NumbersUSA: Half of immigrant families in US on welfare

Your tax dollars:

Wanting to be sure that all those Tea Party activists understand that immigration is a fiscal issue as well, NumbersUSA has begun a petition campaign to urge the government to reduce all immigration.  Here is the appeal from Roy Beck:

For those of you whose primary political interest is stopping the growth of government or even shrinking it, you have to contend with national leaders who say they agree with you but who refuse to deal with immigration. They say immigration is a “social” issue that isn’t related to government spending and deficit issues. They couldn’t be more wrong. . . .

Let’s start with this tidbit from government data provided by the Center for Immigration Studies (Table 13: “Immigrant Households with Children Under 18”):

Roughly ONE-HALF of all immigrant households with kids are accessing the welfare system, especially food and Medicaid welfare.

In this case, “immigrant” includes both authorized and illegal foreign citizens allowed by the federal government to settle in our country. Since 2000, that number each year has averaged around 1.3 million a year — plus another 1 million births to those immigrant households.

With one-half of those households being poor enough to use the federal, state and local welfare systems, is there anybody blind enough to think that adding 2.3 million people a year to immigrant households is not driving huge increases in government?

Read on and learn what you can do!

Cloward and Piven

For new readers, we have written ad nauseum about the Cloward-Piven strategy to bring down our form of government by overwhelming the welfare system.  To better understand that strategy use our search function for ‘Cloward-Piven’ or at minimum read this post.

Cloward has gone to his maker, but Frances Fox Piven is still kicking and stirring rebellion.  Here she is this week at Big Government advising people whose homes have been foreclosed to join in civil disobedience by refusing to move or to break back into their homes.  There is no doubt in my mind that the housing crisis was brought on using this same strategy—overwhelm the system until it crashes.  And, that is what is happening with welfare as well!  The immigrants are just a means to an end for these despicable people.

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