We’ve seen this coming for some time—the word-police are out in force and want to be sure you stop using certain words to describe the “invasion” of Europe.
By the way, “invasion” is one of those words you are NOT to use, which is precisely why we won’t stop using it!
According to Al Jazeera, any “migrant” on the move even for economic reasons or for nefarious reasons is to be called a “refugee.”
We are seeing it right here in America as the illegal alien kids are rushing (LOL! swarming!) the US southern border and the Obama Administration and the resettlement contractors refer to them as “refugees” or “asylum seekers.”
Here is the Washington Post telling us about Al Jazeera:
Reading a British tabloid newspaper in 2015, you might wonder if Europe was again at risk of being conquered by the Mongol Empire. The continent is under “siege,” the papers report, facing an “invasion” from a “horde.” Parts of Europe have become like a “war zone,” they say, as “marauding” foreigners “swarm” the borders. The reality, of course, is that there is no army at the gates. The migrants that cause Europe such angst aren’t arriving in warships. Instead, most arrive in a human trafficker’s dinghy, if they arrive at all.
It’s not hard to see that using sort of language could have a dangerous impact on the discourse surrounding migrants. “Words that convey an exaggerated sense of threat can fuel anti-immigration sentiment and a climate of intolerance and xenophobia,” Alexander Betts, director of the Refugee Studies Center at Oxford University, told WorldViews recently. Critically analyzing the derogatory words used to describe migrants is clearly prudent, but some want to go even further: Last week, Al Jazeera English broke with other major news organizations to announce that it was ditching the word “migrant.”
“The umbrella term migrant is no longer fit for purpose when it comes to describing the horror unfolding in the Mediterranean,” Barry Malone, the online editor of Al Jazeera English, explained in a blog post. “It has evolved from its dictionary definitions into a tool that dehumanises and distances, a blunt pejorative.” Instead, Malone wrote, his news organization would use the term “refugee” to describe those crossing the Mediterranean. “Migrant is a word that strips suffering people of voice,” Malone concluded. “Substituting refugee for it is – in the smallest way – an attempt to give some back.”
For more and for embedded links go here.
By the way, the word “refugee” holds an even greater meaning when one understands that in much of the first world it entitles those so designated to be given welfare goodies of all sorts.
I kind of like some of those words in the first paragraph, words like “swarm!” I’ll have to remember that one for future use.
World Net Daily writer Leo Hohmann (who has written extensively on the Refugee Program) reports on a document that the FBI will not deny is theirs.
The gist of it is that the FBI is watching militia groups they claim are anti-Islam and asserts that the groups are getting their inspiration from World Net Daily, the Blaze, Fox News and Pamela Geller among others. Below we have snipped a bit of Hohmann’s report.
But, first a suggestion from a political observer to me:
This appears to be a free-political-speech threat.
Grassley (Senate Judiciary) or Goodlatte (House Judiciary) should open an investigatory hearing on this “intelligence bulletin”, swear all the administration witnesses, ask who directed such instructions, and at least publish a report or a staff study on their findings.
Here is World Net Daily (ignore the confusing headline)on the astounding “intelligence bulletin:”
Just three weeks after ISIS attacked a Muhammad cartoonist event in Garland, Texas, the FBI began circulating an intelligence bulletin that alerts state, federal and local law enforcement about the likelihood of attacks against Muslims by “militia extremists.”
The bulletin, marked “sensitive” and not for distribution without FBI authorization, cites evidence gathered since 2013 that American militia groups are planning attacks on mosques, Islamic centers and possibly individual Muslims.
The document is dated May 28, 2015, and was leaked to Public Intelligence, an online information site committed to exposing government secrets and data. Public Intelligence posted the document on its site Aug. 18.
Named in the bulletin as news sites that provide information that supposedly fuels the militia groups were WND.com, Fox News, the Blaze, Western Journalism Center, Patriot Newswire and Pamela Geller’s blog, AtlasShrugs.com.
The FBI concludes that there are “salient perceptions within militia extremism that contribute toward an anti-Muslim bias.” The FBI says such “bias” against Islam is based on the following beliefs among the “extremists”:
~“Islam represents a foreign threat, equivalent to those which emanate from illegal immigration or international terrorism.
~“The President of the United States not only sympathizes with Islamic extremists but directs U.S. Government policy to align with their goals.”
WND contacted the FBI with several questions about the bulletin and got the following response from Joshua Campbell, supervisory special agent of the FBI office of public affairs.
“Unfortunately, we are unable to provide any information on the authenticity or contents of the referenced document. Our standard practice is to neither confirm or deny investigations or comment on bulletins provided to law enforcement partners.”
One of the questions WND asked was if he FBI had documented any actual militia attacks on Muslims over the past seven years.
None, I am sure, or it would have been all over the news. Go to WND to read what some of those fingered by the FBI have to say.
Editor: This is another good comment from ‘7delta.’ The comment is in response to ‘Misterpaul’ (a thoughtful and concerned Brit) at our post on Fargo, ND, here.
