document means!)
Of course you can see the location and the agency name. And, you can see that they expect to resettle 450 refugees by September 30th (for FY 2016).
Then the most important section follows where they fill in the numbers from each area of the world they want to place in Milwaukee beginning in October for FY17. “Tie capacity” means that there are some relatives or some others related in some way to those already there. Abbreviations:
AF = Africa. African ethnic groups we resettle are from: DR Congo, Somalia, Burundi, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea and a few other lesser groups.
EA = East Asia. This group includes the large number of Burmese we have been admitting for years (and now including the Rohingya Muslims). Also, smaller numbers of Vietnamese, Chinese, Laotians and North Koreans are admitted from this region.
ECA = Europe and Central Asia. Ukrainians and those living in the former Soviet Union like Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan fall in this group. Earlier we took tens of thousands from the Balkans.
LAC = Latin America and the Caribbean. One major country in this category is Colombia (don’t ask me why we favor Colombia!), and of course Cuba. Think about it, we still take tens of thousands of Cubans!
NE/SA= Near East and South Asia. This is the big category right now and includes: Afghanistan, Bhutan/Nepal, Iran, Iraq, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Syria.
In our sample Abstract, Catholic Charities of Milwaukee*** wants more of the following ethnic groups to add diversity to a struggling city. Burmese, Chin, Karen and Rohingya are all religious minorities from Burma (Myanmar) where the Buddhist government wants to keep Burma for Buddhists only, so we see it as our job (America’s job) to take care of all their displaced people (even though the Karen and Rohingya are enemies of each other!). But, of course the naive do-gooders think all of their differences will melt away when placed together in slums in Milwaukee.
Somalis, Iraqis, Sudanese, Congolese and Cuban round out their wish list.
And, wow, see they have 50 languages available locally from which to select expensive interpreters!
See that PRM (that stands for the State Department branch called ‘Population Refugees and Migration’) has monitored the agency and found them not completely compliant with their contract in one recent year.
Now, let’s have a look at another page:
See the industries they will be placing their refugees with—Meatpacking is one! And, check out the wages. A family is not going to live on $8.75 an hour so of course the refugees will remain on welfare.
And notice that Catholic Charities is bragging that the government has great medical care available for refugees in Milwaukee. Oh boy, that means you get to pay for their Obamacare! Here is the third page of this abstract. And, by the way, I feel sure this abstract is not complete. If Reno was 16 pages this one has been shortened for some reason. What are they hiding?
Have a look at this chart. Here is what this is about. The contractor/subcontractor is supposed to be putting up its share of money for this supposed PUBLIC/PRIVATE partnership. So here they have to prove they have some skin in the game, that this isn’t being run completely out of the US taxpayers’ pockets (which it is, but here they try to pretend it isn’t).
What do you think the odds are that Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, which ponied-up a whopping $3,000 in cash from individuals in 2015, is actually going to find $100,000 from individuals in 2017? Don’t make me laugh!
Then see the line ‘Volunteer hours/miles!’ They need to find volunteers because the volunteers time and miles are turned into cash (on paper) for the purpose of showing the feds in this phony system that they are doing their share to contribute to the resettlement of hundreds of poor people to Milwaukee.
And, don’t miss the line with the amount of money local and state government is handing out (and they keep telling us this is completely funded from the federal level). Ha! Ha!
Then see the last line. CC says it will contribute $540 per refugee in cash in FY2017, but only managed $242 in 2015. Optimistic aren’t they!
And, that doesn’t mean the cash necessarily goes to the refugee, but likely goes toward the agency’s overhead!
If you want a really good laugh, you should see the Abstract for the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) for FY17 for Milwaukee. They are going to contribute a grand total of $53 in cash per refugee they resettle while in 2015 they shelled out a whole $24 per refugee (whoop-de-do).
Are you still with me????
So what do you do with your local R & P Abstract once you get it?
You must make the document public!
You are going to have to figure out how to do that where you live. Go before your local government (when the media is there) and ask if your elected officials had any role in its preparation. Tell them to hold a public meeting to discuss it.
Make sure all those in your local group with similar concerns are given a copy.
If you are doing a power point presentation in your state, be sure to put the pages on the power point.
Take it to your Member of Congress and US Senators and tell them you disapprove of the numbers and that you don’t want them to vote to fund it.
Demand to know exactly which ethnic groups are coming to your town. And, are they screened for communicable diseases?
I feel like I am beating a dead horse with this next one…..
If you can’t get to the media (those local papers have been captured!), you will have to write a blog or website so all of the information you gather is made public by your own alternative media. Facebook pages are not as good because I don’t think you can catalog information for future reference.
It is pretty late in the cycle to make a huge impact this year with the Abstracts except to pressure Congress in to not funding Obama’s planned expansion of the program.
Next year? What do we do? Who knows…..It all depends on November!
*** Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee received almost $7 MILLION FROM US TAXPAYERS in the last 3 years. See USASpending.gov here.
I suppose the question it asks could easily be answered in Minnesota!
