CAIR Minnesota busy these days as Muslim population grows

A reader sent me this short AP story about how CAIR Minnesota has objected to a sensitivity training course for those having to deal with the burgeoning Somali population around St. Cloud, MN.   Waite Park is a town near St. Cloud.

Before I get to the story here is our archive on St. Cloud (26 posts!) where a lot has happened since Somalis began ‘finding their way’ to the area for meatpacking jobs.    (The ‘finding their way’ phrase is a joke, they find their way there with the help of refugee resettlement contractors).   In 2010 St. Cloud became a primary resettlement site (previously it was a secondary migration site only).   The resettlement contractor you paid to get all the newbies settled was Lutheran Social Service.  The Lutherans are one of the nine federal refugee contractorsHeadquartered in Baltimore, according to their most recent Form 990 , they had $31 million in revenue and you—taxpayers—paid them $30 million of that!  And, I bet you thought they were passing the plate in church!

Muslim-packing Rep. Michele Bachmann’s District

The news about CAIR objecting to a training program about al-Shabaab—the Islamic terror group in Africa that recruited over 20 Somali refugees from Minnesota in 2008 to return to Africa for Jihad training—would indicate that Catholic Charities, another contractor, is also in on the ‘Muslim-packing’ going on in Rep. Michele Bachmann’s District.

I’ve just coined a new phrase—what do you think?  ‘Muslim-packing!’ to indicate a location where a concerted effort is being made by the US State Department to change the demographics of your townProfessor Kotkin are you listening?  They are turning red Congressional districts blue!

Here is the story:

Lori Saroya, CAIR-MN Executive Director

WAITE PARK, Minn. (AP) — A Muslim rights group is calling on police in Waite Park to reject a training program about Somalis.

The program “Understanding the People of Somalia” will be held Tuesday. According to the Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the event flier lists Somalia’s al-Shabaab as an “Islamic” organization.

The U.S. Department of State designated al-Shabaab a terrorist group in 2008. CAIR-MN spokeswoman Lori Saroya says the training flier unfairly suggests the activities of al-Shabaab, which is affiliated with al-Qaeda, are supported by most Muslims.

[Ms. Saroya conveniently doesn’t mention the two Minnesota Somali women convicted of sending money to al-Shabaab and telling the court “go to hell infidels”—hereed]

Waite Park Police Chief Dave Bentrud tells the St. Cloud Times he doesn’t expect any Waite Park police officers will attend Tuesday’s training. [Of course not—CAIR has the police trained—ed] He says the city is hosting the event for Catholic Charities workers and other social-service groups.

CAIR goes after Minnesota church hosting Walid Shoebat!

There is more!  CAIR-MN threw a fit also yesterday when a church group in Perham, MN (a little over a hundred miles north from Waite Park)  hosted a former Muslim— speaker and author Walid Shoebat—calling him “Islamophobic”.   This from CAIR-Minnesota’s release yesterday.  Apparently two Muslim students were asked to leave the meeting when they became disruptive.   Get this!  CNBC published CAIR’s press release verbatim!

(MINNEAPOLIS, MN, 3/5/13) — The Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-MN) today called for a meeting with church officials in Perham, Minn., after two Muslim exchange students were kicked out of an event for questioning the anti-Islam bigotry of the speaker, Walid Shoebat. Shoebat is a notorious Islamophobe who claims “Islam is the devil.”

CAIR-MN is also offering to provide the Assembly of God church leaders with accurate and balanced information about Islam and Muslims and to arrange for a presentation on the faith to church members.

For new readers: 

We have resettled more than 100,000 Somali refugees to cities large and small in the US over the last 25 years.  See one of the most widely read posts here at RRW.  Large numbers went to Minneapolis, and now they are spreading out throughout the state.  In three years since 9/11 ( Bush years 2004, 2005, 2006) the number of Somalis arriving topped 10,000 per year.  Those refugees then began bringing in the family (chain migration!) until 2008 when shock of shocks! the State Department discovered that as many as 30,000 Somalis had lied about their kinship and weren’t related at all.  The State Department then closed the “family reunification” program for Somalis.  It has recently been re-opened for new and legit family members, but they have no intention of finding and deporting the liars.

In the first 4 months of this fiscal year (Oct. 1 to January 31) we have resettled 2,260 new Somalis which means we are on target to make 2013 a banner year for Somalis entering the US.

Minneapolis Rep. Keith Ellison is all too happy to oblige and get more money for refugee contractors to bring in more Muslim voters.


A reader, Margaret, tells us this!

I live in this area and am so glad to see some light on this. The St Cloud Times will not comment on any negativity on the problem and has a rabid hatred for Michele Bachmann. I know women working in the county courthouse who have quit their jobs because they cannot take the disrespect and total unfairness going on with getting these “immigrants” housing.

And, one more reminder from me!  Learn about al-Hijra—the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration.

Do not stop using the word “Islamist” when you need it!

The Politically Correct Speech Police are on a crusade to silence your use of the word “Islamist.”

This is cross-posted from Potomac Tea Party Report, but I thought readers here would also find it informative:

Today, writing at NRO, Karen Lugo (hat tip: Paul) alerts us to more in the on-going battle of ideas on the subject of freedom of speech.  Islamists want to stop free thinkers from using the word “Islamist!”

And, look who is leading the world community to silence critics of Jihad and Shariah law—-that supposedly great example of a moderate Muslim country—Turkey!

Here is Lugo (emphasis mine):

In just the latest episode of censorship in the prophet’s name, Muslim activist groups now want reporters to stop using the word “Islamist.” “Islamist” is an important and useful word — it identifies the politically motivated Muslims who are intent on injecting sharia into Western law and culture, and distinguishes them from other followers of Islam.