For additional background, you might also want to see our post last week on the crisis at Calais, here. And, this story about far-left anarchists helping to coordinate the migrant crisis there.
However, this isn’t just a message about Europe, it is a message to America.
Below is ‘7delta’ explaining what we all know is happening, but few dare to say (emphasis is mine):
I don’t think ISIS is worried about the loss of their youth from the Middle East. The value they place on their next generation is decidedly different than the West’s. Their goal is a worldwide caliphate, not doctors, lawyers, farmers, engineers or developing cures for cancer. The average jihadist is young and male. The average refugee is a 25-year-old male.
The average Globalist is old, white and psychopathic. They suffer from delusions of grandeur and actually believe they’ll rule the world. They need chaos. When blood runs in the streets, they think they’ll swoop in to “save us” from the mess they made and you and I will beg them to do it. Of course, every part and parcel of your history (and mine), upon which your freedoms were won, will belong to them. They’ll dole out what they think you need to be a proper serf. They believe they will be able to control the demons they’ve unleashed, then will be sitting pretty atop the ruins. It’s not the first time similar plans have been tried and not once, in all man’s history, do more than a handful find (a shaky and constantly under threat) success. The rest of the useful idiots are immediately lined up against a wall or thrown into the belly of a dank prison. Then…all the friends culled from their enemies’ enemies will turn on one another like ducks on a June bug. “Everybody wants to rule the world.”
Cynical, I know, but not much else explains the rank stupidity of political leaders overrunning their own countries with an incompatible belief system, except that it’s useful as a WMD. Divide and conquer.
Britain will regret allowing their firearms to be taken away. This time, the U.S. won’t be able to send any, like during WWII. I hate that. I really do, because you can bet your last penny the invading “youth” will be armed to the teeth. It’s there, for when the time comes.
Don’t waste any more time wondering why!
You know in your heart-of-hearts that all of this is true. Don’t spend one more minute frozen in fear of being labeled a racist or called inhumane, move on and proceed to save the next generation of freedom-loving people. Build the resistance to those who are out to destroy western civilization and at least go down fighting if we must!
For previous commentary from ‘7delta’ click here.
For new readers: We have a category we call, Comments worth noting/guest posts, where we transform good comments into posts so that more of you might see them, and where we publish the occasional guest posts from our readers.
Yesterday, Pamela Geller writing at World Net Daily urged readers to contact their members of Congress to support Rep. Brian Babin’s billto suspend the UN/US State Department Refugee Resettlement Program until the costs were thoroughly analyzed and the security issues were fully addressed.
We urge you to read her entire commentaryhere, but bring your attention to what she says about the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) which has been called upon by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) to expose this blog and anyone who questions the program as “racists.” (See my previous post, LOL!, HIAS is obviously using Alinsky’s Rules for Radicalsfor guidance!). Here is what we said last summer about the HIAS report (Resettlement at Risk: Meeting Emerging Challenges to Refugee Resettlement in Local Communities) siccing the SPLC on us.
And, before I get to what Ms. Geller says, I just saw yesterday that Melanie Nezer of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (author of the report!) is presently chairing the lobbying consortiumfor the refugee contractors (Refugee Council USA aka RCUSA) and some of their NO Borders friends in Washington.
Longtime readers know that Ms. Nezer is one of the first to call for 15,000 Syrian Muslims a year to be admitted to the US. Now, RCUSA (and the newly re-branded HIAS) have upped the ante and are behind the drive to admit 65,000 Syriansto your towns and cities by the time Obama leaves office! We have also learned from inside sources that RCUSA put out an alert to their member resettlement contractors (and mentioning me by name!) to NOT give out any information to any of you calling your local contractor’s offices. What are they hiding?
Back to World Net Dailyand what Pamela Geller says about the SPLC (emphasis is mine):
The only thing more dangerous than the jihadists in our midst are their patrons and benefactors.
WND reported that “the refugee resettlement industry, which includes legions of immigrant rights advocates, lawyers and community organizing groups funded by George Soros, the Rockefeller and Ford foundations, among others, churned out a document in 2013 on how to deal with so-called ‘pockets of resistance.’ The document, authored by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society,one of the nine government contractors doing resettlement work, advised refugee advocates to research the backgrounds of local people who oppose resettlements and turn them over to the Southern Poverty Law Center for public shaming as ‘racists’ and ‘anti-Muslim’ bigots.”
This is further proof that the Southern Poverty Law Center, or SPLC, is nothing more than a smear machine designed to destroy the forces of good. These are the tactics of totalitarians and supremacists. And this is who the media turns to for comment on the work of my colleagues and me. There is not one mainstream media outlet that does not quote the SPLC libels when reporting on my work.
Freedom-loving Americans must understand that this is what every one of us, the individual, is up against: a billion-dollar machine of destruction and hate. Churchill said of Islam: “No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.” And I would add one thing.No stronger retrograde force exists in the America today than the left.