That roving gang of Somali refugee youths in an upscale suburb of Minnesota two weeks ago told a homeownerthat they could kidnap and rape her because Sharia law said they could. Why aren’t we believing the believers?
“Do you know Shariah law?” one of the older men in robes yelled at Penskey.
“We can kidnap you and rape you!” the men shouted back at her.
Here is the billboad, see the story, here at Alpha News.
It is a billboard contracted through the month of July by theCenter for Security Policy.
I love these alternative ways of reaching people when the national media isn’t telling the public the truth!
Heck, have you seen any of these three recent stories on the national news—Idaho rape, Somali roving gangs, and now the Massachusetts Syrian alleged perv?
By the way, some people prefer spelling ‘sharia’ with an ‘h’ at the end, I don’t know if there is a correct spelling or whether you can spell it either way and be correct.
Invasion of Europe news…
We reported here previously that Mama Merkel and Facebook mogul Marky Zuckerberg have agreed that you dare not criticize Germany’s immigration policy on facebook or you can be dragged into court, like this husband and wife.
A German couple were taken to court and sentenced after they created a Facebook group that criticised migrants and the government’s mass migration policy.
Jawohl Frau Merkel, whatever you say!
The couple, who live in the German town of Vierkirchen, stood accused of inciting hatred toward migrants via the Facebook group that the pair had created called the “Anti-refugee movement” (AFB). The group is said, by the court, to have been a clear incitement against migrants and as a result both 27-year-old Peter M. and his 26-year-old wife Melanie M. were found guilty of hate speech, Merkur reports.
The statements on the Facebook group did not seem to contain anything overtly nationalistic or Nazi-inspired, but rather expressed deep concern about the situation in Germany relating to mass migration.
Continue reading here.
And, don’t miss this other Breitbart story about the migrant crisis causing German towns to go into deep debt. Click herefor all the news (for the last few years!) on the ‘Invasion of Europe.’
Thank God we are not Germany yet! (And, free speech is probably the only thing that will save us from that fate.)
If you’ve wondered how so many warm and fluffy stories are popping up on the issue of refugees, you might look to The Hiveas one reason for the latest flurry. The Hive’s brain, Brian Reich. http://www.fastcompany.com/3054496/most-creative-people/a-un-agencys-radical-experiment-in-addressing-the-refugee-crisis
Truly I’m creeped-out when I read about the small group of social engineers hired by the United Nations, to create a narrative, to solve what they call the “most pressing issue” of our time—the “refugee crisis.” Here(hat tip: Julia) is what they say about themselves (of course they don’t tell you what they really are—propagandists!):
So what is the Hive, and what does it do? It’s a team of 10 people working out of New York, exploring the universe of “persuadables” in the context of the refugee crisis. Reich and his colleagues are always asking, “Who can we get to engage around this issue that the UNHCR might not otherwise target? And how can we measure their behavior?” Its hiring practices are unorthodox, for the nonprofit world, at least. “We have the first full-time data scientist in a nonprofit in the U.S. focused on engagement,” says Reich.
And, here they describe one of their recent successes as they work for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (the agency choosing refugees for your towns!):
The Hive has a wide berth to experiment with things that an august body like the UNHCR might not typically try. It made a “Jesus Was a Refugee” bumper sticker, riffing on a line of the Pope’s, and distributed it around the time of his U.S. visit.
The average person just thinks a theme like that springs up from the ether. Do a google search on ‘Jesus was a refugee’ and see how it is spread throughout social media.
Here is their facebook page: USA for UNHCR where they promote their memes such as the bumper sticker project they brag about.
And, here is what they say they are doing:
We’re building knowledge about issues relating to refugees so that Americans will grow more committed to solving the refugee crisis.
We’re using data science to identify and micro-target prospective supporters.
And we’re developing strategic partnership opportunities for corporations and brands that change everything we know about philanthropy and advocacy.
This is not about charity. We’re here to help the United States. We are here to help the United States solve problems that truly need the United States’ support.
We’re here to unlock the potential of the U.S. market – both in terms of fundraising and advocacy – in support of the most pressing issue of our time.
We can’t make change happen alone or over night – that is why we need you. We are bringing together the smartest and most innovative partners in the U.S. to help us reach, educate and engage American’s on today’s most pressing issue.
One of the most important weapons they have in their propaganda arsenal is STORYTELLING!
The political Left loves stories: warm stories, family stories, children stories, stories of hardship overcome, stories about success and stories about how ethnic groups are reaching out to help each other with love and kindness. Blah, blah, blah! But, we have stories too! (and we don’t have millions of dollars and Manhattan brains promoting them). We have stories about their angels wandering off-message (thus destroying their carefully crafted narrative) and raping little girls (Idaho!), becoming Islamic terrorists (Kentucky) or terrorizing suburbs (Minnesota).
And, therein lies the danger to the UN and its Leftist social engineers of blogs like Refugee Resettlement Watch and other on-line media daily messing up their narrative!by pumping out the “stories” that ‘balance’ their warm and fuzzy multicultural dream theme with some cold hard reality!