On the day of the Brussel's carnage, a man writing from Germany reports on the annihilation of Western civilization

Invasion of Europe news….
Early yesterday morning, while I was writing on the slaughter in Brussels (a post which went viral thanks to the Drudge Report and Breitbart), a man named Alex sent me the second post on his new blog from GermanyReal Facts Media.  The timing was stunning to say the least.  He told me he had posted it just hours before the news broke of the Islamic attack in the heart of the capital of Europe.
It is a very brave blogger to be saying what Alex Charles says (from Germany!) in his post yesterday entitled: ‘Mohammed, Islamic History, and the Bloody Future of the West.’
This is just a small bit I’ve snipped to give you the flavor of it, but please visit and read the whole thing.  It’s an excellent review of Islam and the goal of its adherents which is nothing short of replacing Christianity, democracy and our western culture with Islam as a complete political system.  (Emphasis is mine)

Islam is a Civilization, Which Extinguishes all other Civilizations

Forget about Islam being just a religion that can peacefully coexist with other religions.

graph from Alex
Be sure to see Alex’s previous graph as well which shows the progression of the death of Christian Turkey to when it became predominantly Muslim (before 1800) and up to today when its population is virtually all Muslim. Frankly there is no way of getting off this trajectory, unless something very dramatic is done NOW!

Islam is much more than a religion. It is an entire civilization that must completely dominate every aspect of a society.

Turkey illustrates the gradual process of how a country that was once 100 percent Christian becomes 99.7 percent Muslim (today).

Germany is the perfect example of this process unfolding today in the West. In the 1960s the German government opened its doors to mass immigration of Muslims Turks. (Note: mass immigration from Muslim countries is still underway in nearly every Western country throughout the world.)

Today in Germany we have “No-Go zones” under Sharia law, schools that have been forced to ban all pork meat, the elimination of traditional Christian holidays celebrated by German children, segregated swimming pools, and an increasing number of Muslims who refuse to see doctors of the opposite sex. Berlin opened Europe’s first clinic devoted to treating victims of female genital mutilation – a disturbing practice in Islamic society.

As Muslims grow in number, through high birth rates and mass immigration, the results are always the same. The native culture, people, and civilization are annihilated and totally replaced by Islam and Sharia law.

Please read the whole thing and subscribe to get more reports directly from someone living in frankly what I believe are the end times for Europe.
This is what Alex says about himself and his blog:

About Alex Charles (Editor)

As an American expat living in Europe, I get to witness the dramatic changes taking place in our society from a unique perspective. It’s an exciting time to be alive.

Hopefully, by looking at the difficult facts and making better policy decisions, we can ensure a more peaceful and free society for our children and future.

For our entire ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive, click here.

One of the groups organizing against Trump in Chicago was a "refugee rights" group

The Daily Caller has posted a list of the groups (it wasn’t just Media Matters!) who organized the disruptive and at times violent protest that shut down a Donald Trump rally on Friday evening in Chicago.

ICIRR’s Fred Tsao http://icirr.org/content/fred-tsao

One group is the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR). (Note the Daily Caller reporter has garbled the name.) But below and here is what the DC says of a group we have reported on many times over the years. (See our lengthy archive on ICIRR here.)

I can’t emphasize enough that ICIRR and its companion groups, like the ones in Tennessee and Massachusetts, are not driven by ‘humanitarian’ zeal, but are hard left community agitation groups working to change America by changing the people!

The DC:

This radical leftist group, specializing in immigration, is a more extreme version of the far left version of National Council on La Raza in Illinois.

The group was featured in an article profiling some of the groups intending to protest Trump’s rally in the left-wing website, Progress Illinois on March 8 entitled “New Americans Hit The Polls In Chicago As Immigrant Advocates Gear Up For Anti-Trump Protest.”

“There’s a lot of really hateful rhetoric with respect to immigrants being voiced by candidates out there, “ICIRR’s Senior Policy Counsel Fred Tsao said in that article. “We want to show that immigrants are patriotic, contributing and eager to participate in the political process and to integrate into society.”   [Hey Fred, hint! It doesn’t help your cause to get poor immigrants and refugees out to events like this!—ed]

This group was not only instrumental in creating not only the most radical local immigration ordinance but championed the case which inspired the DREAM Act.

Go here to read more about ICIRR and other groups that organized the anti-free speech rally in Chicago.
Remember readers that when you make that foolish distinction and say LEGAL immigration is good and illegal is bad, groups like ICIRR are making no such distinction.  It is all the same to them—they want large numbers of immigrants to build a permanent voting majority for their Leftwing wet dreams.  See a list of their ‘partners’ here.
ICIRR’s former director, Joshua Hoyt, has moved on to a larger ‘change agent’ role, see a mention here.  He is the Executive Director of the National Partnership for New Americans, here.

"Single-topic" website on refugees to be launched by Lefties

Gosh, where have they been?
We’ve been a “single-topic” website on the subject of refugees for going on nine years! We’re an “organic outgrowth.” We’ve got this “microcommunity” covered! (And, we didn’t need a dime from some rich, elite, foundation either!).

“When we see a space that’s empty,” Setrakian says, “we gravitate to it.” Hey! Lara! It’s not empty!

Here is the news (thanks to Joanne) from USA Today (article starts out with the inaccurate story about the toddler who had been safe in Turkey, but who died because his Dad wanted new teeth in Europe which they never tell you!).  That opening tells you all you need to know about the spin this new website will put on the news!

And so Tuesday, March 15, will mark the debut of Refugees Deeply, the latest in Setrakian’s string of immersive single-topic websites.