Alert! The most important thing any of you could do right now is to get your member of Congress to co-sponsor the Babin bill. Who supports Babin’s modest approach, and who doesn’t! is going to tell you all you need to know about your member of Congress!
Editor: If you missed it over the weekend, please go hereand read all about the two events in St. Cloud, Minnesota on Saturday.
One was a small gathering including union organizers and Somali refugees protesting—what were they protesting? They had planned to protest against a local VFW post for daring to allow a group to talk about their concerns about the direction St. Cloud and Minnesota in general are going as one of the top states in the nation resettling third world refugees.
The other gathering was to support the VFW and to defend free speech which attracted hundreds to the Granite VFW. You wouldn’t know much about the VFW event if you only read and watched the local media which presented only one side of the story.
Because the Somali supporters realized their folly with their plans to attack the VFW, they have centered their attack on Bob. Bob? Yes, Bob Enos who we showed you here making a calm and reasoned presentation to his local governing body.
What Ms. Jane Conrad (the union organizer) and her friends at the St. Cloud State University are doing is using Alinsky Rule 13.
The local media, both the St. Cloud Times and WCCO (CBS Minnesota)are aiding and abetting Ms. Conrad and should be ashamed of their one-sided reporting. I can’t guess their motivations, whether it is just the fact that most mainstream media, masquerading as supposedly unbiased, is owned and controlled by biased people with an agenda, or they are just generally not knowledgeable about organizing techniques of the Leftists/Progressives (or whatever you want to call them) and fall for the tactics.
This is Rule 13 (Rules for Radicals):
“Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.
So, what I am saying folks is that this is what they will do to you in your ‘Pockets of Resistance,’ be ready for it! Don’t be deterred, remember it is a tactic (one that Obama learned in his community organizing days and uses to this day!) and the best thing to do is to laugh at them taking comfort in the fact that, if you are getting flak like this, you are over the target!
They only have one weapon, they throw out that word “racist” and think they can make you go away. Take away the power of that word and they have nothing!
Don’t cower, if they have labeled you a “racist,” an “Islamophobe,” a “nativist” or a “xenophobe” wear it as an acknowledgment of your growing power! Others in your group must rally around the “target.”
Bob Enos was accused of “racism” for asking for fiscal accountability regarding refugee resettlement. Ms. Conrad and the local media expect him to slink away, instead, below he gives us more background on what happened and what he thinks about it! (Emphasis is mine)
Bob Enos:
I received this link from a supporter yesterday. WCCOreporter Kathy Raddatz crafted a story that revolved around my participation in a meeting of St. Cloud citizens at the VFW this week. The meeting was supposed to have featured a speaker, Ron Brantsner, who was to talk about the economic impact of refugee resettlement on the taxpayers of Stearns County. I did not plan to attend the meeting, as I’m familiar with Mr. Brantsner’s presentation. When protesters intimidated the VFW into cancelling Mr. Brantsner’s presentation, I felt compelled to drive to St. Cloud in order to support the group, known locally as the Committee for Peace in Saint Cloud. When I arrived, it was clear the group could use a “pep talk”, and I was all too happy to provide it. Neither the protesters nor other members of Saint Cloud’s Somali community had sought to attend.
It is a sad day when my calls for transparency, citizen participation, and requiring our elected government to live within its means can be branded racism. I suppose that, had I questioned the cost of filling potholes, I’d be branded anti-pothole. What is also noteworthy is that, while WCCO found a gathering of three dozen Somalis and college students newsworthy, our simultaneous gathering of nearly 300 supporters of the service of veterans and the First Amendment rights that so many of them fought and died for received hardly a drop of ink in the local paper or a mention in the TV report.
I support the rights of protesters to express their opinions. It’s a shame the protesters don’t see this is a two-way street.
Incidentally, it has been reported that several professors at Saint Cloud State University, headed by professor Mark Jaede, used the internal SDSU email server – a violation of university policy – for the non-university purpose of encouraging students and staff to protest our First Amendment right to free speech. [See what Jaede did here—ed] In my day, a major purpose of universities was to encourage critical thinking, discussion, and debate. Today, it seems these professors choose to provide a very different role model to their young students: if you don’t like the opinions of people with whom you disagree, simply bully, berate, and intimidate them until they shut up.Perhaps that is why their protest was staged only by professors, college students, and the beneficiaries of taxpayer largesse. You won’t see any ordinary working class Americans on their podium. We were busy supporting our veterans and supporting the greatness of this country.
As Mahatma Gandhi said, friends: “first they ignored me; then they scorned me; then they fought me; then I prevailed.”
I figure I’m three-quarters of the way to my goal.
For more, see our extensive archive on St. Cloud and this post is filed in our new “Pockets of Resistance” category created so others of you might be able to quickly research what other resistance fighters are doing around the country.
About Alinsky’s Rules: Dedicated to Satan, every one of you must get Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, it is a disgusting but necessary read. Here is Alinsky:
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins — or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”