There is no question that sharia is anathema to the American sense of individual liberty and civil rights, so actual Islamists must hide behind Muslims who have no interest in bringing Muslim Brotherhood–style regulations to America. Uninhibited discussions of the conditions in Western Europe’s sharia enclaves evoke instant rejection of similar arrangements here in the U.S. Thus, the conversation must be stripped of frank terms such as “Islamist.” Those who seek to promote sharia are anxious to bypass debate on the matter on the way to cultural domination.

Don’t we know some Marylanders who went on an indoctrination trip to Turkey?

Islamists certainly do not want the American public to consider the current international campaign to make inspection of Islamism a crime. In January, journalists and journalism students were invited to a conference in Istanbul where Turkish deputy undersecretary Ibrahim Kalin announced that the Turkish government “has been working on projects to have Islamophobia recognized as a crime against humanity.” Prime Minister Erdogan committed the Turkish government to “immediately start working on legislation against blasphemous and offensive remarks” and bragged that “Turkey could be a leading example for the rest of the world on this.”

Update:   Richard Falknor at Blue Ridge Forum reports that there are lists of elected officials who went on Gulen sponsored trips to Turkey, here is one such list. I don’t know if the journalists were also sponsored by the Gulen movement.

We need to be able to freely use  the word “Islamist” so as not to lump all Muslims in with the Shariah law agitators like say, Grover Norquist (who says you are all a bunch of “Islamophobes” if you question shariah law!):

Quietly working within the US government to silence us:

So far, America’s institutions have chosen to defer the moment that the culture must be defined and defended. Islamists have stepped into the void. For instance, at Islamists’ behest, the DOJ, FBI, and Department of Homeland Security have purged from counterterrorism manuals references to the connection between Islamic radicalism and jihadist terror. Many city- and county-level agencies have followed suit. If our law-enforcement agencies cannot stand up to the threat, how can we expect the media to?

More than most, Tea Partiers and Liberty-minded advocates and LOL! Tea Party bloggers know the importance of free speech because without this Constitutionally protected pressure release valve the US would turn to chaos and rioting and rebellion to solve the greatest threat we have faced since the founding.  Hint to Obama and pals—silence Americans at your great peril.

Lugo concludes:

Caving to demands for speech codes dangerously skews political arguments and makes the voices of the censors only louder. When one side of the argument is censored or restrained, conspirators are allowed to perpetrate a fraud on the majority. This is exactly how Islamists have been selling Americans on the idea that sharia is soft, socially just, and not a threat to the American way. By maligning the use of the word “Islamist” and thereby suppressing inspection of Islamism, sharia advocates hope to dismiss as racist any who would challenge them.   [They have free speech too—do not cower when they call you a racist, besides Islam is not a race!—ed]

It is not too late to frame the debate and press American Muslim leaders for honesty. Unapologetic and public conversations are key to defending American constitutional standards, and they demand clarity of terminology.

No one explains this better than Pamela Geller.   Coincidentally, just last evening  Brad Botwin of Help Save Maryland sent around a clip of a CNN interview with Pamela Geller from a few months ago on this very subject.   Watch it!

Busy in Maryland….

Here is where I’ve been ….

Maryland Conservative Action Network Conference largest ever.

…..Presence of anti-jihad leader and defender of free speech, Pamela Geller, helped swell the size of the audience.

MD CAN organizers were delighted with the record-breaking turnout at Saturday’s Turning the Tides Conference 2013.   The number of attendees topped 270 with last minute registrants who heard about the fuss the Council on American-Islamic Relations was making to try to stop Geller’s appearance and to bully other speakers to back out of speaking and not take part.  (No one backed out!).

Read it all.

And, now I want to get back to my favorite work—writing here about LEGAL immigration gone awry.

Maryland readers of RRW might be interested in MD CAN conference

Update January 10th:  Controversy brewing.  CAIR bullies speakers, here.

We won’t be talking about refugees, but we will hear from speakers on the issue of blogging and free speech, immigration generally, national security, and Obama’s war on the suburbs and much more at the Maryland Conservative Action Network conference (Turning the Tides 2013) on Saturday, January 12th in Annapolis, MD.

I’ve been involved in the planning and so my posts might drop off here at RRW later in the week.  Check out the website and if you are a reader in Maryland or DC or anywhere nearby this is your chance to hear speakers such as Pamela Geller (Atlas Shrugs), Diana West, Stanley Kurtz and Tom Fitton (Judicial Watch) among many others.

Click here for the program and how to register.

French standing up to mass Muslim immigration destroying history and culture

News travels slowly these days when it’s of the politically incorrect sort!

I’ve mentioned Generation Identitaire here recently, but now it seems that earlier this month there was a massive rally in France in support of French historical and cultural values and AGAINST the Islamification of the country.

One of my favorite blogs, Gateway Pundit, has the story here, if you haven’t seen it yet.  From CBN News (be sure to watch the film!).

A patriotic march for French values and culture, and against radical Islam, was virtually blacked out by France’s politically correct media.

Over the weekend (Nov. 10th!), protestors chanted against Islamic fascism and about the French victory over Arab invaders in 732 A.D. It was the first march of its kind in France.

A broad coalition of groups from across France came together because they feel they’re losing their country to radical Islam, Sharia law, and a politically correct establishment that encourages the spread of Islam.

“Sharia law is slowly being enforced in our country and we want to march here to protest that because our government is doing nothing,” one French demonstrator said.

“The French people — they want to defend their culture, their history – they are called ‘fascists,’” one woman said.

“I don’t think it’s only a problem of France. It’s a problem of Europe. It’s also a problem for the U.S.A.,” another protestor said.

Isn’t it interesting that only a few years ago we (Americans) joked about the wussy French.  Guess the tables have turned and it is we who are the chickens.