There are an estimated 60 million refugees in the world, many forced from their homes by unrelenting violence.

“Every country is dealing with this, from America to Australia,” says Setrakian, a former foreign correspondent for ABC News and Bloomberg TV. “But they are in their own little bubble.” Refugees Deeply hopes to play a role in the search “for long-term solutions,” Setrakian says. “How do we make sense of it?”

And solutions, she believes, are essential. [We’ve got solutions!—ed]


In a sense Refugees Deeply, which is being supported by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, seems like an organic outgrowth from Setrakian’s debut project, Syria Deeply, which launched in 2012 to rave reviews. The brutal civil war there has forced many to flee in search of safety.

But, Setrakian points out, “Syria is just the tip of it. It’s happening in Asia, Africa, Latin America. Sixty to 70% are not from the Middle East. There are a lot of places the refugee crisis is unfolding, and we never hear of it.”

Yes, we know this:

The Deeplies have found that their model of obsessive single-topic coverage resonates with people with a strong interest in that single topic. The idea for each one, Setrakian says, is “to be the centerpiece for that microcommunity” and “to turn a news site into a buzzing hive of activity.”

Watch for it! We can’t wait!

Nearly 500 turn out in Kalispell, Montana to hear presentation about refugee program

Wow! Incredible news! Incredible turnout!


Flathead Act meeting
Thanks to an attendee for sending the photo!

We’ve been reporting recently about plans underway to make Montana the 49th state that could see Syrian (mostly Muslim) refugees resettled there through the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program.  Click here for one recent post about a demonstration by citizens of Big Sky Country to send a message to Washington—thanks, but no thanks!
Here we learn from the Daily Inter Lake how interested people of rural Montana are in the issue.  The presentation was put on by the Flathead Valley Act for America (like them on facebook!).

An estimated 460 people turned out Tuesday in Kalispell to hear a Bozeman-based immigration speaker detail the reasons he believes settlement of refugees in the United States is a drain on national resources and potential threat to homeland security.

Paul Nachman said immigrants often don’t assimilate and are a drain on state resources. He pointed out that the two brothers who carried out the Boston Marathon bombings were children of parents who were granted asylum from war-torn Chechnya.


In making his case that the vast majority of those granted asylum or refugee status are not actually in danger, Nachman pointed out that one of the bombers and their parents had traveled back to the area they had fled from in the years leading up to the bombing.

Nachman said the purpose of the United States is stated in the Preamble to the Constitution. He focused on the part that says the people of the United States will “secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”

“So what the United States is about is benefiting the citizens of the United States, not rescuing the rest of the world from its distress,” Nachman said.

Nachman is a volunteer in a physics group at Montana State University and has a doctorate in astrophysics and astronomy. He has written online articles about immigration issues.

His talk was hosted by the Flathead County chapter of Act for America, a national group working to promote security and defeat terrorism.

Caroline Solomon, Flathead Valley Act for America chapter president, said Tuesday’s event had been planned months in advance and was not scheduled because of demonstrations in Missoula and Helena this month over possible resettlement of Syrian refugees in Montana.

The protests did seem to help heighten interest in the Kalispell event — it had to be moved from Sykes’ Diner to a larger conference room at the Red Lion Hotel Kalispell. Collapsible panels were removed to expand the room from the 275 seats originally put out for guests.

There is more, continue reading here.
For our complete archive on Montana, go here.  This post is also filed in our ‘Pockets of Resistance’ category, here.

Are you ready! Those who want to colonize Montana with third-worlders have planned a “march against hate” for March 1. Read all about it here

Scotland: Man arrested for "Islamophobic" facebook comments about Syrian refugees

Invasion of Europe news…..

Isle of Bute
Isle of Bute, Scotland being colonized by Syrian refugees. First group has arrived.

We learned two months ago that Scotland was resettling some of the Syrian refugees the UK has committed to take in.
101Pakistanis dot com
The complaint was lodged by Humza Yousaf. Learn more about him here at Breitbart London: http://www.breitbart.com/london/2015/07/09/scottish-muslim-minister-cries-islamophobia-blames-breitbart-london/

Now comes news that you better darn well keep quiet about it as Scottish police send a message to locals with arrest of facebook poster.  So very sad to see the fierce Highlanders all but gone.

Warning! You are not permitted to speak freely about the Muslim invasion of Europe!

From The Guardian:

Police Scotland have said the arrest of a man responsible for a series of offensive Facebook posts about Syrian refugees resettled on the Isle of Bute should send a clear message that such social media abuse will not be tolerated.

Following a report of a series of alleged offensive online posts relating to Syrian refugees living in Rothesay on Bute, Police Scotland confirmed on Tuesday that a 40-year-old man, understood to be from the Inverclyde area, had been arrested under the Communications Act.


Following the arrest, Insp Ewan Wilson from Dunoon police office said: “I hope that the arrest of this individual sends a clear message that Police Scotland will not tolerate any form of activity which could incite hatred and provoke offensive comments on social media.”


The day before the first arrivals touched down at Glasgow airport, Humza Yousaf, the chair of the refugee taskforce that has coordinated the resettlement programme, and the Scottish government’s only Muslim minister, confirmed he had informed police of the Islamophobic abuse he received on social media.

Continue reading here.
For all of our posts on the Invasion of Europe, click here.  See especially, Scottish first minister doesn’t want any Syrians in her home after all.
Endnote: Earlier this morning as I watched the latest news from Syria, I felt rising anger about why we (the West) must take in these centuries-old warring factions.  Why is Syria our problem?