I never thought I would see a headline like this one from CNN:
How fake refugees from Kenya got settled in the US and Europe
Previously we reported on an extensive investigation by NBC about the massive fraud happening at United Nations camps in Kenya, but this gives us additional details about how Kenyans pretended to be Somalis and got tickets out of Africa.
The sprawling UN refugee camp in Kenya, Dadaab, is where Rep. Ilhan Omar and her ‘family’ lived prior to getting their ticket to America.
But his family members weren’t refugees, and they weren’t born in Somalia — they were born in Kenya, and he says his father faked their refugee status in the 1990s to get into the US.
“I feel bad for them [the real refugees], but at the same time it is all about first come, first served. I feel like if they had come before us, then we would have been the ones to stay and they would be the ones who would have gone,” he says.
He agreed to speak to CNN on the condition of anonymity, afraid of being found out.
Refugee status should be reserved for people fleeing across international boundaries from targeted persecution or war.
But in Kenya, home to one of the largest refugee populations on the planet, tens of thousands of registered refugees aren’t refugees at all.
Fathiaa Abdalla, the UNHCR representative in Kenya: “I am not aware of any Kenyans being resettled as refugees.”
A CNN investigation has determined that from the late 1990s through 2016 an untold number of these fake refugees were resettled in the US and elsewhere.
All told, there are at least 40,000 Kenyans registered as refugees in the Dadaab camps alone, according to both UNHCR and government numbers, in what officials euphemistically term “double registration.”
The UN continues to deny it has massive corruption on its hands!
“We have a zero-tolerance policy, we have anti-fraud committees, we have anti-fraud focal point in the camps, we have help line for refugees or anyone, you could get into our help line right now and report anything. These systems are very good, and they are working,” said Abdalla.
Continue reading here. Of course there is no mention of the fact that this fraud was significantly curbed when Trump slowed the flow of ‘Somalis’ (fake or otherwise) to America leaving the UN scrambling to place possibly fake refugees in Europe, Canada and Australia.
I’m still shaking my head—the words “fake refugees” in a CNN headline! What is the world coming to!
I wonder did the nine resettlement contractors working for the State Department ever get a whiff of this kind of fraud when they had close personal contact with fake refugees?
For serious students of refugee fraud, you might want to visit my extensive archive on the Somali family reunification fraud first uncovered in 2008. One of many posts on the subject ishere.
Unlike their Central American counterparts, these Africans are very well organized!
See what Judicial Watchis reporting (hat tip: Joanne).
As you read this remember that LEGITIMATE asylum seekers are required to file for asylum (for refugee status) in the first safe country they get to (after supposedly escaping their home country where they supposedly were persecuted).
What these migrants and so many other wannabe ‘refugees’ around the world are doing is called Asylum Shopping!
They want to be in the country of their choice! They want to be your new neighbors in the United States!
Among the multitude of migrants waiting in Mexico to get asylum in the United States are thousands of Africans boldly demanding passage into the country. They are far more coordinated than their Central American caravan counterparts and have formed an official organization to spread their message and advocate on their behalf. The group accuses Mexican authorities of discrimination and racism and is ordering Mexico to grant visas that allow them to continue their trek north to seek “protection” in America.
For about three months the Africans have been holed up in Tapachula, in the southeast Mexican state of Chiapas bordering Guatemala.They traveled for two months and crossed eight countries to reach Mexico, they assert in a mission statement that outlines their suffering as well as their demands. “We have climbed mountains and valleys,” the document reads. “We have crossed rivers with strong current. We have slept in the middle of the mud. We have gone hungry and drank rainwater to survive. We have seen bodies of migrant brothers on the road, dead of exhaustion, or drowned in the rivers. The jungle is populated by wild animals, snakes and poisonous insects. In that territory there are also criminals who assault people, who rape girls and women, killing those who try to resist. Many of us have lost all our belongings, including our official documents. We have gone through extremely dangerous cities and towns. We had to hide. We have suffered extortion and threats by authorities in Panama, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico.”
They describe themselves as the Assembly of African Migrants in Tapachula, a group of 3,000 men, women (many pregnant), boys and girls from various African nations, including Angola, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea Conakry, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Congo, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo.They claim they left Africa because they suffered “political persecution” due to their religious beliefs and “sociocultural identities.” They also write in the statement that their homeland is “impoverished and subdued from the Western powers” though they aspire to obtain asylum in a nation considered to be a Western power.
You guessed it, the headline calls him a Vermont man, but it could have more accurately said: ‘Somali refugee lied to gain admission to the US, gets slap on wrist!’
Here is how the Lewiston Sun Journal titled its story I assume to make it sound as benign as possible (hat tip: Steven):
Vermont man gets two months and revoked citizenship for false claims
[What no deportation?—ed]
LEWISTON — A Vermont man with ties to Lewiston and Auburn was sentenced Wednesday for impersonating a Somali man.
Hussien Noor Hussien, 56, of Burlington, Vermont, appeared in U.S. District Court in Portland where a judge sentenced him to two months in prison for impersonating another in a naturalization proceeding, procuring naturalization contrary to law and making a false statement on a passport application, according to court records.
After he’s released from federal prison, Hussien will be on supervised release for three years, Judge George Z. Singal ordered.
Singal also ordered Hussien’s citizenship be revoked because he was naturalized illegally. [But I don’t see anything about deportation!—ed]
Hussien was convicted on the three charges after a three-day trial.
Hussien entered the United States in 2004 as a refugee under the name Abukar Hassan Abdule, along with the wife and children of the real Abukar Hassan Abdule. Three years later, Hussien obtained a driver’s license using that name. In 2011, Hussien applied for U.S. citizenship in Maine under that assumed name.
