Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society: Bring more Haitians so they can send money back to Haiti

Apparently bills have been introduced in Congress to hurry up and bring more Haitians to the US.   The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society is backing the idea.  I’m guessing if I went to the other eight major volag  (federal refugee contractor) websites I would find a similar endorsement of the bills.

So let’s see, we have huge unemployment in the US, but these Haitians would come here, get jobs and send money back to Haiti.  In reality most of these Haitians would not get jobs but draw welfare benefits in a city near you!  So,which part of this story benefits America?  And, perhaps more telling is which part benefits the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society?

The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society is backing measures that would allow Haitians awaiting immigration visas to come to the United States and work.

HIAS says the bills introduced last week in both houses of the U.S. Congress would address the plight of 55,000 Haitians whose family-sponsored immigrant petitions have been approved by the U.S. government but who have waited up to 11 years for visas because of backlogs.

“Allowing Haitians to enter the U.S. will not move them ahead of other immigrants on the waiting list, rather it would allow them to leave the devastation of Haiti and send remittances back to the country,” said HIAS, the lead Jewish group advocating for immigrant rights, in a statement.

The bills “would permit these petitioners to come to the U.S. immediately to join their families and work here while awaiting their turn in line for a green card,” the statement said.

Oh, looky here!  Obama’s Change.org has a petition to support this legislation.  I’m not surprised, gotta get those immigrants dependent on the Democratic party!

12,000 Haitians apply for Temporary Protected Status, so far

That is what the Washington Post is reporting today.  We told you about Temporary Protected Status here.

WASHINGTON — More than 12,000 Haitians have applied for the chance to stay and work legally in the U.S. while their country struggles to recover from last month’s earthquake.

The applications have rolled in, even though the July 20 application deadline is months away, said Bill Wright, spokesman for Citizenship and Immigration Services, part of the Homeland Security Department.

The chance to work is critical for many of the immigrants who are hoping to help families trying to overcome the magnitude-7 earthquake that leveled parts of Haiti.

Because it is unsafe to return the illegal immigrants to Haiti, DHS said it would grant eligible immigrants temporary protected status. Successful applicants can remain and work for 18 months without fear of deportation or detention.

Estimates range from 100,000-200,000 for the number who might ultimately be eligible to stay and work in the US.  What do you think the odds are that once granted TPS they will ever go home to Haiti?

USCCB: We will be happy to take care of the Haitian children…

… for a price!  I am such a cynic, but new readers should understand that we have reached a point in this country where groups like the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) are largely funded by the US taxpayer.   So, when I see them offering to set up all these services for Haitian kids I see it as just trying to grab a big piece of the “refugee” funding pie for themselves.

The USCCB has written to the State Department and to the Dept. of Health and Human Services offering themselves (and their affiliated agencies) to set up “safe havens” for Haitian kids whose family members have not been located.   I suppose there will be some readers wondering if it’s safe to leave kids in the hands of the Bishops!

I do, however, commend them for saying that kids should be kept in Haiti!

Washington D.C., Feb 6, 2010 / 10:26 am (CNA).- As controversy continues to surround the 10 relief volunteers who tried to take Haitian children out of the devastated country without paperwork, the heads of five major Catholic agencies serving earthquake victims have outlined steps to ensure the protection of unaccompanied Haitian children. Their recommendations came in a letter to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.

The letter was signed by the leaders of Migration and Refugee Services of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), Catholic Relief Services, Catholic Charities USA, the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc., and the International Catholic Migration Commission.

Citing their own experience in caring for unaccompanied children, they advocated that certain processes be put into place before Haitian children are brought to the U.S. and placed in adoption proceedings.

The Catholic leaders urged the establishment of “safe havens” in Haiti to provide proper care and security for children.

“Such arrangements for the security and material support of these children, who might otherwise be subject to kidnapping and human trafficking, should be the highest priority, and will permit the appropriate screening processes to proceed without delay,” they said.

But, if the kids must come to the US, we can handle that too say the Bishops. 

Their letter added that children whose best interest is relocation to the U.S. should be placed in foster care with refugee benefits.

That last part, about refugee benefits, that means that the USCCB is paid by the head to take care of each refugee—a little funding for the refugee and a little for Catholic offices and staff salaries.

Tom Tancredo: Temporary refugees never go home

Thanks to Susan for sending this opinion piece by former US Representative Tom Tancredo regarding Temporary Protected Status for, most recently, Haitians.  We told you about the Obama Administration decision here.

From World Net Daily:

Like most “emergency” programs set up by government, the benefits of gaining “Temporary Protected Status,” or TPS, as a refugee do not expire when the emergency has passed. In government jargon, “temporary” can be 20 years – or forever.

The federal government has no system for tracking people previously awarded TPS since its inception in 1990. Thus, there is no way of knowing the total number of individuals now residing in the United States who first arrived under the TPS program, nor is there any reliable data on what percentage of TPS refugees eventually return home. But the nation’s experience with the first decade of the program led the Center for Immigration Studies to conclude, “In the real world, there is nothing as permanent as a temporary refugee.”

Within hours of the Jan. 12 earthquake in Haiti, President Obama announced the awarding of Temporary Protected Status to Haitians in the United States – people here illegally before the earthquake, a number variously estimated at 100,000 to 200,000. Indeed, over the past 20 years, most TPS recipients were people already in the county, not people fleeing a disaster.

Thus, while the program is largely defended on the humanitarian grounds of offering temporary safety to genuine refugees, it is undeniable that historically, the main function of the TPS program has been to to protect illegal aliens – people already here and thus not directly affected by any natural disaster – from the threat of deportation. 


Americans are coming to realize that our nation’s immigration policies and refugee programs are based on lies, fantasies and politically expedient half-truths – and not on the best interests of the United States. TPS is one of those lies. “Temporary refugees” never go home, because the “emergency” never passes, and the lobby for new amnesties never rests.

Read it all!

Somali pirates say they will share their booty with Haiti

Who would have ever thought this link would be made—Somalia and Haiti in the same article.  Get out of the way, US, we will aid Haiti say Somali pirates.  From AOL news:

(Feb. 1) — Hordes of private-sector aid groups fighting to alleviate the disaster in Haiti may soon be joined by some motley new allies: pirates.

Somali pirates have vowed to redistribute some of the millions of dollars they have stolen in the past few years to those suffering from the earthquake in Haiti, reports Agencia Matriz del Sur, a Spanish-language Web site that says it seeks to counter the media influence of wealthy countries. Somali pirates often divide their booty and distribute it to family and local citizens — a tactic also used by American gangs to develop community goodwill.

With language worthy of Errol Flynn’s schmaltziest “Robin Hood” moments, an unnamed spokesman for the pirates accused the United States and Europe of having “no moral authority” to distribute aid, telling Agencia Matriz del Sur that “they have been the ones pirating mankind for many years.”

According to this author, they have the worldwide connections to pull it off!

The Somali pirates’ announcement suggests that they are keen to keep that image alive in popular culture. Their charity claims may have little value beyond the literary, however. According to pirate leaders, “connections in various parts of the world” will ensure that they are capable of delivering aid without detection or, conveniently, accountability.

Whew!  I guess we can just stand down now.