Raheem Kassam writing at Breitbart London reported a very edifying bit of information yesterday, namely that Syrians are not all running from war (they really want a good and free education for their kids), and that the Gulf states are taking not a one of them (we knew that!).
I would love to spend some time on this story, but you will have to read it for yourselves.
Besides his two important revelations, according to reporter Kassam, the UN official bemoans the fact that through the internet you can get too many differing views of what is going on and claims the media has shirked its role of educating the ignorant masses!
I read this to mean that no longer can the UN gets its propaganda planted and disseminated so that your minds will be made right on the subject of refugees and migration generally!
Viva la free speech!
Category: free speech
Advice from a reader in-the-know!
Update: Do not miss the comments to this post!
Editor: This is another in our series of ‘comments worth noting’ and was posted by ‘jdelaney3 ‘ to our post yesterday, ‘Is yours to be a “welcoming” refugee community?’ I assure you that this reader knows what he is talking about!
Get organized! (from ‘jdelaney3’)
I urge folks to deluge local resettlement agency offices with phone calls to determine what refugees and in what numbers they plan to accept for resettlement during the remainder of the year. Put them on notice that you and many others will be watching.
If any of those refugees the agency is planning to resettle are, from all reports, improperly vetted, urge them NOT to “assure” (accept) them.
Keep your eye on these volags/ngos/gov’t contractors and call with regularity for updated information as to what refugees have arrived and what refugees are expected to arrive.
I would also contact City Hall and the County Executive to intercede as well in this regard.
Also, reach out to community organizations, many of which should welcome the opportunity to keep tabs on the refugee influx as well.
If the agency is a Catholic-supervised operation, e.g. Migration & Refugee Services–USCCB, also touch base with the Diocese as often as appropriate. Let them all know they’re being monitored.
It’s all about pressure and oversight which these refugee resettlement operations are terrified of.
Finally, if you know folks who have firsthand familiarity with the local resettlement office staff and operation, ask them to keep you posted. Not all who work for or volunteer for these agencies are lackeys.
So how do you find your local resettlement agency offices? Click here and if you live near one of these offices know that they can resettle refugees in nearby towns—up to 100 miles or about a two hour drive away.
But, here is step 2! You have got to get what you learn out beyond your own little circle! Write a blog or website, write letters-to-the-editor, develop a social media network, make youtube vids, whatever it takes!
Use your free speech while you’ve got it!
Small town Montana newspaper editor walks into buzz saw on Syrian refugee issue
I have a million more things to write about (and am waaayyy behind), but when this popped up in my alerts just now, I thought it was something you all needed to know—Montanans are trying to save themselves from becoming the newest destination for Syrian and other Middle Eastern and African refugees*** and they are being vilified by Leftists now in charge of small newspapers attempting to control the narrative.
Truthfully, I am not wading into all of the he said/they said. You can read it all yourself. But, it seems a new newspaper editor penned a piece last week entitled ‘Syrian refugees are not welcome in Sanders County‘ that has angered the rural Montana community and they are letting him know.
First read what editor/reporter Trip Burns said, here.
Then see his response to the criticism, here, including this from a reader, Les Wood of Plains:
I know that you are a new guy in town, but you better know that we watch over and protect our own. We are not so quick to accept a new guy who thinks that he has all of the liberal answers for the world and that we are a bunch of old retired hicks who don’t know which way is up.
Continue reading here. (I guess we should give him credit for posting all of the criticism!)
You don’t need these small town rags!
I feel like I am beating a dead horse when I say this, but please, all of you in ‘pockets of resistance’ must develop your own alternative media to bypass the Leftwing-controlled corporate media industry. This paper (Clark Fork Valley Press) has a circulation of a whopping 1,466 and is owned by some big corporation called Hagadone Corp. (whoever the heck they are!), see here.
Use your free speech! Get your own facts out on what is happening to Montana by writing blogs, websites, and through other forms of social media! Go door to door with flyers if you must!
***See our extensive archive on the battle for Montana.
German PEGIDA leader to face trial for "hate speech" on Facebook
Invasion of Europe news….
As we have previously reported Facebook boy wonder, Mark Zuckerberg joined forces with the German government a few weeks ago in an agreement to police Facebook more thoroughly for anyone disparaging the immigrant hordes arriving in Germany at Mama Merkel’s invitation.
