WaPo: Who is Grover Norquist?

Oh goody!  Is the Washington Post really going to tell us the answer to the question—Who is Grover Norquist?  Not a chance.  See here.

Ol’ Grover is in the news these days (momentarily Fox News will trot him out) over his taxpayer pledge battle with revolting Republicans, but not one mainstream media outlet ever mentions what else Norquist is.  He is an open borders advocate and a friend of Islamists.   We have written many times on these pages and elsewhere about the real Grover Norquist.   Typing ‘Grover Norquist’ into our search function produces dozens of stories on his pro-amnesty, pro-Muslim immigration activities.

He told Soros’ Think Progress that Shariah law was compatible with the US Constitution, here, and called those who disagree with him “Islamophobes.”   In fact, you might want to visit the many stories I’ve written on Norquist (he of the ruling class), here at Potomac Tea Party Report.

His group, Americans for Tax Reform endorsed the Bush/Kennedy/McCain amnesty bill in 2007.   And, here is just one post from the summer of 2007 when he was pushing for more Iraqi refugees to be admitted to the US.  Considering his supposed position as a defender of the taxpayer, how does Norquist reconcile the cost to the US taxpayer of mass immigration?

The WaPo reporter, Aaron Blake, and other mainstream media faux journalists will never tell you what else Norquist is because that doesn’t fit the story they are promoting, that he is a Svengali holding the Republican establishment hostage with a piece of paper.

Are you looking for a way to become a warrior to save America?  Write a blog (until they wrest free speech and the internet from us).  But, not a ‘gadfly’ blog, a focused research blog!

Remember Saul Alinsky!

Alinsky’s Rule 13 (one of Obama’s favorites!):

Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

How about Grover Norquist News Watch?  Or, Susan Rice Revealed, or here’s one I like—Samantha Power Exposed ….you get my drift.  Focus!  Focus!  Focus!

Poll: 40% of American Muslims want Shariah Law rather than American law

Editors note:  This is cross-posted from Potomac Tea Party Report, my other blog, here.

WND poll:  Four in 10 said Muslims in America should not be judged by U.S. law and the Constitution, but by Islamic Shariah law.

That is the crux of this article a few days ago from World Net Daily.

Another interesting statistic is that 46% want to limit free speech and see criminal prosecution of anyone who criticizes Islam.   So, much for the myth that Muslim immigrants who come to America want to be just like us, and to share our Constitution based on freedom of speech and the liberties that spring from that.

Here is the story from reporter Bob Unruh:

Nearly half of 600 Muslim-American citizens polled who plan to vote in the 2012 presidential election believe parodies of Muhammad should be prosecuted criminally in the U.S., and one in eight say the offense is so serious violators should face the death penalty.

The results came in a groundbreaking scientific poll for WND by the public-opinion research and media consulting company Wenzel Strategies. It was taken Oct. 22-26 and carries a margin of error of plus or minus 3.98 percentage points.

The poll also found 40 percent of Muslims in America believe they should not be judged by U.S. law and the Constitution, but by Shariah standards.

And the big winner among Muslim-Americans in the presidential election is Barack Obama, the poll found. More than 72 percent said they are definitely supporting Obama, and another 8.5 percent are leaning that direction. Only 11 percent are for Romney.


“Almost half of those Muslims surveyed – an astonishing 46 percent – said they believe those Americans who offer criticism or parodies of Islam should face criminal charges,” said pollster Fritz Wenzel in an analysis of the survey’s results.

The poll was conducted among Muslims who have been here long enough to have gained citizenship:

Virtually all of the respondents (98 percent) are American citizens and 97 percent are registered to vote.

So how many people are we talking about?

If this (total Muslim population) is correct and the poll is fairly representative (although since the respondents are citizens one would think the general Muslim non-citizen population would even be more anti-US Constitution than this group).

The Pew Research Center estimates America is home to some 2.6 million Muslims.


~ 1,040,000 Muslims in America want Shariah Law

~ 1,196,000 want you to be criminally prosecuted for criticizing Islam

~ 187,200 would like to see you executed for parodying Mohammed   (Remember these respondents are 98% US citizens already, we are not talking about the third worlders who just got here!—ed)

~ 858,000 believe that Israel does not have a right to exist or were not sure.