On his citizenship application and during a citizenship interview with federal officials, Hussien affirmed that his name was Abukar Hassan Abdule. He eventually was naturalized under that name.
Hussien applied for a U.S. passport in 2011 at a Lewiston post office under the assumed name using a Maine driver’s license as identification after he became a citizen. On his application, he listed the name of Abdule’s wife. In 2013, he renewed his U.S. passport under his real name. Also in 2013, he filed in a Vermont court to change his name legally from Abukar Noor Abdule to Hussien Noor Hussien.
But when Abukar Hassan Abdule’s children applied for passports, that triggered a fraud investigation.
“It was discovered that two individuals were using the Abukar Hassan Abdule identity,” according to a complaint filed by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in federal court.
Hussien’s likeness in passport applications “did not match the individual pictured in the identification documents … submitted with the minor children’s passports,” according to the complaint.
“The documents submitted with his minor children’s passport applications were (Adule’s) refugee identity cards from Kenya issued in 2010 and 2015,” according to the complaint. “All of Abdule’s consent forms for his minor children’s passport applications were executed in Kenya, where he appears to reside,” the complaint says.
There is more as the wife admits lies she told!
I thought I recognized this story and yes, I wrote about it in May of 2018, see that post in which I went into greater detail about the lies Somali ‘families’ tell to get into the US.
I wrapped that post with this:
Hussien (or whatever his name is!) is only the tip of the iceberg!
Looking for something to do?
Contact the White House(contact link here) and tell the President to find and vigorously prosecute refugee fraud then broadcast the punishment widely around the world in the hope of deterring the ever-growing epidemic of refugee fraud, bribery and corruption.
The Justice Department’s September 11th press release is here.
See one of several posts on Somali refugee fraud at my other blog ‘Frauds and Crooks.’
Don’t miss this oneabout the fraud in United Nations camps in Kenya where most of our Somalis come from!
They got this liar, but how many more are out there—20,000 give or take another couple of thousand!
And, they want the Irish Navy to pick up even more illegal aliens crossing the Mediterranean. But, of course they are not offering to take in the astronomical number of migrants they have already ‘saved’ —18,000!
Presumably Italy, Malta, Spain and Greece can have those?
Ireland should more than double its annual intake of refugees over the coming three years to meet its “fair share” of the projected global refugee resettlement need, a migrant umbrella group has said.
The Irish Refugee and Migrant Coalition said Ireland had taken in almost 2,600 people under the Irish Refugee Protection Programme (IRPP) in the four years since September 2015, averaging at 650 people per year.
The coalition, involving more than 20 organisations, said the UN Refugee Agency had estimated that 1.44 million people will be in need of resettlement in 2020.
Nick Henderson: Send the Irish Navy to the Mediterranean to rescue migrants!
The group said that this month was the deadline for Ireland to announce the number of resettlement places it is committing to over the next two years.
The coalition recommended Ireland commit to at least 1,500 resettlement places annually over 2020-2022.
It also called on Ireland, through the Irish Naval Service, to lead in a new Mediterranean search and rescue mission.
Nick Henderson of the Irish Refugee Council called on Ireland to lead a new search and rescue mission in the Med, adding that the Irish Naval Service had rescued more than 18,000 people.
See my archive stretching back at least ten years on the ‘Invasion of Europe.‘
One of the reasons I’m glad to be back writing at the newly reconstructed RRWis because I’ve missed writing about some of my favorite players on the world stage—the ones who get it!
Former Aussie PM Tony Abbott and Hungarian PM Viktor Orban at a conference on migrants swarming Europe in Budapest last week.
The Guardian is sniffing about the audacity of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban holding a conference in which the discussion was about “migrants swarming Europe” in order to change it, to wipe out western civilization.
A key speaker at the event was former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott (see all of my previous posts on Abbott by clicking here.)
Tony Abbott attacks migrants ‘swarming’ to Europe while praising far-right PM of Hungary
The former Australian prime minister Tony Abbott has praised the far-right prime minister of Hungary, Viktor Orbán, and warned a conference in Europe about “military age” male immigrants “swarming” the continent.
How to enrage the Leftists! Tell them the truth!Meghan and Harry can make a statement about only having two children to save the planet. But, how about telling that to Africans and to Muslims who encourage their people to have six or more children and aren’t going to stop procreating to save the planet when the goal is to conquer it! (I’m guessing British Imams are laughing their heads off!)
In a speech that praised the central European country’s race-based immigration and population policies, Abbott also criticised Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, for remarks that they would not have more than two children owing to the effects on the environment – saying it would make little difference “when so many children are being born elsewhere”.
The former leader of Australia, a staunch conservative who was ousted as prime minister by his centre-right Liberal party in 2015, was a guest of honour at a Hungarian government-backed summit on demography in Budapest on Thursday. He gave a lecture on what European countries could learn from Australian immigration policy.
He said the left was attempting to undermine western society with migration and the “climate cult”.
“The problem with the people who have been swarming across the borders in Europe in very recent times is that you don’t get any impression that they come to join. You get the impression they come to change.
I’d call this swarming, wouldn’t you?
“I mean … you get a million angry military-age males swarming into a single country in a year. They are not there to be grateful, they are there with a grievance. And people who come with a grievance are very different to people who come with gratitude in their hearts.
“There is an absolute moral world of difference between people who cross a border to be safe, and people who cross multiple borders to have a better life. No one can blame them for wanting a better life but nobody has a duty to give it to them unconditionally and with no questions asked.”
On Harry and Meghan, Abbott said: “Having fewer children in western countries will hardly make the climate better when so many children are being born elsewhere.”