Seems they caught a big fish in Lutz Bachmann the leader of PEGIDA.
Maybe it’s time to quit Facebook?
Before I get to the news, I want to say that I am thinking that all of you (me included) should begin weaning ourselves from Facebook where we are making boy wonder richer and ever more powerful.
Did you happen to catch the story at USA Today on April 13th?
It is entitled “Zuckerberg steps into political fray” and explains his stepped-up role in the US Presidential race. Zuckerberg is a leader of the world-wide No Borders movement. He is a globalist who believes in free trade and the free movement of (cheap) labor around the world, and he has his very own personal ten year plan for how the world should be run.
Here is the news on Mark-the-megalomaniac’s catch from Malta Today:
Lutz Bachmann is accused of inciting racial hatred after he made a series of Facebook posts where he called refugees “cattle” and “trash”. [I wonder, if he had called his political and business leaders, who want cheap labor, swine or “trash,” would he suffer the same fate?—ed]
The 43-year-old’s trial in Dresden will be held amid tight security.
Pegida’s rallies have attracted thousands of supporters in Germany, with the movement even spreading to numerous countries since launching in 2014.
The group’s demonstrations were in the spotlight this January in Cologne after the Cologne Police Department received a barrage of reports of sexual assaults on New Year’s Eve.
The court says Mr Bachmann “disrupted public order” through his comments, which constituted an “attack on the dignity” of refugees.
If found guilty, he could face between three months and five years in prison.
Of course, Germany doesn’t have the same free speech protections that we have, but nevertheless, can’t someone figure out a site like Facebook where free speech can reign supreme.
For our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive, click here.
Writer Mark Steyn skillfully out-smarts the Open Borders advocates at Munk debate
Everyone has been sending me the video of the debate in Toronto on Friday on the issue of mass migration going on literally around the world, but most visibly now in Europe.
Yesterday, I finally watched the debate and it was all everyone said it was!
Here at World Net Daily, reporter Leo Hohmann gives us the highlights (video is embedded in the article). He begins:
Mark Steyn delivered a stinging rebuke of the progressive stance on mass migration of mostly male Muslim refugees into Europe at a recent debate in Toronto.
Steyn faced off April 1 with opponents in the Spring Munk Debates on the issue of refugee resettlement and whether Western countries should welcome thousands of Muslims from the Middle East and Africa.

The Munk Debates, founded by Peter Munk, allow the audience to pick the winners based on online voting. When the dust had settled, Steyn’s team was declared the winner. The scores are based on how many viewers report their positions being changed on the issue from pro to con or vice versa.
When the debate started, 77 percent of viewers reported being in favor of refugee resettlement as put forth by the Emma Lazarus poem on the Statue of Liberty: “Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”
By the end of the debate, only 55 percent agreed with that position and the “cons” moved from 23 percent to 45 percent.
Steyn, and his debating partner Brit Nigel Farage, won by changing the minds of 22% of the debate audience which came in stacked against them with 77% in favor of supporting those lines in the d*** Emma Lazarus poem, which by the way, I said here should be removed from the Statue of Liberty for its role in perpetuating a historical inaccuracy.
Continue Hohmann’s summary and then near the end note this mention from Pro-refugee debater, Louise Arbour former UN Commissioner for Human Rights.
Arbour said her definition of a “refugee,” based on the current state of armed conflict, should include “virtually every civilian who is not a combatant unless he is a war criminal.”
I can’t impress upon you enough how important it is to stop this campaign to change the definition of what defines a “refugee.”
Every chance they get the one-worlders are promoting this idea that any unhappy person on the move is a legitimate refugee entitled to special treatment wherever he or she wants to go. A legitimate refugee must be able to prove that he/she is persecuted for his religion, race, political persuasion and so forth.
Someone migrating to get a job, or healthcare, or running from crime or war is NOT a legitimate refugee!
If you have never read Mark Steyn’s “America Alone: The End of the World as we Know It,” you must. Here at Amazon. When first published a decade ago, Steyn, in analyzing the demographic time bomb Europe was facing, could not have imagined the size and scope of the present invasion and how it would speed up the inevitable end of Europe as we know it.
By the way, most “refugee” advocates in the US are also attempting to expand the definition of ‘refugee’ to include the Unaccompanied Alien Children flooding our borders in recent years.