~  One fifth of the Muslim men surveyed said they want more than one wife in America.  Watch for it!  After gay marriage the next big push for “human rights” will be polygamy!

Readers should know that through various LEGAL immigration programs (asylum, refugee resettlement, diversity visa lottery, temporary protected status, investor visas and the list goes on) we are bringing in thousands and thousands of Muslims to become permanent residents from Iraq, Somalia, Egypt, etc. to the US each year.

An afterthought:  No wonder CAIR was so ticked-off at the Republicans for the anti-shariah law platform plank, here.

“Group” says Lewiston Mayor should step down

Why?  Because five people standing on a sidewalk said so….  They don’t like what he said!  They want to shut him (and by extension you) up.

Don’t you just love it, they make up a fancy-sounding name—African Diaspora Institute of Maine—and then attempt to get their way by bullying.

For all of their talk about being Americans and being assimilated, I guess these Maine Somali-Americans don’t understand our system of government yet.  We have elections in America—you don’t like your mayor, you replace him next time.

And, last I checked, we still have free speech in America (even Mayors have free speech!)—so far anyway!

Here is the latest news on the Mayor of Lewiston, see our previous post here:

LEWISTON, Maine (NEWS CENTER) — A Somali advocacy group is asking Mayor Robert Macdonald to step down, after some controversial remarks he has made recently.

The African Diaspora Institute of Maine held a news conference Monday in front of Lewiston City Hall to respond to Mayor Macdonald’s comments to the BBC that immigrants should leave their culture at the door.

The group was joined by Lewiston High School students, who say they support the city’s Somali population.

“A lot of people, they grow up kind of sheltered to be honest, and when they go out into the world they’re not sure how to handle it” [Huh?—ed] Lewiston High School student Nicholas Burpee said. “A lot of people fear it [fear what?–ed] and that’s where we are today with a lot of these situations like with the mayor.”  [These are the students we are raising in our public school system—get your kids out now!—ed]

Watch the news clip here.   See five guys on a curb demanding that the Mayor resign.

Grand Island, NE

This story reminds me of the attempt by Somalis to pressure the Mayor of Grand Island, NE to resign back in 2008, here, when they didn’t like what she said either.  Could this bullying of Mayors be a cultural trait from the homeland that the Somalis want to hold on to?

Leaders of the world-wide counter-jihad movement rallied and joined forces in Sweden on Saturday

Here is the story from Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs (emphasis mine):

Stockholm was a wild success, far exceeding expectations on so many levels. After an extraordinary rally* at Norra Bantorget in Stockholm, the heads of the leading worldwide counter-jihad organizations held a series of workshops and planning meetings. What has emerged from an intense forty-eight hour strategy session is the first activist leadership team uniting counter-jihadists in Europe, the U.S., and Australia: the President’s Council of Stop Islamization of Nations (SION).

The initial members of the President’s Council are SIOE’s Anders Gravers; Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll of the EDL; Debbie Robinson of the Q Society of Australia, Robert Spencer and me. The members of the newly formed council unanimously voted to elect me Council President. I am honored. This is a momentous beginning to what I am confident will become a powerful force for defending freedom worldwide.

The President’s Council differs from the SION Board, which includes Swiss parliamentarian Oskar Freysinger; Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media; Ashraf Rameleh of Voice of the Copts; Ali Sina, the renowned ex-Muslim author and founder of FaithFreedom.org; Wafa Sultan, the ex-Muslim human rights activist and author; the German pro-freedom activist Stefan Herre of Politically Incorrect; the Israeli author Dr. Mordechai Kedar; the Hindu human rights activist Babu Suseelan; and Anders Gravers of Stop Islamisation of Europe (SIOE).

This Board functions in an advisory capacity, while the President’s Council is a steering committee. It functions as a mobile, proactive, reactive on-the-ground team developing and executing confidential action plans that strike at the heart of the global anti-freedom agenda.

Our next initiative will be the first session of the International Freedom Defense Congress, which will be held in New York on September 11, 2012. The principal focus of the Congress will be a media workshop pertaining to Islamic supremacist attempts to restrict the freedom of speech in the free world, and the smear campaigns against freedom fighters in newspapers and media institutions in the West.

* Here is just one of several reports on the rally.

Type ‘Sweden’ into our search function and you will see it was an ideal location for this gathering.